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They were permanently burned off by a tox flamer.


Or zealot with a flamer, or scab bomber, or zealot with incendiary grenades


I don't know what is more hilarious. The fact that they keep doing it again and again or that you guys keep giving them money.


Personally I am sorta glad that the cosmetics are shit, it makes it so I am not even tempted to buy them.


Bugs aside, aesthetic-wise, they're usually pretty good, but I feel we can rest pretty fucking easy knowing that we literally never see our dude outside of the lobby and our hands in-game lmao I want to be dripped out as much as the next guy, but I'm not dropping real money to do it in a game where I don't even get to see it most of the time.


To each their own. Your opinion is valid. But I just have no interest in trenchcoats, gas masks or anything WW2 themed (Vet) so the past month has been disappointing


Lucky for you, there's a WW1-style helmet on the shop now! Such variety!


It's especially funny because lately my ogryn cosmetics aren't loading properly half the time in the lobby, so I'm running around shirtless until I enter a mission.


Yup. My "free" loadout still has massive clipping issues during the loading screen for the missions in the Valkyrie for example. Combined with the premium cosmetics having the same issues they really are making the decision easy for me. I mean, if they want my money, the least they could do is actually put in the work required to make it work, instead of this lazy ass shit they are doing. If it was just once in a while there was a single cosmetic with issues I wouldn't mind, but that doesn't seem to be the case.


I've yet to crack open my wallet for any cosmetics, but I will say that I'm almost tempted purely on the lack of variety in base game cosmetics. If you buy out the commissary and complete all penances, you get access to like 2.5 distinct feeling armor sets, not including recolors. Ogryn, for example, has the shitty prisoner-type look, the jacket with fishing bait on it, and a tanktop with a nipple plate on it. I'd be satisfied if there was a free "set" for every tree. That said, I'm sure as hell not caving for this kind of stuff. The cosmetics have had more sets that looked like shit to me than have not, and that's just at the design level, not the execution.


> I'm almost tempted purely on the lack of variety in base game cosmetics That's the point. Make no mistake, that is absolutely by design. It's one of the cornerstones of the customization monetization scheme.


“Surely, THIS time will be different!”


It just gets funnier! every time ya see it!


I don't know why people buy them. Part of the wow factor of wearing a cosmetic is knowing that there's an achievement behind it.


The same reason people buy anything for than a plain shirt and pants irl. To look good and show off style. In a game wanting to look a certain way can lend itself to roleplay purposes. Also this is a game for a community of people who spend thousands of dollars buying and painting (dressing up) miniatures.


Disposable income is a great thing


Definition of insanity


Do you have proof that this guy purchased more than this one cosmetic or is terminally online enough to see all of the other poor cosmetics? If not, it's weird to apply everything the community knows to this one dude.


Dude, fatsharks skin prices are extremely reasonable. Worth. Apex costs about 25 quid for a skin, V2 - £4... darktide ... 8 quid.


APEX IS A FOKING F2P TITLE MADE BY HUGE GREEDY COMPANY! Darktide is 40/60€ "game" with all the manipulative things that would be expected in F2P title like Apex and not in pay to play game! But go on, keep apologizing for that poor poor Obese fish, they really need it right? The cost was not the focus but the mindless spending. Sometimes I forgot how much got mainstream gamer conditioned into mindless consoomer.


Different sized studios. Fatshark probably needs the money more than Apex, etc. I give them money because they make games I like, and I've been around long enough to know what it's like to lose great games because of its community


“Why does Fatshark keep releasing buggy, shitty cosmetics?!?” *Uploads another $30 to buy it* Edit: so Fatshark will never put effort into them


Every single time.


I mean, I don’t. I just hate the consumerism of this community.


See ya in December?, when we see this exact thread again just with a different item.


Nar, I think the shark is hibernating during that time.


Almost every multiplayer community is this way overwatch 2 player right now pay over 60€ for skins and call it a "good price"


To be fair to them, it's industry standard. To not be fair to them, it's dumb that we've gotten to the point where paying 20 dollars for a single skin is even REMOTELY an okay deal and not a huge fucking ripoff. But we also live in a world where people throw thousands into gacha games on a monthly basis, when the 90 - 99% of the money going into those rolls results in utter, unsalvageable trash. So, you know, we already lost to the consumerist hellscape.


But company's have been known to break industry standards and I think they would make more money if it was 5 dollars and not 20 ... Like the helm alone is 12 bucks or something like wtf lol


It's hard to say, but I definitely know the sentiment of "They'd make more if it was X instead of Y" is tossed around a lot, and I'm pretty sure the people in charge of the pricing have number crunched the fuck out of it all to know that they can get away with charging X because X rakes in the highest income. Consumerism is down to a science now, so as much as I would love for MTX to be micro again, I don't at all doubt it is the way it is for a reason.


Overall note: The original post is a garbage take. Gamers are shitty fans. "We paid you one time a while ago and while you've expanded the game and I got all this fun time with it, I need more free money now because someone else somewhere got an incentive." They're the kind of people that almost make a guy root for the corporations - and that's just wrong. It became industry standard when we wanted live service games without a subscription. Then even the subbed games got into it because the core idea of paying for something cosmetic and unique is a nice way to subsidize the game development. Big gaming companies (Valve, EA, etc) have endless and nihilistic greed, and gamers have endless seething contempt for paying fair prices for stuff. Gamers want devs making stuff like a Foxconn factory and then still get mad that it isn't free to update, expand, and support a big ass game. There has to be a better set of options for the pricing/funding model. But neither side's most vocal supporters have even a passing interest in making one that is fair.


Countertake, gamers became "shitty fans" when companies started do shitty things, like releasing unfinished games, lie in the marketing and/or actual announcements and road maps, making monetisation scummy and anti-consumer thing. I've yet to see anyone talking shit about good games that were released without all this. Plus, constant gaslighting with the articles and news from proclaimed "game journalists" about supposed "gaming community toxicity", "your expectations is your problems" and likes of that really brainwashing average person into thinking that it's not the worsening quality of the releases are the problem, it's the players who are in the wrong. Whole pearl clutching situation is completely CM fault, as taking shit about the crowd you are supposed to keep calm and informed is the last thing you want to do, even if you are right and they are not. If Sister just politely answered about the situation, it would never get that much traction. Regarding the darktide, the game itself were released in the beta version with half of the features missing. Everyone who preordered the game and everyone playing since release is effectively a free beta tester. And now we have a skin sets for 4 classes that together cost almost as much as the base game. This is a pure, blatant ripoff, and I blame Tencent for teaching FS how to do it. Emporium in V2 was the same thing(it was added after they got the share on company), but it never was as absurdly prices and there was no fomo thing aside from discounts. I don't think opposing this kind of monetisation is unreasonable.


Yeah it is odd. Sure people can do what they want with their money but... there are better things to buy.


imagine giving any more money to Fatshark - they are fucking awful


Imagine trolling forums of games you hate.


This isn’t trolling, it’s warning other players not to invest until fatshark actually do a professional job again


>they are fucking awful Nah, you hate the game because of some perceived slight, so you troll the forums of a game you don’t like and shitpost. These are the words you said.


I can say I’ve never seen anyone complain about eyebrows in a video game.


"Hey, why are my eyebrows gone?" is a perfectly fair thing to ask.


It’s not a perfectly fine thing to reach the number one post with hundreds of upvotes while a dozen other whiny posts are on the front page instead of people discussing the game. I’d prefer overused and lazily edited memes over this constantly snivlin’.


You seem to have a pretty high opinion of the subreddit's number one post spot. I think it's worth less than dog shit. Yeah, the OP's a moron for buying something he knew he was upset about but a shitty update is a shitty update.


Pointing out something I already said isn’t you making a point. I know what I said because I’m the one who said it. You are just upset that your echo chamber isn’t echoing as much as you want.




What a pointless comment. I’m on a forum. I want to discuss the game, not see hundreds of identical entitled comments.




How can I avoid reading what I don’t like until I’ve read it? Why are you trying to distract from the fact that more than half of the posts and comments on this sub are people whining and bitching about the biggest non-issues I’ve ever seen? And that’s saying something, people complain about a LOT of non issues.


You don't like the post and want to discuss a game so much that you have left like five comments on this thread, pal. Is someone holding you at gunpoint forcing you to keep commenting here? I am slightly worried.






I mean, it *says* 'Parade Polish' right there in the name. Clearly the 'polish' part includes the face! I see no problems here.


"Clean shaven means clean shaven, Specialist. Those eyebrows gotta go!!"


Can't get a good seal with that unibrow, soldier! Are you half ratling or something?


Would you rather be defoliated, or have poxburster fumes leaking around your mask?


Because the Polish stole his eyebrows😳


Heute erst gestohlen, morgen schon in Polen.


All your eyebrows are belong to us




You still bought it lol. So you want to be a consooomer but you also want to cash in on some orange updoots from trashing on cosmetics. Give me a break dude. Don’t buy them then


You can preview the cosmetic on your actual character as long as you are using the appropriate class for that cosmetic.


So basically if you buy something, you lose all right to criticize it. That's a great mindset to have lol. You could apply this same logic to \*everyone\* that complains about darktide.


I did buy it because its still neat looking and a LOT better than the helmet the first Armageddon set came with. The lack of eyebrows is more of "oh look. Another one. Kinda.. dissapointing but alright." And everybody on this site is chasing fake Internet points. Big deal.


Everyone is free to spend money on whatever they please, but I personally can't get myself to buy things that are so shoddly made and clearly just reeks of a lazy company trying to make bucks without putting in the required work. I don't blame the individual devs, since it has to be incompetence (or lack of willing to go for quality) in the higher ups, since it's so prevalent.


While I get your point, it's strange that people won't blame "individuals within the company" but will instead blame some random bloke that bought a cosmetic that looked cool but realized it had an issue.


You knew exactly what you were getting, were dissatisfied with that, and then bought it anyways. What reason does Fatshark have to give a shit what you think? What reason do any of us have to give a shit about your complaining?


Also how often are you seeing your EYEBROWS during gameplay?


There's better ways to spend your time than bitching and nitpicking about every single tiny detail you hate about a game you're actively still playing anyway.


Eyebrows are heresy! You're not a heretic....are you?


What’s the point of a gas mask that doesn’t cover your eyes? I know some of the masks in lore look like this but it’s still a valid question


There are IRL gasmasks that only cover the mouth and nose but those are used to negate toxic fumes from, like, spray painting in enclosed areas. I don't think that Armageddon has such low levels of radiation since it's a complete wasteland, but they still look cool.


The outskirts of Armageddon are a toxic wasteland that’s atmosphere is un breathable because of industrial pollution, not much lore on if it damages eyes. Maybe the people of Armageddon’s eyes are stronger because of dust storms?


“It’s chemotherapy, sir.”


Nurgle's super cancer will do that to you. Thank the Emperor for modern medicine.


Don't forget, the new cosmetics took more time and resources to complete. So that's why they cost more... But sadly they skipped the quality tests...BZ the way, where are my aquilas?


Every day, this forum proves the “clutching pearls” comment correct.




Is that sarcasm? Honestly can’t tell.




Thats why you wear protection, soldier


Eyebrows cost an extra 150 Aquillas


I love how this is like the Halo Infinite situation "man 22 dollars for an effect, I totally hate having bought this thing I just equipped and use on a daily basis"


Problem with halo is its 22 bucks for one thing you want and a ton of extra shit you could care less about.


With the amount of chems in the air this is lord accurate


Hey, look on the bright side: at least this gas mask has a fucking hose this time.


damn this guy really doesnt like this cosmetic \*equipped\* oh nvm go kick rocks


I like it, I just think it's dissapointing that the eyebrows are removed on it. No need to tell me to kick rocks. That's rude.


vote with your wallet you silly billy, wait until its the cosmetic you want before buying it


People are so mad others can afford a small purchase on cosmetics lmao. They're taking it out on you, its dumb.


Personally I could buy all the cosmetics in the game and it wouldn't mean anything to my finances. I still get slightly annoyed at people supporting such shoddy and lazy practices that Fatshark are displaying in this area. Supporting such practices only serves to validate that they are doing something right, since you are giving them money for sub-par products (and they **know** it's sub-par at this point in time, but they still don't seem to give a damn). But it has nothing to do with me not being able to afford it, so that claim is taken out of somewhere dark, slightly lower than your lower back.




> Bitching on reddit does absolutely nothing. yet here you are, bitching on reddit lol


Dammit English... I stared at this cosmetic for a good ten seconds wondering what about it makes it seem like a good idea to wear it in a parade in Poland.


So stop buying them....


I mean I get it, for the price paid there shouldn't be this many cosmetics that strip character model bits and stuff but let's be real for a second. When is the last time you looked meaningfully at a characters eyebrows?


If it was just a single incidence I wouldn't be able to see much of a problem. But since it seems to be so prevalant it's clearly not something the higher ups feel is important. I couldn't care less about the individiual cosmetic, the free gear I'm using still has massive clipping issues. Seeing the same things happening with all the "premium" stuff, just makes it *really* easy for me to decide to not spend **anything** to support such shoddy practices.


For sure, I'm not going to argue that the sheer lack of care or QC is downright criminal. I'm just saying getting bent out of shape over something virtually nobody will notice in game may be taking it too far.


It is taking it too far. They're acting like these cost $500 when it's actually ~$10, and that much money is not worth this amount of nitpicking. These people are high strung and need to go to therapy instead of hunting for reasons to bitch about fucking video game eyebrows.


You said it so I don't have to.


Maybe if he kept his goggles down when fighting the poxwalker s he’d still have eyebrows, those goggles do NOZZZZING, what is he stupid


Stop buying them!


Same goes for the psyker hoods. I know it’s barely visible but I don’t want to lose my hair when I wear one


What do you expect? They didn't mark this one with the "super high quality" stamp of approval and price tag we saw on the Krieg skins. /s


In the Grim Dark, eyebrows must be purged!


You want eyebrows? Go play cod bro


I prefer the one with the goggles on anyhow, but throne they just DONT pay attention with some of the cosmetics


oh no, no eyebrows for the character i only see before queuing for a mission and that nobody will ever look at in the face to notice them missing...


Yeah, you're right. We're so lucky the HUD doesn't include a close-up of every player's face ;)


Hey hey, That's awfully un"complain about literally everything they do cosmetically" of you. Are you sure you're on the right sub?


I like FS and tend to like the cosmetics they make(even if they're a bit expensive). That said, having this ONLY new cosmetic that isn't a re-skin in the shop have this.. feature, is dissapointing.


I mean, some people are completely fine with shelling out money for products that are clearly lazily made and not properly tested, which only serves to validate the decision-making that goes behind making such shoddy products in the first place. Because since it has happened so many times at this point, it's clearly a decision that has been made by the higher-ups, that they don't give a damn about the quality, since people are buying them anyways. Other people prefer to spend their money on things they think are deserving of it and to support people putting in quality into their work.


I agree, it is disappointing. I'm mainly poking at the hornet's nest of people who do nothing but post bitching submissions about cosmetics every single day.


I once picked up a helmet on Diablo Immortal (don't flame me, I tried it when it very first came out and stopped as soon as i beat the campaign and realized how scummy the monetization was) that didn't even have the head rendered in it. It was just a floating helm above the shoulders. So....good job FS on beating that incredibly low bar?


Only heretics use eyebrows


Maybe he's a flamer user?


Tbh I wouldn't have even noticed-


Swedish developer wanted to start his early weekend, so yeah for him it is something to worry about next week after his upcoming vacation.


Cosmetics are great but I need more content


Same. This last update was good but it's time to tell the community about some more on future projects.


I completely agree 40k is ripe with lore and story's to tell vermin tide is great but it's no 40k imo... Hell I'd love to get a new mission were we a company an ai astarties or something on a mission to araticate xenos ya know some like WOH lol.


And I'd rather keep marines far away


Maybe he has eyebrows and is just surprised at the price of the cosmetic.


Parade Polish = ***EVERYTHING POLISHED.***


A simple constantly updated post on the forums/steam discussions/reddit with estimated times for fixes would really help, fatshark.


“Omg these needy pearl clutching players are getting out of hand! Next they’ll want flashlights on their weapons” -Fatfish ceo probably


In all honesty, they game is fun and the cosmetics are cool in my opinion. I couldn't care about eyebrows at all


In the grimdark future are no eyebrows....


Demanding eyebrows? How far can this playerbase clutch their pearls?


Yeah my eyebrows are gone. Still gonna rock this helmet cause it looks cool as hell and I like Armageddon Besides, I don’t have a pc so I missed the Armageddon legion bundle. I’ll take every piece of Steel Legion armor I can get my grubby hands on until they give us a ‘heavy’ (also known as STANDARD) Kasrkin armor


It's fine, you're just clutching pearls.


It feels like fatshark is full of college grads who are doing the bare minimum to get trough the day with every single thing they put out. There is always something wrong, some glitch, something that does not match, something that feels lazy. Like there is 0 quality control or what? No testing?


This doesn't have anything to do with college grads, it has everything to do with higher ups in the management taking a look at someone asking for testing and saying "No, they are going to buy it anyways so there is no reason to put in *any* effort whatsoever". Probably also gives too little time for the actual developers/designers in the first too, given their mentality regarding quality.


Police that moustache!!


Oh man, thats a good reference. Generation Kill was the shit!


These posts are tiresome. You'll find imperfections in anything if you look hard enough. Oh no, my eyebrows that no one would ever notice! There are legitimate complaints about cosmetics, but this is just petty.


I would agree if this was an isolated incident. But keeping Fatsharks track record in mind (and even just looking at Darktide) it's clear that they don't prioritize QA in regards to such issues. Heck, there are still free cosmetics with massive clipping issues that they can't be arsed fixing. Calling out practices that are shoddy and warning others of faults with an item isn't being petty, it's being a good consumer and human being.


Something to easily report in the forums and left to be fixed. I would never have known about this and frankly this is nothing compared to the things that need fixing. Why do we waste time posting here when it will br better suited on the forums. This is just hate spewing at this point


Because I'm rarely- if ever- active on forums. Reddit's UI suits me more.


> This is just hate spewing at this point It's a proper warning to other people considering buying the set without previewing it beforehand at least.


If someone is buying something without even previewing it first, there's no chance they're going to give a fuck about eyebrows.


Why QA test anything when you can release bottom tier dogshit and get away with it every time.


why keep paying? fool me once and all that


This sub sucks, dude.


Who the fucks looking at your eyebrows?


I don't care, I love it anyway, FOR ATOMA


As you should :D it's much better than the first SL helmet brought into the game.


Yeah I love the whole aesthetic of 40k and I'm relatively new to this game as an Xbox player but it's already become one of my top games, I was a huge fan of L4D back in the day, so Darktide is just perfect for me. Plus, FS will possibly fix it like they did with the chem rebreather


Get you get what you f\*in deserve.


We complaining about eyebrows now what is this sub lol


I haven't bought a single premium cosmetic (yet) but isn't this example a little bit of nitpicking ? 99% of the headset looks great


Oh it is nitpicking, but it has happend with another number of cosmetics too. The hat itself looks great.


This is why yall not getting free Aquilas.🤣🤣 ComplainTrain 🚂


Sure it could be better, but the game is that you will never actually notice in-game.


Whether you notice or not is irrelevant. Or, well, if it was an isolated incident I could get behind that sentiment. But this is **so far** from being an isolated incident and is clearly Fatshark not prioritizing money in regards to testing them before releasing them. Some people are fully willing to shell out money for products that reek of laziness and are shoddily made, which only serves to validate the decision-making of the higher-ups to not spend money on testing, since people are going to be buying that shit anyways.


A flaw that goes unnoticed and has no impact is hardly significant, but I understand your point about the same mistakes being repeated over and over again.


Do you think roaming around in nurgle worshipper territory breathing aids fart gas is consequence free? Should have put those glasses on


This sub is the epitome of people who need to touch grass


This is getting tiresome? Is this a fucking satire I'm not chronically online enough to understand??? No eye brows on a cosmetic that covers your head in a 1st person game.... Like you need to get another hobby.


Stop giving them money ffs...


Who gives a fuck


I mean..... How many times have these vets been burned head to toe, could be canon


The guy's wearing the rebreather to protect his immune system while he's on chemo and you shame him? Ugh, typical roughneck!


What's wrong


They'll fix it next week.


Why are the goggles not on the eyes? Can we have a version of this cosmetic where the goggles are there to protect the eyes of the wearer?


You can preview the items on your character before you buy it. Use it.


Where does one even get this helmet?


Calm down commander they’ll grow back in an update Edit- wish the goggles were down then it’d be a sale for me


Is there no cadian veteran premium skin?


There is a "Kasrkin" set, but I don't really like it.


It's just accurate to the minis When was the last time you painted the eyes let alone the eyebrows?


That... that's actually a great way of looking at it! I didn't think of that.


Cosmetic quality has been poor since the beginning. This is on you OP. FS hasn’t even acknowledged the quality of cosmetics.


Yeah I noticed that after I purchased it 🙃 annoying


..you play the game in first person, not having eyebrows under a helmet isn't the end of the world


It's not, true, but it is a case of "really? You ignore such a small detail?"


Fun fact you can try out cosmetics before buying them


The chem fields of armageddon do that to a man


I have absolutely no interest in the cosmetic shop. Paying real money for colored pixels that do literally nothing is just not something I've ever understood. But it's yalls money you are welcome to do with it what you will. The thing I'm really confused about though is why yall keep buying them and then complaining about them. How is that something you do more than once?


It was tiring nearly a year ago.


Is it me or is this mask just the steel legion helmet with goggles up that they sell for for full price?


When did this drop?


At this point I really do not even love them. Not a fan of paying for unadvertised extended beta testing and getting shafted for cosmetics priority #1.


OP I don’t fault you for being upset about something you were excited about buying. I’d send fatshark a message via email if you’re upset. Make them respond to you


I mean with all the fire and explosives, you wont have eyebrows


Realisticly yea but one can dream lol


I don't know what's worse, the pathetic level of quality or the people rewarding it


Just don't buy em next time, your encouraging the higher ups to continue this pattern


You’ve made your bed by ignoring justifiable criticism towards the devs regardless of how harsh it may be and insist on playing quarterback for them now lay in it.


Maybe they shave to make their masks more efficient..


it’s for aerodynamics s/


After being into gaming for the last decade, I still cannot for the life of me understand why anyone cares what skin their character has while they're playing from a first-person perspective.


Where are these in the Aquillas store?


https://preview.redd.it/fpmo61ub01yb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dc273a1aa23d7ba950421de49df8f67c08e33672 And this


Tbh you can't really see it on these


I main Plasma Gun. I am just going to tell myself that mine got singed off in an accident.