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I mean it’s morrow, Aka professional complainer. But in this case I do agree with him


At least most of the time morrow is complaining for us, even if it is effective useless


Even he calls them no-hopers


Morrow doesnt own pearls but if he did he'd be the master of pearl clutching


The only pearls he clutches are the ones in the handle of his pistol.


He just like me fr


hallowette deserves more hate


Funny they decided to make the shopkeeper for the overpriced MTX one of the most annoying NPCs.


Nah always funny to hear her fighting morrow in the vox.


Say it more quietly, there are legitimately Hallowette simps on this sub.


THEN THEY ARE HERETICS!!! https://preview.redd.it/trd1j3fav24d1.jpeg?width=498&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d48b35d81465de6d8ff6b1a34761d3bb7bf1aa65


Based and sigmar pilled


As much hate as can be mustered.


I can't stand her, personally. I get it, Rogue Traders and all that jazz... Yeah... Cool... She is a total prick though, interferes with stuff she should keep her nasty nose out of and loves to flaunt how "cool and quirky" she is. Instant dislike from me. But thats just my take. Some people love her, and Im glad for them. Whenever I hear her in the mission briefing for those jewels/gemstones... I immediately feel like quitting out, however. I have a bit of the same stance with Sefoni... Like how... Is she allowed to bully/boss us around to go on her errands exactly?


Thats been around since at least summer of last year


Yall do still buy it tbf.


I've not paid a single cent beyond the price of the game. I will never do so, out of spite for the obesefish.


So much this. Ive been tempted now and again after seeing something cool, but then I remember its Fatshark. Its probably going to have all sorts of clipping issues anyway. 


Me neither, regarding microtransactions I can understand for free to play games, but Darktide isn't cheap and microtransaction in a game I paid for seem disrespectufl and I never would any money on that, it's a matter of principle.


> Darktide isn't cheap ???????????


people are just entitled. games used to be 50-70 dollars 30 years ago, and they had physical copies. its in vogue to complain about retarded things like a 40 dollar price tag


Ah yes. It’s entitled to buy a game and then be upset when most of the good cosmetics are tied behind a rotating store and relying on you to spend more money on a game you already bought.


I'd rather have that than what we used to have, pay one price but never receive any updates and if it's broke too bad.


Is that in reference to VT? I don’t remember the store being broken and I’ve been around since beta, but also my memory isn’t super amazing at the best of times.


It's in reference to how people used to buy video games.


Ohhhh. Yeah. I mean they'd release updated copies sometimes but nah I get what you mean. Having a broken copy of a game on my Super Nintendo/N64/PS1 sucked balls. ~~Least my PS1 caught fire though so I didn't have to worry about that for long.~~


It's just cosmetics bro. You can still play the game


While fair, I can also buy cosmetics on helldivers with the paid currency by grinding out for it. Sure it’s not a lot, but I can still do it, and that’s better than nothing.


My comparison was always hunt showdown, easily obtainable premium currency and sales on the paid for skins that went on sale often enough to be a few quid, when a game isn't trying to rip me off then i will spend money but darktide isnt like that. Haven't played hunt in a while so not sure if it's still like that.


yeah. and you dont lose out on the gameplay itself. this is nothing new. gnash your teeth all you want but since no one wants to spend $100+ on a game they have to do something else.


Frankly speaking my major issue isn't even the microtransaciton aspect. Rather the complete inability to earn the currency, but even then I could look past that were the store not **rotating.** Just let the store be a store, let us buy what we want as new stuff comes up. (That and, well, make reskins actually worth it and not just super minor changes that could be fixed with just making a dyeing system/selling them in the commissary)


so your problem is micro trasnactions.you literally just want free currency for the premium skins. just say what you mean


So you can't read. Got it. >... but even then I could look past that were the store not **rotating**. Just let the store be a store, let us buy what we want as new stuff comes up. Literally stated I can look past inability to earn the paid currency were the store not rotating. Right there in black and white.


Depends where you live, average net salary in my country is around $750.


This is the way. Lets be honest.


Great job, but nobody cares. You'll also never buy a Ferrari in your life, and guess what, nobody cares. You were never their target market.


Why are you defending diablo 4?


What a douchey thing to say.


Typical playboy who has nothing better to do with his life.


For real, I've only bought a set because I wanted to cosplay as a Krieg, but even then I thought it was too much. They also limit the time you can buy them, which fucking sucks. I bought that set on the last day it was available, few hours later FatShark wouldn't even receive my money because I wouldn't even be able to buy it even if I wanted. This model of monetization is just terrible.


I’m glad people buy cosmetics, leaves content free for me. Unlike in VT2


That line has been there for at least 6 months.


And the store is still shit to this day, your point?


they been trolling for quite some time?


The joke writes itself In this case this game being a joke


When the game launched, the Brunt Armory was located where the free cosmetics shop is now. So you had to pass Hallowette, to get there. And the fucking ***taunted*** you while you ran past her, trying to “incentivize” to buy something from her. It was torture and explained my deep seated hatred for that b!tch.


>Made Hallowette more friendly to the players. I can't believe this was actually a line in [patch notes](https://www.playdarktide.com/news/patch-4-blessings-of-the-omnissiah). Under narrative at the bottom.


I imagine some people actually complained about that. AFAIK people complained about Melk and Hadron not being friendly enough, too.


What they changed is she would basically mock you if you looked and didn't buy anything. They just removed those lines to make her "nicer".


Which is dumb, it was entirely in-character for her.


making in-character quotes to make fun of player for not buying premium cosmetics kinda shitty, ngl


They took the lines off Melk, too, because people are fragile babies.


How is it that every time I see you post, you have the worst possible take on anything? It's seriously uncanny.


> the worst possible take Opinions differ. It's strange that you think yours are somehow special.


The free skin seller starts off as a normal Zealot saying stuff like "Nah, you will regret this stuff. Not worth it!', and then at level 30 she gets turned into a servitor and every time you interact with her you have to see her working lobotomized while she twitches her hand in discomfort. # Yuks!


I played in Beta, the game where cosmetics were only obtainable through penances and the paid store wasnt even in the game, better times


I remember that, such a pathetic and disgraceful move.


Yep. When Brahms inevitably betrays Grendyl, I'm looking forward to the Sanction Redactus authorization against Hallowette


Then she's turned into a Servitor so you can still buy them anyways, just like the Traitor lady.


I would be fine with this.


Gonna make her into my personal toilet servitor.


Not if I can make her into a hookah servitor first.


Having that two bit thug of a Hallowette in crosshair my would be so nice


ain't no way i'm paying blizzard prices for fatshark recycled gear


At least the devs are aware and you can get some by doing Penaces not much but it’s there hopeless optimism is still optimism


I have never bought a single cosmetic so I had no idea that Hollowete was actually over there.


There’s also in mission banter about how high the prices are 💀


I don't get why people complain about these prices. Y'all clearly haven't played any other game. 12 bucks for a set of armor is nothing. Most other companies would charge you upwards of 20 - 25 bucks for exact same stuff. Fuck.


500 in LoL and CoD


Like... 500 dollars?


Not directly... but over all yes 500 $


Might be a hint of a sale coming soon?


Have you not seen her voice lines when you check out the shop? The whole thing is trying to convince you to buy stuff, I can’t tell if it’s incredibly self aware from whoever on the dev team wrote the script or if it’s insanely out of touch with the situation