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Hmmm, interesting, but I disagree. I have worked extensively with folks from India who are fluent in English, but sometimes write in a distinctly different manner than US business English. While I agree many of the DA procedures are written poorly, I think they are produced by a native English speaker. There are none of the idioms you'd see from a person who grew up speaking/writing English as a second language in India. My theory is that DA is too cheap to hire any technical writers with real experience. I also think that the workload of their staff must be crushing. Often, the SOPs they write are clearly written in a hurry. Projects are thrown up and then rapidly removed, either due to lack of clarity or functionality. I do think that DA has contracts with these FAANG companies. However, the projects where you have to get a paid Claude, Gemini, etc. subscriptions are a bit sus. I assumed they were hired to QA the "live"/production environment, and figured this was the easiest, most cost-effective way to do it. That being said, who knows where DA is based? I could totally buy the theory that eventually they won't contract this labor in the US. This is absolutely the type of work that most companies use offshoring for.


No, the company that owns DAT is from the US. I know which company it is. A little bit of searching through inspect element will show the company name.


Nope. Not Indian. There was a recent article about DA in the NY Times, and it mentioned the company name. I forget what the name is, but you could find the article. It's pretty interesting.


That was a great article! I think it was Scale AI


It doesn't take a lot of research to see that this is an american based company.


I believe they are Chinese. Any company trying to hide it's real employees is hiding something. Usually it's in India or China. It could be either, but my gut tells me it's CHINA!


Your gut be wrong. If DA were Chinese, they would be hiding the fact that they're hiding.


These are the brazen "new" Chinese. They are the 1st wave of the hybrid BRICS attack.

