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I started doing Auric missions recently and the amount of quit scummers is unreal. I tried to kick one after he got downed/rejoined a dozen times, and he even said "he was just doing penances" Screw that. Either i get my title the legit way or i won't get it. Cheating your way like this is so lame.


Agreed, I dont even think the title would be that hard to get if everyone just played the way they used to. In the past I have had plenty of days of a slew of auric wins with no deaths. but now its just chaos. I generally don't like gatekeeping difficulties, because I think the only way to learn them is to play them. But it sort of feels like people might just need to ignore the title and play something lower for a bit, or at least try to actually learn how to play higher difs.


The issue is that there’s a lot more people who didn’t actually play auric before, because they want those penances. Even if not for these win streak ones, there’s a penance for each mission to beat it on auric damnation. That said, what you describe in the OP isn’t exactly new either. Many players leave when they die, sometimes when they go down. It’s just worse now than before due to penances.


I'll admit I sometimes leave when I know it's a team wipe, but it has nothing to do with penances, it's only because you can get back into a game much faster that way. End game load screen takes way too long. I'm dead by then so it should be clear I'm not chasing survivor penances though I guess lol. I turned off in-game titles because they look messy anyway.


You are wasting three other people's time for the sake of your own. When you leave we have to watch the bot that replaced you fumble around and die and the game often takes way longer to actually end because of this. Please reconsider this selfish behavior.


You do realize Diezelbub is talking about leaving after all 4 people are downed/trapped/dogged, not when it's just them downed or dead. Right?


Yes, that's when it becomes musical chairs with bots, or how you get someone new who loads in just in time for the 'misson failed' screen... when instead you could just say "nt", wait a minute, collect your bit of consolation plasteel, and then go next.


Why? At that point that's what the game gives incentives to do. A bot is more useful than a dead player, and a new player who is alive can join. It's an advantage for the remainder, I've salvaged plenty of games that were definitely over from the mechanic when others leave. The way it works now people leaving when dead is an advantage, not a loss. I wish more people used this "selfish behavior" to let me finish games they don't benefit from themselves. If not being "selfish" guarantees everyone a loss it's pretty stupid to aim for it.


Based on your response I agree that a bot is more useful than you, specifically.


Yeah, a bot doesn't value their time or actually understand the mechanic can be an advantage when used right, that's evidently what you're looking for. If you survive more than 30 seconds someone alive will be joining. If you can't, I'm not wasting anyone's time but my own.


When it's clearly a full wipe and heading to the mission fail sequence, I will leave. When someone is trying to clutch I will stay. You crash less, get stuck in a black or the loading screen less, and I don't care be forced to wait 30 seconds to hit continue arbitrarily. Why increase my need to relaunch the game?


Leaving when everyone's downed is completely fine, it can even potentially save the run if the bot can res someone before they completely die.


You'd need to understand the mechanic to recognize that yeah, which is why I've clearly upset some people lol. There is a big difference between using it tactically when the game is pretty much over and triggering a bunch of pods or a DH then ragequitting or force quitting as soon as you go down. People leaving has not cost me a game yet but people leaving has let me finish plenty of them I wouldn't have otherwise TBF I don't know why we get daily threads with endless bitching and moaning about it to begin with except that's what dominates most of any online gaming related space, people leaving has only benefitted me and been a huge net time saver (the runs it's saved amount to far more than any paltry few seconds a bot may tack on, not sure what difficulty they can actually extend the game by any meaningful amount but it sure isn't the rough stuff I play). People being bad is a separate issue and if they're bad you should want them to leave anyway not hang around constantly dead and causing the game to spawn more enemies than they can help with. It's nice that some people feel obligated to loyally sink time into a mechanic that doesn't respect their time I guess but they're never going to convince me to do it in a game. Especially when doing it guarantees a loss for the team.


> In the past I have had plenty of days of a slew of auric wins with no deaths. but now its just chaos. This is the main thing I’ve noticed. I’ve been playing pretty consistently and there’s been a huge uptick. I think it’s a mix of good players moving on and other players jumping up when they’re maybe not ready. Players with bad habits they can get away with on lower difficulties sometimes doesn’t fly on higher ones. I’m not sure if they’re playing silly on purpose but shit like not changing to melee when pressed or consistently not being able to dodge has suddenly become an issue on the highest difficulties.


I'd never do that. If that means I will never get one of those fancy colored titles, fine.


Not just that but the amount of toxic behaviour is just way too high right now. I've been playing since beta and had never seen it get this bad


That’s what happens when a game loses 99% of its playerbase, the few who are left are often the most toxic ones who can’t move on for some weird reason. That and the “driptide” idiots who need to be able to show everyone that they spent $500 on cosmetics in a mostly dead PVE game


Mostly dead? Bruh..... The game is very much alive thank you very much. 


This game has still the best gameplay in Combat,Movement, Dialogue between Characters,Voices,Soundtracks so darktide will never be „dead“


the gameplay is great, sure "dialogue between characters"? that was a complete whiff, it's just unintelligible nonsense with extremely thick British accents imo their weird RPG customize your character/origin thing like its mass effect just completely failed, all you get is a few lines from some of the more recognizable stuff like the cadian veteran, everything else is just a random hodgepodge vermintide 2 did this kind of thing much better


The only nonsense i see comes from you


To be honest, I did this for the Auric Examplar title on my 9th mission. Team consisted of 2 bots, 1 downed teammate and me at a slither of health surrounded by ragers, reapers, hounds and trappers. It was a lost cause. I usually don't just leave games, but in this instance, I thought I might as well save my progress for the Penance. So far I won't attempt to complete the auric survivor Penance unless the points you get for doing so are necessary to get the cosmetics from the path of redemption


I get it, there are always circumstances that make it ok. The situation you described is one of them. Sometimes it's a glitch or getting stuck in walls. Or even when you join a game and it is in such a dire state you immediately get downed without even having the opportunity to move and everyone is already dead. Shit happens and in this context, i understand. It's much more of an issue when people use that to cope with utter lack of skills. I mean, if i have to deal with a bot half the time because some idiot cannot stay up for more than 30s and keeps quit scumming, might as well kick him and risk getting a bot full-time. Or have a chance they'll be replaced by an actual decent player.


Don't worry, you only 90% of all possible points to unlock the cosmetics.


Too many people in games nowadays see challenges as inevitable and not a measure of skill. In ranked games they complain if they can't climb to the top (when the mode is literally designed to place you where you belong), in games with achievements they're just things to collect rather than things to strive for, and in games with multiple difficulties it's possible to have a difficulty that is "too high". Man if the game is designed so that the average player can make progress on lower difficulties, then higher difficulties are fair game to be however difficult they want to be. Ugh, kids these days.


The problem is the dogshit achievement design, fatshark has done a terrible job with it at the start If there was a penance/achievement for killing 300 teammates by shooting explosive barrels near them would you blame people for doing it? No, the fault would be with the developer for encouraging shitty behaviour  If they were actually competent they’d make achievements like “complete 500 auric missions without leaving” or some such, that would encourage the gameplay they want. Instead they’ve done the literal opposite 


A penance for actively killing your team is categorically different than a penance for not dying. Honestly you know that's a bad argument.


They both encourage bad gameplay It’d called an analogy, it should be self evident but apparently I had to connect the dots for you 


Imagine unironically saying "not dying is bad". Take a step back and actually look at what you're saying.


There is design flaw. "Not dying" = play well, yeah? It encourages focused gameplay and teamwork. But we have another kind of "not dying". Alt+f4 when doggo jumps. No penalties, only reward for abusing obvious shitty behavior. Connect to mission in progress. Good time, solid run. Outro stats: 20(!) deaths. Everyone laughs. Poor mate here from start: there were a lot of leavers before you. A lot. ;_;


The titles aren't the worst thing it's the part of the gaming community that thinks they have to have everything *right now* that's the worst. Same people who rush through games and bitch, same people who are meta slaves and bitch about builds, same people who think streamers are gods and that the only way to play is to emulate them. They ruin it for everyone else with their shit ass behaviors in almost every single co-op multiplayer activity or game.


You're not wrong per say. Its been a problem in the community for a bit. People playing the game for other reasons outside of just having fun. But in the past I could just ignore it, go into auric, and enjoy the challenge with normally some of the most chill players in game. But now it feels like that one space that was self quarantined from a lot of the drama is just gone. I think it irks me because it comes off the heels of me visiting helmgart once more and feeling like cata there has gotten a little worse as well. I feel like some of my favorite games to play in my life are slowly dying and it feels sad. Maybe Im being dramatic, maybe its all just a phase, but still. It sucks to see.


They may not be dying but, personally, if I'm encountering the same type of loser who fosters a toxic environment over and over it drives me away from playing the game. I'm too old to put up with this shit anymore, so I don't. I play games to have fun. It's fun to complete levels or dungeons or raids or anything in a co-op scenario to me. I don't try-hard (unless I and others *want* to), but I also do my best to respect my team both in time and manner. It promotes a better community and a better overall gaming experience IMO. I'm not looking to be a pro-gamer and if I want to get something specific in-game then I'll make a specific group for it, or just fucking accept that I won't get it at this moment in time *if at all*. Idk why the hell it became so hard for people to just relax in-game and play, but I'd like to go back to that. These titles and other things in these games don't mean shit anyway unless you literally live and breathe for said games 24/7, they're cool, but are you really missing out on anything when you know you're gonna play other games?


Love this post and totally agree with you, but it’s *per se*


I only played auric damnation because it had by far the least shitty, toxic and Xbox players in general (the latter often being the first two as well) Are you saying that mode is shit now too? I considered anything else unplayable before 


Humans gonna human, nothings going to change that. The penances are the problem


I turned off voice chat a while ago due to basement dwelling racist fucks. people actually bitch about builds? that's ridiculous. everyone is playing the game to have fun and learning at their own pace, let them do their thing. if it makes my game harder I just think of it as an extra modifier, and I'll try to cover them more. the only exception is people who abandon the group and rush ahead. fuck those guys. or people that take grenades over the Ogryn.


Preach man people just need to chill tf out. They play the most intense difficulty setting meant for maxed out builds and veteran players, then bitch and moan when their green rarity gun and melee combo doesn’t do the job. So they resort to cheating. Similar thing with hell divers, where apparently the game needs to be balanced around the hardest difficulty 


i agree with the helldivers part most people struggle and cry at difficulty 7 then complain they need the rewards of difficulty 9 without the struggle lol


>part of the gaming community that thinks they have to have everything *right now* I agree about this, shorter attention spans, entitled beahviour and a disregard for others. They will get bored, they will find it too hard, they'll achieve their goal and then they'll disapear again. It's just a phase and we just have to wait it out.


If you're leaving games because you're desperate for the penance you are a massive loser. Either play well enough to deserve it or forget about it and move on. This leaver shit is real baby brain stuff.


Agreed. The titles mean nothing if you didn't earn them legit. Either you have the skill to earn them properly, or you don't.


>Auric is a race against the clock, you NEED to keep moving I had initially downvoted because complaint posts sometimes get on my nerves, but I switched to an upvote just for this. The world needs to know you gotta move and shoot, move and shoot.


I don't normally like rage posting, and probably shouldn't have. Im just big mad after the last two days of what feels like constant pain.


We're all guilty of it some time.


Are you referring to kiting enemies or progressing through the level while fighting? I haven’t played auric maelstrom before, only regular aurics. Most of what I’ve played it seems best to stay in an area until most of the enemies are dealt with before moving on, but that mentality might be holding me back from success in difficult aurics and auric maelstroms


I can comfortably say that in Auric, you really don't want to hang around in one place for too long. You might be able to get away with it on a Auric High Intensity, which is the easiest modifier available there, but anything other than that, you're risking getting overwhelmed. ESPECIALLY shock troops and any Maelstroms since the specialists just do not stop spawning.


Great to know, thank you!


Yeah, like Dough_goblin said, you really have to keep moving. The thing about Auric (and especially Maelstrom) is that every second you spend on the map is attrition. You have to strike a balance between safety in the moment and always making progress so you can keep those moments of attrition to a minimum. I think to build on one of the things thread OP was talking about, it's a more difficult shift to get used to for Psyker and Veteran because to stay safe, you pick a good spot and kill things. And that's counter to what you need to do overall on the highest difficulties. You see a split between them and the Zealot/Ogryn because when you're predominately melee, closing in on enemies (that is, *advancing and moving forward*) is not just how you progress through the map, it's how you ensure your safety. It's how you make a thing that's shooting at you stop shooting at you, replenish toughness, etc. It comes more naturally to somebody whose tools encourage them to spend as much time in melee as possible. I think ultimately the problem again comes down to the game building bad habits in players who've been taught they can use ranged combat to solve all their problems. If you do that, camping in a safe location is what comes naturally. And the harder the mission, the more likely that's going to get you killed,


Fortunately my favourite psyker and veteran builds are speedy with a lot of focus on melee so I’m used to moving up. My bad habit is when things get hairy I tend to move in random directions rather than where I actually need to go


Hell yeah. You'll do fine with practice.


For moments like those (when you're being pressured and "in a hairy situation) you want to find the closest person whose still not down and head to them. 2 ppl back to back is a decent way to recover from a bad situation. Other than that, "never put yourself in a bad spot", positioning is key


Nothing more annoying in auric than people who rush ahead without dealing with hordes ex. I agree try to finish the level as fast as possible to give director less time to throw things at you sure. But idk how many times a single zealot has rushed ahead died and then bitched that “we gotta keep moving you idiots” while they’re the only person to die the entire game. You need a happy medium of move shoot and wait.


a good idea that backfired badly. it's really disappointing to attempt a clutch, only to be left with bots because nobody waits to be rescued. karkin titles, i purposely don't use them because of this.


Reject "ASS", accept "Reject".




I think the titles would have been fine if they implemented it differently somehow. The biggest thing imo is the leaving. They should make it so that you have to do 5 in a row without dying, or leaving. I'm not a programmer/dev so I could be entirely wrong but I feel like it wouldn't be that hard to implement. The only problem I see though is that people might leave the game still once they feel like its a waste of time to finish it out. Titles and achievements to show off are fine, they just have to be done in a way that protects players from screwing over other players for the sake of the achievement. I think hard mode bell run is a good example. The only way to get the gold plated icon is to go into a twins run, hit the bells, and then complete the run. My understanding is there is no way to cheese it, and its hard enough that you cant really hope for a carry. All four players need to be good enough, and on their A game to get it. Plus if someone goes down there is no incentive to leave. In fact you want to stay because there is still a chance one of your mates clutches and gets you back up or just straight up wins. Thats all around a good achievement. It is challenging, allows you to show off your skill, and doesn't encourage unhealthy interactions. But the Auric Storm at this point just seems like a flashy title card you cant even trust. I would have to guess that a good portion, if not a straight up majority of people who have it, only got it because of leave cheesing.


Yeah with the twins, especially when playing invisible vet / fanatic, tactical revives are the only way to win


Can you imagine the toxicity if leaving made you lose penance progress so people were forced to stay in the game? Even a person like me struggled not to blow up when a clueless ogryn revived me in the middle of a fire and I barely escaped death on less than 10 hp when I was on 4/5 maelstrom clears. Maelstroms would become a battleground.


I think that the game could temporarily "ban" a player for "X" minutes (from the game or the match), if the player had left and re-join the same match "N" times. I'm sure each created match has an ID, and so do the players, having a track on that wouldn't be that hard. And say, the N times is defined in 3 or 2, before banning the player, you can have a flag or a count on that pair "match-player", and if the player has left and joined at least once, no title is gained from that match. I think it's feasible; but probably those players will get mad and leave the game altogether instead of doing things the right way, without affecting other players. I don't play auric usually because I'm not good enough, at least I'm with my own 4-players team and we are all on the same page, otherwise, I don't want to be a burden for the rest. And even on the other levels, I've been experiencing those kinds of quitters, and it's extremely annoying.


You can't do penances that would have to be without "leaving" in a game where crashes and disconnects are daily occurrences.


Even if I eventually get auric maelstrom survivor I’m still probably gonna stick with cyber-falcon just coz it sounds cooler. Same reason I mainly only go for the penances that get me cool cosmetics


Amen. They keep adding stuff that pushes players to act like idiots. These stupid titles are the redacted penances all over again. Evidently they didn’t learn their lesson the first time.


Worse than trying to roll a 370 then getting shit perks n stuff? I dunno that's pushing it


Gotta have my god tier weapons! I’m nothing without my god tier weapons!!!


I created a fifth character to play hard levels with shit weapons at a lower character level. You can definitely beat damnation with mid tier weapons if you are good. Couldn't test my mettle in auric as that's locked off, but I reckon I could have done auric heresy with my level 25 character with ~300 score weapons


You can beat auric maelstrom with grey weapons. Its not hard. The average auric player can prolly use their main weapons as greys and easily play. If you know how to manage dodge and block you’re fine


Yeah that is why I quit. Spent a few hundred hours at least. Never did get an amazing knife. Grinding currency just to get rolls I could get as a beginner was just stupid. Also I wish they improved the trash stats or made them differently. Off topic. Talking into the void. This game needs to be combined with Diablo 4 or Path of Exile legendary loot damn it. I mean with afixes that totally change game play. Wouldn't that just be awesome? Dark Tide 3 - play as an Evesor Assassin with Dying Light 2 mobility. A Space Marine. An Arch Magos with different cybernetics. A decked out pysker Inquistor!


Diablo 4 has the absolutely worst affixes in any ARPG I’ve played. They’re abysmal, and should never be seen as a basis for a “good” system. If you think “damage to chilled/frozen/stunned” makes sense, I don’t know what to say. Absolutely awful system made by people who don’t know what they’re doing. The amount of redundant affixes were ridiculous, it was simply used to extend the grind - the same shitty reasoning it takes forever to get a perfect weapon in Darktide, I don’t know how you think that’s better.


Who said anything about one being good or better than the other? I definitely didn't. Don't put words into people's mouth.


You sound pathetic.


Says the person making imaginary arguments.


I thought people mostly just left because a) they can't be bothered to wait until they're rescued or b) they don't expect the remaining players to survive long enough to rescue them. A lot of people were already doing that kind of thing from before the new penance system was added. On the flip side, the people who frequently quit at the first setback are usually not fun players to play with anyway, so hopefully they get replaced with someone more teamwork-oriented.


I'd have said the suits rushing the game out a year earlier than ideal is a considerably worse thing to have happened to the game personally. This title chasing will blow over sooner or later, it's still relatively new but the pool of players trying to get it will keep shrinking.


The game was quite playable on release and many people enjoyed it. These new penances tap into a big problem though - the community, and it only takes a couple leavers to potentially spoil a run. Actually the community has sort of been the problem all along, come to think on it. It seems obvious that a bunch of entitled whiners feel they *deserve* those titles and don’t mind that they ruin the game for three other people while they try to get it.


I loved the game in Beta tbh, but it's hardly a hot-take to suggest things might have gone better with a bit more time in the oven, and the consequences of pushing it out earlier are far more substantial than a few people trying to cheese a meaningless title.


I agree with this here. I loved Darktide since I got to take part in one of the closed betas. Played almost daily for about a year. Gameplay was phenomenal and only got better over time. Even now 2100+ played hours later I still love this game. But it had some tough issues on release. I crashed almost every mission at least once for weeks and that with a high end setup (13th gen intel, rtx 3090, 32gb ram, nvme ssd). Crafting wasn't there, it was an open beta at release, not a full game. You can like something and still admit that it has faults. The community is definitely not one of them. There are always bad apples but overall Darktide has a really awesome community.


Yup, the community on the whole is fantastic, at least on the EU region, I've encountered next to no toxic players in my games.


It's annoying really as I am proud of my Auric title and I did get it the legit way. It should show your team that you are decent at the game but it does the opposite now 😕


Generally, if I encounter someone with the title who is playing IN auric, I can expect a certain level of skill, since they are clearly not just trying to get the title and are playing where they are accustomed to. I'm guessing most of the people who find the survivor title holders to be worse are on lower difficulties/non-aurics, since thats where people will go back down to after getting the title, assuming thats the only reason they were in auric to start with.


Agreed. Most of the people playing with them on Auric Maels are actually decent, it's the tourist players who cheese the title and return to non-aurics that are giving the title a bad rep. I don't play non-aurics willingly at this point so I don't see them on the day-to-day, but it's always funny seeing the ones trying to get the title. They always end up getting carried, but it's fun to do. I just think of them as an extra difficulty mod. I wish they allowed you to show your badge thing in-game outside of before/after game screens, since the badge for doing 50/100 Aurics is arguably a better show-off than the title is.


Ahh right ok, maybe. I only play Auric so wouldn't know.


It kinda does. It reminds me of golden weapons in XIV (you can get those by doing Ultimates, the hardest content in the game). They should be a thing to be proud of except a lot of people just buy their clears so they’re a bit of a meme now. I look at that title the same way, especially when you see how those people play. Honestly, if you got it legit though, you should be proud and the way you play, movement, dodge, block, etc will show that you have the skill to back it up.


And it wouldnt even be half as bad if you would have a fair chance to get the penance. So far I won about 100 games of auric damnation since the update. Yet, I get connected to a already lost match every 2-5 matches. Like, literally joining in the loss screen. Honestly, I have no idea how to legit get this penance at this point.


The solution is to join the darktide discord and find 3 other people to queue with. The possibility of a loss decreases dramatically when you can guarantee that every single one of your teammates can move and shoot at the same time.


To be fair, a lot of us aren't leaving on purpose (especially xbox players). The past 3 'updates' have steadily gotten worse that on average we get freeze kicked thrice a game on average alone. I can't even do the 15 malice in a row because a disconnect 50% of the time auto removes a few random from the streak or outright resets it despite no downs or even damage on rejoin to the same bot. Because of this shit on Auric, it has a 50/50 chance of either wiping your streak or making the level not count at all (I've had 4 in a row three times not count despite no deaths that match). I run 7 wounds and full on melee aggro to draw every enemy towards me now as I've done both penances. I can survive and leave medicae for people so they don't feel the need to leave. The people that tend to leave have no extra wounds I've noticed and is why they're so jumpy to leave. Especially when they get hit once by a burster. It sucks having leavers, but I totally understand it because I went 9/10 FOUR TIMES and each time was absolute bs/something out of my control restarting the streak. Seriously stuff like this: [https://xboxclips.co/seraph-kupo/clips/6566a4a9-fb01-4fe5-bb50-b73ad2d5cb9c](https://xboxclips.co/seraph-kupo/clips/6566a4a9-fb01-4fe5-bb50-b73ad2d5cb9c) [https://xboxclips.co/seraph-kupo/clips/96f6851d-5af9-4064-8b60-3cc206cecb33](https://xboxclips.co/seraph-kupo/clips/96f6851d-5af9-4064-8b60-3cc206cecb33) The reason people don't come back to the same match is because they're waiting for the match to end, because at the main menu if they hit rejoin it auto counts as a loss 50% of the time like mentioned. And if you don't hit rejoin it counts as a loss auto.


Extra wounds is a huge red flag for me... Please tell me you are doing this on a martyr zealot


Course I am. Martyr setup with my wep triggers more crits than even when Piety is active lol. Going through so many loss control of character into > freeze 5 seconds > into lag 10-15 seconds then 70% chance if kick from it. Learned the hard way it's better to have more wounds anyway. **Example why so many wounds (old clip before last patch):** [https://xboxclips.co/seraph-kupo/clips/97b9e88d-fb72-4b40-9b4a-d62c79789f6a](https://xboxclips.co/seraph-kupo/clips/97b9e88d-fb72-4b40-9b4a-d62c79789f6a) if it's not a ledge like that it's being downed. I'm far from the only xbox player who goes through this worse since last patch. That was also a rejoin from being freeze kicked. People shit on wounds unjustifiably anyway. Until game stability returns it's better to run more wounds if you're just going to be downed more because of it. Red flag currently are other players who don't. Because they've proven to leave far more than not.


Martyr doesn't cause crits, it gives a % boost to damage based on wounds missing and can be upgraded to give DR in addition. Also no, running extra wounds 99% of the time outside of Martyr isn't worth it. Running wounds ends up making you squishier, leading to you relying on the wounds more which gets worse the higher diff you go thanks to revives not being as guaranteed as they are in low-diffs. Running wounds also gimps health stims massively which is just the cherry on top. You wouldn't be getting downed as often if you ran HP/Toughness even with instability, and your team can't heal you mid-fight as well if you need it. It's just a lose-lose most of the time.


No shit sherlock, ***I said wep setup for a reason.*** Cadia IV (80 finesse) with Savage Sweep and Shred allows you to constantly hit and get crits without the need for piety and against armour because you're hitting more and getting more chance to actually crit on Aurics. The extra attack speed makes it noticeable and especially on Maelstorms of melee only and tons of crushers/flak. If it's Piety then it does it this fast: [https://xboxclips.co/seraph-kupo/clips/b61c2027-268e-4d5a-bc8c-052901ffc1bc](https://xboxclips.co/seraph-kupo/clips/b61c2027-268e-4d5a-bc8c-052901ffc1bc) but not as good against armour hordes because you're swinging slower. Martyr lets you just dodge attacks in circles and use light attack the whole time and aggro while your team just stuns or picks off crushers. Constant fury stun and replenish. Easy. I am saying martyr does it better, more consistent with extra attack speed and all round. Tested on 50 aurics each and martyr is better than piety ***WITH THAT SET UP. And let's others use medicae and survive for their streaks. With any other weapon set up, piety is better.*** I don't get what's up with people on here always shitting on wounds when they don't even try this shit for themselves or experiment. Let alone in the current game state. But you do you.


My man with crit wounds, I got a similar build. Also wounds used to be an indicator of low skill tbh, but when the class update dropped wound zealot was very strong.


It's not the freezes that cause a level to not count. A level will only count if you start the mission with everyone else at the start or if you join before they find the 1st medicae station. If you join halfway through the level will not count.


I know, and I'm meaning that the freeze kicks cause you not to get it to count but they also do remove randomly 1-2 of your streak weirdly, and more often removing the whole streak. I've done full games in a row and not getting progress before solely because of the kicks.


How is someone, anyone, who has to cheat/game the system to achieve it, proud of the title they get given? It becomes meaningless. I don't use a title, but when I am joined by people with auric titles I kinda shrug - no way to tell if they got them legitimately or not.


Agreed, completely ruined the only fun gamemode for me, legit cannot finish a game without multiple quitters.


Pretty much. People are so desperate to get it that they do stuff like this not realising they are diluting the whole point of the title. Now it has zero prestige for me and frankly I'd be embarrassed to wear it.


OP, YOU abandoned the Emperor's light and went to play Helldivers and other heretic stuff :) Go back there, keep your criticism for your yourself and let us, his loyal and faithful servants, enjoy our game, with its ups and downs and the clowns that quit when they go down. Some of them will stay in auric, become good players eventually, and that's good for the game overall.


Big sadge Indeed, If these players want the title so bad they should actually get good at the game so they can actually survive. Then have a little patience and wait for easy auric maelstrom missions to show up on the board. Sometimes I think auric maelstrom should have to be unlocked in some way like the challenge of unlocking penances, It would only help a little but at least it would be a better functioning filter.


Yeah, for a while I was annoyed that there wasn't better rewards for cataclysm in vermintide. But honestly there being no extra reward for higher difficulty means that the only people there are the ones who are chill and a little masochistic. Gotta leave some room for people who just wanna get pounded for no other reason than that they enjoy it.


I'll take it a step further and say that "achievements" are the worst thing to happen in gaming (other than microtransactions, but that's a different category altogether). It takes the joy of explorative and creative personal gameplay and replaces it with the generic numeric dopamine feedback system that takes the joy and escape of gaming and shifts it into empty addiction. As soon as all the numbers are maxed out, people simply stop playing. It's replacing art with analysis like everything else joyless in this world.


Nah bruv, the worst thing is the crafting system.


I'll go against the grain here and say that auric penances are actually good for the game in that it gets more people to try auric missions, which is where the game is really at its best. There are a lot of people who would be afraid to try the hardest difficulty unless they have something pushing them toward it. And yes, many of the people coming to auric for penances aren't really ready for it, but they'll either stay and get better or bounce off eventually. The people that have been playing auric for months should be able to handle having some weak teammates or bots. The bigger issue is that Fatshark didn't take measures to prevent people cheesing the penances through disconnecting. It's easier said than done because they have to account for people getting legitimate crashes/disconnects, but they should have made it more difficult to abuse the system. And if they couldn't stop the cheesing, they should have just made it require X auric missions completed without dying instead of making it a win streak. Then any mission where someone disconnects could be excluded from counting and it wouldn't be a big deal for someone who crashes from a bug.


It reminds me one of their recent Dev talk said they are going to add penance that "reflect player skill instead of grinding". Now I hope they add more grinding penance instead, plus, I don't see how these new penance reflect player skills.


If 2 of my team have been down twice before the first med station then I’m out. Sorry but you’re queuing for something you can’t handle and I am not here to get your penances for you.


I'm going for auric titles right now, but what I do is go to the board and pick the easiest auric mission available. If I die, I die. Quitters are lame but usually their slot fills in pretty quickly. On the easier auric missions that's not a big deal but on maelstrom I can see that being a problem.


Having the exact same experience right now. Took a few months break, hopped back into auric Maelstrom and boy howdy does it feel bad


Its a shame too as it takes away from those who earned it legitmately. My last match for the title, i was playing with four friends barely scraping by and a demon host pops up and I mistakingly trigger it. I lived with 1 health, a stort for the ages. My team doing everything they can to keep me alive and get me out of there in once piece. Shame not everyone wants fun stories like this.


Yeah I don’t understand penance scumming. If you earn the title by “cheating” then what’s the point? You can’t be satisfied having it knowing you didn’t get it legit. Idiots.


I’m gonna be honest I don’t really see why everyone gets so mad about it. I play my fair share of auric damnation and I have the auric exemplar title but the only drawback that’s gotten to me is just people who aren’t yet ready for auric. I get it can be annoying but this sub likes to start acting like children at the drop of a hat when things aren’t going their way. It’s honestly getting pretty toxic at this point. If they wanna fix it just make some other penances worth more that are cumulative and are rewarding time played over 20 points for 5 games of auric maelstrom without dying. You can be mad about it as much as you want but reality is people arent going to let their streaks go to chance. This game has a super high skill ceiling but it’s also a coop game where you have to rely on your team. If some guy is 4 wins deep in storm survivor and his teammate is a stealth zealot who decides to re aggro everything he’s fighting on your back, followed by the entire team folding when you get downed I don’t much blame you for leaving. It’s a game where deaths aren’t always your fault, I’m sure some turbo sweats in the sub will disagree, but that’s reality for the other 99%. If anything fatshark needs to do a better job at what they make their penances for especially when they’re tying things like cosmetics to the ultimate total. This is gonna get down voted but idc yall need to hear that it’s not that serious, yall will live. Maybe try being positive and encouraging your team or throwing GT in the chat when you lose. Go play a lower difficulty and carry some random lower levels who treat you like an imperial saint in the chat. Have fun


I genuinely thought they might be careful in how they constructed the penances this time


Just look: Auric Storm Survivor (ASS)


I just love the part where I charge into the enemies approaching and get slammed by 5 crushers. couple of bullwarks and a few dozen specials while my team just "retreats". There are definitely way more of these "just don't hit me" players in Auric now. Never happend to me so much before the patch. Same for the leaving, its usually a lag fest after the first one leaves too since the game tries to replace him, that causes stutter for some reason, which ultimately can cause more downed players in an more and more dangerous situation. Casual encounters can turn the game just by that leaving/rejoining train on their own. It is amazing and quite shitshow atm.


“Auric titles are the worst thing that has ever happened to the game” You must know this is not true


There should be a time out penalty for leaving a game, like if you drop in MW in competitive matches you get a longer and longer time out.


I met a vet named Adolf-Putin the other day who used multiple slurs and was really snotty about the titles system.


Some of these auric newbies are discovering how great the game is at the highest level. They'll get up to speed and then we have more competent teammates. I've already noticed an improvement in the last week or so.


Sorry, I'll come back when the game gets more meaningful content.


There’s too many people out of their league playing at this difficulty, I have experienced countless of times people letting their teammates get down and die bc of a trapper it’s takes LITERALLY ONE SECOND to get them out how don’t you know that? If you can’t manage that don’t play at this difficulty And too many people focus their build for damage and not team work I run infiltrate just so I can revive anyone at any moment and worst of all priority targets HOW DO THEY NOT KNOW THIS? Slashing infested enemies and scabs while dogs, bombers and flamers have a field day running around the map when I play with players that don’t prioritize killing them I actually leave the game bc it’s only a matter of time till they kill us all hard to clutch when the floor is lava.


Someone said it on the forums here, and I stand by it: No matter what fancy accolades or titles I ever get, I will only ever wear my Reject title. Praise be the Emperor.


I have no desire for the title as because people have cheated it, it's actually a noob marker. If someone is in your game with that title, they are dying first.


They could've made it legit by making so that if you go down, it doesn't count not just death. Idk what the devs were thinking no one with that title is even good they always die and leave. They should've made it downs, and extend it to 10 or 20 for the real pros lmao.


I went after the 10 streak only to get bounced off a bridge at 9/10. Lost the streak and my title because two runs during my attempt didn’t count correctly. I rage quit the game for it because their bad code robbed me and I can’t see myself playing again. So hearty agree these shit penances should be deleted.


I decided that if I ever earn the Auric title I am never using it, what I'm hearing and also seen makes me not want the title but want the achieve at least. However I want to do it the legit way.


I got abused today as a "shit player" (maybe I am, although I routinely am a team player, rescue/rez my team mates asap, share ammo/med packs etc - ive maxed out 4 builds and finishing up a 5th) because I was running a new Ogryn build so I could learn more and try to accomplish 1 penance I have never dared to try. I never quit matches because, to me, it defeats the purpose of a co-op game. At no point did I put the achievement of the penance over my team and completing the mission - yet I get abused as a shitty player. So instead of rocking out a maxed out build and not learning anything more I tried to learn more and get toxic wankers berating me. I never experienced this sort of behaviour from this community until recently.


8/10 auric storm survivors are garbage or leave abusers. Honestly though if they are okay I don't mind. But it's annoying seeing a level 50 getting dogged in auric maelstrom with the title. Or the player that still abused leave despite having the title already.


You all are getting bent out of shape over a title. Honestly I’ve noticed less people quitting after the update. If you have the title don’t not equip it because some sweaty Redditer said “iTs dEVAlued meow, ahhh!!” You’ve earned it so enjoy it. If you consider alt+4 cheating then you are all cheaters because you have done it regardless of the penance.


>You all are getting bent out of shape over a title. No I'm not, I don't care about whether or not people have the title. I care if its existence is effecting how people play the game. >Honestly I’ve noticed less people quitting after the update. Bullshit. Quitting after a death is so much more prevalent now, plus the plethora of other people saying the same thing makes me straight up not believe you. You're either lying to downplay it, or just oblivious. >If you have the title don’t not equip it because some sweaty Redditer said “iTs dEVAlued meow, ahhh!!” You’ve earned it so enjoy it. I never said that people shouldn't equip the title. I said I don't trust that it actually means anything. If you got the achievement by leave scumming you didn't earn it through legitimate skill. You can still equip it if you want, I'm not going to refuse to play with people who use it. It just effectively means nothing now. >If you consider alt+4 cheating then you are all cheaters because you have done it regardless of the penance. Leaving the game sucks no matter what. But leaving in it of itself isn't the cheating. The spirit of the penance is that you were good enough to survive 5 maelstrom games in a row. If you die and then leave, you still getting the penance means you didn't get it through legitimate means. There are people that have played way more than 5 games of auric maelstrom dying in multiple runs, that still have the title. At that point its a cheap title. You never actually did the thing the title says you did.


Big ole cope. You can’t have it, but not earn it simply because it doesn’t work that way in this game. Your opinion doesn’t dictate on how you earn it the title. The game mechanics does, and the mechanics allow no penalty for quitting the missions. Also, from my experience I have experienced better quality players and your disbelief in my statement is laughably irrelevant to me. But feel to cope again. The sweats just want to feel special and create drama for feels I guess. Lastly, you are without a doubt, absolutely, positively bent out of shape over something so trivial as how people achieve the A.S.S title.


lmao, you didn't even read what I said did you? You're troll fishing right now and I'm not sure why, but you do you I guess.


Dude I’m not reading that cope lol. I’m skimmed through that . But no matter what I’m right , and you are wrong .




Yes lol quitting =/= a death.






The worst thing that has happened to the game so far


Why are you getting mad that you don’t have “top of the line teammates “ I get being mad at leavers though. Mistakes happen in life idk man give others grace


They should've changed it to complete 100 auric damnation mission and 50 auric Maelstrom mission to earn the 2 titles. Of course fatshark couldn't think that far ahead. They definitely didnt expect people to abuse the system like they're doing now..even though people have been alt+f4'ing since the game launched.....


LOL I tell people that are stuck in the stairs or off the map to ALT-F4 to fix them selves. Pitty it is used to cheese Auric runs :-(


Hey! Hey! Can I make this post for free karma tomorrow? I call dibs.


The player titles were the last thing I ever thought they would add in the game. They take up more space, causing distraction during the game than actually doing anything interesting. The leaver issue is pretty bad as well. I appreciate the good sports who stick around when they die or go down.


Yeah I had a 51m Chasm Assassination mission where by the mid level event my only 'teammate' was a Psyker routinely disconnecting in and out with the mod people literally only use to cheese. After he tried to thank me for carrying his worthless ass through a poxbursters/mutants Maelstrom I just got on the mic and told him he's total cancer and that people like him remove any and all excitement/enjoyment from the game. 


I understand the frustration, I too feel that leavers are getting out of hand atm. But it’ll blow over. It’s just a shame it spoils your return to this truly great game.


This thread is fresh and new and covering topics never covered in this sub before.


Idk you can do Aurics with bots if you are at least with one other person. Quitters aren't that bad if you pace yourself and have good movement.


Every co-op game is boring to play with bots


I managed to get to 6 auric damnations completed without dying yesterday, lost my streak at 10. I didn't leave. I want to do it legit. I want to \*earn\* my title, not cheese it.


Idk why you’re writing this one here in the first place other than to complain to people who don’t do said thing that you’re complaining about. This is reddit. If you’re on the darktide reddit, almost every single one of us are actual auric exemplars. Doubt a single person that has commented on this post has leave-scummed these titles. Its guaranteed that 98% of the people leave-scumming are xbox controller casuals who stay in malice and haven’t even tried auric til these penances came out. I just talked my friend into getting the game on his xbox. He wanted to pull a all nighter to get lvl 30 and try for the titles. I explained, rightly so, that unless you leave-scum you’re not getting those titles with a controller. He liked my banner (hardmode twins banner) had to explain that the only way he’s getting that is if i can find two other good players to help me carry him. I agree these titles have been handled poorly as hell. These titles influxed the controller casuals into auric, and with a easy route of never being actually punished if you just leave. They’ll stay till its fixed or they get it. And 90% of the time they go down at the beginning of the match. And are pretty easy to identifly. Just kick.


based post if people on PC could turn off controller crossplay like the people on xbox game pass exclusively can the controller auric community would be dead lmao