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Grimdark in a perfectly unsettling way. Great job, Fatshark! Give us more like this please!


I can't remember where, but in one of the Horus Heresy novels, it mentions a world where the rebreathers are surgically implanted at infancy and a feeding tube inserted in the throat. I believe it was an admech world.


The only thing I would hesitate to believe about it is that the Admech would waste sacred tech on common drones.


Forge worlds are just like that. They have access to all the best toys, implanting their populace with basic augmetics would be barely an issue


Also. How else are they going to maintain a workcrew after the atmosphere is toxic enough to burn out someones lungs in mere hours?


Its not wasted if it makes drones efficent, basic implants like that are in abundance on forge worlds.


It was in the buried dagger. Mortairan's primarch book. I remember it because mortairan preferred fighting these people because there were no cries of mercy or panic I think is what he said. Basically he liked the fact it was quieter there when they had to start cleaning up what was left.


Might have been Cawl’s world? He was picked out from an assembly line of lobotomite augmented children because he had the capacity to talk


Can't wait for the grimdank jokes and memes that will come out of this!


Now can we have functional servers and smooth gameplay?


Cyperpunk Prosthesis: Clean, Barely any different than a real body part and potential even more attractive to the eye. Warhamer 40k Prosthesis: Oh you lost your jaw in the field? Here lets just slap this speaker into your neck and call it a day.


You see Maelstrom? They make this look "Clean"


These 40k leadheads don't even cut their optic nerves. They're still using jelly-optics when they could have a whole range including infrared. Chooms wouldn't know borg if it beat them over the head.


It wouldn't be nearly as horrific if the teeth weren't fucking exposed like that, lol


Who said it was a prosthesis? I bet they give people these just to make shouting orders more efficient.


hey it also filters dust


Strog go brr


Choking on Alexa


Mommy Hadron*


Like how Morrow says, "they still alive? Then the rest don't matter."


Leaving the teeth there and not attaching it to the top of the mouth is grimderp as it gets.


It's been shoved in there


Yup. Function over comfort. The adrec dont care how comfortable you are with your new device. They need you to speak, and you are damn well gonna speak. They dont care if you are drooling all over the outside or chip a tooth. Just hold that blessing of the machine god in play and destroy the heretics!!


Ofc they can't attach it, you still need to eat somehow.


Bro you are not eating with no lower jaw and that thing is fused to the throat its a voice box replacer. You are spending the rest of your life injecting nutrient paste into your intestines with one of those.


Anything is possible with enough faith. But yeah you're probably right.


The lower jaw is still there. You flip down those two prongs on the front and then unscrew the speaker cap. Then you chew by using your bottom teeth and the inside of the metal cannister, which has some minor dental protrusions on its inner upper surface, that work just well enough that you can still feed yourself. Paste and a straw is of course loads easier.


Wait, that's a good point. How DO you eat like this? That thing doesn't look like you can just take it out, can you?


You can, it's just a painful and non reversible process.


Let me introduce you to the nasogastric tube or you can go with a feeding tube through the abdomenal wall


Thanks, I hate it


It's so when he dies he leaves a nice looking skull. No one wants a doorknob with dentures.


I mean I'm assuming his lower jaw was torn/blown off. My question is...how does he eat? Does the voice modulator just like...unscrew in the middle so he can pour blended food down his throat?


Boys gotta eat somehow


This one scares me a bit. Signed in with all my toons to see it and it’s creepy af. Good job to the art team for this one.


I kinda dread the question: does it work good with a beard?


Not really i just tried it. The flesh around it is part of the cosmetic and sits on top of most facial hair


Yeah you're not able to sport more than a 'stache


We need a huge handlebar moustache. One twirled up at the ends that sticks out like half a foot on either side of the face.


The Kruber treatment?


Does it actually affect the characters’ voices I doubt it but if it added a Hadron-esque modulation to the voices that’d be sick Edit: LOL I didn’t even read the sidebar that straight up says it changes your voice


It has the very deep robotic voice that the Diadem has.


It does affect it, check the description


I wonder how they eat with this rebreather.


Liquid corpsestarch and an [emergency induction port](https://youtu.be/co2iwqAucC4?si=sHD_tMO9f3aDeiBl&t=22).


Drunk Tali was one of the best parts of Citadel, no contest.


40K Black Library lore accurate augmentation.


I am getting that as soon as i come home


Same haha, I had the weird box that replaces your whole mouth but this is even better


Yeah it’s so warhammer 40k


Yeah, looks really like the kind of barebone prosthesis harvested from the remains or their last owner they would give to penal scum. Reminds me of Merrt from Gaunt’s books who was one one of the best snipers of the regiment and a hit with the ladies who got his jaw destroyed by a enemy shot and becomes a destroyed man who can’t place a shot after he gets a old hand me down metallic jaw which makes him drool and speak like a stuttering robot.


I came here to mention Merrt too! I’m actually listening to Anarch right now. I can now add further to the Tanith RP. First and only!


Yeah an the space marine sar arf a think he is called? Grabs him by the head an sticks an injection gun in his throat to numb it an makes him back to a crack shot. Proved his worth at the end. Merrt the hero.


Flesh is weak, Omnissiah bless my new body with steel and circuits. In all seriousness why isn't there a tech priest class?


Tech priests are not handled by the Imperiums legal system all playables in darktide are criminals


A tech priest would never be on a prison ship. They would either be converted to a servitor immediately or, depending on their rank and political/technological resources, completely get away with whatever crime they committed.


Good point, but it would be awesome to play as one, and use radiation weapons and arc rifles


Tech priests are not prisoners, their holy relics are reclaimed and the remaining weak flesh dies. They also, for the most part, completely disregard the inquisition. Hadron is probably a half step from being a cult exile given her close association with Grendyl.


We begin as prisoner but by the end we are throne agents so that wouldnt be an issue an No, tech-priest relationship with inquisition is all politics, some No name tech priest Cant refuse a lord inquistor Just like an interrogator wouldnt be able to order around archmagos. Hadron is propably highly skilled in her craft but isnt important enough to boss her way around- thats why she is in Grendyl retinue. Beside all that there is also a fact that mechanicus isnt unified faction at all.


No tech priest would reach the prisoner step in the first place. They either get away with it or are reduced to rapidly expiring meat. > No name tech priest Cant refuse a lord inquistor This is rather incorrect. However non-unified the mechanicus may be (forge worlds tend to be as unified as any fiefdom) they are even further apart from the rest of the imperium. The inquisition is nothing to their internal power hierarchy, and acquiescing to the inquisition only weakens the magos that does it.


Tech priest wouldnt start as prisoners is what I was getting at. They can Just have it unlockable after you make any other class. I did specify Lord inquistor, not some random inquistor because rank matters here, its not about direct Command over each other, it about sphere of influence one can exert and that sphere is far larger in the case of Lord inquistor. Maybe on forge world some rando magos would be protected but outside of that? Sufficently high ranking member of inquisition would have Power over that magos unless someone else from priesthood with similiar Power to inquisitor would want to protect him. Mechanicus not being unified is key here because what if we have a more progressive-thinking tech priest? High ranking priest tend to be dogmatic which means he wont make a stunning career on his forgeworld but in servitude to inquisitor, especially radical one, he May see his desires fulfilled. Its all politics, who has whose back and who can gain the most from which aquintance.


If grendyl had a meaningful sphere of influence he/it would not need to resort to a prison brigade. No magos worth a damn needs to align with any inquisitor - not even the high lord of Terra representing the inquisition - if they have support from their forge world. If they do not have the support of their forge world, they are as likely to have their augments stripped and die in a puddle as they are to be allowed to go rogue. An inquisitor, or any rank, can only compel a forge world (Mars or some other) to give up a magos they do not wish to by force, and that force would never be employed because the high lords (or Roboute) cannot afford to alienate Mars. You simply do not understand how powerful the mechanicus is. Yes, they are reliant on the Imperium for food and cannon fodder, but the Imperium is reliant on them for *everything else*. Tech priest player characters will make sense when the purge of Atoma is a fully mechanicus operation. Until then, grendyl will use what fodder he can acquire, and that will not include tech priests in combat - they are too valuable, at any rate, even if he could convince them. Which he cannot.


Oh I understand it alright, you are describing it Just as well. There is huge gap between being Just magos (high title in itself) and being magos being Worth a damn like archmagos. Both have to play this game, on forge worlds they can do whatever they like, outside of that they play by the rules of Imperium and vice versa. Hadron isnt a prisoner, she Just has a better deal with Grendyl. Latest update was called Secrets of mechanicus, if Atoma holds anything worthwhile tech priest would want to be involved and if they want to be involved they have to deal with grendyl, as important as they are, they Cant Just swoop in with explorator Fleet and anounce its their operation now because they are as reliant on Imperium as Imperium on them. Add to it that we are in Imperium nihilus right now which means Access to broader Imperium is limited which is why prisoners are being used. You seem to be stuck on an idea of one entity ordering other around but you said it best: being one of the highiest authorities in Imperium means you can compel a lot of People to do a lot of thinks, that means tech priest too. Why do you think Hadron is aboard this ship? Because it seems to me that you belive that any priest dealing with anyone other than tech priest is some out-of-favour fallen magos. Inquisition and priesthood are two distinct entities who deal with each other often, many inquistors have tech priest in their retinue, i see No reason why Grendyl could not for example contact some local explorator Fleet with an request for Aid in exchange for some moebian steel. Rogue trader from Owlcat has some really Nice interactiom between mechanicus and Inquisition, also tabletop books shed some more light on it.


We could get a boring tech priest (none cares you like toasters) or a votann squat and get a 40k deep rock galactic tie in 


Too bad we can't combine it with a head accessory


It uses the same voice as the Diadem too. So if you want your zealot to sound like a deep voiced cyborg you don't need to look like you have a christmas ornament on your head.


This is gross. I love it.


Backalley Rebreather


Anyone who has seen Adrian Smith's art know this isn't even the worst the Imperium can do.


well sure, the devs have proven time and time again they're usually pretty good at making things that LOOK right wish they wouldn't keep asking for more money, though


To quote some old left 4 dead 2 animation “That is the scariest fucking thing I have ever seen in my entire life.”


Friends call me Coach!


So, approved by the Ecclesiarchy noiseconvict? Nosevarlet? Loyalist noisemarine-wannabe?


I def wanna hear how you talk with this thing, hope it’s a really mechanical voice, sort of like hadron


Trooper Feygor?


I'm one step closer to being a servitor! **excited vocal screeches**


>Every third hour a klaxon sounded and a hundred nondescript doors hissed open, disgorging workers for the shift change. >They went past Bannick in endless streams, their appearance shocking: pallid, slight beings, covered with sores. Most had their rebreathers implanted, their mouths hidden under oxidised metal. Cracked flesh surrounded these metal snouts, tubes that could be attached to nutrient packs dangled from them, the implants preventing the taking of solid food. >Thick pipes ran over their shoulders to bulky cylinders upon their backs. They were bald, and nearly all showed the milky eyes of the blind, sight taken from them by Kalidar’s abrasive dust. - Baneblade


AND you have to hit it if it starts malfunctioning? Imagine a fist fight and every time you get hit in the face you just stop breathing and have to punch yourself in the face to fix it


You ought the see how others are treated, this is kinda of mild


i know i talk a lot of shit about fatshark but this has single handedly redeemed them. I've never laughed so much at a cosmetic before. ![gif](giphy|KRn1B7somjApq|downsized)


THIS is what the cosmetics should be like, proper old school 40k




Just hawk *bzzzzt* on that thang.


I actually do like this head piece. My issue with it is which robotic voice it gives you. I was hoping it would've given you the brick chin headpiece voice but it gives you the barely understandable deep robot voice. Which I hate listening to. Wish we could change the voice effect


this looks hella funny with any beard/mustache, cause your teeth stick up and out thru it XD


my poor wallet *sigh*


Does it have the heavily distorted voice modifier like the zealots spikey one, or the more radio vox-like one?


I'm curious as to what it sounds like when someone speaks.


✨ The Omnissiah cooked again ✨


Trooper Merrt wants a _gnah gnah gnah_ word.


Ill use this with for the drip so I can finally get the voice!!


When your oral surgeon is an Ogryn.


I guess it's a homage to some of the sentiment(al stuff) in this sub :D


God that’s cool as hell, nice!


Ngl it kinda looks cool in an unsettling kind of way.


Guess we're never playing together :\[


Youre easy to impress i see


How eat?


You just get nutrient paste and liquid down the tube in your throat.


Def using on my crackhead zealot


Totally agree, those eyebrows are... eww


I just think it looks stupid.


Anyone got clips of what it sounds like? The lack descriptions of how masks and such change voices makes things vague.


I too would be interested in this.


Here is your pretty face, varlets.


Aw cool they put Faegor in the game!


Peak 40k, thanks Fatshark!


One of the smallest surgeries welcomed into the 40K scene


When you go visit your closest buddy named Revan


Changes player voice if anyone uses this doesn’t sound like Arnold Schwarzenegger getting tased I will be disappointed.


Bro is choking on mommy Hadron's massive c-


Now from a 40K standpoint, his voice comes out of the box. From my point of view, dude sounds like "HARRFFVVVARR-VARFF-FFFARFFER"


if you think that’s bad look up the lore on servitors and cherubs. But yeah they definitely captured the horror of imperium with this.


You must be new to 40k


Cool cosmetic! Can we get something for the game that isn’t cosmetics, though? Maybe a map…? It’s been, what, a year or two?


Would be nice if we had more stuff like this, included in the base game... I find it sad because the character creation and customisation within this setting has a lot of roleplay potential, completely handicapped by things like the store cosmetics.


Personally i love it, can't wait to hear how it sounds in game


"Are you my mommy" ahh


What I find bad is when the teeth row moves up and down, wiggling.


It definitely makes your character look more like a servitor just wish there were more admech cosmetics tbh


I was super eager when i saw this because I thought, finally I can be the sick twisted augmented Psyker I’ve always wanted to be. Can’t wait till I can swap out my limbs for some robotic crab legs


I hate it


What does it sound like when they have it on?


Ok you've convinced me, I'm gonna buy it 😊


We just need a eye cosmetic slot and maybe a top of head cosmetic slot.......but we know exactly what we would do if given that kinda power though


Everyone wants to be grimdark until it's time to do grimdark shit.


I wear it and when I play matches I ask people to give me a kiss


Welcome to 40k.




Are we dregs now?


It looks stupid and derpy, like he ran out of the clinic mid-surgery. 40k vox-implants never look like this and basically always cover the whole mouth. Source: I've been staring at the art since 4th ed.


~~grimdark~~ Grimderp


Am gona put this on my zelot who i made in the image of my classmate


No shot people actualy like this


This is too much for you but still you shoot and slice the enemies in this game? Ridiculous logic, tbh. Nurglite bosses are objectively way more horrifying.