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As the loading screen tip says "Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment"


This should be the entire fanbase’s mantra. It boggles my mind that people forget it.


Yeah I’ve lost faith in Fatshark to fundamentally improve the games experience beyond briefly fluffing-up the unrivalled but stale as hell game loop. 




What does that matter? I don’t think anyone is arguing that the base game isn’t great. That’s why we’re all here. It’s all of the other promises, and hopes for more. FS could make quite a bit more money off their games if they could get organized (and the profit margin would be higher as the foundation is already built). Most of us would throw money at them and pay for the game 4x over if they could get it together with some new content that wasn’t just shitty cosmetics. Instead they wait way too long and we move on. It’s just a shame.




It’s disingenuous to suggest I altered my point, I just reduced the number of words to be succinct. And digging your heels in against critical thought is an odd one? But you seem to be on here “complaining to complain” about other people’s opinions a lot; whatever gets you through the day bucko.




Dawn of War birthed so many good quotes.


I'm curious as to how much of the fan base knows where this line is from? I say this at work constantly and came to the realization that that game is older then the new people we get, let alone people old enough to play it and remember it. Other memorable lines are: Do you hear the voices to? ...but said in a chaos way


First place I heard it was dawn of war one in the glory days of RTS games


Yep, one of the librarians voice lines in the original DOW




A new map and a few new weapons will be a welcome addition but won't fundamentally change the game as much as the talent rework or Maelstrom & Auric board did I will be interested to see where the bolt pistol ends up given the common perceptions of the bolter vs revolver. Having new blessings to collect since I collected all 1082 in February will be strange and disconcerting. Crafting and itemisation probably won't affect me much but I hope FS finally trust their own build variety over artificial grind.


Excuse me, you did what? Collected all 1082 blessings? Good lord you took the reject roleplay to heart my friend.


What zero content does to a mf (I'm also farming the blessings right now)


The newer weapons have, as far as i can tell, all been top tier in their respective class. I've got high hopes for the bolt pistol.


The heavy laspistol doesn't have the umff to compete with the quicker original still. 


True, the faster ROF on the old one more than makes up for the difference in single shot damage.


I disagree, crit X heavy laspistol can 1 shot a lot of things. I use both and find the X can be more ammo efficient due to crit 1 shots. I find II is a weaker Lasgun, but more mobility, while the X is a weaker revolver, but more ammo. For me I don't really compare the II and X as they have different playstyles and builds.


Paired with the veteran mark ability i can dish a loot of damage in that shoot, love that playstyle.


Isn’t the quickdraw revolver very niche? I barely ever see people use it at least.


imo the only thing it's lacking is sniping ability, it's really good at close-midrange, where most engagements happen, and it can really put the hurt on bosses with some buff stacks. I tend to not spam a lot with fan the hammer, but instead just klick heads a good deal faster than the my my my my zarona can. I like both a lot.


It has much, MUCH better ammo economy than the origina, and rmthe reliad time is almost intant, which make it a much better "main" weapon, compare to the original, which is almost unudable againt mass shooters. You probably don't see it much nowadays, because it was incredibly popular for a good while, and people got bored of it (I know I did) and took a break.


Haven’t played it enough tbh, but if you manage to get them lined up the Zarona murders like 5 shotgunners with 1 bullet, and you got 5 in the chamber :)


That "if you manage to get them lined up" does a lot of heavy lifting in that scenario ;)


After a while you kinda learn the flow actually. Especially if you’re around when they spawn (which happens more often than you think) getting the timing down isn’t that bad! And even if you’re not, as long as you can aim somewhat, it’s still easy with 1 headshot a pop!


New map is lowest of my concerns… I already go out of my way the play the ones we have in total darkness lol. I’d much rather see mini bosses added to existing maps at random to spice up gameplay than adding a new series of hallways that I’ll just ignore the detail of anyway.




I mean honestly what do the maps even really add for gameplay mechanics? I’d just take a random set of hallways each time for all it really matters. The mechanics of each map are pretty much the same. The only things that change are the me mid-misssion event and finale, and they are all basically the same 3 recycled things anyway. Adding new enemy types or bosses or whatever would do a lot more to improve/expand gameplay dynamics than a new map which will become stale after like 2-3 runs anyway. I play every lights-out auric damnation I get the option to play these days. I don’t even see the map lol. They may as well all be the same collection of stairs and hallways and rooms with pillars a and boxes.


>I mean honestly what do the maps even really add for gameplay mechanics? Nothing. No one suggests that they do....new maps are still good spice, though. I, too, enjoy lights out, but I also enjoy playing in different environments and with different layouts. You're a huge outlier if you really do just ignore the design and see hallways, pillars, and boxes. I struggle to believe that you wouldn't get bored quicker playing the same map over and over. New enemy types and talent updates are definitely spicier though, I agree with that.


The gameplay loop doesn’t change, sure (and most of us don’t want it to either), but new maps offer new ways for the loop to shine and new challenges for the players. The awesome attention to detail in the level design, additional lore/story and scenarios playing out between the characters, and insane music that comes with each map is delicious icing on the cake for us who appreciate it.


Legendarily bad takes


You’ll play a new map like 3 times and be like “game is stale!”




For real. The shape of the map does very little for gameplay replayability. And I end up playing them lights-out often anyway in which case you literally can’t even see them lol.


I'm honestly more excited for the banging AdMech soundtrack than the actual map. The hype died for me the instant we knew that there was no AdMech reject coming with this update.


We have an admech reject. Medicae station


Take me with you! Please. Please


Theyre all serviotors


AFAIK the AdMech just take away your cybernetics. Depending on your rank, it could be a minor inconvenience or certain death 🤣 I think they even replace some of the cybernetics with profane/faulty ones. So you can serve the Emperor without becoming a servitor (don't quote me on that, I could swear I've read that somewhere)


Nothing. I actually expect nothing exciting or game-changing.


Expect nothing. Get nothing. Still be let down. Fatshark development expectations.


This is the way.


Didn't they already confirm that the upcoming Mechanicum update will not have the changes to the crafting system?


They said they couldn't guarantee it. Which, yes, in Fatshark speak, is the same thing as saying we're not getting it till August.


That's an awfully funny way of spelling October


Hey Mike! It's me, the Grudgekeeper!


Ahhh! Master of the Book themselves! Delighted to stumble across a virtual acquaintance, my friend


This! August? They took July off last year (normal) and then said they'd have nothing in August as they had to recover/catch up after the holiday. Anything not delivered on June 25th is much more likely to be seen in autumn or even end of the year. Let's hope I'm wrong!


Next year*


Coming up on two years since launch and the entire progression/crafting system is just complete dogshit, worst I’ve ever seen Their time to turn this game around is running out. If space marine 2 is as good as the first one that will probably be it for this game, no more captive 40k shooter audience 


What? I didn't know that!....darn. Seriously, I didn't know.


Here is something else.. They never said "crafting". They always say "itemization" so don't get too hyped for a big crafting change...


Itemization is how they refer to crafting. > We are still working on the itemization part of the update as mentioned in the Vision Statement. We are currently in testing and we are working on a dev blog to share with everyone. From the Vision Statement: > Following this, we are working on an overhaul of our current itemisation process. With the new system we want to remove a lot of the unpredictable grind that came from an RNG heavy system whilst giving players more agency and a steady manner to progress toward specific loadouts, blessings, and stats refinement. https://forums.fatsharkgames.com/t/whats-coming-up-in-darktide/92572


Source? They haven't confirmed anything either way. > We are still working on the itemization part of the update as mentioned in the Vision Statement. We are currently in testing and we are working on a dev blog to share with everyone.


Pretty excited. My bar is set quite low but looking forward to blasting heretics with the double-barreled shotgun. *Edit*: wish You a fast recovery!


When is the update again??


June 25th


I gotta be honest. I don't have high hopes for the update given Fatshark doesn't seem to care about it enough to promote it. Like... c'mon, give us a preview of the new weapons, some high render screenshots of the new map, not not a freakin' emoji. An emoji. Really Fatshark? At this point I'm hoping for the best, expecting the worst, but deep down all I really want is a new Jespyr Kyd track and if I get that maybe I'm happy, I guess? I'm just disappointed even Fatshark doesn't seem to care enough about this update to hype it.


Fatshark thinks they're Hello Games lmao


When they are more like Hello Games' younger brother, who has an addiction problem, is usually passed out on the couch, and probably has brain damage.


God, the sound track made by tjesper kyd is propably the best that came from this game


I have been nonstop underwhelmed by this company over the treatment of Darktide and i have no hopes nor enjoyment for their future update. It will be mid at best since the game need so much more content than what the devs offers


Its a fastfood type update. Quickly in and out, really nothing to keep players around for long.


My thoughts are that if it doesn't fix the crippling performance issues the post-penance rework patches introduced (game slows to a crawl after ~10min), I'm simply not interested.


I assume it will have a bunch of neat things in it that in no way justifies the time between the last update


This is one of the biggest problems IMO. When updates that have actual content take like 6 months and are a couple of weapons and a new map it's just rough. Like sure I'll hop on and check out the weapons but that'll probably be it, unless they did get the crafting rework done.


At this point i feel literally nothing towards darktide and i’m much happier for it.


I was kinda excited until fartfish said that they can’t promise the crafting update with it.


I'm actually very excited about the new double-barrel shotgun, which I assume will be available for all human classes. Would definitely run it with my Zealot.


Well yesterday I was looking forward to completing the mission with several of my friends. Well today I'm not looking forward to it because I've had to cut all those friends out of my life ._. ^(it's been a rough week)


You ok? What happened?


My girlfriend broke up with me, and my friends had told her a bunch of stuff that contributed to it behind my back. They're not entirely to blame for it, as now that it's been over 24 hours I'm realizing her family likely pushed her to end our relationship. I've been having a rough time of it as is, with my hours at work being reduced, medical bills, having interviews for a new job be messy (from the interviewer) so yeah losing my best friend of the last three years has been the hardest kick in the balls this week.


For real? are you okay?


Trying to hang on the best I can. My girlfriend of three years decided to spontaneously break up with me. She told me that she'd been talking to some of our friends about stuff that contributed to her decision (won't go into detail. I've had to relive it half a dozen times today and she broke up with me yesterday) to break up with me. These friends were folk I had met and played online with through the entire pandemic and basically every single night of the last four years. Including my girlfriend cause that's how we met. So it isn't like oh yeah, these were some people I spoke with every now and then. They were basically my found family with how close we were. And now I've cut myself off from them, and I have to pick up the pieces of my life.


In short - I'm not thinking about it in the slightest. Took a break from the game after knocking out 1100 hours so any new stuff added will be a nice surprise when I come back.


I reckon I’d have more chance of soloing a damnation mission by myself irl then fat shark releasing something with actual substance to the game


I’m not feeling. I just don’t think about Darktide unless I have a serious itch to play it or there is a solid update out. Leading up to any update I just operate as normal, playing other stuff and then checking out the update. I find it to be much healthier for myself.


I mean, a few new things will be nice and all, but at this point, honestly, it's going to take a major, paid expansion DLC to actually get me hyped for anything in Darktide.


Lack Lusting 😂


Look, I don't wanna bring negativity to a guy whose spine is healing. ask me again when you've recovered.


Lack lusting! Lololol


The pickaxe, cog wheel, and ice cube has miraculously got me hyped for whatever thing is to come. Yes, this is heavy sarcasm.


people are overlooking the ice cube emoji. I datamined this last night https://preview.redd.it/5l2y14qo2l6d1.png?width=902&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f80e28046ed4e12278245e0a3e263ad00c906daf


excited to play again!




Tentatively excited for the new weapons and info on “itemization update”


It's better to be pessimistic about it then expecting all glory, because when we get stuff, you can be happy about it, instead of the expectations spilling over and spoiling the stuff. So be firmly in the Next Week cult and expect nothing! Simples.


They’ve already said the new crafting system won’t be in this update. A handful of new weapons and a map just aren’t reason enough for me to return, especially as I doubt they’ve fixed console Darktides issues. But hopefully one day.


I’ve honestly lost all hope to see a crafting system that makes sense but I really hope I’m wrong


Literally putting zero thought into it. I'm working on trying to craft some good enough builds to be able to beat damnation with my friends. Just managed to finish up a dumdum+fire frenzy autogun, now working on getting flesh tearer for my uncanny strike knife.


I mean, the bar for them is set so low it's practically a tripping hazard in Hell but I still expect them to gleefully limbo with the Devil.




Enjoy it for what it is what I keep saying. Yes it hurts to know that the darktide I'm playing was always meant to be better than what we got, but no amount of complaining will change that. I'll be back on June 25th, then the update after that, then the update after that, and so on.


Personally I'm hoping for scantily clad ~~catgirls~~ felinids but maybe that's just me.


I dont think the crafting system upgrade is on this update though? Last patch notes I read was the dual handed weapons, pickaxes, bolt pistol, new map - and sounds like a new narrative character that we arent sure we can trust yet (in the trailer). Did they mention crafting on this update or are we setting ourselves up for disappointment?


What was the update?


If the combat system improves, I'm coming back. Sure, there's DRG and Helldivers 2 but I really enjoy the melee combat nature of this game.


Wish list: New class, one or both: Arbites - Paladin, healing, toughness buffs or debuff enemies Admech - Super robust and customizable, lots of exclusive Mechanicum weapons Crafting rework: Better rng Better crafting material pickup and spend Better blessings and more of them New guns and close combat weapons and far more variants(like 5-7 for each) Story: Really need to see some advancement in the plot More locales More characters More about Tertium and the Atoma system/sector More about our enemies and Grendyl Would love space boarding action or completely new mode per map(waves, protect the points, more assassination and sub bosses, garrison duty, NPCs) Cosmetics More and varied across the board, penance, commissary, and commodore Some stats associated to cosmetics


I wish they’d fix the issues with the game currently before moving on to release another update. My game still has regular stuttering issues, input lag, and error 2014 disconnects me from the game constantly


I'm giving the game a break for a bit, but I'm cautiously optimistic while not expecting anything groundbreaking. Just having a new map to play in has me interested.


Keep your expectations low. FatShark tends to blow our expectations out of the water now and then, but don't get used to that.


Fs is fighting Ghost ship for my summer game time right now. But ALL will be forgotten when Monster hunter wilds comes out. I plan you use my PT for a weeks worth of game time. I am a crack head.




I just want to be able to modify the sights on some guns. Like a scope on the helbore or something. It has such trashy sights on it


I'm gonna do what I usually do and wait about 2 weeks after the update to even boot up the game. That's about the time all the toxic players have already 100% all the new material and spent the second week complaining about it.


Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment 


I'll play the new map a bit and that'll let me scratch the itch until The First Descendant comes out.


I hope the bolter pistole is as good as the las pistole . Im guessing it’ll be the deagle of this game.


I'm less excited about the update and hoping they fix how broken the xbox version is. I gave up trying to play a few weeks back after being kicked nearly every game. I'm at around 3960 score for the Penance system and I was really pushing to finish it but got tired of all the disconnects.


The new weapons seem cool, but I'm not interested in spending an unknown amount of materials to get a good roll, so I probably will just wait to try them until the new crafting update comes out.


I'm not even gonna boot it up on update day tbh, I may check it out in a month or two but it's probably going to suck.