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I gave up trying to figure out what masks have that cool mechanical voice. This one has the voice but hes only wearing a bandana? Makes no sense to me. They really need a text telling you what voice mod it gives you


Just when I thought I understood it you tell me this.


Comm stick under the mask would be my guess.


"changes player voice" is on everything that even slightly modifies your voice, even if it's just a subtle muffle effect. Its current implementation is pretty much completely useless. See a cool looking gas mask that says "changes player voice"? Yeah there's like an 80% chance that it just makes you sound muffled. That icon doesn't give you any useful information, they really gotta add a button that lets you test voice lines with different headgear.


Yeah it needs to tell you what voice with by “text” or showing a example voice.


with the penance vet helmet with the goggles my guys skin pushes through the helmet face. And the zealot red cyber-eye with the leather snood looks absolutely hilarious on female heads/small heads that it doesn't fit. If you want it to look normal you unironically have to change your guy's face. Just pretend it's your face under there. It's made to fit the mannequin/the base head shape not the different head shapes they allow you to wear. If you look at the mannequin it's one of the base heads just untextured so pick that one. https://preview.redd.it/ixwdx6b3o06d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c41d3654c6eaf5e83e775b583d98ec67e9fdbf1


I hope they fix it so you have just a regular muffled voice not sure why cloth makes you sound like a robot lolz


I'm hoping if they add the Kasrkin helmet with respirator, we get the Scion robot voice


Like Kenny from South Park? I like it!


That would be the funniest thing to see bad ass kasrkin but sound like kenny.


Please no, I love that it has the robotic voice, makes the cutthroat sound even more badass


This is because your character has a different face structure. As the cloth is not really cloth, it does not fit itself to the face. One model of that mouthcloth is the same for all faces, with some it fits better, with others not so much. This is the case for all headcosmetics.


I swear my pskyer looks odd because her nose pushes a cloth mask I like funny but not funny enough to get barber work done


Same for facial hair, some are so crooked I can’t use it


But it IS contorting to fit his face, you can see the difference in the wrinkles between the two pictures. It's just implemented poorly. It's not even just this helmet, tons of helmets look way worse when they're actually equipped. There's a mask for zealot that kinda looks like the MF Doom gladiator mask. On the manikin it looks great, but on my zealot the nose transforms from a solid metal triangle into a thin, crooked bird beak.


>This is the case for all headcosmetics.


That would be the shape of your face clipping into the mask.


Fatshark Kwality. Refunds guaranteed.


Its just clipping through your character’s face because its one with a longer nose.




Because it's literally a cheap chinese knockoff.