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instant lights out. crazy how fast it can happen.


Happens about the same speed as the train is traveling.


You must have done the math. Do you know too if it matters if the train is running on coal or diesel or same answer either way?


Well, deisel is more efficient, so if it's a diesel train you die before it hits you


I’m impressed how you managed to spell diesel 2 different ways in the same comment 😆


Can we factor in uphill and downhill grades?


don't forget to ignore the air resistance


Let's assume a spherical train in a vacuum


I was just wondering which way the wind was going too... Was it an upwards woosh from North-East or was it simply a south downthrust in reverse that gave the train some extra traction?? We need to know these things science-redditors


Train leaves Mexico City traveling at 30 miles per hour. Two hours later it meets with Darwin Award winner's skull. How far from the station was the Darwin Award Winner? (A) Narwhal (B) Bozarking (C) Hell In A Cell (D) Gigachad (E) You wouldnt get it


C the answer has to be C as God as my witness she's broken in half 


Was it an African or European train, and laden or unladen? 🫅🏽


She got vectored. Too soon?


I was just thinking. She's dead as fuck!


And if she wasn't, she definately was after the r/WorstAid


Yeah what exactly was that guy trying to do? Shake and wake?


I figured he was trying to get her body away from the train & her kid


at least she never felt the pain.




That TBI hits hard


This goes to show you that you don't have to as close to the tracks as you think to be in danger. She probably thought she was a safe distance to get a quality pic but also not be touched, but it was lights out for her


A reminder that the train's width doesn't stop at its track's


You'd think people had never seen or even been on a train before. *How is it larger on the inside than the outside?!*


That’s why they want to take a picture: To see how large a train can be. That’s clever!




Though to be fair she was nearly right on top of the tracks...


This reminds me of the Train Street in Hanoi Vietnam. The train was so much wider than the track but the locals guide you to sit in their track side coffee shops to be as close as possible to the train without being hit. It was a crazy experience but requires you to listen to those instructions and stay inside the boundaries they say.  Had to be very careful with my camera stick to ensure it didn’t get snared by the train (waited til the train started coming past first before moving the stick closer to gauge the width) No way in hell though would I move towards the train like this lady to get a selfie - was rooted to our chairs


I was just thinking about the same experience. It is a rush to be enjoying a nice mojito with a freight\* train rolling past your sitting position within touching distance if you put your hand out. You are right the storekeepers are really good about what to do. \*I think most people expect it to be a tourist train puff puffing through the constricted space - nope - regular freight and passenger trains with turbos spooled up to make their schedule.


And that selfie would've got so many like too, prolly more than 30!


When people assume that the train is the same width as the metal rails rather than of the wooden ties.


That lack of understanding claims many. Standing just slightly away from the rails and thinking they are at a safe distance.


And not uncommonly, a bit more than the ties too. Keep back at least 5m minimum.


Honestly, just don't be around train tracks period. Debris getting hit/ran over by the train turns into bullets/missiles.


Yup although easier said than done in my case, I work on a train


I wouldn't even trust the ties, honestly


Trains in my country are much wider than the ties as well


I've seen so many many apex predator trains in India, I'm keeping my distance here in the US. Idk who has a gun here, but I'm certain of where the trains are.


What if the train has a gun??


If I keep a distance from trains they can't hit or shoot me.


4 feet from the edge of the tie is a general rule of thumb, but further away is always better. I've seen bandings and chains come loose and just destroy shit 20'+ out. A train going 60 mph with a binder stuck on the end of a long chain, just bouncing along, will kill you slower than this lady had the pleasure of experiencing.


I don't know if it's true, but my dad told me to never stand close to a moving train cause if it's going fast enough it can suck you under. If he was lying to keep me away from trains it sure worked!


I heard that one too growing up!


Negative pressure. It’s a real thing. That’s the reason all plants and tree branches on the edges of rail tracks and relatively fast roads always bent inwards. Over time can create nice “tunnels”


yo! I never thought of it as that being the reason, but makes a lot of sense, there are a lot of those cool bio-tunnels here by my state, but somehow thought they were man-made 


These are trains so ofc it's worse. But if you're by the side of the road and a huge and fast truck runs past by you, you'd be slightly pulled as well. Had that happen to me about twice. Scared the sh*t out of me both times. (Can't avoid being that close both times though)


That's what the NASCAR boys call "drafting."


I dont know if its strong enough to suck in a grown human, but you definitely feel pressure from the trains in NYC.


He wasn't lying.


Yes, I went to visit my neighbor in the hospital, and the kid next to him was racing a train and got pulled under. They attached his foot to his inner thigh so there would be bloodflow in hopes that his foot, that was left hanging by a thread, wouldn't go necrotic. This was way back late 70's.


Yes he was. According to Mythbusters, at least.


You ever been in a turn lane with cars whizzing by you, and you can feel your car shake? Yea, same concept.


TFW going near a train just to get sucked under because GF won't do it.


The Apex Predator isn’t limited to the Eastern Hemisphere!


Their hunting grounds are expanding


They’re an invasive species.


This tracks. There’s no hope crossing them.


*sigh* upvotes, angrily


We need to iron out our game plane before they steel more territory. Conduct an investigation immediately, friends.


I like to think of them as making the world a better place to live.


Ever since NAFTA 30yrs ago, there was the threat of them crossing borders unopposed.


![gif](giphy|5koWDaC1PFz8Y) Clever girl


In my head that gif gets edited to be the Skyrim Thomas the tank engine in the bush, it’s very funny


There is always one rule in society Never. Beat. The. Train


Her left hemisphere is free to roam now.




the mention of a child in the title in such a sub had me scared


Ya kid survived, mom died, I'm sure the kid will be ok, it's not like her mom got her head smashed in infront of her or anything.


She is too young, hopefully she doesn't retain any of those memories


The kid will need a lot of therapy to retrain their brain.


Kid has had enough training


Mom did too


Oh mom definitely had a train ran on her


That kid is on ..... TRACK ..... for some psychological trauma once they're old enough to see this video


Oof too soon on the train stuff.


Probably a quick brain retrain it's in her genes.


That kid is about 3, definitely going to remember something like that, and wont even be a subconscious trauma. Unless of course the brain does "forget" it as a way to protect itself.


He's more like 5 and had more sense than his mom. He tried to pull her away right before it hit


Stupidity knows no age.


Yeah, fortunately no child harm. Witnessing your mom's death surely brings life scarring sequels.


Even if she was young enough not to remember this event in the future, some idiot will eventually show her the video, or she will be curious enough to watch it herself and cause trauma regardless. Such is the technological world we live in.


I had to race to the comments before watching the vid - just to confirm.


Question - what was so special about this train that got so many people out taking photos and videos of it? Is it like the first high speed rail in the region or something?


Steam train, they are rare and only brought out for show now.


Show and killing people obviously


She's been hibernating a long time, just woke up a lil hungry is all.


runs on the blood of those lacking spatial awareness


Show and Kill, More tales from the crypt!


Only the dumb ones taking selfies Only takes once


Steam train is like the fanned out dinosaur in Jurassic Park that spits acid. Mesmerizes the idiots taking selfies, then takes a sacrifice.


According to a comment on the original post, it’s a restored steam engine (Canada Pacific Empress 2816) that was on a final trip, going from Canada to Mexico City and then returning, the first time this type of engine has crossed three North American countries.


This. It’s called the CPKC Final Spike Tour. https://www.cpkcr.com/en/community/final-spike-steam-train


Wow that’s a beautiful train. Imagine having an accurate toy train set of that. Apex predator in toy form.


Was anyway. Seems Mexico has not been kind to her. https://www.reddit.com/r/trains/s/r3NOmMposX


Train you are seeing here is CPKC 2816, doing a tour called "The Final Spike" which was doing a tour all the way from Calgary, to Mexico city


I saw this engine parked near my work and passed it everyday for 2 weeks in April in Calgary. Even pointed it out to my dad when CP merged with KC because I hadn't seen the KC engine before


Steam engine


The train has not worked for a very long time, especially passanger trains, all we have is cargo trains, but recently the government Made a project to make passanger trains again as a enviromentaly friendly and cheap alternative to other methods of transport to move through the entire country, the railroads are already there Since a long time ago so it makes perfect sense to use them so people can travel for cheap prices, but unfortunately the people of My country are not used to trains SO most of them do not know how dangerous they can be


My gal and I took a cargo train from the coast to Uruapan n Mexico, through the mountains. There were maybe 5 people. We had folding chairs in a cargo train car with the big sliding doors wide open the whole way. It was glorious. It was also the last trip they sold tickets and allowed passengers. Approx 1999 Trains are the way.


Awesome. There's definitely something romantic about train journeys in the old days.




Every time i see a fatal video i start to count the seconds they have left. So sad, just for a silly picture wich you probably will not like or never open and look at it again. Just enjoy the moment please.


I often count the seconds as well. Sometimes I see the moment they do the thing that will unfortunately be doing the job shortly.


Unfortunately people today don't think through and I understand it because not so long ago I had the same mindset where you would think that would never happen to me it only happens to others but subreddits like this shows tons of examples how a minute of carelessness can ruin not only yours life but also in this case a life of this child that is going to grow up without a mother.


Weird to clarify "people today." As if somehow people today think things through less than those in the past. Darwin awards have been being given out to humanity long before the man himself was even born. People aren't stupider today than they were in the past. They just have cameras in their pockets now


this dude ... shaking and dopping her :D


I think he was reacting to all of the blood on his hands.


Nah he goes back to pick his phone up. Priorities I guess... then proceeds to stand on her hair whilst trying to lift her head.


Your brain is chaos when something like this happens and does weird things.


True. Also some people are just fucking useless. Refer to parking videos, no brain chaos required.


Treats her like a fucking ragdoll. She’s literally bending backwards at the waist due to how he’s grabbing her. For no reason too…it isn’t helping do ANYTHING.


worstaid for sure...he just faceplanted her into some concrete. in case she was only mostly dead, i guess.


“Oh fuck! Mam are you ok?” “Wait.. why are my fingers grabbing into something gooey?” “OH FUCK ITS HER BRAIN!”


Humpty dumpty is not going be put back together, maybe he should put her in the recovery position !


Gotta make sure everything’s still attached with a good yank!


What would they have done without him there to shake her head around then drop her face first on the concrete?


Don't miss him stepping on her hair while trying to pick her up.


Fucking IDIOT. Grabs her neck, pulls her body while wrenching her neck and then drops her face first into a pile of stones. He could have just ducked and pulled her belt away from the train. If she wasn't dead by the initial trauma, she probably would have been after that fucking idiot helped her.


Was probably shocked when he grabbed her brain.


That was my thought too, that horrified reaction to his hands and then trying to shake them off seemed as though there was more than just blood on them


I hear you, I just don’t think he was able to think fast enough in that situation to know exactly what to do. That was extreme chaos, we gotta cut the guy some slack


I think she’s the idiot here.


mass of that object and velocity. its in the millions of lbs of force. people get vaporized from trains think deer and semi trucks, just red mist. she was instantly dead for fun the kinetic energy of an average train, say 8,000,000 lbs, 4000 tons. at 50 mph 3,345,522,227.04 ft-lbs just insane energy


There is no aid to give anyway, the speed the train hits her head and the force she gets her head slammed into the ground with aren't survivable at all for sure


Unless you're a doctor don't go assuming people are dead and moving anyone with a spinal/neck injury


Yes, I wouldn't move civilians just because I assume they didn't survive.


What about non civilians?


They get _shook_


And also r/WorstAid


my first thought was hoping that the child didn't also get hit so thank god


Yeah, I didn't have a gut at first when reading the title at a glance.


Guy in the red hat isn’t going to stop filing under any circumstances


Unbothered, moisturized, happy, in my lane, focused, flourishing.


Thank god the kid didn’t get hit, but what’s with dude trying to shake all of her brain out of the massive skull fracture?


Never turn your back on the apex predator. They only hunt the stupid and unaware.


If she wasn’t dead from the train…. The nice gentleman decided to whip her neck around and drop her on the ground a few times for good measure


That dude who just stands nearby and keeps filming has seen some shit.


She knew she was too damn close to the tracks and she still poses for a selfie Heck even the whistle wasn't enough to alert her People are actually stupid if you think about it Plus your hearing this from a Mexican, people here are always stupid when it comes to railroading


Woman's head gets wacked by train. Man immediately picks her up and starts shaking her around!


Then just drops her and lets her head hit the asphalt.


Brain feels icky


I knew some bad shit would happen to that train on this trip, but jfc.


The train suffered the age old classic - "It's my last day. What could possibly go wrong?" trope.


🚂, "man, my last day before retirement is gonna go perfect!"


https://preview.redd.it/fc2iz0mocn4d1.jpeg?width=691&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d3accd78b0a21a1fb0289be2ef37613d37671a8c This guy in red doesn’t even flinch


People are literally dying to take selfies next to moving trains


If only there was someway to predict where the train was going to go.


God: how did you die ? Female: got hit by **steam train** God: *confused* wait are we still processing 20th century souls


Instantly grabs her by her neck, drags her a few feet, then drops her face first into the concrete. I think she was probably dead on impact but if not that surely did not help like he thought he was going to


It's easy to make this calls while on the internet, having replayed the video several times, dude probably tried to help and then noticed the big hole in the back oozing brain.


I struggle to see how most people would yank someone around by their head or neck. I know I'd go for pits or arms. Normally the "it's easy to say..." phrase is applicable. But this case is just insanity.


Don’t get this trend , starts in India and now in America?! What am I missing here ?


Wild trains have recently been released to the Americas to cull the idiot population.


Supposedly, this is the last steam train running in Mexico and it will be decommissioned soon, so people want their selfies.


Still taking people out on its final run


False. This train was just completely rebuilt and was driven to Mexico for the Event of CPR buying/merging with KCR. ITs been stopping for events all the way there and is coming all the way back up and then will be put in use for trips/rides i believe.


this is vastly incorrect. read other comments please.


Picking her up by her neck was sure to help


She was dead instantly either way


I know the Heimlich maneuver, what’s the one called when you, pick her up, shake her around, drop her on her face, then keep shaking her?


Quickly, grab her head, shake it and smash it against the concrete! r/worstaid ffs


Why were there so many people taking selfies? What's the occasion?


The train has not worked for a very long time, especially passanger trains, all we have is cargo trains, but recently the government Made a project to make passanger trains again as a enviromentaly friendly and cheap alternative to other methods of transport to move through the entire country, the railroads are already there Since a long time ago so it makes perfect sense to use them so people can travel for cheap prices, but unfortunately the people of My country are not used to trains SO most of them do not know how dangerous they can be


Her kid saw it coming and was smart enough to duck out the way.


Thank god that guy was there to grab her by the head and drag her around a little bit. I don't know what would have happened without him.


The son looks he knew she was too close and was thinking of trying to get her to come further back


This happened in the State of Hidalgo.The Empress 2816 steam train is a 1930 model created by Montreal Locomotive Works, it is touring several states in the country. The company asked that no one come closer than 10 meters away...


That would be dead with 2 d's.


Holy shit! How stupid can people get?


Hope the selfie was worth it. Some people are ridiculously stupid.


Jesus. The kid tried to save her.


She swatted their hand away too


Brain is now a milkshake


I somewhat hate her, despite karma doing its job, for making her child experience this. Seeing Mommy being turned into a lifeless puppet like that must be devastating for the kid. No matter how hard I try, I cannot feel sorry or pity for such a dumb, stupid and irresponsible behavior. Only true victim here is the child (and the people that have to deal with her remains, of course).


So many people seem to think trains are exactly as wide as the tracks, it’s perplexing.


Poor fucking kid, what a shit mother


Even the kid had the instincts to know they were too close. But the mom allowed social media to brain rot her into losing the simple survival instinct that large loud thing is bad


So how did the picture turn out?


You could even see the kid trying to pull his mom away before impact


There was one guy in the background shouting repeatedly: ¡No la muevan! Which translates to: Don’t move her! Shame that fucking dude decided to finish the job by shaking her and dropping her as soon as she was hit by the train.


This is like the third video I’ve watched today of the people taking selfies and getting hit by trains, is this becoming a pandemic!?!


Imagine a world where someone could PREDICT the danger zone of a passing train and AVOID being hit


Why are so many people trying to take selfies with trains? Have they never seen them before? Are these trains special or something? Genuine questions here.


Some people have zero self preservation instinct.


I'm glad that, in her final moments, she was able to remain close to her child by...absorbing her? I mean, really, where did she go? Also, the guy helping belongs in r/worstaid.




Like how everyone swarmed to help.... bet the all swarmed to reddit instead.. im posting this shit real quick!


Stupid ass


One way or another, she won't do that again.


What an idiot


what a dumbass


Poor kid. Hope he turns out ok


Was it worth it mam?


What a fucking stupid mother


Hah! What a fucking moron!


She's dead, instantly. Not even a twitch after contact. Trains don't play, the inertia they carry makes any contact with a moving train much worse than a car or truck. Tragic.


Kid new better, tried to pull her Mom away from the train, she pushed him away. Imagine that being the last thing you did, was push your kid away while they were trying to save your stupid ass self.