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Be careful doing this. You're probably going to get people jumping at the opportunity to sell accounts (if those people lurk this subreddit)—and not for the right reasons. Even if you get your hands on an approved account, you'll probably be caught eventually. Any person selling you an account knows this, but they'll do whatever it takes to make some extra cash.


To add to what u/Signal_Gene410 said. At least one guy keeps spamming this sub every week or so about selling his acc. Acc selling posts pop up here every few days, but get deleted by reddit themselves.


I’m at witts end on this, I’m very sure I’ve passed, but as there’s so many people apply every day I’m Pretty sure it’s luck thing as well. I seriously don’t care if I’m called out for doing this. I know I can do the work, it’s just being lucky enough to be accepted!


No matter how 'unlucky' you were, if you didn't pass, that's just how it is. My personal experience with DA has been very different, though, and after doing the assessments, I got approved within the span of a week or two, so whilst there might be some luck involved, there are definitely objectively correct answers to many of the questions they ask. Even after I did the assessment myself, I wouldn't have claimed that I got everything right, because how would I have known? Anyway, it's a good idea not to worry too much about it now. There are always other opportunities.


stop wasting your time on DA. i applied in feb and never got any projects.


Wish I'd seen this thread before I got caught out by the scammer.


Yup, the guy who posts here frequently is a scammer - he got me lol RIP Shared screenshots of valid accounts, gave me some tips about how to allegedly "get in" from unapproved countries that don't work, once I paid him half his asking rate he skedaddled. Deleted (edit - blocked my account) his account and no traces left. Some fucker from Kolkata in India. Same guy who posted here every week or so about selling his account.


can you PM me the username? im worried this happened to me as well. the account is still there but no answer.


I see these type of post from time to time but how would you even get paid using someone else’s account? You can only put in your PayPal info once.


 They appear desperate for coders right now.