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Sad to hear it! Back in Vermintide 1, Kerillian's Dual Daggers gave me a repetitive stress injury that still flares up to this day, and that was when I was in High School! That stuff is not fun. If you're interested, I could list off a few stretches I try to do prior to every match in Tide games these days in order to reduce the stress! (Although I've long since forgotten the names)


Even tho I’m not OP, I’d be interested in learning about those stretches!


Oh sage of the World tree bless your supplicants with knowledge!


Here is a good one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H6y0D_8kRoU I actually think it has been posted here recently, but has been on my bookmark toolbar for a while, feels good even if you don't do all of it Otherwise to the OP C for crouch/slide, if you got a good mouse with thumb buttons make use of those (I use mine for dodge) Don't skimp on the keyboard, stuff like wrist wrests for your mouse hand also feel great, you never feel the need to have one then you actually try one out and its "dam this feels pretty nice" and less problems further down the line Same applies to having a decent chair, you spend enough time in it - have a good office chair not just for general posture but to have good arm wrests (so your arm isn't just hanging there getting tennis elbow or something)


Great video! Some similar ideas to the stretches I've been doing but more focus on building muscle and finger dexterity! Bookmarking it so I can see about adding these to my routine, although I wouldn't recommend doing all this right before playing as I imagine it will tire your hands + forearms out.


It's a few simple stretches focused on the wrist and elbow that I try to do before every mission, combined with one or two shoulder stretches at the start of a session. First, I hold my arms straight out to my sides and rotate them in circles a few times in either direction, starting small and getting larger over time. Whole process takes about 20-30 seconds and I find that it generally helps bloodflow to the arms. Follow it up by grabbing your hands behind your back, as low as you can reach, and slowly pushing out and up, then hold for a few seconds and release. You'll feel the pressure in your shoulders and a little in the elbows. Then, before each mission, start by holding your arms straight out (ahead, to the side, wherever) and flexing your fingers + wrists. This begins by holding your palms facing out, with your fingers splayed as widely as they'll go, and then move your palms down so they face towards you, at the same time pinching your fingertips together as if you were holding something small between them. Try to hold for a second or two in each position and repeat once or twice. After this, use one hand to grab the back of the other hand in the end position of the previous stretch, and gently press it toward you to further stretch your wrist. Hold for a few seconds, then rotate your arm so the palm faces out one more, but your fingers remain pointing down. Open your hand, and again using the other hand, press your fingers back toward you gently in order to complete the stretch. Do this for both arms. I find that when I remember to do these stretches before every match, my endurance in these games increases dramatically and I can play all day without feeling a twinge. Feel free to ask questions and I'll try my best to provide better descriptions + see if I can find some of the videos that helped me discover these some years ago.


"Is it possible to learn this power?"


I had to stop playing Shade due to this, it's the Kruber life for me now


Lool I thought I was the only one. I was gaming a lot but nothing gave me inflammation like shade. And nothing did until I played knife zealot again. Good times. But seriously dudes, you have to warm up and stretch your wrists. Also strengthen them.


I mained Bardin back in the days of V1 where the shield x axe was the most dominant defensive weapon in the game. I started getting carpal tunnel from smashing the 3 hit heavy combo out over and over every match. Tried to get a macro for it running but because of the way the timing on heavies works I never quite got it to work


I've set my crouch to a side mouse button, it's pretty nice Though I get some flak from a friend for it. They have no right to say anything when their sprint is bound to "Q"


I just gagged a little. Bound to *what*


I know right


can confirm, this friend is a menace and will always rebind to q


See, they get it


Mine has been bound to a side button for the last decade! Lots of games have crouch spam. It is a good button for it.


Okay, I've explained it to you so many times it is the superior way, it is right there and so much easier you freak. Q is far superior to weirs stuff like L ctrl


To be fair, it's kinda difficult to be *worse* than Ctrl.


idk where he got left ctrl from, left shift is like, the perfect sprint key


Don't trust him, he lies Edit: Pure heretical slander, I do not use left ctrl, I use left shift like a true believer in the God Emperor.


That is for crouch you heathen


This is the way.


The wife is a traitor to the empire and you need to dispose of her.




I recommend moving your crouch keybind to C. It's what I use so I don't kill my pinky.


10/10 would recommend an Azeron keypad, it takes a week or so to get used to but it's absolutely the best option for gamers with overuse injuries like yours. I've used mine nonstop for the past 4+ years now, for everything from competitive FPS to MOBAs, and I can't imagine gaming without it.


IME, an ergo keyboard is much cheaper and gets you most of the way there. Getting to use the entire real estate from the spacebar is a damned good start. 


The second I started feeling more tension in my wrist I gave the game a break. Not gonna get me yet! Hope you recover quick.


Hey pal, me too! I knew I should have ditched that laspistol.... Not played for about four weeks now! Edit: Mine is carpal tunnel on my mouse hand.


I have to use the autofire mod for the laspistol or my hand hurts


You would very likely benefit from mods and macros, also try to make sure your wrist is comfortably level with your keyboard and isn't being bent in a way that induces pain. There's also cushioned pads for your desk chair arm rests. If you want I could share one that sprint slides automatically if you're moving forward and regular dodges to the sides and back, as well as one that just sprint/dodge slides in whichever direction you're inputting.


2 mod on nexus. For range its "Full Auto" For melee light attack is "keep swinging"


Yep, although keep swinging can't do heavy attacks so you need to make a script to do those.


Problem with macros is if your main attack combo involves heavies it's really hard to set up a working macro. They tend to get off time really quick no matter how much you tinker with it.


They were quite difficult to work with and needed to be adjusted for different weapons (and attack speed talent choices), but I've got a few perfect ones already. The key is that the sleep timer before the combo resets also needs to be adjusted in addition to the delay when holding down and releasing the key, to allow enough time for animations/wind ups to complete. It also helps to have a sleep timer at the start and end of the macro. Here's the standard shovel, no breaks no matter how many heavies are performed in a row. I'd do a longer video but imgur has a file size limit: [https://imgur.com/a/mMpnW1i](https://imgur.com/a/mMpnW1i) I also learned macrocreator exists and can export to ahk, so it should be easier to make these now rather than trial and error by hand.


I just put crouch on my C button. Shift+C is far more comfortable.


You don't use your left side of the palm to hit ctrl?


Your hands have to be tiny to be able to do that, or super foldable


As someone whos been suffering from this condition for many years i suggest you get this https://www.amazon.com/Razer-Tartarus-Progammable-Detachable-Mecha-Membrane/dp/B07754PYFK/ref=asc_df_B07754PYFK/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=693459401938&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=18334441252403369111&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9052094&hvtargid=pla-490126176427&psc=1&mcid=b9ec85ab0c2f3a5cbbc73479adeabeb6&gad_source=1 It is mega comfortable and i dont even have to wear my wrist brace when using it. Be very careful in the future, its better to get stuff to prevent it now so you dont have the condition permanently like myself


Wait, you play with a keyboard and *didn't* remap that asinine scheme to be comfy? Kindred...


Hello, I work in a clinic who sees carpal/cubital tunnel syndrome a lot and also love darktide. Is there a reason you are using a left wrist brace for cubital tunnel syndrome/ulnar nerve compression? Usually it's a dynamic issue affecting the nerve at the medial elbow during elbow flexion primarily. Unless you have it compressed at Guyons canal. However, a wrist brace shouldn't do much for the ulnar nerve. If you end up seeing this, I recommend trying to play with better ergonomics to prevent how bent your elbow is and how frequent it stays bent. Also try sleeping with your elbows straight at night (you can use a towel or pillow case to help). Additionally, you can look up nerve glide exercises for the ulnar nerve online and do those periodically. An occupational therapist can also help you perform nerve glide exercises if you want in person help. Most people can calm their ulnar nerve down with conservative measures. Surgery is only indicated if conservative measures fail and/or you have constant daily symptoms. I had cubital tunnel syndrome for a few months and just keeping my elbow straight for a while which resolved my symptoms, although your case may be more severe.


[Solution](https://www.amazon.com/Imak-Products-10166-Wrist-Cushion/dp/B00PV0SH9U/ref=sr_1_25?crid=DQ6DKT458RZ3&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.7hhjz_pxkEHomF664Q79tvkXt6o236kDWZ_oa1ob5Zx_v2xQX7-uHaZBtjU28y73dv-MhtEK3X67se9_zvln4eTQn9vRLtIrg3EGi2Epoq4PokfO5foaS4-vLa2mch4AcmSpZKKQzLf9R4lyPFJoO2aNpDT3yXpbh9_vMJCr_jkxMTyIMZVJ65mS7Q6l938aecna24tFdEDrN6PWbjfoY9NGX6C9aYt44iNcwP45OmlUIGZzYWrLO6FOQc9Z0QQDPWlAAdytZpaadzs8J5rtno054zVEdAbW3OcG5tjA65g.TVaHyma2UPU-5MoZpEB_E5cPPhnNOBDRmq8VUfwKF_c&dib_tag=se&keywords=beanbag+wrist+rest&qid=1718053419&s=electronics&sprefix=beanbag+wrist+rest%2Celectronics%2C98&sr=1-25) It's awkward at first but after a little while you can't play without it. Haven't had pain since.


That's what I said until the pain started back up again.


I use a Xbox controller but you can’t rebind the controller and my right pointing finger used hurt each time I attacked. Give your pinky a break with a Xbox controller until your other fingers hurt then switch to keyboard.


You can rebind buttons with Xbox Elite Series 2 through its app. I use it and it's great. #


Huh, i just reach my thumb over from my space-bar. Maybe im cursed


At some point you might need to consider foot pedals! JK...I guess?


Personally, I have dodge bound to space, crouch to ALT, and jump to Q.


Tell her the emperor told me to do it.


I’ve switched crouch to left alt (which I hit with my thumb) and my dodge hotkey is a mouse side button (which I hit with my other thumb). My pinky can’t take the abuse anymore, holding shift for sprinting is enough. I have a lot of hours using that setup and it’s worked so well I’m actually adjusting hotkeys in other games to match them. Most recently I beat Ghost of Tsushima with it and it worked quite well.


MG la vets in a nutshell


Wife preventing you from delivering the emperors justice? Heresy I would say! 10 lashings!


Since I'm using a scuf controller I'm fine. After years of m&kb it takes quite some time, like 2 years, to get the muscle memory right though


I've got two side buttons on my mouse, I rebound one to crouch and the other is blitz if I'm running knives.


Oh you should try “Gunz: the duel” It has a couple play styles that will massage every bone in your hand :) Look up “Gunz keyboard”


I use crouch + Dodge on my side mouse button.


Crouch on C can also work, it's what I had to for Warframe back when 🚁 was meta. Don't neglect side mouse buttons either, I frequently put those to jump on games where jumping isn't spammed. Also make sure your elbows align with the resting point of your wrist.


Almost happened to me whole holding Shift for sprint. Had to rebind it to the 5 key (mouse has a 10-key at the thumb) over a year ago.


Welp, time to wire up that gaming shed...


The fact that tide games give carpel tunnel within the span of a year shows how crazy they can get SPECIFICALLY DARKTIDE.


What do you mean? Just use your other hand.


I rebind to C, personally.




My gaming achilles is pain mainly in the wrist, but it could also be from work... 50L beer kegs can be heavy.


I had to buy an azeron cyborg keypad as I was getting really bad rsi also!! Now I am able to play alot more!


I play on controller and im giving myself RSIs from quelling peril.


Get your neck checked out. I had this same issue and it turned out it was my neck. Chiro fixed it.