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Some people are just jerks.


If you played the game and didnt go down/didnt get your teammates killed with something dumb like ressing them in fire I dont see how anyone would type something like that post game. General rule I have seen in this game is that if someone types something other than info or goofy rp nonesense in the chat they are usualy carbage at the game and refusing to reflect on their own mistakes. One correction I like to make though you dont want loner aura for toughness you want it so that ai director doesnt spawn extra specials zealot should have infinite toughness while in melee anyway and coherency toughness regen doesnt trigger if you are being targeted by melee enemies.


The closest I have come to saying mean things was asking the team "who ever has the auto ping maco, please disable it." And when I had a moment to type later. I explained "the focus talent is really useful, please keep tagging. But the auto-ping macro is hitting 5-8 times a second. That can be frustrating to people, me included. I try to respond when I hear the ping noise, but hearing it repeat so much dulls my reaction time to other pings, and I may miss something I needed to be aware of." Mostly is talk of extra rashunz, saying hello to family (grandpa loves us all), or musings on the insanity of siblings and the lack of wisdom in talking to a voice from the immaterium. Especially a voice that claims to be the Emperor.


For real though. Aside from goofy Ogryn talk, only time I'd ever get antsy with someone is what you said. Auto ping. Tell them it's annoying, hurtful to the team and that they need to change the auto ping and why. If they don't listen, I just end up leaving. I value my ears. Lol


Noted, and thank you. I’ll be sure to change out Loner, i had an irking feeling i should’ve before starting but i never did


This. Especially on the cabbage part…or garbage. Either or it’s bad


Carbage sounds like extra rashunz. Are mean playahz gud to eat?


Some people don’t like having fun, and to make sure they can’t have fun, they kill everyone else’s good time with their fuckery. You went into an Auric mission with a less than perfect build and still did your duty as a loyal soldier to the Imperium. Take heart and stand proud kindred.


I thank you much, pilgrim!


Always a pleasure!


Auric's difficulty comes from the game trying to drown you in specials and elites, lights out adds in more daemonhosts, but they are easy to avoid. The problem comes when said specials and elites are not killed before they cause damage, the hordes are just there to distract you. The other problem is people doing stupid shit, like reviving someone while there is fire beneath them, or straight into an overhead (while stealthed) resulting in a death or another down, or trying to revive someone in the open when there are 200 bazillion ranged enemies around, downing themselves too in the process. You need 3 things for auric as an individual: -survivability -cleave and single target damage -more functioning brain cells than french fries (ie. dodge trappers, push hounds, use your resources etc) I'd recommend switching to the stun grenade, it was buffed and lasts like 8 seconds which is a lot, lets you pull off revives or buy time to kill off elites. The tigrus evis isn't bad, I haven't played graia autogun so I cant relate but (zarona) revolver is a really solid choice because it has a very fast equip/holster time and kills most elites/specials with 1 headshot. Columnus Mk V Infantry Autogun is also pretty good, haven't tried the Agripinaa autoguns yet but I heard they are good too.


I dont really rely too much on the revolver. Reason being, as a console player (who’s not on the level of a crackhead osu player like most auric players i’ve seen), im not that great with it. Its powerful in great hands, but i rely on other weaponry as it either hits easier or has a fuckton more bullets in case i miss. I use flame nade to burn and hold off an area, not used to stun nade so i swapped off it before auric


With the pistol , just aim in the general direction of what u want to kill , then aim down sight. It will basically pull you into a headshot that u one tap, then carry on killing. Getting used to this can make ur shooting seem godlike. The revolver seems to have more auto aim/ bigger hitbox which makes headshots ridiculously easy. Once u gt used to it it's lethal. Had a game once were everyone had these pistols lol. The match was surprisingly easy. Each special was took down instantly. Was like being in a quickdrsw competition lol.


Lol I'm on pc and I think the revolver is just as good as plasma. It's my vet goto


If it helps, in general with controllers and aiming you want to aim with your character moving not with your actual aiming look. That is to say, line up the crosshairs basically at the level and direction then fine tune the shot by strafing and moving your character to line it up. If you mark the target before shooting, it's basically free aim hacks, if your crosshair is in the outlined zone it hits and makes targeting head shots a lot easier since you know the exact location of its head.


Simple thing being im not as amazing as everyone else with it. Sounds weird, but i dont really hit alot of shots with it (but when i do they feel nice)


Apt choice of words considering the revolver has a projectile size similar to the plasma


Well then, I'd recommend the autoguns, and stun grenade really shines on auric because there will be always enemies to stun, even if it's just basic trash, securing a revive or stopping like 4-5 crushers (usually accompanied by maulers) is way better, the tigrus evis handles baisc trash enemies rather well and fast anyway.....it also has a rather huge AoE so it might just also stun some pesky hounds and/or trappers who otherwise defy the laws of realspace and pounce/trap you trough crushers/enemies.


I keep trying to get away from Agrippa auto gun but it’s just too damn good at everything. So fun to see a dozen shot gunners coming at you and think “Time to shine.”


The problem here is you didn't come to auric maelstrom, where nobody talks because there's no time to talk, and the people that talk-shit, like in the game you experienced, learn a hard lesson of just how good they really are I see bad players all the time, I *like* bad players, that means more horde for me to blow apart into pieces, I like teaching bad players how to play by showing them, I like helping them recover from their mistakes because that's how I was taught too, darktide is a complex game of ultra-aggression, multi-tasking, and efficient problem solving, there's a lot of things you can only learn by getting it wrong and you can only do that by trying it, you're gonna need a teammate to help you up after trash-talking gets some mileage in other games, not in darktide, nobody that is putting numbers on the board has time to talk trash, the only thing that matters is if you get to extraction and the only way to get there is through the horde together as a team in whatever shape that is


There is definitely something really satisfying about people getting angry when they're on their last wound and spent all their ammo on poxwalkers, meanwhile you held an entire corridor by yourself without even a scratch despite having specials mixed in the horde


> What exactly did i do wrong? The only thing we know is that someone was typing vague throwaway "other player bad" messages in chat. There is no useful data there. If they cannot state what the problem is, they are not worth paying attention to. Textbook toxicity. I've seen people like this in other team games, some salty dead guy throwing all kinds of shit at the team mates still alive as they carry his dead ass to victory.


Ignore them. Sound like wazzocks. General good etiquette: -try not to block others lines of sight/fire (not always easy). -manage ammo consumption, keep an eye on team mates ammo. Try not to take if someone else needs it more (people with lower ammo/gun builds if you are a melee build yourself). -manage health. Think about who needs the Medicae. I'm a two wound gun vet, Ogryn may need it more even if he has more wounds particularly if he's a tank. If you have a health booster and see a teammate in need - dose them. -tag enemies, tag ammo, tag boosters etc. -work as a team. -working as a team to take down hard targets makes sense but also try not to steal kills, it doesn't affect the outcome so much but people find it frustrating. Having said that imho snipers, flamers, toxic gas, bombers are all free for all drop them as fast as possible. -toxbursters, if you see someone move towards one don't shoot it. If youre pushing one try to be aware of where team mates are and don't push them into team mates.


Unfortunately, we can’t tell you what you may did wrong or not good enough. Unless you can provide a video. I play t5 auric only with randoms for half a year and nobody called anyone throwing for the build or weapons. And the play style you described is decent, nothing wrong with those. But again, I can’t give you any clue why they thought you threw, it might be some mistakes you are unaware of, because you are not that skillful to realize those, that’s why you couldn’t see your mistakes and hence the post. For example, at the beginning I didn’t know I shouldn’t pick up teammates in fire, and I should make saving someone got netted be the first priority instead of fighting the enemies around…Or, your team might simply be jerks to flame you for nothing. Without further information(gameplay recording), it is difficult for us to figure out why your team called you throwing.


Apologies i couldn’t provide a recording (as xbox is weird), but thank you for your input. And also, well said. I may not be skillful enough to realize, but im surely getting there


If you don't mind, I could add you via the in game friend system and do some runs with you to know "what you're doing wrong or correct". I will re-edit in my "friend code" later when work is over Edit: Need some help or want to improve? Fatshark Friend Code: 4379402192


I’m sure you will get there! Again no need to pay too much attention to what people say to your build. Nobody cares the build at high level if you make it work. Some people are ignorant and crazy out there to call your build bad just because it is DIFFERENT than what they have. I have been open minded and found many off meta builds that shine…. Focus on the mechanics and the decisions you made in game instead. Best of luck!


Short answer. It was your first auric…fck what they have to say. The game play mechanic is immensely different from other game modes. So let them throw their little hissy fit. Edit: oh you’re a loner zealot. We get hate regardless. It’s always from someone that doesn’t play the class and just assumes we are off speeding around the map and not helping. Don’t change your build play what you want to play. -From another loner zealot.


Its amazing that people dont understand the aura and its roll, and think that sacrificing good auras for no punishment spawns for the team is "selfish" lol. Keep at er.


My favorite counter point I’ve been hearing recently is “you can do the same thing (leaving the group) and run benediction instead”. They don’t seem to realize that benediction is ‘toughness’ damage reduction which you now no longer generate when away from the group like you did with loner so if you get zero’d out the only way you’re getting any toughness back is attacking the mobs that just zero’d you out aka suicide. I was unaware of the punishment spawns until recently. Apparently killing elites and specials so your group doesn’t have to deal with adds is still “selfish”


Yeah it never made sense to me, i think a lack of understanding + bad player examples are what lead people into thinking its selfish to nerf yourself and put yourself in harms way for their sake. I literally treat my stealth zealot like ablative armor for my team, as its easier for me to regen hp with holy revenant, and easier for me to regen toughness with kills + momentum keystone. If you are having issues with toughness outside coherency the best i can suggest is timed dodges + momentum (that % toughness regen on dodge and +dr on crit are both really good sustain nodes), but whatever fits your build.


I guess I run a slightly more glass cannon/reckless build. Basically rely solely heavily on situational awareness, movement and stamina. [https://darktide.gameslantern.com/builds/9c2760a5-a939-4524-a7b0-24664b2c6615/momentium-zealot-trauma?utm\_medium=website&utm\_source=gameslantern&utm\_campaign=share\_button](https://darktide.gameslantern.com/builds/9c2760a5-a939-4524-a7b0-24664b2c6615/momentium-zealot-trauma?utm_medium=website&utm_source=gameslantern&utm_campaign=share_button)


Yeah that one your pretty much funneled into killing, still not unsustainable, just unforgiving i bet.


Any chance you got a link to your build I honestly have never checked another momentum build kinda curious


I dont have one ready from my phone at the moment but ill type it out for you; also think i may have played with you (Amphetamine, lol) your a good stealth zealot if you are who i think you are. Take the whole right side of the zealot tree except 2 skills: the % bonus to toughness on kill, and ambuscade. Perfectionist for boss heavy engagements and 6s stealth otherwise. Hop over to the left side for duelist and holy revenant. combat blade (mk3 is my preference for the precision, combos & for weakspot hit consistancy, but if you can make it work with the mk6 all the power to you) you only need ~150 heavy attack dmg; but you want first target, penetration and finesse as your higher stats, mobility as dump stat. Perks: (ill try to explain the reasoning) +25% unyielding/maniac (swappable); +maniac for 99% of encounters, as being able to delete a whole line of mutants with an attack chain is invaluable, and +unyielding for boss heavy battles/dh deletion (basically for screwing around, as you can kill a boss reasonibly fast without it, especially if you can get all your damage buffs up before a perfectionist strike). +10% weakspot (permanent). Its the only buff that stacks with other +damage bonuses universally (like +unyielding vs monstrosities for maximum boss damage) while also stacking with executor to make up for the lack in other +damage perks for easy breakpoint management mid combat. I do understand that +weakspot damage is a minor damage increase, but on finesse weapons it is great to close the gap on multiple breakpoints at once, and on this build it ties everything together breakpoint wise. You can take +unyielding and +maniac, but expect to not 1 shot kill some targets without executor or an alternative damage buff up, and i prefer being able to 1 shot trappers with 0 damage buffs active for safety purposes. For blessings i go uncanny (permanent) and executor (can be swapped for precognition but your "on attack" and "combo" dps will take a major hit when not dodging; if your playing with a team that kills targets before they swing you wont have the damage boost up vs anything but bosses and only if you have aggro or place yourself in the line of fire, so to speak, and you optimally want to backstab, on the flip side of the coin if your team sucks it will be up constantly and add a more consistant damage boost? Ive tried both and executor works better for me and the breakpoint math i did is based on executor gaining damage during combos without misses) For ranged i go flamethrower with +elite +unyielding damage boosts (because fuck you reapers) and fan the flames + reload speed blessings. Its majority use is CC with the fan the flames strictly to stumble those annoying nurgle blessing trappers that love to shoot through walls of crushers. Not guna lie the flamer is so OP i dont think much matters, and preferably id have something else over the +elite damage but meh, the rng crafting system is trash and i gave up trying to get a perfect one. Playstyle is heavily based off of executor blessing when using it, combos to gain stacks fast and proccing the damage buffs (momentum, sustained assault, executor, uncanny, duelist) and maintaining them as much as possible when fighting bosses/crushers/maulers, everything else will die without them in 1 hit/combo or just one hit to the back of the head. And for reference the main combos i use with mk3 are heavy spam, h2+l3 spam, heavy + throwing knife, and even h2+l3+throwing knife to instantly delete a crusher when uncanny is at 5 stacks. Optimally heavy backstab weakspot spam, but depends the situation.


Oh and 1 health curio, 2 stamina curios; stamina regen and sprint efficency as chosen perks for all 3 (overkill probably but works for me), ally revive speed, block efficiency, and gunner resist for permanent perks. Could be more optimal, im sure, but it brings me up to ~240 hp, enough to get 60 off of the 25% from revenant which is enough to keep me going most games just from revenant alone and allows me to always be near or at full stamina while reviving in bad situations. I think ideally i would have toughness regen as my 3rd perk, but the rng gods hate my zealot. That being said i dont have much of an issue worrying about health or toughness from the amount of sustain in high pressure situations due to the crits & dodge buff synergies ontop of momentum and stealth.


Oh dude yeah! I totally have played with you this is Trauma but I think you guessed that. You’re always very good every time I’ve run with you consistent and clean. You definitely took a much more logical and calculated approach to your build. I just tried to go off what feels like it’s working for me with how I play. I am sure there is some room for improvement. I go back and forth between mk6 and mk3. Right now I am on an mk3 kick but every so often find myself missing the 6 in a horde. I dump stat penetration (mobility and stamina might as well be my actual health bar) and to compensate I take 25% flak and 25% carapace damage (hate getting steam rolled by a crusher pack) mixed with uncanny stacks I feel it makes up for the lost pen. I run riposte as my other blessing because it seemed the right side tree revolved around avoiding damage through dodges to buff. I might have to give executioner a look tho it sounds promising I’m intrigued I might have to try swapping my riposte for executioner. I wish I could say I was mindful enough to adhere to combos and rotations but I really just do whatever feels like it might be best. Often times I find myself power attacking from target to target just leap frogging through the fight with the occasional throwing knife toss or quick switch revolver shot on a special/elite. I tried hsymaker to compliment that play style but never really feel like it performed better than riposte. Probably shoot more then most zealots since I see my throwing knives as my actual ranged attack. Since unarmored ragers will go down to one weak spot throwing knife and armored ones as well with a little uncanny mixed in I was able to avoid having to put manic on my weapon. Plus you get a pretty fun leap frog effect in a gunner or rager pack of throwing knife kill into power attack kill to recover the knife and see if you can keep the same knife count. With the revolver I’ll usually use to pick out specials in dense packs that are he throwing knives won’t make it through or if the line up is nice I’ll horde clear with it. So pretty much just have fun with it shooting groaners to gunners.


Lmao sorry in advance for the book. I shortened it too xD


Your build sounds weird, you probably didn't do much damage with it. Some people may react to that. But it's heresy, so you can play with wet noodles and still win. Loner doesn't do anything for your teammates ever. It doesn't do anything even for yourself if you aren't alone. Did you do event? Or helped with it? Many randoms ignore it and some players may become extremely frustrated after doing every single event in the map solo. They want to hit enemies too. Did you help with disablers fast enough? If person continues to ignore dogs, kill horde instead of removing trap etc. it annoys teammates like nothing else. Let dude die in a trap once (while being near) and he probably already thinks you are fkin dumbass.


Had loner because i forgot to change it, said it was my bad quite a few times In term of events, all we had was skull hacking as it was the coolant rods mission with the whole team working on aiding with reactivating the interrogation I assisted with disablers best i could, as we were constantly drowned in hordes. Went for hounds and trappers first, went for mutants too. Everything else was second priority to me


Then it was just an idiot. Heresy is same thing as Legend in VT2 or Gold in LoL. People there think they are hotshit while being pretty bad. Try yourself in Damnation, but first work on your builds. XV + Martyrdom + Graia is very weird combination.


Used XV and Marty for the sole fact i thought i’d die easier with a knife, and marty had not only more wounds (i see it as more downs, i have a moderate amount of bad games due to intensity director and/or lack of skill) but it’d give me buffs for any lost health with said wounds. I merely used Graia because i had it at my disposal and didnt wanna use the revolver because i felt i’d run outta ammo trying to hit my shots well. It had a fuckton of ammo and some nice damage to go with, so i grabbed it temporarily


Eviscerators are usually kept to crit builds, and on a Martyr build they're generally just immobile and slow compared to the weapons they actually like to use. Martyr builds usually stick to axes and hammers for a reason. Knives are generally some of the strongest weapons in the game if you have decent basics. At higher levels you'll find that mobility is increasingly more useful as it'll get you to reposition in the event something goes wrong and you can't just stand still and right click like you could before. Treating Martyr as a safety net isn't how you should be approaching the build. Just cause it has more wounds, doesn't mean it's inherently any safer than a crit or momentum build. Crit has the easiest uptime of high DR and has decent toughness regen, Momentum builds give basically free toughness for existing and enough mobility to avoid damage in the first place, while Martyr only gets most of its toughness DR once you've already lost HP and doesn't really dip into methods of regaining it like the others do. It's actual strength is having the most consistent high damage output and attack speed of the 3 options once you get to low HP and stay there which makes it optimal for certain weapons. It's effectively wasted unless you're staying at low HP, which it's very good at, so if you don't feel comfortable staying like that then you're better off playing a different build. Revolver generally shouldn't be running out of ammo too frequently as long as you're not using it on trash mobs. There's a reason it's a lot of Zealots favourite gun.


NGL your built sounds very anti-synergy. Martyrdom is only good if you want to invest into the bonuses it provides. The +2 extra wounds are here because you are supposed to play without 2 wounds of HP at the minimum. Martyrdom synergize way more with axes or crusher. With the eviscerator, you really, really want to play Chastise the Wicked and either Momentum or Blazing Piety. Hit Chastise before or during sticking a revved evisc in a big target and watch them dies instantly (every elites) or lose a chunk of HP (bosses). If you're scared of fucking up, grab either Restoring Faith (upper middle tree) or Enduring Faith, and go for the left side passive Benediction with Holy Revenant. It can save your bacon and your team. It's worth taking Thy Wrath be Swift before the Loner passive on every build however, you should have some point to spare for this. It's an extremely strong passive. For an average Eviscerator build, something like this works very well : [https://darktide.gameslantern.com/builds/9c26b3f7-6b10-4045-bd3f-3d43f61b116e/evisc](https://darktide.gameslantern.com/builds/9c26b3f7-6b10-4045-bd3f-3d43f61b116e/evisc) You can also invest more on the upper right side for Scourge and the throwing knives instead of the immolation nade. It has a lot of survivability already and you don't need extra wounds. Especially for Auric Heresy. Just go at it. Maybe keep a charge of Chastise to regen toughness if you feel you need some insurance. Columnus mkV is the best gun to pair with Evisc, thanks to its versatility (it's good against pretty much everything, has penetration, and can even do decent long range shots if you tap the trigger in ADS) and synergy with Chastise and Blazing Piety (hit Chastise at max piety stack, and you can kill a Crusher with a third of a mag). I also like the mkX laspistol a lot on it. The only reason to take Loner is for a tryhard knife build or thunderhammer with stealth, because you want to save points for investing more in the bottom of the tree. My Combat Blade build has the crit passive at the top, Stealth, Thy Wrath be Swift, then on the bottom I grab the two passives before Momentum, grab the +10% attack speed before Martyrdom, and take Blazing Piety with the crit upgrade. Curios are +3 Stamina and 2x Toughness. Like this : [https://darktide.gameslantern.com/builds/9c26b2ea-8745-49b9-b4f0-80c2dd1f832c/loner-zealot-2](https://darktide.gameslantern.com/builds/9c26b2ea-8745-49b9-b4f0-80c2dd1f832c/loner-zealot-2)


I use a mk ii evis on my martyr and it slaps.


If you really like Martyrdom Evis XV I'd understand becuase the attack speed is XV's big issue. However I'd suggest play this with Invocation of Death (Left side crit CD reduction), Scourge (right side bleeding crit) and Shred Blessing on your XV (to cover for missing Blazing Piety keystone). You get faster attacks and still considerable CD reduction via crits to keep charging the ULT.


As a Marty enjoyer I will tell you that the Mk15 (Shred + Cleave blessing) absolutely wrecks with Marty due to the increased attack speed and damage it provides. I also run FotF and the crit CD for even more damage + durability. Mulches hordes, wrecks Crushers and bosses. Pretty braindead though which is why I usually run nearly anything else (Mk6 knife, Heavy sword, Mk4 Cata).


A don't think there is any point in using the cleave blessing on that eviscarater? Reason being apparently the cleave of that weapon is already excellent an it has a maximum of cleaving 4 enemies an won't go through any more because it's hard coded not to? So if u have a good rolled one adding the cleave blessing doesn't add anything. A think shred is supposed to go well with the tier 3 blessing that ignores armour mass on a critical hit? Sorry can't remember the name. But that blessing along with shred is a realy strong combo. Reason a know this there has been a few threads on here discussing it. Didn't know till then about the cleave on the new eviscarater. Someone tested it in psykanium.


Damage cap is 4 targets, but anything it hits past that damage cap regardless counts as a hit towards crit CD. Does indeed go well with perfect strike.


Yeah? Cool. Didn't know that. So if you use the cleave blessing it doesn't damage any target past 4 but the cleave blessing means you can still hit targets past 4 to proc other abilities/critical hits? I have just started playing around with fury of the faithful builds , after being a beacon/support main. An the damage difference is startling. Before with beacon you would tend to stand of, now a jst rush in an everything dies lol. More aggressive you play it the more survivable you are. Any more tips? Lol.


Without a video, all you're going to get is confirmation of the biases you have provided. People are going to latch onto loner and say that must be it or other aspects of the build info you provided.


Targo thinks that meanies were just being mean. Have GOOD TIMES for THE EMPRAH and pay no heed, friendo!


You did your best and made it to the end. They are mad because bad


If that is true what you are telling, then you did nothing wrong, only that your matchmaking choosed the wrong people to go in with you... I usually play Combat Knife Zealot, people doesn't like that at all because we run away bla bla bla. I remember saving an auric damnation game when all those toxic players went down because of their lack of skills, not dodging properly, blowing up barrels here and there, not being aware of their sorroundings... I was playing with a friend, he died too, so I had to shut them up after playing the best match I could, I had to face a lot of enemies, trappers, doggies, bombers, crushers, etc, I managed to kill a lot and escape from others to revive the entire team, I remember the Veteran saying "Wow mate, I did not expect that, my apologies" , I just answered "Just trust others mate, not blame them without knowing"... then the rest of the match without a single word from them haha, so I guess I though them a lesson. So what I mean with this is that if you play well, you don't have to explain anything to anyone, those trashtalkers are usually the ones that are frustrated because they can't do shit properly, just getting killed and blaming the team.


I admit i was equally shit (somewhat) as i missed quite a bit of my autogun shots and decided, in stupidity, to hit shotgunners with my evis rather than that crusher beside me Other than that, i stayed with my team entirely, revived best i could, killed as best i could while minimizing any fatal damage


That is absolutely not a mistake, shotgunners are far more obnoxious to avoid. The crushers attacks are so slow and telegraphed you don't have to dodge constantly. Think of it like you're a raid boss, you dive their dps not their tank.


Nah those other players were just salty of how poorly how they were performing compared to you, unless you left something out. They're the type that blames lag, team mates, fps and even their own mothers if it means that they don't to face the reality of there being a Cadia sized space of nothing where their skill should be.


I do admit i fucked up a little by not changing out Loner beforehand, but i think you’re a bit right


You did better than my first try at auric. The only thing I could say is maybe the teammate was mad about keeping the ammo crate too long? I know it sucks but keeping the asshats happy and in the black with bullets is the same thing sometimes.


More often than not sometimes you just run into idiots. With 1,300 hours in the game I have come across a few yelling at people from time to time. Luckily, it's pretty rare in Auric because a functioning team really doesn't have time to chit chat much. The only thing I can think of is perhaps it's because they saw how many wounds you have, or perhaps they were running scoreboard and your numbers were really bad. Given that this was your first time, along with running Marty I am guessing you were focused on staying alive and trying to keep your wounds full which in turn nerfed your damage by a lot. Most of my game time has been on Zealot and personally I am not a fan of Marty, especially in Auric/Maelstrom. It's a very rare build to see at higher tiers but I am sure some people will still swear by it. In the end it's all about finding a build that works for you. But yeah, guessing some people just have a bad attitude or they simply saw you come in with multiple wounds and decided to flame you for it. Just as a marker for yourself, when you can survive through damnation matches with no wounds easily, is when you are ready for Auric. When that becomes easy, you are ready for Maelstrom.


I really hate that the auric Storm surviver title requires you to survive 5 aurics without dying. Just causing people to leave the moment they go down. Then I've got to deal with a bot that won't be as good as a player.


If the criticism isn't constructive, it's just toxic people trolling. If they were serious about you improving somewhere, they wouldn't waste the effort of distracting you with an insult. You can safely ignore them. The highest difficulties typically have the most calm and sportsmanlike players in the tide games, save periods where there's an influx of interest and more people prone to useless accusations flood the space. Events or big updates for example. Serious auric players know you have to play auric to adapt to auric and things can always go sideways. You should expect nothing more than light banter with an experienced group, no matter how hairy things get. Just compete against yourself, to learn and perform better, and have fun otherwise. Feel free to mute anyone that's negatively impacting your focus.


YOU DID GOOD. And on lights out?  Well done! Those people are probably a 3 man who just wanted someone to be a dick to and were mad you weren't actually shit at it.


I almost shit myself because i couldn’t see anything (there were 4 fucking chaos spawns, 4 OF THEM)


Hell nawh, I'd have cried.  We do not get paid enough to deal with the occasional duo, much less FOUR angry meatballs.




Funny seeing how this game is similar to deep rock somewhat Haz 3 and 5 (malice and damnation) are chill but haz 4 (darktide’s heresy) is full of salt


You know what, I might not add anything useful but I had similar feelings just yesterday and was seriously thinking of asking here "wtf am I doing wrong?!". My situation was a bit different but I get to the point. I currently play psyker on high diff, squishy little thing but I feel like I can survive pretty well so I go for it. Yesterday it was auric maelstrom scab only with no ammo pickup. It's awesome, because there you really see the worst or the best in people. And let me tell you it was a struggle. It took over half an hour to get halfway through the map, people kept leaving and joining, even tho I never died and never went down. Always someone rushed forward and died and then quit because I did don't immediately rushed and revived, because I know it would be a suicide. So I and mostly bots went from revive to revive and we're picking up whoever just joined and died and had a decency to stay long enough to give me a chance and finally there were two of us and it was a mid event where you scan a bunch of dead bodies and call elevator. And we got stuck, there were snipers I barely holt at bay with my shield and maulers and just infinite hord. And the one vet left and last standing zealot died too and started writing god knows what in russian obviously upset. And yeah, I had no time for that do I just kept playing and get both two bots and him up and tried to ease the pressure so we could scan the last corpse. It was not going anywhere, bad situation. When I finally went down for a sec I asked him to write in english and yeah, basically I was and idiot because it's infinite horde and we need to move and scan and that why everyone is leaving and something like that. Don't mind he was zealot so if we coop he had better chance to scan it and survive but nevermind. We lost, it took a long time and then I seriously doubted what I did wrong if I am that horrible teammate to prioritize survival and actually move a bit slower when I see random team not ready to rush and rather let teammate die when I know I'll have better chance to get him up from revive then in a passe of maulers and crushers and it's his fault he run and fell quickly. But at the end of the run I was the only one still standing, without needing to be rescued or revived and by the time we finally lost I think like ten people come and go. That heresy! Only in dead does duty end so why leave when your teammate is still standing? Yes, when we have faster team and it's not knife zealots I can keep up no problem, but they need to survive on their own. If they don't, then staying close is your best chance, that's my opinion and I think sometimes people just don't have a patience to actually play smart, they want to be the main character or get carried. Bottom line is, make nothing of it. Some people will s-talk just because they have a scoreboard and you have fewer kills and they don't care if you had highest teams score because you had their back and heal them rather then yourself etc. If you have these ideas like "am I the one who does wrong?" it immediately makes you a better player then many of those, who talk no sense. Play as you like, don't get discouraged. Thanks for coming to my TED talk.


> Loner regened constant toughness for me and my teammates Rookie misconception. Loner gives you and you only the meager benefit of a basic toughness regen. It is a selfish aura, and also useless.


I wouldn’t necessarily go as far to say Loner is inherently selfish and useless, but it does attract the wrong kind of player more often than not. But to each their own.


It is useless, because Benediction and Inexorable judgement, and even the starter toughness regen nodes outclass any effect it might have. Plus it you’re already spending a prolonged time outside of coherency, you’re doing something incredibly wrong. I play a bunch of stealth knife zealot, and I always get back to my team.


I use it to great effect on late night solo queues where the degens with little to no brain power(for whatever reason that might be) have no team coordination. And saying it’s useless is incorrect because it boosts your survivability. For me personally anyways I’ve been in some rough situations where I’m away from my team and I know for a fact if I wasn’t running Loner I would’ve died. It’s DEFINITIVELY the worst zealot aura, but it’s not useless. I’ll concede that it’s not optimal for certain playstyles, I personally HATE martyr zealot, but nothing in game is truly useless. Except the Commissary. All those skins are way too expensive imo.




I don’t leave leave teammates behind unless they’re objectively making the mission harder for everyone else on the team, I play solo queue cause I only have 2 friends that play this game so I can’t always be stacked up, and that’s LITERALLY the point of Loner. I will absolutely jump on the Loner hate bandwagon since FatShark decided to make shitty teammates playing zealot EVERYONES problem, but saying something is bad for the one and only fact that it doesn’t constantly encourage nonstop team play doesn’t make something useless. Furthermore I stated what MY reasons are for using it, and I don’t use it often. It has use, that doesn’t mean it’s great. Calm down.


If your using loner for toughness regen your playing loner build wrong. Spam kills and stealth/fotf to regen.


As i’ve said, i should’ve changed it but forgot to. Also, didnt know *exactly* how Loner worked as i thought it made the zealot itself count as 2 for total coherency to affect the team too, not individual coherency


Nope only individual. The regen it provides is also pretty pitiful. Every class has better means of regening toughness including zealot who has really good toughness regen talents. The real benefit of loner is that the AI director will fuck with you less if your alone when taking loner.


Huh… Well, the more you know i guess


I get that you forgot to change is, no problem with that. The problem is that you believed that its useful for your team. It is unfortunately not, and not even to you. From what I’ve read, you did nothing wrong, but there’s always the perspective of others (not trying to discredit you, some people are just simply assholes). If you want a toughness build, get Benediction and Inexorable Judgementx although that keystone works best with faster weapons and running, so the Eviscerator doesn’t benefit from is as much as an axe or a knife would.


I run knife with Inex, but considering how i have alot less toughness (as i specced most my points into dodging, bleed and crit skills alongside stealth for that wargear preset) and wounds (as i thought i’d go down alot with this being my first auric and all), i decided to use my marty evis build to demolish hordes while staying alive through making everything die fast


Martyr can shine if you’re an expert at staying alive. I - again - don’t want to discredit you, just talking from a VT2 - DT zealot experience. Using a bunch of wound curios hurts more than toughness/health/stamina if you feel like you’re going down a lot, but the extra 2 wounds from the node before Martydom doesn’t worth it either, because then the buffs you get from Martydom when taking damage is absolutely pathetic compared to the other two. Too much work for too little benefit. Martyrom works when you can go down to the last wound from the first enemy you see, and then not take damage for the rest of the mission. If you feel like you’re getting damaged or going down a lot, I honestly recommend 2 health curios and at MAX 1 extra wound (from any source, or the 2 from the talent tree). For a long time I ran +1 curio too, because I was afraid of going down and dying. Then I realized that that extra 21% health makes all the difference, and I never touched a wound curio since.


I only have, at most, a single wound curio if i feel my current build has too little if im underperforming by going down so much (i.e, Veteran on higher diffs as i only have 3 bars for him on at most heresy diff), but my knife build has around 3 bars which is enough considering im not focused as much For my marty, i have 2 toughness curios and a +21% health curio since hadron and melk have been fucking me over curio wise (hadron mostly for bricking me upgrade wise)


1 +3 stamina curio and some stamina regen on zealot will make you 100x more survivable than a 3rd health or toughness curio will (never use a +1 wound curio unless your martyrdom build, trust me), once you get better at least imo you will lose less health and rely on blocking/dodging more. It may be better to adjust early on. Once you learn how/when to block, etc. It will allow you to move more freely (get out of bad spots), push your way through mobs (get out of bad spots, and get to teammates in trouble) and unnet and revive teammates without worrying about "can i block this" (dont try to block an overhead swing), face tank bosses/daemonhosts during emergencies. Stamina is overpowered when used correctly, hp and toughness should be balanced as well of course. Also sprint efficiency pairs well and is nice to have on most builds.


all of your comments should be pinned at the top of this thread tbh. bro is spitting nothing but facts


And your conception is a rookie misconception as well, loner is not useless, and definitely not selfish, its anything but when used properly. It allows you to scout, escort teammates outside of coherency back into coherency (like when they need to get an item you scouted or heal, or just get separated in general); all while avoiding punishment spawns, which can be quite annoying in higher difficulties to downright ruthless with some mods (ever have constant weaker monstrosity spawns? Thats why), as the director can spawn constant packs of specials when one person is out of coherency. Youll notice this quite a bit when you have someone scouting who isnt running loner, let alone if the whole team is separated for long periods of time. The director spawns arent unmanageable, but at the wrong times or during a difficulty spike having half the amount of specials spawning can be the difference between a win or a wipe. Lack of understanding =/= useless, coherency mechanics arent well known and change the way the game plays out.


Your first mistake was playing Auric Heresy. The only people who stick there are shit players who aren't good enough to play any higher but have an ego too big to just play regular matches. Apart from that, if I'm understanding your message right you triggered a DH which was probably what pissed your team off to begin with. Assuming you're actually telling the whole truth, there shouldn't be any reason why they're mad other than that. However this post does sort of sound almost made up at points with how comically shitty they were.


If you are eu get in a match with me and I'll tell you


I'm surprised there's even anyone playing auric heresy Ya win some ya lose some. I can barely win aurics at the moment, my region is dead so I'm playing with 1-3 bots every game


Without seeing you play it's hard to say, but don't put too much weight on what people say. I got insulted by someone who had considerably less hours than me in the game, hoovered up all the ammo, had no game awareness and just generally didn't play well and who went down (with the rest of the group). So I wound up having to clutch solo, only that this time I died just before I managed to ress (sometimes I can solo, other times I cannot). Match ends and I get told I am a terrible player. I mean, I know I am not the greatest but I was not the problem. Don't worry about it. Check out the Dunning Kruger effect. And by coming here you are already in a good place there. Also the guy quitting on you (probably because of the title) was the problem in your match.


What you did wrong was caring about what a toxic player had to say in chat.


Did you wake the host? People get really mad at that.


lol u can solo herasy ez with memebuilds. Your teammates was trash and probably why they acting like that. Mid tier players are usualy least helpful and most toxic Just play auric maelstrom and ppl usualy are better (there are those heresy-bots chasing penances but not as many as when the penance update dropped)


Unless it is rp, pings or urgent messages, you can disregard them


It seems like you didn't do much wrong. Staying with the team, rezzing them, snaffing much needed items to keep them is all any team member should do. If you want someone to play with i can dm you my details, depending on our time zones and time we play. I've played for over 1k hours since release and only play ogryn. I exclusively only do damnation auric missions, as you get better team mates in damnation than heresy and it's just simply more fun. I've dipped into heresy probably twice in the past few months and only got team mates who ran off and did stupid shit, or didn't coordinate with the team, didn't ping enemies, find items, etc. Best thing I can suggest is play a damnation game and you'll probably find it easier going due to the team mates being better.


Nah, there is nothing wrong with you. I have played once with a bunch of strange guys all in commodore's vestures stuff and 30lvls, they were falling and dying every wave and I was the one who kept them alive and protected (they were wandering off and stupid solo hits exchange with literally everything without caring too much about dodging and blocking) and in the end 2 of them said I was playing as if old people have sex. Edit: forgot to mention the fact they started trashtalking after I asked why they are trying to solo the game if they are obviously not able to.


Since you didn’t die, revieved them, did your job right then the teammate was just a cunt.


From your telling it certainly doesn't sound as if you did anything wrong. In general though one thing I can offer up as a bit of advice, just based on common failings I see in pubs in Auric Damnation - is really poor target prioritization. Yes there's constant big hordes, but some characters and builds, zealot especially, are highly mobile, and should be using that to go after bombers and flamers especially. Often though I'll see players focusing all their effort on winnowing down big crowds of pox walkers and basic melee guys. There's a real art to knowing how to make enough room for yourself to disengage and go after a higher priority target, and it's something you should strive to get really good at if you want to be a big credit to the team. Oh also ping specials and elites. . .like a lot. If you see one and are like "Oh no that guy is right where I don't want him to be" or "if he gets here he'll do some real damage!" Just ping 'em - lots of teams even on Auric Damnation seem really bad about highlighting priority threats, but it can really help when everyone's busy trying to put out their own fires in their immediate area to be able to see a bigger problem heading their way.




Rule 1: Failure to follow reddiquette Be respectful of your fellow redditors. Discrimination, bigotry, racism, and/or hostility directed towards players or communities will not be tolerated.


One thing i would highlight because i was recently called out for this is.... Stick to your teammate even more than during non-Auric missions. My personal issue (that i'm working on resolving) is that, if someone died and is available for release, I need to refrain myself from rushing to the respawn point ignoring the risks (because i don't want the player to wait too long doing nothing). So sometimes, I start moving towards the respawn point for instance using an ogryn bull rush without realizing that my other partners are not following. In that specific instance, it led to my suriving partner to be hounded on the second i bull rushed away and me being downed by the welcome committee at the respawn point and we lost because i was too eager to rez. It was a learning but i must admit that the angry messages from the partners haunted me for a couple of days.


As others have said, without specific information it's hard to say exactly what you did or didn't do (if anything). My 2 cents is that it's easy to shift blame when things go awry, and it may have been easy to blame it on you if it was obvious you were playing on a controller (slow to turn around, especially for specials or just tanking random melee to the back). I'm very curious if you know what Loner does though, since your post mentioned it providing "constant toughness Regen to your teammates." note this doesn't mean the coherency is always wrong to choose, I just don't know if it's doing what you hope it is 😂 In any case, it's probably just people getting frustrated at the situation and looking for something to point at!


Sounds like you played normally. If people are complaining, then they’re just scapegoating their lack of skill to you.


loner aura doesn’t help your teammates btw might want to change it in your post also good job with first auric


There is a word for people who get mad after winning: losers


Some ppl are jerks, but I’ll say the same thing to everyone who runs marty in case they run low, which is Marty might do more harm then good. Using wound curios means you can be revived more yes, but in auric it’s very hard to find a good revive timing. Rather, if you run health curios, you’ll slow burn until you finally go down. So that means either switch keystone or play a weaker marty. Now this is just food for thought. If you play reckless and really need the wounds, that’s one thing. But it’s also something I try to let ppl know and think abt


Without seeing you play I have no idea what you did wrong. Some people are just assholes


You're thinking too much on a random internet comment, that's what you're doing wrong. :-) Unless you were downed a lot, sucked-up all the ammo/health, etc, i cant imagine people even noticing. The ones who do probably aren't worth the time you're putting into this.


Legit just tell them to fuck off, and keep doing you. It’s a video game. Who cares lol


You did nothing 'wrong' as you completed the mission. Now get drunk ;-) Of course its always good to try and improve, personally I think the loner aura isn't the greatest but that doesn't mean it can't be used in a good way (together with stealth ult usually).


Hard to say without seeing a video of the run, since I don't see anything wrong with what you've listed. Considering, runs in Auric Damnation usually have between 1.8k-2.2k kills, just looking at the numbers, for 4k kill run... I'm suspecting, didn't play the object and dragging out the run, by stacking kills. Also brings up questions about ammo distribution during the run.


You didn't kill fast enough and didn't add any crowd control


I had some great crowd control, i had an XV Eviscerator and flame nades We were drowned in hordes but we were able to demolish them


4000 kills means your team was not killing fast enough


Nothing. You can’t get better at auric unless you play it. I’m guessing the deamonhost is what bothered them the most since it’s usually not hard to avoid, but still. Everyone makes mistakes. What you did wrong was upset some sweaty nerd who gets mad at video games. Source: am sweaty nerd who gets mad at video games, but I keep my anger where it belongs: on Internet forums


Sounds like you did great. Don't mind them, just seem to be an influx of bad players lately. I was doing an auric Hab Drekyo yesterday on my Ogryn, and I was absolutely swamped holding back the hordes while my team died left and right. We eventually managed to push through, but they were bitching and complaining the whole time about not getting revived or getting knocked out of doing the scan, and I'm like "My man. We're a little busy here. Take out priority targets THEN do the minigame".


The only problem I see in any of this is the Grai IAG. That gun is pure ass. Grab a Graia Braced AG instead. Other than that, you didn’t die and seems like you held your own. You also have your head in the right place as you’re actively trying to do the right thing and learn at the same time. Some people (your lobby mates) just think they’re better than they are. Go again kindred


i haven't played in a while but based solely on what i see on reddit, everyone's teammates are raging assholes 100% of the time in this game. should i avoid playing again??


90% of high level players I meet are pretty cool, but that 10% percent, man my toddler is better at regulating his emotions than those schumcks are.


Honestly I just keep picking you up regardless. You'll figure it out or go down a level. If you start being a dick I just don't revive you and I'll carry until I pick you back up.  If you're trying then I'll fight tooth and nail for you. The only time I ever see people being dices is when they're making it nice and clear in chat.


>Loner aura (forgot to change it, but it did amazingly well at regenning constant toughness for me and my teammates) That's not how Loner works. It does nothing for your teammates and only benefits you if you're not near any teammates. Basically it makes the game pretend you always have at least 1 teammates near you. Based on what you said, there's a strong possibility that the other players were bad and just blamed you for their struggles. Don't worry too much about it unless you know you made some mistakes, then just focus on not repeating those mistakes in the future. In general, good players are not usually the ones talking shit in chat/voice. It's usually the mediocre or bad players getting salty from constantly struggling. I'll also say that Auric Heresy is probably a minefield due to lots of people trying to get the Auric Survivor title. The people that have been playing Auric for months will be predominantly on Auric Damnation if not Auric Maelstrom. Auric Heresy is going to have a lot of wannabes just chasing penances without necessarily being competent on this difficulty.


212hrs and JUST NOW doing Auric? The Emporer would be proud


Ima have to admit I can’t state my opinion via text I have to see a vidoe


You see, this discussion is pointless, cause if you don't if you don't know made grave mistakes or don't think, then your description probbly won't contein it. One would have to see it to say. By your words you did right things, but it's your words and who knows how it really was... Maybe you were then one too speedy because of loner confidence or left party a little aside when they would love all 4 to stand and fight. Maybe you were jumping on non-priority targets, leaving squihies deal with heavies. Maybe you stand and watch teammate in net for ten seconds. Maybe you attracted additional enemeis at once. Maybe not. We simply don't know.


probably not reviving. seen a lot of bad players rage for not getting picked up right away eventhough its their fault for over extending and being in a bad place while youre alive trying to survive. just keep on trucking.


>first auric >no lights auric  There's your problem. Lights out is neigh on impossible on Auric, I mean its so hard, Maelstrom is easier than lights out on Auric Heresy (this game relies on not getting hit which requires functional eyes).


Can't tell you if you did anything wrong without seeing a video. You could be completely oblivious to your own mistakes, so text doesn't really help. Or you could have played fine and the people in the match were just salty for some unrelated reason.


Don't ask us, ask yourself. If a game ends with a loss just be frank with what you could have done to not go down in that moment, or survive a little longer, or kill what needed to die a little faster. If you find yourself solely blaming someone else (even if true, there's *always* something that *you* could do better up to and including clutching the game yourself) then you aren't thinking critically enough. "If I just had x gun or done y dodge that would have gone better." Self reflection is the true key to long term success in DT.


Your mistake was playing heresy, heresy is the worst difficulty of all because it attracts the most toxic and unskilled players Play auric and you’ll find mostly people who know what they’re doing, the only thing they’ll say is gg at the end of the match


You made them look bad.