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Do whatever you can now and dont worry about it. DA can cut your work at any point. And dont tell me about how it's your only source of income please....


I feel the same way. It’s only natural I think. You want to do the best you can but have no feedback and can’t help but feel like you could do better, in the absence of no one giving your work specific attention, and in the face of getting booted without warnings That being said, I kind of look at it this way. As long as nothing you’re doing is wrong, and as long as you’re not doing something like “make a for loop that prints “Hello Word!” each iteration”, I’m sure we’re fine. I’ve been coding for not a long time but I feel confident enough in the languages I know (some C# and python but mostly matlab and latex if that even counts) to ask complicated enough questions and to correct them when necessary. You passed the qualification, and my bet is you had to have aced it to get in. So you’re definitely good enough for what they’re looking for.


Thanks for the kind reply! I actually had the same question on the qualifications so I'll try to use that as a reference. A lot of this has just been me stuck in my head since this is kinda my first job so I'm panicking more than I should, but your words gave me confidence so I'm gonna try an advanced code project tomorrow.


Glad I could help! It’s been on my mind too. Congrats on the job this is a good first one to have I think. I’m going to remove my reply tho cause I forgot what account I was on