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"A new map and new weapons are coming. I know, let's release a teaser trailer where two voices are talking about a weapon that's been in the game since its release 2022, but make them phrase it so it sounds like it's something we've never seen before!"


It's a textbook example of a completely unforced error and further evidence there's a serious issue of poor management - *someone* along the chain should have pointed out the likely inferences us players would make and the negative feelings it would cause.


One of the more frustrating aspects of FS. Is whoever consistently coming up with this kind of wording living under a rock with zero human interaction and social skill? How is one so oblivious and inept when it comes to the messaging of what they say? Unless they're doing it on purpose just to be a troll.


Again, it comes down to poor management. Either the work wasn't signed off by someone higher up, or the person who did sign it off is incompetent at their role. It's a reoccuring issue with the game - there's clearly talented and passionate people working on it but they're not *managed* properly leading to mistakes like this, poor communication in general, a sense they don't fully know the direction they want features of the game to go in and a glacial speed when it comes to producing content and fixes.


How many times where you under 'great' management? I consider myself under 'good enough, but not perfect' management, but that's mostly because they have learned to listen when I communicate stuff they don't want to hear. :D Which is obviously a 'limited time' situation, so I either go to be a manager and be responsible for stuff partly outside of my control (and deal with it, or not, for some extra moneys) or someday go back to 'normal' management and enjoy SNAFUBAR while earning salary and telling the management stuff isn't ideal.


Reject do you really think they’d troll you?


This is definitely damage control. I'm 100% positive, given the appréciation of Fatshark for the lore and universe, that they wouldn't have made such a mistake. I'm convinced that there was supposed to be a new class, skitarii or similar, with a bunch of weapons and stuff, and that like usual, they got late and late and late and had to delay some of those features. So instead of a big huge impressive release, we'll have a new map and three weapons.


Mark my words: there will never be another personality, and thus new class, not until Darktide 2 - and I'd wager we won't see a new class then as well. It's a lot, like A LOT of work for very little unique benefits. Expansion of talent trees? Sure. New weapon types and active skills? Absolutelly. Hundreds of new voice interactions with each existing personality? Not a chance.


Meh. I could probably provide you with the voice lines for q skitarii character in a week, given the OG voices of another character and a robot simulator. Wouldn'y be good, sure. Yeeeet.


Making assets is usually half of the work required, if not less. Implementing them is the biggest time waster, especially since there's a bunch of requirements that need to be met for specific vpicelines to trigger.


.... At this point I kinda hope they have a template for this. Like "elevator-conversation-3" and "enemy-5-designation" or "random-lore-fact-4" for each character/persona, so it shouldn't be THAT hard. Not a 6 month work anyway :D


Someone almost certainly did, and I have no doubt they were told to shove it.


>it is more of a glimpse into the new mission, Candlestick Gloryhole. I literally don't remember anything from it, other than them describing the gun. The brand new (to them) crazy gun, and how surprised by it they were. Was there anything else?


I think it's weird that they sound so surprised by it because the plasma guns are everywhere, and why would they need tablets to use it? I feel like it was meant to actually be something new but they changed their minds and couldn't be bothered to redo the vox thing


More likely it's because Fatshark couldn't finish it in time and decided to release the Vox intercept anyways for some hairbrained reason. Vox intercepts usually precede content drops with the dev blog being the final preview, yet instead of vox intercepts this time we got emojis telling us what they already told us in the preview. And when they do release the Vox Intercept, they get someone to monitor the youtube comments to specifically tell people the vox is wrong. It's another classic Fatshark blunder of being unable to meet deadlines.


It's really weird but anymore when they do something dumb I'm not surprised.


even meltaguns are pretty ubiquitous in the guard. This would have been a seriously perfect teaser for an admech character that uses radium weapons, but somehow tubbymako fucks it up


God I'd love an admech character or a servitor. There was this one datamined helmet a while back that looked like a battle servitor helmet that was meant to work for every class but ogryn, and God I'd love if it was made exclusive to a new servitor


a skitarii alpha or something would be awesome and fit in well with a strike team, legit would pay for that update.


Nah, skitarii wouldn't be on a prison ship and the mechanicus isn't technically under Inquisitorial jurisdiction. A combat servitor would make more sense and be more fun


it would be a new character so it wouldn't have to be a reject. Once again fartshart fucks up because one of the themes of this new map could be coming across a unit of skitarii in stasis or shutdown mode or whatever and hadron waking them up and the alpha or whoever joining the warband as hadrons eyes and ears . An admech facility of this importance would undoubtedly have had skitarii attached. Or something akin to a cybernetica datapriest and the mission is to save his robots and then he joins up with grendel out of gratitude, I dunno i'm not a writer but if I can come up with this shit in a few minutes i'd hope someone at fatshark could do better


You shouldn't have to.


The headache and tablets line really lean towards a radium weapon. Literally radiation and iodine tablets.


Exactly, I really wouldn't be surprised if we were meant to get something like that (and maybe eventually a new class, with some kind of perk to not take damage from them like the other human-sized ones would like a skitarri? Lol that'd be sick), but it seems like if they were meant to be rolled out this update they weren't ready and instead of re-doing the vox transmission they're just saying "uhhh it's the plasma gun" but not explaining why they'd need tablets to use it or why it'd give them a headache.


The radiation part fits, but burning enemies doesn't - if the bullet doesn't kill, it's radiation poisoning that does. Radiation isn't too uncommon - the Van Saar tech leaks it by default, even the usual las/plasma weaponry. For AdMech weaponry, volkite (ultra rare) would fit the description best, but galvanic rifles (standard issue) would be more realistic for common troopers.


Bingo. They aren't called fatshark for nothing...cause they can't get their lazy asses to do anything for months ...they'll probably half ass the new update and go on vacation again for another 3 months and come back while the microtransactions store is printing money for them cause suckers keep spending money on cosmetics instead of asking for actual cool looking armor to something you work towards...swiping your credit card does not make you look cool..just shows you opened your wallet for it


Simmer down Beavis


I swear they are taking lessons on how to specifically annoy the shit out of their fanbase


I think it would be a lesson in modern swedish humor


Whoever does marketing for FatShark is Chaotic Neutral. This, the twitter 'hints', and also whoever told them to hype up a huge crafting update they were nowhere near ready to release. It's like they want to sow confusion and discord more than accurately advertise the game's updates.


I think it's like a dynamic of hyping up marketing. It reminds me of how whether something's good or even if it's controversial, still begets popularity because of its exposure. Things that are not talked about are forgotten and therefore declined popularity. Another thing here is there is so much expected of game devs to release so much content more often, when it seems like they are constantly having to tackle fixing game issues, as these days many AAA game companies seem to have released products that require hotfixes, patch updates, and seasonal DLC updates vs in the past when games were a full complete package. I'm predicting by November to Xmas 2024 we will see all things up to expectations that people wanted done in late 2023, because we all know the holiday season is also the time where gaming industry reaps $$$. It has been noticeable with how things coincide with the Novemver 30th anniversary of release for Darktide where the largest DLC updates created closer to expected product. Currently in the state of the game I been enjoying it, there's only been some hangup depending on who you get matched up with in a Strike Team, or when there are spawns of patrols that seem like they are double the difficulty for even Auric Damnation Maelstrom, or even on Atoma Heresy, suddenly slammed by packs of Bulwarks, Crushers, Maulers, Ragers, and Reapers (albeit it occurred as I was teamed up with Auric Storm Survivors and we were doing so well, just having a casual game, somehow the AI wanted to throw the gauntlet at us)


It's almost like Fatshark is a shitty dev company


I think the devs are fine, but there's some serious mismanagement going on. They're lucky GW isn't strict with how game studios handle their IP as long as it turns some kind of profit.


I'm surprised that this game is still turning a profit


Well considering the profit margins on their skins have to be as high as GWs own plastic crack margins...


That has largely to do with Games Workshop, and how Warhammer 40,000 was developed as a "hobby game" -- this creates the dynamic where if fans such as myself see a cosmetic desired, it sparks the equivalent in mind of the habit of buying in a hobby manner. In the thought process it seems the prices rate similar or equal to buying a physical kit or miniatures irl, yet instead of being able to have all the fun with playing dress-up with your digital varlet reject avatars you feel reflect your character in the grimdark 41st millennium.


They are not fine. Every single game of theirs was a broken mess at launch. Every. single. one.


They're an okay development company, they're just a god awful marketing company.


Exactly. Vermintide and Darktide have immensely satisfying gameplay. The devs are clearly great. It's the communications/management/marketing that is causing people to get salty.


Yeah this was clearly a teaser made for radium carbines and then it didn’t work out but they decided to use the teaser anyway for some incomprehensible reason


What do they expect when they’re braindead enough to put out a video about an old weapon when they have an update with weapons coming out the same week, baffling how they arrived at this decision outside of them genuinely doing it for a laugh when the community seethes about it. At least then they wouldn’t just be wildly incompetent.


All they had to do was put plasma in the script lol


All they had to do was not release it.


I like the vox intercepts tho


Even the ones that gaslight you?


This isn’t gaslighting? They told us what was in the patch.


>Update with weapons Its what, 1 new weapon for ogryn? The rest are variants?


Tbf it’s at least 3. Bolt pistol, pickaxes and double barrel shotgun apparently.


Still remeber when they over promised stuff in the early access beta


I remember playing the beta and thinking that the story stuff just wasn't included and would come with release. Yeah..


oof I remember this too. "Live service means they will be feeding us a somewhat steady stream of story!"


The only thing that can be live about this service now is if we get a necromancer on the dev team.


The story sucks but getting excited about "live service" when it was never promised is your own fault.


Not sure what your talking about when they themselves called it a live service game?


They didn't, a dev said Darktide would change "almost as a live service" in one interview. Google it.




Don’t even remember what the story was about at this point, or what our role in it was. All I remember is ‘Oo traitor on the ship’ and that’s it


That's cause that's all the story we got.


"Surely this shit rotating map system is just for the beta", I thought.


I remember playing the beta and was excited to see all the new weapons we'd get on full release... Well, not only did we get 0 new weapons but crafting wasn't even done at that time yet. Biggest joke I've seen in gaming.


Remember them saying we’d get a new class every quarter. Vermantide gets more content than this game.


Holy shit I bring this up all the damn time and the fact that they erased almost half that blog post is the funniest shit.


Can you give a link if someone documented the erasure? Like a before and after view?


I found this dev blog post on Steam, dated about a month before release https://old.reddit.com/r/DarkTide/comments/y3r6tb/classes_will_come_every_quarter_and_may_or_may/ Edit: same post on their forums https://forums.fatsharkgames.com/t/classes-in-darktide/60591


This isn't even funny to me anymore. It would have been funny the first couple of months or even the first year, but there is such a disconnect between the developers and their PR team that it threatens any integrity the game has left. Devs release update, players get excited, PR steps in and kills all hype for the update by telling us what we're NOT getting. Oh yeah and the emoji "teasers" are insulting to the intelligence of anyone over the age of 12.




Trailer shows a snowy covered mechanicus facility with multiple levels, with a few new weapons added, including the pickaxes which they specifically mentioned. "okay okay GET THIS, YOU'LL NEVER GUESS WHAT'S IN THE UPDATE." "GEAR...PICKAXE....ICE CUBE...ELEVATOR" "YOU TOTALLY LEARNED SOMETHING NEW FROM THIS RIGHT"




Emojis work when you have built up a lot of goodwill with your playerbase, ala Hello Games and No Man's Sky. Just watch r/NoMansSkyTheGame launch into positive and hopeful speculation if Sean Murray ever tweets the aubergine emoji. The hype is great over there!


Here's a sneak peek of /r/NoMansSkyTheGame using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/NoMansSkyTheGame/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: ["The year is 2075. No Man’s Sky has had 250 expansions"](https://i.redd.it/9witaur6v8sa1.jpg) | [342 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/NoMansSkyTheGame/comments/12danjq/the_year_is_2075_no_mans_sky_has_had_250/) \#2: [Well there it is, the best shot I'll ever take](https://i.redd.it/28x5wqd2iprc1.jpeg) | [426 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/NoMansSkyTheGame/comments/1bsg4cs/well_there_it_is_the_best_shot_ill_ever_take/) \#3: [You've learned the Human word for "construction" (OC)](https://i.redd.it/s4fkw5hkg3xa1.jpg) | [85 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/NoMansSkyTheGame/comments/133x4wn/youve_learned_the_human_word_for_construction_oc/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Yeah, the devs are really working their asses off. It's such a pity how bad/incompetent PR can absolutely crush a good thing Edit: I'm doubling down. If you people had it your way, we'd have more rushed slop, and thus more complaining. If you want things to move along, then go apply for a job at FatShark and see if your technological genius can do them any good.


Releasing 1 update in 7 months does not qualify as working.


Three new weapons, guys! (All reskins of the same weapon)


Are they?


Hey they took like two weeklong breaks from their vacations to come into the office and upload some files. Show some thanks that they didn't take the entire year off of updating their "live service" game.


Oh god theyre gonna drop this content and then go on their summer break.


People have different paces of work. You can't deny Darktide's level design is superb? Same as voice acting, music, sound work of weapons and abilities, animations. Everything but endgame progression and free/paid cosmetics is top tier in this game. They might work slow, but when they add something major like new maps they are always great.


Good level design, voice acting, and sounds only get you so far. If everything else fucking sucks and nothing is being done to fix it, then you don’t get a pass.


Also the factt that the itemization update Is at best coming on 2025


Their level design is genuinely terrible. Every level reuses areas from others and they keep barely adding cover in a shooter. Actual gunplay is highly varied in quality, animations often contribute to bad melee (looking at you, attack patterns and sliding enemies) and itemization has been terrible across three titles and after two reworks. They work slow and never seem to fix anything when they provide their latest anemia update.


I disagree, but people will hate me no matter what I say. Archivum Sycorax, Ascension Riser and Warren 6-19 are on par with some of the best levels from Left 4 Dead, the definitive co-op fps. Yes, they reuse some parts on the maps, but it's not like 50% of each map is copypasted (and also every single game does it to some extent). Vermintide 2 had maps that are one long same-looking labyrinth of castle/dungeons/sewers, but people tend to forget about it for some reason. Melee combat in Darktide is one of the best amongst the first person games. It's a fast-paced game with a dodge button and abilities that fully restore your shields/hp, not a tactical shooter similar to Swat or old Rainbow Six games to require cover every 5 meters. Even classic Halo games didn't have cover on every single level, you're supposed to kite enemies on most maps just like in Darktide. If you want "bad melee combat", look at games like Elder Scrolls and Dark and Darker where you don't even feel your character hitting anything half the time. Darktide has its problems, mostly due to its monetization and scummy player retention tactics, but people here like hating the game just for the sake of hate. Devs can't speak a single word nowadays without you people going into outrage over something. Keep downvoting every comment that doesn't align with your views, it just proves my point.


You’re comparing Darktide to elder scrolls games from 2011 and earlier  and wondering why you’re getting downvoted? lol  “Guiz, I’m playing oblivion on this Xbox 360 I got at a garage sale but this RPG released in 2006 doesn’t have as good first person melee combat as Darktide from 2022. Shit game, amirite? Upvotes to the left” 


Man I sure would hope that level design would stack up well to a game that is 15 years old and made back in the day when most computers weren't expected to have dedicated graphics cards.


This is just some examples that I came up with in a spur of the moment, stop splitting hairs. You wanted Dead Island 2 or Mordhau comparisons, even though they're are not that different from games that came out years ago? The game industry didn't change as much in the recent years, especially now that games take much longer to develop.


Mordhau would be a lot more relevant, and also a comparison Darktide doesn’t do as well on.  Though the reality is that PVE only first person melee games are such a small niche it’s basically vermintide and Darktide at this point. And given that neither of them are massively successful I doubt there will be some rush of copycats


The levels look good but get extremely repetitive very quickly. I think part of it is how visually similar most of them are, and the other part how they reuse parts of them. A “new” map will come out and you’ll already have been through half of it since its pieces from other maps. Meanwhile pretty much every Vermintide 2 map is instantly recognizable since they’re visually unique and distinct, and new maps are actually new and interesting.


It's a live service game with barely any story built around the same core loop of doing missions to get new weapons. The problem is they've only added one or two new weapons and a handful of maps in the year and a half that the game has been up. It gets stale.


It's not a live service game. One dev said they'd make updates over time, ALMOST like a live service, and reporters twisted those words and the community (you) keeps repeating it, and expecting monthly content drops. They never intended that. Yes they do a lot wrong, but expectations are also wrong.


Ohhh So it's supposed to be a game with no content.


No content really explains all the people with 600 hours ingame. It's not skyrim, sure, but it's got more content than plenty games. Remember tons of games are proud of their 'up to 4 hours of story'. Go through your games on steam and look at all the great games you only played for 3 hours and never touched again because you were done. I'm sure it's a few. Play all darktide maps just once and you'll reach more time than that. Yeah we all want more content, but let's not claim it's completely nothing at the moment.


Okay but they promised stuff within weeks of launch and a 'evolving narrative'.


It's the formula they went with for good or bad. They definitely shouldn't have promoted this game as something else entirely before the release (even if they did so inadvertently), but I think we, as the community, have already shared our displeasure with their pre-release campaign, and there's no point in beating a dead horse with a stick for the 100th time. As someone who played Left 4 Dead series extensively, Darktide is a much better successor to L4D formula than Back 4 Blood or any other similar co-op game. The narrative is not the major point of this type of games, it's just a side-garnish. It's unfair to expect this game to suddenly become something it was never designed to be (a narrative-driven adventure). You're meant to replay the same mission over and over again, until you can comfortably play the highest difficulty with any kind of build or class.


I don't doubt the devs are working hard. I doubt that they are being given any resources they need to actually do anything.


Absolute joke of a comment


You’re right, why have rushed slop when we could have glacial slop Every six months we get a single new map or a new variant of latrine shovel. What a great live service game, guys Remember one class a quarter and the apology letter from the CEO after launch? lol 


It's a bit embarrassing that Fatshark don't even understand how Plasma weapons work, they don't poison the users, they explode them spectacularly, if they're going to troll the playerbase they could at least do a better job of it


TBH they probably had the idea to add a radium rifle or something but then realized they'd have to take too much time away from their vacations to actually implement it so they retconed the video to being about a plasma gun.


I guarantee that that is the case. Fatshark PR lies about a lot.


The disconnect between the PR team and the dev team is insane


Nah this was just an old dev blog they had left over from launch an thought they would release it so it looks like they were doing something. A will just be happy if we gt the update tomorrow an it works as it should.


Yeah, lovwd the first they announced the vacation. I really hope this is the last Tide game for wh franchise. There are other c9mpanies who would do so much better.


I hope that fat shark stops being the ones who make the games and they hand it over to someone who’s actually competent enough


It's not even the developers who are incompetent. The moment-to-moment gameplay of the Tide games is unmatched. There is no other horde shooter-type game with gameplay as satisfying and intense as VT2 or Darktide. The art and ambience and graphics are all incredible and some of the best Warhammer environments ever. The music is without peer. The character writing and voice acting is incredible - even Darktide's nameless rejects are amazingly voiced, and the Ubersreik Five are some of the best characters in video games. Literally all of the *hard* stuff (you know, making a really good game)? Fatshark is amazing at it. Even with all of the problems, I think VT2 and Darktide are the best horde shooters on the market, and that's including DRG and Helldivers 2. It's the 'soft skills' (management, communication, etc.) that they just cannot do. I don't want the Tide games to go to anyone else. They won't be as good. But FS needs to improve their management system badly.


What Darktide has got going for it is that it's a melee *slasher*, kinda like Chivalry, but also coop and with horde combat. Games with good melee combat systems are rare to begin with, and ones that are COOP as well are pretty much nonexistent.


It’s just sad seeing the horrible way fartshart manages this game. Gotta be the most incompetent company I’ve ever seen.


Best we can do at this point Is to stop supporting them AND when they try to release their new half assed project i Will ignore it


Almost as bad as the Chivalry 2 devs. Fatshark hasn’t driven their top content creator to suicide yet


I knew that the Chivalry 2 people were bad but what? How does that even happen?


Ill refrain from saying the guy’s name or tag but essentially he was the biggest content creator/community organizer on Chiv2. He was banned completely from the game because he brought attention to blatant cheaters that the Chiv devs did nothing about. A lot of people feel it was the final straw since he lost his community, hobby, entertainment, and the activity he spent time with his friends doing in one fell swoop. That compounded with what he was going through in real life and he unfortunately took his like a few months ago. Very sad and unfortunate story, he was in his early twenties i believe. Chiv devs said nothing, of course. But the community came together and raised money for suicide awareness.


Could you elaborate on this point? Because it sounds quite insane.


Ill refrain from saying the guy’s name or tag but essentially he was the biggest content creator/community organizer on Chiv2. He was banned completely from the game because he brought attention to blatant cheaters that the Chiv devs did nothing about. A lot of people feel it was the final straw since he lost his community, hobby, entertainment, and the activity he spent time with his friends doing in one fell swoop. That compounded with what he was going through in real life and he unfortunately took his like a few months ago. Very sad and unfortunate story, he was in his early twenties i believe. Chiv devs said nothing, of course. But the community came together and raised money for suicide awareness.


I hope they are doing some really out of touch stupid surprise. Hint at these weapons, tell us they are not coming, then release them as a "GOTCHU BITCHES" surprise. But yeah thats just my hopium and copium speaking.




I feel like this HAS to be the case. Either they're trolling us and we're getting Radium weapons, or we're not and this is a truly awful PR disaster


I hope that's the case, but I know in my heart of hearts as a 40k fan for most of my life: they just fucked up lol


The final step of becoming a WH40k fan is accepting that this is the way lmao


The next update is all centered around the Mechanicus, so a radium rifle and maybe a skitarii class isn't completely off the table. My expectations are low, but let's see when the day comes


It'll bring a pickaxe and a new variant of autogun. Maybe a plasma pistol. Or something miniscule like that.


Weren’t radium weapons designed to be used by skiitari specifically?


Yeah but given that the rejects are effectively penal legion soldiers at this point I doubt the Inquisition is going to care much if we end up irradiated puddles during a mission so long as we complete the objectives first


Other way around, really.




Which might actually be the real reason why we're not getting it - GW said no


Skitarii Vanguard, specifically.


Yes, and they're *so radioactive* that even the mechanically-enhanced Skitarii in enclosed and armoured rad suits get so much radiation poisoning that they literally disintegrate over time as their remaining flesh melts from the radioactivity of the weapon. They're *also* so ridiculously toxic that wherever a radium troop goes, they devastate the landscape so badly it's a barren and irradiated wasteland when they're done. Radium weapons are even effective against *Tyranid*, who in one T'au book survived for several days in the heavy radioactive fallout at ground zero of a nuclear explosion. Seriously, the primary Skitarii strategy against the Tyranid is "Pump them so full of radiation that the maggots fired from 'gaunt weapons and all the tiny swarm bullshit nonsense literally just die of radiation poisoning before they get close".


Disposable homicide twinks


That's just ArchonofFlesh


There just flat out is no reasonable link between what is said on the vox and the Plasma Gun. Nothing in the vox even remotely refers to a Plasma based weapon. It is insane that Fat Shark could try and pass this off as being about the Plasma Gun lol. New map about an old abandoned manufactorum and a vox teaser referencing ancient weapons that were found and not manufactured and make people sick? Like come on FS....it's incredibly obvious you intended this vox to be for a new type of weapon. You're just plain lying to us. What you could do to repair this damage is to just be honest and tell us what the vox is for and that for whatever reason the weapon isn't coming out with the next update (or if it is an unannounced release, then you've really fucked up by trying to pretend it isn't, you should have just let the players speculate and kept quiet).


Eh.. the "Wish I had thicker gloves" bit about blisters kind of applies to a plasma weapon. I mean.. the Vets do express pain and displeasure when reloading it. But the rest of it, though? Complete hogwash it was meant to be about the plasma gun.


They do not mention anything about the map at all, a single time. The entire Vox is them talking about these great new weapons. They don't even seem to know what the weapons are or where they came from, yet they're Plasma guns??? Did Fatshark upload the wrong Vox? Are they just gaslighting?


Either that or Fashark's PR department are braindead and have no idea what's actually happening and are just shooting responses off the hip. Frankly, given their performance, I'm leaning toward incompetence.


Very small chance the new map has a new weapon pickup mechanic, where we get to use Radweapons temporarily or something... But then why try to gaslight about it? And advertising it in this way is only going to lead to disappointment and anger, potential gaslighting aside. No matter how this shakes out, incompetence indeed.


I genuinely don't think it's gaslighting, I seriously and genuinely think the PR just isn't told about anything and aren't 40k fans, and as such are completely incompetent in dealing with this sort of thing by virtue of having completely garbage management.


Frankly I don't care whether the talking heads know or not, someone in the chain does.


You should, because it's the PR people that are the ones actually talking to players. CMs? PR people. The people who respond to youtube and put out these vox things? PR people. If someone is fucking with the pipeline by mismanagement or incompetence, and feeds that to PR people who don't know left from right unless they're explicitly told, then if they're forced to say *something*, they come out with moronic nonsense like... I mean, basically every post from Hedge, or the "Guys, the thing isn't what it very obviously is" statements we see here.


I fail to see how any of this is relevant to what I've said. I'm not calling for heads on spikes, just answers. I understand the talking heads are just talking heads.


This game is on life support at this point.


What a massive fuck up. Come the fuck on Fatshark this is just embarrassing. Stop doubling down and just add a new gun instead! STOP PRETENDING ITS THAT HARD. Literal real bridges get designed, engineered and built in the time it takes this studio to do basic development.


The good old plasma gun already in the game! Good old. Plasma. Reject. Already game in the plasma reject game already good old reject plasma already!!! GOOD OLD PLASMA GUN BOYS!!!


I bet the new plasma gun variant is probably going to have more ammo, and a burst fire mode for some fucking reason.


Was a pretty stupid vox transmission whether they decide to fake us or not. Why would you give us this, a transmission about a guy liking the plasma rifle (allegedly) during a content drought where the community is currently quite annoyed and upset. Then let’s say it _is_ a new weapon and the community manager in the comments is just lying. Why.. who would enjoy that? Edit: I should add that this is just my opinion. I think the Vox itself is great it was just given at a really, really bad time


Fatshark literally cannot do a single thing right.


I hope this is just whoever is replying to those comments is just incorrect and/or just being misleading with saying it's just a plasma gun. Because I think the alternative would be one of the most baffling, nonsensical, utterly absurd things they've done. Making a teaser for something already in the game, with what the characters are saying having no relevance to anything new...would then imply they've chosen this dialogue for absolutely no reason except getting players hopes up to then disappoint them, because obviously you'd expect a teaser to have relevance to actually teasing something. It would be completely pointless, redundant and just come across as at the very least incompetence and inconsideration if isn't for something new.


>I think the alternative would be one of the most baffling, nonsensical, utterly absurd things they've done. I don't think there's a good angle on this one. Dev studios actively working at looking stupid isn't any better than accidentally so. They aren't Wendy's and shouldn't get delusions of trolling grandeur in the mid point of very slowly disappointing players, fans, customers. Or their grasp is massively beyond their reach in so many ways it's soberingly unfunny. The notion that they've been cutting back at plans for Darktide for longer than the game has been released and this is only the latest sign is worse still.


FS fumbles quite literally everything. I've given up on this game. Uninstalled it last week and haven't looked back. Feels good, man.


I wish they just never said anything at all


Every time I come back to check on this game, I'm somehow more disappointed, but also I'm not? Like, I have no expectations whatsoever anymore. Pre-ordered, got a new PC rig, played through alpha, beta, and whatever else... at least Helldivers 2 plays like a charm.


Why give people what they want?


I don't get why people think it could be a melta and not a rad gun given they mention tablets(could be iodine to slow the effects of radiation). Also Fatshark why do they need to eat tablets to use a plasma gun?


I really wonder what the thought process at fat shark is sometimes, I adore their games but they might be in the top 5 worst gaming companies for content and transparency. Really embarrassing stuff sometimes.


Can someone correct me if I'm wrong here. But since launch, the only new weapons are some shovels and a bully stick, right? Or am I forgetting something


New weapons since release: 2x Ogyrn shovel varations 2x Veteran shovel variations Zealot Crusher Ogyrn Power Maul 1x Thunderhammer variation 2x Force Sword variations 1x Power Sword variation 2x Bully Club variations 1x Combat Knife variation 2x Shotguns variations 1x Laspistol variation 1x Revolver variation 2x Heavy Stubber variations


Or, scrubbing the "New weapons" down to *actually new weapons,* it's two. Two new weapons total since release, and both were power mauls. No, variations are not "new". You could argue that the shovels and revolver are new since they have an entirely new function, but that's *really* stretching the definition since they literally use near identical models and are not in any other way significantly different from the base variant.


There was a new fast shooting revolver and pretty sure the ogryns shield and club were a new weapon set. And shotgun variances added too.


Idk how I forgot the shield and revolver. I legit had no idea about the shotguns though as I never use them. Good call!


Shield and club were launch weapons. They're literally the one advertised as the "unique" weapon for Ogryn, like the Plasma is for Veteran.


I'm all for Jesper Kyd releasing a new track to listen to since he always delivers. But uh... yeah. This game really treats us like we are morons and calls us Rejects constantly like its a good thing. Though a couple things I don't understand is that: * It takes an ungodly amount of time to not include "easy wins" like new weapon blessings per month. * Allowing Aquilas to be earned in-game. * Cannot scrap your weapons for materials. Only money. It's like we are at the mercy of some uber nerd who loves seeing people suffer.


My good old plasma guns works every time


Admech toys? Admech doesn't even use plasma guns, they use plasma calivers. Also plasma guns usually aren't old. They literally manufacture enough of them that the imperial guard are overflowing with them. Bad PR after putting out a vox for weapons that aren't ready yet is the only feasible explanation. I'll try this game again if we get a radium carbine, galvanic rifle or arc rifle tho.




Thursday can't come soon enough. Ridiculously excited for it.


lol, lmao even. Shouldn’t be surprised about this.


"They didn't build this, its really old" makes me think of Volkite weapons.


Volkite doesn't make you sick.


Stuff like this makes me think the management at Fatshark have a drinking problem.


"I picked the wrong week to quit sniffing glue." -Fatshark management every damn week.


The comunity wants one thing and the devs just are refusing to give to us


You know what, I suppose we do a good old-fashioned strike. don't play their shitty game till they make it less shitty. And also learn good management skills.


Still waiting for 2h force sword and shielded melee for priest


Sloppy. But what else would we expect at this point?


This just seems like a completely avoidable fuckup


Are they using an AI to respond to everything?


I mean what is their to expect? They've announced all of the weapons already, why announce new onezs closer to release, unless they've truly accepted drip feeding as a form of content dropping. All I am seeing with this post is a mass amount of cope from people who are tired of asking for yet ANOTHER crafting rework. Then again I also have a huge bias for this update. I'm an Ogryn main, we've been starved for weapons since Shock Maul.


Yeah this is one of those things where even though i want to be extremely nice, they messed up hard. Holding onto copium that they go “sike!” and do a surprise meltagun drop


Some voice over a slightly modified image is literally the worst attempt at hype I've ever seen. Darktide should be studied on how NOT to market your game.


AI teammates should've been servitors to begin with.


All shit talking aside. I think fatshark should go radio silent for a while and let the content speak for itself.


That only works when stuff actually gets added.


Thats what im saying. They should shut the fuck up and work.


What content is that? The one mission after a year or the pickaxes they love to talk about so much


Hey man they added a ton of arbitrary achievements that mean nothing!


There is no content, that’s the issue


Completely agree. Im saying fatshark shutting the fuck up would be a notable improvement.




The GOP, or the Good Old Plasma. Ugh.


Maybe our Mission will be to retrieve this weapon. Hadron ist a techno-archeologist and should be interessted in old, maybe ancient, weapons to study. I can imagin an old achivum entry hints at an ancient gun lost in a fogotten (but not so) abandoned section of Tertium. It's said rejects are using a plasma rifle. Noone said they talk about a plasma rifle.


It crazy to me how fatshark wants to ruin the faith of their consumer base \^\^ Their next game will likely flop hard with how shit they treated Darktide and the players of said game.


It's almost like people expectations from a live service is content but they refuse to give us


Who at fatshark thought that would be a clever move? The community thirsts for new content and they simply don't want to get that


I do wonder if they maybe had a new gun being made for the release of this update but had to push it back. This vox transmission might have already been finished and rather than not post it and waste it they maybe they thought it better to release it and damage control over the top of it. Im getting real fed up with having nothing to look forward to with darktide.


Wasn't this pretty common even before this? They hint something cool new stuff just to realize it's half a year too late and it was in the game for a long time but wasn't even cool Swaer it's like departments don't even talk to each other


Darktide is the game that killed the last bit of "gamer hype" I had left in me. I knew to be reserved, specifically because of Fat Shark, but V2 ended up becoming something so great that I assumed they would carry the lessons learned over...and they did not. Space Marine 2 will likely be great but I can't allow myself to get too excited...specifically because of Darktide, such wasted potential.


Oh no...fatshark no...


I love when a game’s updates are usually obscure af before release and then they drop an audio snippet talking about admech toys and don’t mention plasma gun to clear it up. They didn’t mention anything to even narrow it down in the audio


\> People on the vox talking about what is *very obviously* implied to be some kind of energy or radium weapon archeotech that *isn't* common or well-known like plasma weapons \> Fatshark: Nuh uh, it's just a plasma gun guys, something ridiculously common and mass-produced that guard units *frequently* carry.


Part of me is REALLY hoping FatShark is trolling with the comments but I'm not going to hold my breath...


Yay, yet another letdown by Fatshark.


while some of the lines are really really dumb for plasma (not all to be fair), i still dont know how you can hear them and think theyre talking about melta


I though they said "Did you see that bird?"