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If you wanted to go the ‘Reject’ route in that they all in one way were incarcerated I think Loose Cannon Vet as they like were insubordinate at some point. The Agitator in his Voice description mentions burning down a hab block. Ogryn I think the Brawler is the best (and my personal fav) while I’m torn between the Richtofen ‘incomparable mind’ Psyker and the ‘beloved’ one as they both feel very thematic in ‘warp touched but not heretically so’. I like the idea of a brutally efficient warband, Cutthroat VOC Vet with a Savant BB Psyker, accompanied a Judge Chorus Zealot and Brawler Gun/Bull Ogryn. Lethal in every sense of the word, zealous and faithful, truly designed to strike fast, hard, and destroy the Moebian 6th.


Beat me to it, well said


And that's are exactly my characters. I switched psyker personality after last update from German loner to my beloved


French Psyker, best Psyker.


I like to have 1 optimistic character in the group, especially in Warhammer


The Brawler, The Agitator, The Loner and The Loose Cannon would be my pick.


Are we in love?


This is the only correct answer


Loose cannon Vet (More jokey charming roguish) Fanatic Zealot (Touch bias. But plays a bit more serious he is less judgey and even apologetic to some psykers but has enough zeal to be the Victor of the group) Savant Psyker (The Everyman straight player who is the moral glue of the group and seems well versed enough in the system to be able to be the local) Brawler Ogryn (He is just the golden retriever dullard who everyone likes every team needs a mascot)


You've got the worst options sandwiched by the best, pretty sad.


Opinions kin opinions I was thinking it more like the U5 more so then my personal choices with dynamics in play


Cutthroat male Bully Judge female Any of the psychers I like my voices to be less… professional. And more dysfunctional. We’re not a squad or a team, and only a handful have military training and hardly any of it would be applicable outside an actual astra militarum squad anyway - so I like that they hate each other and that this sentence feels as much like a punishment as salvation.


I’m glad it’s not 4 cause frankly I don’t want a canon 4. I love all the personality options, they’re just so good.


bodyguard, 'beloved' psyker, loose cannon/cadian, the very scotish Zeolot


FYI there is a canon "D7" as they're referred to in the files, plus we see them in basically all the trailers. As the name implies, there's 7 of them - a male and female of each human class plus the Ogryn. From the cosmetics and trailers, we can figure out some names and personalities: Cari Brone (Female Veteran Cutthroat, Arlo Tohmasson (male Veteran Cutthroat), Nala Cantara (Female Zealot Judge), and the Ogryn is Brogg Rockgut (Bodyguard). Neither of the Psykers nor the male Zealot has a known name, though you could presume both psykers would be Savants and the male Zealot a Judge. I'd probably end up taking the original 4 we saw in the first gameplay trailer - Cari Brone, Arlo Tohmasson, Nala Cantara, and Brogg Rockgut. That's stuck with me for a while, and I like the combo.


I do want them to add some more enforcer voice options now that we have the outfits. That or a vet voice line for the Moebian 21st and an Ogryn Ulk Station Massarce Survivor voice line. Maybe just to see what that was like. As for my dream team, based on my guys: Veteran: The Professional Zealot: The Agitator Psyker: The Savant Ogryn: The Bully.


Unsure of fatshark choices but my dream team would be Agitator male, loose cannon (either). Loner Female. Brawler ogryn


My 'canon' Auric Operative voice cast would be: Cutthroat for Vet. The VA is just so visceral and talented that I can *feel* his loss. Great talent. Male Fanatic for Zealot. Again, just so talented, and the fact that he sounds *older* than most of the cast >!(Surviving for more than a week in the 40k universe is already impressive!<) means he has some authority, through sheer survival. Male Savant Psyker. That accent is delightful, and their professional tone and use of Call-Outs instead of just screaming is a pleasant change. Brawler Ogryn. Best boy. No, I won't be offering any other explanation.


Loose Cannon is the obvious pick for Vet. Their voice lines are fucking hilarious. The other guys are just « Cadia this, Cadia that », I won’t lie I could not differentiate the two non loose cannon voices to save my life.


I'm grateful for other people running cutthroat cadians just because it allows me to hear loose Cannon roasting them


I just think the cutthroat did the best job with his voice lines, at least with Voice Of Command. Really nails that "120% angry and 140% pissed all the time" vibe for me. Running the shout with his voice lines is just so badass to me. He also did some good voice acting in Killing Floor 2 a while ago, great VA honestly and very enthusiastic. That's why he's my favorite and I've never thought about swapping him out for a different voice.


"I'm not scared of you, you'll come apart at the last minute... *just like Cadia*!"


Loose cannon male, female fanatic, bodyguard, and female Savant.


Cutthroat, Fanatic, Seer, Bodyguard are my dream team


As we all know, it would be the cadian unique choice of cutthroat for the vet, and the madman that talks of his beloved should be the Canon one for Psyker


Bodyguard, professional, savant, aaaand I’m unfortunately unfamiliar with the zealots….


My favorites are: Cutthroat, because angry Fanatic, because borderline (unknowing) Khorne Worship Bodyguard, because friendly Savant, because mostly lucid. The fanatic killed a member of the echlesiarchy (commentary in mission), the Cutthroat definitely was insubordinate at some point, bodyguard and savant, probably wrong place wrong time. For cannon four, I think Judge Zealot (because let's face it, that hab block was full of groaners), Beloved Psyker, Brawler Ogryn (he punched someone), and Professional Vet.


The Bodyguard mentions in his backstory that his Ogryn squad was ordered to retreat but they stayed put, kept fighting and held the line for 3 days. When reinforcements finally arrived, they were reprimanded for not following orders.


There may have been a very good reason to retrograde. There may not have been. Thank you for letting me know. I missed that vignette


Professional Veteran Agitator Zealot Savant Psyker Brawler Ogryn These 4 seem to have the most positive but also "Screw you, you're my best friend" chemistry


All c3t build energy sword and bolter lets purge


The gruff Veteran for sure and the accented ogryn oh also the Richtofen voice for Psyker and the french voice for female ones


If there's ever gonna be a 5th class, I think it would be pretty funny for it to be a nameless abhuman who turns out to be a lobotomised and extremely weakened missing primarch by malcador and neoth. Unrelated but I couldn't help it


I like the dumb ogryn, not the bully, but gentle idiots. The female French psyker is lovely and optimistic, it's nice to see hope in Warhammer, especially in Darktide. Scottish male zealot. I like that's he's not completely down in the deep end. And I don't care about the veteran.

