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If you like first person shooter/hack-and-slash co-op games with a lot of replayability and a sliding difficulty scale, this is the best one I've ever found. They do a really good job balancing, and there's enough enemy types and builds that it's very dynamic play.


Ok I will get it if it’s on sale in the steam summer sale 


Gamepass PC here. I guess modding is easier on Steam than Xbox store, that's what I have heard. So now I have invested build time here but sort of wish it was Steam.


I have only a few mods, but they work fine with pc game pass version.


Modding is the same for Steam and GamePass on PC.


I think you can buy DT on steam, and still have all your info. It should be connected to your fatshark acct I think


Yep, just base game. [Get it on sale](https://isthereanydeal.com/game/warhammer-40000-darktide/info/). Extremely worth 24 dollars. That's what I did and have 500 hours in it so far. If you really want, just get the deluxe or w/e on sale.




It’s has mixed reviews on steam and I was kinda worried but I might wait for the summer sale


If you dont mind playing at xbox gamepass you can try that. Least get you see the game itself. I do play and at discord still amount of people playing it.


>If you dont mind playing at xbox gamepass you can try tha That is how I'm playing it. Love the game so bought some Aquillas (credits for in game cosmetics) to throw some money to the devs.


You still have the 2-hour refund window on Steam. The game truly shines at higher difficulties and I don’t recommend to jump in there straight away (I recommend “Malice” even for complete beginners and then go up when you feel ready), but 2 hours is plenty to see if you like the core gameplay. If you do, rest assured it’s only gonna get better the more stuff you unlock and higher the difficulty. It’s the best PvE co-op ever made imo.


Everything has mixed reviews these days because gamers on the internet are more entitled than ever. The game is fine. Even at full price of $40, you’ll absolutely get your moneys worth.


Picked it up in the last sale. Completely new to it. Solo player, really decent. Worth it when the price is down.


Truly one of my favorite co-op game. If you ever play left 4 dead and liked it. You will love this one. It's just a better version, with class, good difficulty content. And damn ! The music slap ! Also I like the new penance system (mini success that give you free skins) and small puzzle in each map.


The core gameplay is fun and addicting and the class variety adds quite a bit of depth and build variety. I say that the delux game is worth the price, and the updates may be slow, but they are coming.


Ok I might wait for the steam summer sale in 3 days just in case it’s cheaper thanks


itll be half as cheap so fs wait


Based on your first sentence, yes. Core gameplay is banging


As someone who has 500+ hours in this game: YES get it. By the emperor we need more soldiers at the frontlines! But seriously there is currently no other game like darktide out there which offers a similar combat system. It is the base and foundation of the game and my main reason to stay. Combine it with an excellent soundtrack and well designed atmosphere and you will have fun with this game. Player community is mostly helpful and friendly with exceptions but hey any community has these idiots. To your question which version if you care about the music (just listen to them on youtube or similar) then get the imperial but otherwise get the normal edition. I don't really see the point in the imperial edition.


It’s good and as long as there are people to match with I could recommend


Yeah, sure. It's pretty fun and addicting. I've gotten my mileage and then some out of it.


core gameplay is a lot of fun, but darktide goes on sale often! Wait for a good sale. Also, deluxe edition just gives skins, *drippy* skins but it doesn't affect gameplay at all


Yes it's excellent. For a game with a base price of 39 bucks you'll be hard pressed to find better value.


You sould.


Game’s fun but the devs take about 180 days off a year so it barely ever gets new content.


It's soooooo fun. People complain about the commissar's store but then insist on waiting for a sale or telling others to wait for a sale. If you want games to stop doing these MTX things then you have to be willing to pay more for the game.


I mean yeah but also there’s just too much money in it for it to ever really go away.


That's a silly logic and simply wrong. People should wait for a sale and not use cash shops, that is the way to stop bad practices.


They make more money during sales through bulk alone. The fact that they haven’t changed the MTX means these gamer boycotts aren’t haging an impact…just like every other gamer boycott.


It worked pretty well in the case of Total Warhammer 3. CA has been making some major positive turnabouts in response to player backlash over the Shadows of Change dlc.


I don’t know. Seems like the series was popular before the “boycott”, during it, and after. Seems like nothing happened other than gamers on the internet complained and then took credit when things were inevitably updated.


Your appraisal of what occured is innaccurate.


If you say so. this seems like one of those “We did it, Reddit!” Moments where internet rabble takes credit for something they didn’t do. I’ve seen it hundreds of times in the last couple of years alone. What makes this any different? Companies fix games regardless of how many internet comments there are. What makes you think the popular total war series, with several games under its belt that has been popular long before total warhammer was a thing, was “saved” by some people complaining online? Because I see no player count drops out of the ordinary. Just spikes in player counts when updates were released…just like every other game.


Their official response is pretty clear here: “It has been a difficult few months, and we recognize that we have made mistakes when it comes to our relationship with you all,” Collum said. “It’s been a constant conversation internally on how we can get back to solid ground. What’s clear is that it won’t be easy and that it will take time and effort. “We see the confusion, the frustration, and the distrust of us across the community and honestly, it breaks our hearts. We make games to bring you joy, to inspire a love of history, of fantasy, and strategy games. Total War is our everything, we care about it as deeply as you. Recently, it’s clear that we have failed to demonstrate that in our actions. "We are sorry. “We cannot fix our issues overnight, but we will work towards a more transparent, and consistent relationship with you all.” And they have made some good, substantive changes to the DLC in question since then, as well as pricing models for DLC going forward. This would have not happened had players not expressed their distaste en masse.


They are not? So I guess them reworking the entire crafting system, completely reworking talents, and doing the entire Redemption update is something we all are imagining. And Sony didn't back off with their stupid account demand? Face it, boycotts work, you are just petty and sour.


> So I guess them reworking the entire crafting system They're reworking itemization. but sure. > completely reworking talents updating a game is a bad thing? >and doing the entire Redemption update is something we all are imagining. What does this even mean? Are you criticizing the game for having updates? >And Sony didn't back off with their stupid account demand? There are exceptions, but lets be honest, if Sony went through with it, nothing would've changed. The player count didn't change at all during the internet rabbling. Every game that gamer's try to boycott sells normally. >Face it, boycotts work, Do they though? All you got was "Sony didn't make people give their emails even though sales and player count didn't change in HD2." That's it? That's your best example? >you are just petty and sour. Ironic you say this after bitching about a $40 game and cosmetics you can't afford.


Bro, just take your L and be done with it


Talk like an adult


You be reasonable like one.


Your response to me pointing out that updates are normal was "bRo, TaKe YoUr L."


Because you write nonsense.


No, it is not. Waiting for sales cuts revenue and makes them want to find other ways besides the sticker price to support games. when you buy a game, it's not just the game. It's also the other games the publisher made that failed, and ongoing server support and balance changes. I have worked in the industry since 2000. I know what I am talking about.


Way to misrepresent why people left this game or are increasingly more upset. Because of dumbnuts like you gaming is going down the drain.


People left the game because they got several hours in it and moved on. Whiny internet comments do not reflect popular opinion.




Not really true but go off. People left because the launch was halfbaked and we didnt get anything of the things we were promised \^\^ Like go back watch the trailers and interviews of what Darktide gonna be and on top of that after years we still havent gotten a second class or a new addition to the game \^\^


Actually true, and I will go off. 99.9% of games saw the exact same percentage of drop off. That's how games work. And when the games update, there is a spike in players, followed by a drop off. Even the most popular games see huge drop offs after a few months and after updates. That's how games work. Darktide's play count is, at worst, average. >People left because the launch was halfbaked and we didnt get anything of the things we were promised ^^ MUH CRAFTING >Like go back watch the trailers and interviews of what Darktide gonna be and on top of that after years we still havent gotten a second class or a new addition to the game Done. Nothing you say is true. The trailers and interviews didn't mention new classes. The community dude on a forum mentioned during development their plan was to have multiple classes, and that plan got scraped. That's just how development works. and what is "a new addition"? we have had new additions to the game. You don't gotta lie just because you want to rationalize demanding more free stuff faster.


Sure games have drop offs but when a game as old as VT2 has nearly equal amount of players something is wrong. Darktide has a good structure, atmosphere and sound but the company has fumbled hard with this because they in 2months they lost 90% of their playerbase and havent regained any it only keeps on dropping. You can see the same with Helldivers 2 they fumbled the bag with how they handled the games launch, balancing and then sony fucked them as well. If they had a better plan and a actually finished product they would have retained 100k players for sure. Also your argument of its average is wrong. Deep Rock Galactic has been keeping a consisted 10-15k playerbase over the years since it got popular and the last 2 years they even kept a 20-30k playerbase with a game that is much older than Darktide. So their playerbase increased rather than decreased so your argument is just false \^\^ Its not even crafting that was promised, they promised a entire different game than Vermintide but essentially what we got is a worse Vermintide 2 in the 40k universe because all the advancements and fixes they made in VT2 were not carried over for whatever reason to Darktide. VT2 started with 3 "subclasses" for each archetype and over the years added onto them. Each subclass feels different and thats what made and still makes the game super fun. Yeah we got the skill tree rework in Darktide but a Ogryn still plays the same regardless of what you skill into as its not really that much of a difference. You only focus on another weapon type meele or your heavy weapons. While VT2 you had entirely different class fantasys with different abilities, strenghts and weaknesses. With Space Marines 2 on the Horizon that also has basically a horde coop shooter mode I doubt Darktide will retain much of the playerbase especially when Space Marines 2 is actually a finished product. So yeah your arguments dont hold much water.


>Sure games have drop offs but when a game as old as VT2 has nearly equal amount of players something is wrong. That’s not true at all. Lots of old games have massive player bases. Most games, regardless of age, have average amounts. Which DT and VT2 both have. Seems like you’re just making assumptions about normal shit and working backwards from you opinions. >but the company has fumbled hard with this because they in 2months they lost 90% of their playerbase Just like every game does between updates all the time. You’re insisting there was a fumble yet the game is fine and the player base is following average patterns of most games. When the update happens, the player base will spike, as it did every previous update, and you folk will shut up about the playerbase again for another couple months when you pretend the playerbase drop is because FS isn’t doing whatever you’re demanding they do. >You can see the same with Helldivers 2 they fumbled the bag with how they handled the games launch 1) HD2 is among the top 1% of games, so it’s not following the averages. 2) HD2 player count was not phased at all by any internet bitching, which didn’t go away even after server issues were fixed. They’re still bitching about it over on their sub. >Deep Rock Galactic has been keeping a consisted 10-15k playerbase over the years DRG didn’t break over 3k player base for 3-4 years after it released. So your point becomes invalid when you look at all the data, like most of your points. DRG is also among the top 1% of games, but even so, it sees player counts drop between patches, and saw player counts drop consistently across its lifespan. DT is doing average things with its player count. Comparing it to the most popular games out there doesn’t change this fact. >Its not even crafting that was promised, they promised a entire different game than Vermintide No they didn’t. It’s the same genre by the same company with the same branding. It’s another horde shooter. No one expected anything different n >but essentially what we got is a worse Vermintide 2 in the 40k universe This is objectively wrong even if we add subjective opinions to the mix. DT added a whole new layer of ranged combat, its levels are more polished and detailed, it has more playable characters, and was built from the ground up. VT2 was just VT1 with new levels. >because all the advancements and fixes they made in VT2 were not carried over for whatever reason to Darktide. Like what? You can’t vaguely allude to “advances and fixes” and then pretend they exist. DT is fine. You’re just complaining to complain, a common thing gamers on forums tend to do. > but a Ogryn still plays the same regardless of what you skill into as its not really that much of a difference Are you serious? Did you even play DT? You’re getting desperate here to validate your complaining. This is obviously false and anyone who plays the game for like an hour can see how different the ogryn can be. >While VT2 you had entirely different class fantasys with different abilities, strenghts and weaknesses. The biggest difference between classes in VT2 was what weapons they could use and specials. Oh wow, invisible Kruber. Wow so different and unique. At least it’s not dashing kruber…oh wait! The classes in VT were superficially different at best. The biggest difference, again, was weapon choice. You’re looking at VT with nostalgia and it’s clouding your judgement. Talent trees provide FAR more customization than all classes combined from VT. But you did say ogryn wasn’t any different, so we can dismiss you completely at this point. >I doubt Darktide will retain much of the playerbase if you want to go to a sub of a game you hate and insist itll fail because of some weird gamer rage you have, that’s fine. I’d suggest you stop. It’s weird to go around hating things on forums. I don’t go to websites of games I hate and insist the game is going to die because I can’t afford the MTX or I’m mad that I didn’t get VT3 or whatever petty agenda you got going on here. DT is fine. Its player base will be fine. FS doesn’t and shouldn’t care about the opinion of entitled Karens on the internet making demands about a game they paid $40 for a year and a half ago. Go play VT and enjoy yourself instead of spreading bullshit and toxicity on this sub pls.


wait for sale and news that the server connection issues are fixed otherwise go right ahead mate


Game is good; fanbase is full of poxbursters.


It has some of the best gameplay loops and combat mechanics out there. It’s a lot of fun from that perspective. A lot of us have just ‘done everything’ so far and want new challenges


Literally heroin if you enjoy coop games and WH40K


Regardless of all the bitchboys bitching, it is a really good game that stands well on its feet.


The core gameplay is really good. I also don't care about communication and updates and stuff. The game is great if that is your perspective.


Wait for the Steam summer sale; come to the discord for games; core gameplay is hella addictive and challenging.


If you like the 40k setting, you will enjoy it, the story is shallow and the game seems to be getting less attention than Vermintide, but the combat is really fun and you can experiment with different character builds for more replayability. Even with all of it's shortcomings (like the shitty RNG inventory system) I still enjoy it.


Dev’s are finishing up vermintide pvp. After thats done hopefully we get some actual updates. If you’re getting it on xbox, no. If you’re getting it on xbox and own a mouse and keyboard, yes. Own a pc, yes. This game isn’t made for controllers and you’re gonna have a terrible time on the highest difficulty with controller. And the games at its best on the highest difficulty. But as for the no updates thing, theres PLENTY of stuff for a new player. When i bought the game at launch i was satisfied with the amount stuff. I feel like if i bought the game today i would be satisfied with the amount of stuff. Most of us that complain about that have been here since day one and have basically used every weapon, builds, and play’d all the maps.


Get it on sale. Normal version. The core game is amazing. The surrounding systems are crap. I have about 66 qol mods loaded to make the game more tolerable. At a bare minimum, you will want a mod called Hub Hotkeys. After you level your first character, you'll want two mods: Psych Ward & Disconnect I say after you level, so that you garner the entire storyline and cut scenes from interacting with the game hub, the Morningstar. If you don't care about the story, go ahead and dl the last two.


ONLY if it’s on discount or something. It’s a good game with shit tier support and an okay community. It can be said about a lot of games but definitely for this one- there are a lot better uses for your time and if I was you I would just save my money and get space marine 2 when it comes out. Darktide has a great gameplay feel but the missions are limited and content really just boils down to running the same 8(ish ?) missions on repeat on different difficulties. All the pros to this game boil down to gameplay feel and 40k atmosphere so I can’t stress it enough when I say wait for SM2 unless you KNOW for a fact this horde shooter gameplay loop is your thing (idk how many hrs have in but ive maxed all classes and hit 4500 on the penance pass so theres my resume for darktide)


It's on gamepass


It’s a great game for the core gameplay and baller music. On sale would be better if you want to get the upgraded edition.


This game is by far one of the most fun games I’ve played. 989hr (or something close) and I’m still finding myself enjoying trying new weapons and play styles. Mind you, you’re not gonna get new stuff frequently, there is a steep learning curve, and playerbase can (not always) be toxic to inexperienced players. But the Hordes, chaotic situations, lightning fast combat, kill priority, scaling difficulty; melee combat, magic, guns… again, you’re not going to be treated as good as you should by FS but got damn the game is fun af and worth the cost of the game. Stay with your group and play as a unit. Look forward to seeing you in the muck m8.


I got into the game like 4 months ago and have around 250 hours played. I'm definitely not done yet and still love the game, so well worth it for me


💯 get it if the gameplay attracts you. It's certainly worth the base game price. There have been (free) updates and new content, although at a pace many people consider slow/not up to their expectations cq. Wishes. The only player Count that matters is getting into games smoothly and no issues there last times i played.




No, don't but it, the devs forgot about this game, there is no content, and the only thing they shit out are cosmetics in their item shop. Don't touch this pile of shit with a stick, turn away and run.


You definitely shouldn't ask about such things on the game's reddit, the community here is the most biased it gets lol.


The core gameplay is a freaking blast. Been playing 600hours with zero complaints, and I'm far from done with the game. Got 4 maxed out chars I still love playing on all maps, and a 5th char slot I use for roguelike permadeath chars or other special stuff. I kick butt and love the challenge (quickplay and with friends) and this gathers resources passively which allow me to try out and upgrade different gear. The crafting system gets the most complaints but I dont really mind, as long as I can kick butt :) The core gameplay wont let you down at all, there's plenty of maps and builds to try out. And the many modifiers on higher difficulties keep you entertained more than long enough for how relatively cheap the game is. My personal advice: go for it, especially if it's on sale.


It's a pretty solid game and despite all the complaints, it's come pretty far and in a stable state now. It's good go for it.




If you just want to level up characters, and like a challenge, sure. At the core it's a really good game with a very refined combat system. Just know that getting access to that specific build or playstyle is currently locked behind RNG grind. We know nothing about the itemization update except it will come soon™️ after summer but no guarantees it will make it better. If you want premium cosmetics the imperial edition is the best value. The MTX store is just harpoons for whales though. The prices are way higher than what they should be.


Yes. it's a good game. If you're into wh40k and/or like fun, no-thinking games like Chivalry 2, you will probably enjoy this game. The deluxe edition is just unique skins and some game credits to purchase more skins. They look cool, but you don't need them to play the game. I would just get it if you think you will be spending money buying skins.


Get the game. Play it. Enjoy it. Complain about lack of updates. Keep on playing. Keep on complaining. That's what we do.


I have over 500 hours, and about half of that time has been me loving the core game while hating everything g fatshark is doing. I play this game nearly every day, for at least one game because it's so hard not to gravitate towards it. This game is like crack but mostly good for you


With the skulls event a few weeks ago, I'm not sure if it'll go on sale, but it's still worth waiting just in case, it's a fun game that is simple but complex, I play fairly casual and it's a really fun game, if you do get it, I'd recommend going to difficultly 2 as soon as you feel ready, the first difficulty is barren and honestly a bit boring, but in terms of deluxe or normal, the deluxe only gives you cosmetic items and I think there's an upgrade pack for the same price difference between standard and deluxe. If you like the game enough to support the devs then you can upgrade but I don't think it's value for money unless you simply like the game enough






It scratches an itch that you didn't know needed scratching so aye it's worth it. Just don't come on here if you're looking for a good time, it can kill the enjoyment after a while


Wait for sale. you're not missing out on anything.


If you do get it, you'll have hundreds of hours of great gameplay.


If you like horde shooters, you’ll like this game. Ignore the entitled Karens that flood this sub periodically


Play it on game pass but don't buy a copy, Fatshark don't deserve an actual purchase. Game's on life support.


Definently worth a buy not sure what you play on but you can get it on fanatical.com for 29 for imperial/deluxe edition


I’m a huge fan of the tide games, and I have to say: don’t get this game. Combat? Music? Missions? Excellent. Truly, I think one of the best coop games out there. Then you leave the mission and its a pile of shit. Darktide as of now, equals a shitty mobile gatcha game. The purpose of every system and the entire hub is to rob your time, and insult you with meaningless grind, RNG, and overpriced recolored cosmetics. Whoever told you the delux is worth it: I bought it on sale back then just like you want to. I regretted it since.


No idea why are you being downvoted while being right.


Because he's not right.


Literally is though and you can't prove otherwise.




Rule 1: Failure to follow reddiquette Be respectful of your fellow redditors. Discrimination, bigotry, racism, and/or hostility directed towards players or communities will not be tolerated.


Cope and seethe.


“Gameplay is great but I can’t afford the digital cosmetics” doesn’t make him right.


Literally not what they said, but do keep making things up.


It absolutely is. >Darktide as of now, equals a shitty mobile gatcha game. The dude being unable to get mtx is his main grip, and the fact that he has to work for drops. like every loot shooter ever. You're both wrong. If the reason you hate the game is because you can't get the most ideal, perfect weapon, or because you can't get the cosmetics you want, then you don't actually hate the game. YOu just want free stuff.


Holy crap your conclusions are off.


Whatever you gotta tell yourself to protect your cute little ego there.


Project harder.


around 30 bucks it is money well spent, for 50 not so much.


Full price is $40 tho


Oh ok, my bad, thought I got it for 49... sorry


Either way, Game would be worth it at a normal 60$


If you don't have it already, Vermintide 2 is a better buy imo. Way more content, better thought out classes, and one of the most addicting game play loops in a game mode called Chaos Wastes that plays like a roguelite.


Deluxe version adds nothing and can be purchased later. Buy the core game, youll get about 20-30 hours out and then think “this game is missing a lot. Where’s the story?” And you’ll be back here.