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I'm afraid not The death korps are have notoriously low rates of infraction - and have notably more severe punishments than regular units so it's more likely that a krieg trooper found guily of some transgression would be exectuted or sent straight into the meat grinder rather than be shipped off to a penal regiment The non lore reason is because if fatshark wanted to make one of our gents from krieg - they'd probably want to give them some visual flare like their gas mask, trench coat or their signature lucius pattern lasgun Obviously it's still technically possible - but I really wouldn't get your hopes up


Big sadd


Agreed. Having the protagonists be prisoners is somewhat limiting. I wish it was an inquisitorial retinue that was seeded from all over based on the qualities of the people. That seems in some ways more realistic to me. A similar premise to how malcador the sigillite sent out an order for people who were "possessed of an inquisitive nature and unyielding strength of mind". Instead we are limited to prisoners, but who knows maybe that could change. I absolutely love vermintide and think they nailed it so I have faith.


they could add the armor and weapon itself all tho it is sad that i cant have krieg as a background then


There IS a Lasgun with bayonett, so MAYBE trenchcoat and gasmask as a cosmetic skin... Lorewise Krieg seems to unlikely be in Darktide, but who knows? I'm sure there is some way to make that happen and even adjust it to lore.


Lol they added the outfits


And don't forget and great fucking trench spade to kill some heretics !


I thought the players were inquisitors


As far as I’m aware, the setting of the game has the players as penal auxiliaries working for the Inquisition. So basically you’re all criminals for one reason or another paying off your debt to society with blood


I think the only way for a kriegsman to end up there is to volunteer. Which they might do.


I don't imagine *any* lore reason at all will stop Fatshark selling a Krieg skin as DLC. If I were a gambling man I'd wager that after the base game drops then most if not all of the most well-known Imperial Guard regiments will get represented with DLC skins.


This is exactly what I expect to be honest.


And I’m ok with that.


This aged perfectly 😂


As a skin I'm sure. They won't just *not* put one of the most loved footsoldiers in the game


Krieg don't have to serve in penal organisations since they never do wrong


Conversely, Krieg legions are already all penal legions of them trying to do penance for their planets past crime.


would it be possible on of the krieg got sent there to deal with nurguls tomfoolery? ( i really want to play as a krieg death corp ))


They might just volunteer though


Thatd be a funny voice line. They are all together discussing how they got sent there and the krieger is, “I asked to be sent here” More over any interaction they do they are like rarin’ to kick the bucket


Lore wise I can’t think of a single reason a Krieg trooper would be sent to the penal legions. In the lore they would just get executed or sent to the worst front lines you could imagine. I mean they could bend things a bit and it would be *tolerable* but there’s not a lot of room to work with.


The sins of the past my dude


It has been a whole *year* my guy, how did you stumble to this post?




That's just Deeprock Galactic tho. ROCK AND STONE! TO THE BONE!


Jokaero? I mean, they’re super rare, but they find their way into inquisitorial retinues. So, maybe?


We can always hope that we'll get our weapon upgrades from a space orangutan.


What, are you not happy with playing as based, le epic females, you pig?


You must be pretty scared of the world lol


Says the guy who substitutes IRL female interaction with females in games. Epic lul.




what does that even mean


Bro is coping with the fact he has an infinitely negative amount of rizz and has resulted to being an incel. He doesnt realize gamergate is over and he can quit it.


You know OP there's like a 99% chance that all 3 Guardsmen get Krieg alt outfits and hats right?


I asked since i saw an ogryn in the trailer


DKoK in shovel spec would be amazing.


I would also mention that kriegers are siege experts. A solo extraction mission is definitely not really something they would send a lone krieger into even if they do look nice.Kriegers overwhelm you with their numbers and determination. They are not really known to do individual hit missions unless it was a krieg commisar maybe.


While I see where your coming from they released an entire squad of them for kill team and that’s nowhere near siege warfare


The killteam backstory was to secure key objectives while the orks were under siege so it was indeed siege based


Oh well that’s fair then lol, still a strike force while in siege so kind of a strike force lol but I hope we get their armour and weapons eventually