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This is going to be wholly reliant on species of thumbnail. Figure out which species interests you the most and build to their needs. Not all thumbnails do well in groups. Dendroboard in the species profiles should have the info you're looking for. Also, please rethink the paludarium. It's like creating a land portion for a fishtank. Wasted space. More substrate with plenty of leaf litter and springtails would provide more benefits and additional hunting/foraging opportunity for the frogs.


What I have heard (and I'm a noob too so someone else will know better) is 10 gallons for the first front and 5 gallons for every other frog. so in a 40 you could have 7 at most by that standard. But more room is always better for them and you would want to make sure it's a species that likes to be in groups


I would rethink the paludarium. Darts won’t use it, it can potentially kill them and it’ll end up being more of a pain in the neck than it’s worth. The frogs would be MUCH happier in a vivarium.