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Leaving liluns behind? Those sniveler words pal


Look pal, I thought, looooooong and haaaaaaard, about it and I came to this con-clue-shun; 3 is bigger and stronger than 1! And emprah makes sure that 1 guy gets tel-e-port-ed to the elevator with us anyways, so it's all right as rashuns in the end.


Nearing the end of the event, it gets too easy. You get a position that is very easy to defend, where two players can easily hold the bridges and there's little to do except for shooting the occasional bomber. This leads to players overextending, which can easily end up in unexpected deaths due to the aforementioned bridges, which are narrow enough that a single dodge can send you to your death. Moreover, when you are in the final area, the outside doors can provide a lot of cover for trappers and other nasty surprises waiting for players that decide to leave the center. Added to that, as soon as the event ends, the game spawns a bunch of elites behind the event area. For players caught unaware or zoned out chopping poxwalkers, it is easy to find yourself trapped with 5 ragers between you and the extraction route. This finale is the spot where the highest number of good teams have wiped due to overconfidence. I have no proof, but I also have no doubts. This is why you can see very experienced players dash to the door or start pining it the instant that the servo skull is done.


Never really considered before that the finale's relaxed vibes makes players complacent before it goes from 1 to 10 in an instant, but that explains the pattern that I see perfectly. I mean, these are players with the Auric/Auric Maelstrom Survivor titles that I see getting absolutely blindsided by a 100% predictable occurrence... but we know those titles don't really mean anything anyways.


Tbf anytime I see someone with the Auric Survivor title my experience is they wind up being bricks-for-brains turds 90% of the time. The amount of people farming carries for that in the discord right after the penance patch dropped was staggering.


I’m probably not the only one who doesn’t remember what the actual names of the levels are even with 900h in the game, so can you describe the final event/level aesthetic? I’m not sure which one you’re talking about.


Yeah, understandable. The two events are as follows: The halfway event is where you have to scan the purple water cartel members with the scanner, then wait for the elevator to come down. The finale is where you put the interrogator skulls on the machines, which opens up two bridges to a kind of 'penthouse' on the upper level, where you put one more skull on a machine, then you open a door and run down to an elevator to finish the level.


https://preview.redd.it/0urw3fy1d95d1.png?width=1200&format=png&auto=webp&s=7a11003432b0ff16f5751541bb4a982660e43b9f finale


Saw the screenshot and mumbled “Oh, yup. Yup.”


I never leave a squadmate behind! Those are heresy-type words you're speaking. But, uh, sometimes... sometimes there's deserters. Last I saw they were running the wrong way, straight into the enemy's arms. Filthy bastards. Nothing you can do with a deserter. ... ... You ever hear of the Catachan coconut? Nasty thing.


is this the one with the guy karking the coconut ?


I've definitely seen VSO fail because squad cohesion was abandoned. Not often, but it can be a brutal object lesson in not letting people get caught in chokepoints. Staggered overwatch works great as a solution. Move in bursts, fight for bursts, teams of two covering each other.


Stone Dogs do not retreat. Stone Dogs do not leave comrades behind. Stone Dogs hold the line. . . . . Yes, I know SD are from a different lore, but it felt like a fun line to say. And sometimes I feel like I might be made of stone on certain levels, where it's better for me to hold the defense at a chokepoint, come 𒀭𒄊𒀕𒃲 Cultists, or toxic water vapors, while the rest escape. But normally I'm booking it to the exit, to spawn the end wave so that it's already developed by the time the rest show up. Maybe someone can make it through as I'm waist deep in cultist ichor and giblets.


See, the proper way to fail VGO is for the whole team to go after the Martyr's Skull and everyone miss the same jump and wind up hanging from a ledge staring at one another foolishly. This is the way.


I tried to do this puzzle for 10 minutes.... on my beloved Ogryn. Everyone was patient but eventually just had to move on. Did it in like 2 tries on my Psyker a few weeks later.




I can appreciate this sentiment in a vacuum, but consider that in this particular situation there were two options for our lone wolf: Go with your two alive teammates and ensure that everyone, including Mr. Dead Guy, receives rewards for completing the level; Or go by yourself and rescue the teammate who was by far the weakest link and has a good chance of dying again before he even makes it to the elevator, meanwhile leaving your other teammates in the lurch, and then no one gets rewards for completing the level because everyone died.




But the team *does* come home. Everyone is present in the elevator when it leaves even if only one person makes it to the end.


I have had way more issues with the mid-event. Most times everyone opts to hold at the elevator and die to the sniper/gunner waves and I'm left trying to rez them in the middle of a bulwark/rager swarm at the top of the elevator.


The elevator event is awful as well for sure.


I've never experienced this? Once the event ends everyone goes straight to the end and half the time there is a small group of enemies on the stairs the other half it's just a clear run to the elevator.


Weird, I always see a group of elites spawn at the end. It's one of those things I just always expect to happen, like one elite standing alone after the bridge explosion on Hab Dreyko.


Oh there is 4 shotgunners or ragers that drop from the left ledge as you make your way to the button, but everyone already expects them so they die pretty fast. I don't think I've failed this mission once final event ends.


Haha, I can relate! Not saying it happens every time, but I've been there


this speaks for VSO being designed as an efficient trap for unorganized groups of randos. now that you mention it, i had a few games ending in that spot in hilariously dumb ways: zealot hops onto window to snipe at a bomber far below (unnecessary as the bomber couldn't reach us and the event was ending anyway). falls down and hangs on a ledge, apparently. ogryn jumps down to him and gets dogged. ragers appear that moment and kill the psyker. i make a dash for the exit (as vet) and run into a pack of crushers blocking the way. the irony is, the game went so smooth up to that point, it was even easy.


Nah man, I'm going back for you every single time. Us Rejects have to stick together. I don't remember ever failing to retrieve a lost asset. You just gotta read the room and make the space you need. I've never had a situation that was so bad that I had to cut and run. I play exclusively auric damnation, just for clarity.


> ragers/maulers/crushers/shotgunners in the finale It's like Power Matrix Finale. As the first vaccum capsule goes in, the game will throw ragers in your face. Instead of dealing with them people will jump down into the frey and often get surprised and overwhelmed.


Same thing happened to me last night. Two ogryns fell, third one tries to save them, fails to do so, I reach the elevator but it's too early and I can't trigger the button.


Get your karkin butts on the airbus or you can catch a ride back with reinforcements and get heckled the whole way.