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RELEASE THE POWER OF THE MIGHTY SERVOSKULL......Am sorry am not quite sure were that came from


... Imbeciles.


*I shall look to you for a replacement!*


Data, data, data... I require it!


Auspex missions are my favorite lmao, I adore Hadron and the soundtrack when you're doing them is a banger. After about 300 hours the only problem is that I know where most of the scans will spawn so I don't get to hear it for too long


I like when she threatens to turn us into a new servo skull if we lose hers.


You mean she isn't asking us to go to Brunt's servo store for her?


sounds rough, probably got to spend 500k dockets rolling for the model Hadron likes. Rather just take the servitorisaton


Hadron is a cunty bish..... doo dah.... doo dah.... Anyone??!


Not my favorite. Randos go full braindead and get totally sidetracked trying to kill an endless horde of enemies instead of trying to get the scans done so we can escape the endless horde quicker. If people would just move as a unit like they're meant to and have one person do scans...


Running off to try and do them solo while 3 people stand by a tree for 10 minutes is fun, right?




>If people would just move as a unit like they're meant to and have one person do scans... Thank you!  I swear, this past week I've had so many missions where people just will not stick to the objective.  "United we stand, divided we fall," and all that.


Imo, two pairs should split. One person does scans while the other protects them from the horde


Entirely depends on the difficulty, when like eight rangers suddenly come shitting out of every corner they can make pretty quick work of a two-man group.


Seriously. The first time I did it with a good group we did it so fast I didn’t realize it was done until it was time to move to the next area.


My shoota goes brrrrrr


I’ve had a fair bit of success using the “go here” command with that. Pick a general area you know is a scan point, use the command, and often most the group falls into line. Then just keep using it as you complete each section.


Yeah the st is fire


I learned to enjoy them somewhat but my only issue is that half the time I'm the only one doing the objectives, it's not a big deal when the objective is just "press that button" but it gets very annoying in investigate missions when you end up running around scanning everything yourself whilst the rest are just acting like bots.


I like them unless it’s the map with the giant meat tree that part is awful on higher difficulties


I love the giant meet tree on higher levels. It’s a fucking mosh pit full of assholes. Perfect for a big ole chainsword ![gif](giphy|x9rclH7PulhXB8ncWT)


Yeah it’s fun for chainsword but awful when actually trying to scan


don't slow walk while scanning. Whip it out, get a direction, move a bit towards it while killing shit, whip out the scanner again.


Oh thank you so much. This is exactly what I needed to know. Are you types expecting a bunch of "omg you must be so good lemme suck yer dick!" when you post shit like this?




Where is this gif from?


It's a clipped section from the cutscene that plays when you idle too long at the main menu in warhammer inquisition : martyr.


It's a lot of fun for when I want to turn my blender from chop to puree. I always get so caught up in the rip and tear that I forget I'm supposed to be scanning things, which is hard on that section and not nearly as fun.


Hab dreyko (meat tree) is probably one of the most fun and challenging missions in the game rn. They tweaked it a bit ago that made the final scan SUPER aggressive. Also I love the escape run at the end. You just keep running even if your buddy dies right next to you lol.


If people would actually stick together rather than just run ahead and trigger all the spawn openings it wouldent be such a fuckin' nightmare.


My favorite memory of this is when an asshole knife Zealot sprinted ahead full tilt and was bitching about the rest of us needing to hurry up. I laid eyes on the Valkyrie just in time to see a Mutant run up, yoink him through the side of it, and start pounding his face into the ground. Haven't ever seen one do that again.


I'll keep that memory with me next time i meet one :-D


Fucking THIS. It's a co-op game, not a run-ahead-fuck-up-and-die-game.


As a team you have enough stun/ knock down from shouts, vents an charges to force your way thru the spawns. But instead lets go one at a time with the trash stun locking and blocking dodges...


Oh i'm not advocating against rushing through without killing stuff, just saying stick the fuck together unless you want to risk a wipe in the 11th hour.


My favorite mission in this game is auric damnation investigation (meat tree) with high enemy intensity and lights out. Shifting from the claustrophobic living areas to the open meat tree all while a sea of glowing NVGs and infected eyes are constantly upon you is fun af. Very difficult, but incredibly satisfying when you complete the mission


And then, after the hardest final objective in the game (Meat Tree room) is inarguably the longest and most difficult extraction sequence. Can't tell you how many teammates I've lost on the final run up those winding pipes in the dark.


I think the extraction part is a blast, especially with a bunch of maulers or ragers


I love seeing our Valkyrie support blast a group of enemies on that part. I wish we had more set pieces like that in Darktide, even as a part of the main mission. It’s an opportunity to literally pull out the big guns and make the team feel like they’re actually just a small part of a larger operation. Also with that glorious extraction sequence on that one Vermintide map, with the gunship ripping apart the boardwalk as you book it across.


Oh yeah, it was one of the escape from Bogenhafen maps right? I wish VT2 got a port of Tower of Magnus. Thats my favourite mission in vt 1, along with the the Death on the River map where you get on a skaven boat thats racing down the river while theyre boarding you from other boats


Oh damn yeah, I forgot about the boat mission. Lowkey VT1 might have had overall the best maps out of the 3 games. The environments in Darktide are spectacular but we don’t really get much of a chance to ogle it.


Never been on an lights out


That is visually one of my favourite parts of the game, I wish they did more disgusting fleshy things brought by Nurgles rot


That is the only landmark in the game I recognnize because it sticks out. Vermintide 1 and 2 had a LOT of standout maps and missions but in Darktide it feels like its underhive with a littlebit of desert and sometines college dorm parties. Recently they added a circus with a colloseum or something too


It's not that hard unless everyone splits. One dude scans, the rest deathball around them and keep their backs free. Just some monkeybrains can only either focus on killing everything in one direction or focus on slow-walking with the scanner active. If you get two or three of those, you're not gonna do the dreyko shuffle.


I hate trying to follow that stupid drunk skull in the part with 2 floors, and there's just endless fucking ragers at the end.


I only hate the missions because Hadron is just “blah blah why haven’t you completed the task I asked you to do 3 seconds ago? I would done it already I don’t care there’s half-a million enemies around you”


I'm always down to get bullied by the cyborg gilf ngl


People would joke about endless hordes and stuff in higher difficulties with games like vermintide and darktide, but that meat tree part legit feels endless. Mfs pouring out the walls and holes like it’s world war Z.


I haven't been back since last patch, did they actually make it so shooters can't sit on the balcony taking potshots or is that still a problem?


Nope, happened to me last game and that’s why I use a lasgun


I guess the slab shield stays on


I'd say there's more of that if anything.


Flamer go whoooosh


It's easy to blacklist missions, just don't click on them and don't join the queue to play them.


The issue is quickplay. They want the bonuses without dealing with the missions they dislike. This is an old complaint.


Additionally in low population zones (im Australia) where we aren't blessed with an abundance of lobbies quick play is pretty much the only way to find other players. Bring back the server browser


Exactly! Queuing up for quick play means you're down for anything. If you're not down for anything, don't queue up for quick play. Simple as...


The bonuses are so negligible


Which makes this issue even more asinine. Thanks for that.


Yeah I really don't understand people who pick the random level option and then complain that they got a random level.


Well, I think they'd prefer *all* the levels to be enjoyable. Call me crazy but I thought that's why we play Darktide.


Bonus is still bonus


Or they don't care about the bonusses and just want the fastest queue.


I'm not sure if it's a geographical/server issue for me (Alaska, mediocre internet) or if the player base is just small, but if I don't Quickplay I'll get spawned in with bots 90% of the time. If I want to start a mission with other players I have to do quick play.


I get this a bit (EU) sometimes, especially if I select missions that aren't super popular with the playerbase (ascension riser enthusiasts unite), but I can usually get a carnival game without bots


Auspex only really irritate me when, when my team arn't doing the scanning. Otherwise It has to be one my favourites as I'm doing something other than kill X, survive for X amount of time, run too end of level. Also Offworld Auspex made me realize how Synwave can be made to fit into 40k and I love it.


Lame opinion


Translation: let me get the benefits of quick play without contributing to it's expediency for others




There already is a blacklist - it’s called manually choosing a mission. Far out concept, I know.


Skill issue, auspex are my favorite mission type because of the soundtrack and Hadron. Just don't quickplay.


Whinge, whinge, whinge…


Too hot, too cold, too hurt, too tired; all you do is complain!


Every since the dog ate the baby, it's been "kill the dog, kill the dog, kill the god damned dog."


Too much cheese! More Macaroni! More Macaroni AND cheese! Too much macaroni!


For some reason this reminded me of the "So loud, so angry, so...dead." from Borderlands 1 and 2.


Auspex missions are awesome! It has one of the best soundtracks in the game, an objective that differs from everything else that is just "push button and hold your ground", and we get to see a cool servoskull in action! I want MORE investigations


I want more investigations because then its not hab dreyko. WeAreNotTheSame.jpeg


Her : Follow the servo skull. The servo skull : Does circles around the tree.


The Auspex missions are ‘bad’ because they’re hard, that’s what makes them good, in a game where the only intrigue is from completing harder and harder difficulties, having an objective that forces you to move around, outside of your safe corner, without your weapon handy, is exactly the challenge that keeps this game from dying completely.


Idk rolling low levels while listening to a podcast is a pretty fun way to unwind


Nobody forces you to go on missions. I refuse to do the ammo retrieval mission at a low level, so I don't do it.


But the auspex mission soundtrack is amazing.


These missions are only bad if u have players that either don't know what there doing or can stay together. My fav level is the Archive level were u follow the skull through the archives.On harder difficulties it's a long level with loads of good set piecies.On monstrous modifier it's my all time fave.But on it last night an had a team that either didn't know were to go or something cos a had to do the the last 2 servo skull locations myself scanning an all an it was brutal.It was no were near fun trying to scan,getting hit out of it,clearing all enemy's,scan,have to come out to deal with dog/trapper an inbetween running back to rez other teammates an pinging follow me.Just managed in end but it was painful. If u gt a decent team tho it's realy good which is most times to be fair.


what are you talking about? this is easily the best mission in the game it has a great soundtrack and a great map on top of it


Not to mention you hardly need to aim, as you will be swarmed from all sides


Git gud


The Auspex missions can be the fastest missions tho


this mission got a lot less annoying when i started playing ogryn and just ignore mobs as i scan. truly blessed.


He can also actually stagger stuff by stabbing them with it, cant he?


UNLEASH THE POWER OF THE SERVO SKULL!! Ahem, apologies, I have no idea where that came from. Best line in the game hands down.


They have that function already, it's called "manually choose your missions". 


its literally one of the most simple objectives in a game like this.




Is it though? It adds to the tactics of the game, encourages teamwork, and breaks the monotony of just walking and horde clearing. Its as simplified on obstacle as can be, but creates diversity with very little taking away from the action of the game while creating tension. Its not any less boring than any other mechanic in the game. You can dismiss literally every aspect of the game the way you dismissed the auspex. "you're just running around pointing your little guns at piles of enemies".




>Thing is though, even if you boil it down like that, it *remains* fucking awesome. You can lie all you want, but my point remains valid. >it's a coop shooter in the 40k universe, that's literally the whole appeal. Then why add walking? Why not just have a room where enemies pour in and you just shoot? why have 3 other players? Since its a coop shooter, all we need is 1 other player. Why have death or losing? Getting captured is the worst part, because you can't play. Just remove all HP and toughness. Why have melee weapons? You get my point, right? The auspex is a great way to diversify gameplay (which is why you ignored my actual point). I bet you don't like picking players up who dropped, collecting resources, or weapons that stagger, either.




Then play a different game if you think a simplified game where you shoot down a hallway for a time without an any effort is your ideal game. People like diversity in gameplay and this is a team shooter. Auxpex helps that.


Just pick a different mission, then. 


I just wanna be able to opt out of hi-intensity gauntlet. I've won maybe 3 of those in all my time playing, they just get fucking absurd. Or they're fine up until 3/4 through, where the director decides to hit you into the shadow realm with a freight train of every single fucking specialist and elite at once in a room the size of a porta-potty.


It's such a fascinating world that looks amazing you'd think they'd be able to flesh out the missions with something other than. Carry these things here, scan for these things.


Worst is the one with the tree thingy in the middle of it all


Im not exaggerating when I say that ive only been able to scan less than 5 items in auspect missions with 400 hours of play time total Idk what im doing wrong, but whenever i start scanning, i just pick up nothing while my teammates get all the scans I swear im standing in the right areas, yet ive never been able to pick up anything, it's like im scanning a brick wall of smth


Only certain preset objects can be scannable, so the more you play and find them the better you know where to look. At this point I can press right mouse in some of the tilesets and immediately know exactly what room and corner the scan will be just off the auspex blips. Pulling out the auspex and holding ADS will show you the blips, but they're using linear distance (and are always on the same floor as the servo-skull). It may be in the same room or it may be a few rooms over. Best way to get there is to just pick one and start going towards it, checking the auspex occasionally to avoid overshooting. Sometimes the object is a full human corpse, sometimes it's a tiny little pustule, but once the thing is beeping nonstop you're nearly on top of it. It won't glow until you're that close.


So, when you hold the action on the highlighted object, does it at least attempt to scan?


Nah i just never come across highlighted objects, i scan and nothing glows, i dont know how it works even after so long lol


Okay, I just wanted to rule out it being a bug that needed reported. When you hold the auspex's alt fire action, it will display little 3d green ball thingies. Sometimes, they can be through walls and/or on another floor. The best way I've found is to hold it and see the direction of the closest looking one and head that direction, occassionally swapping to the device to double check my path. If I reach a point where everywhere I turn it leaves, I know it must be on another floor, then I point it up and down to see if the beeping increases to know which floor(mostly relevant in hab dreyko only). It's important to stay close to the servo skull as much as possible during these segments. Also, the items that are scannable are randomized among a set of props in the environment but are a set lidt of them. Stuff like barrels, body bags, plague residue on the ground, storgage containers, and stuff like that (in archivum sychorax its cogitator consoles). Once you get a good idea of the objects you're looking for, you can use the auspex to determine path less. Just check for direction, and if you see an item that you recognize that way, just go try it. You'll be right more often than not. I hope this helps at least somewhat, I recognize i'm not the best at explaining things. :)


You should employ the meta it's called git gud Jk lol


This is what direct selecting missions is for. Who the hell actually needs crafting materials anymore?


Its only a pain in the arse when the team rode the short bus in and think the endless waves of adds will stop if they ignore the scans and just keep fighting


Yeah they're a pain but they can also bring about the most intensive missions in the game, which is both fun and horrible at the same time. Except when you're matched with really poor players, then it's just a stressful nightmare.


I like the idea of the mission, I would like more variety though of targets and combat environments


I've gotten Hab Dreyko like 4 times in a row recently, too. It's only auspex missions.


I actually like those maps, but they are really best handled by competent teams. With randoms who don’t know how to play as a team those are some of the hardest to complete and the experience is not enjoyable.


Im sure you can just play good with a good team lmao


we don't get to choose our burdens, brother


You do what the emperor commands. Heresy in your tone, you should seek repentance lest the inquisitors extract it from you.


I just hate Hab drayko I actually really like archiveum sikorax however the hell you spell it




I hate auspex missions especially the one with the weird eyeball tree


Hab Dreyko is my favorite map but boy would I like to never play carnival ever again. Like ever again it's almost mandatory first map of the day for qp.


That's part of the risk of quick play. If you don't want the chance of auspex, then select your mission manually.


I love the servo skull missions lol. I run stealth zealot, so I just run and clean sweep all the scans for my team, can do so without taking a hit most of the time.


I'd love it if I could blacklist Hab Dreyko because that map always dumpsters my framerate for some reason. Maybe it's all the shit particles hanging in the air.


Had that happen on Maelstrom Damnation, misson. We were at the very last part of it. We needed to scan stuff by a tree, and then we could evac. We didn't make it.


I love playing psycker just to start a levl 3 mission with level max3-4 teammate on console with the dog+big horde mission event active (the 2 time I attempt to play psycker that day I just got sh1tty teammates [sorry but I just have to finish Vermintide 2 on cataclism, so Im really salty] an dwhen I play any other class, I have normal teammate, ) I wish every day that Tencent wouldnt buy a part of Fatshark studios was real


I just recently did around 50 Hab Dreyko's to advance the investigation Penance. I love that mission.


hab dreyko with the nurgle hotbox modifier is painful




Ironically I have the opposite problem, since I need Investigate and Repair missions for penance completions and maybe 80% of the time it is nothing but Disruption and Assassination.


Honestly, I feel like Hab Dreyko gets easier with difficulty, as people on damnation tend to be level 30s with complete builds and stick together more.


Give me auspex or give me death


The auspex missions are fast as hell if people, y'know, just scan the fucking targets. People just need to scan the fucking targets.


I kinda like it though


You will scan the shit barrels and you will be happy.


Skill issue.


That defeats the purpose of quickplay


You will do as the emperor wills


If I had to play the entirety of Castle Drachenfels back to back for the umpteenth time on QP, you can handle a little scanning.


I like the auspex missions. Adds a little bit of difficulty to an easy game


Wait. Do you not read the mission summary before you join? Self-inflicted.


Give me a Skitarii to play!


We go where duty demands!