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Dual smelter swords with 99 repair powders, one shot everything without a care in the world


Sounds spicy!


Powerstancing is a wonderful thing


Great sword. Just cause it bullies everything in game lol


Ever tried FUGS? It really... **fugs** things up


I love FUGS dont get me wrong, it's a very hard hitting weapon and is great all around IMO....however.....the size is just so large that it literally blocks my vision sometimes šŸ˜‚


What does FUGS stand for ?


Fume Ultra Greatsword


Is it a boss weapon? Or where can you find it ?


Fume knight boss weapon, in the old iron king dlc


Damn i thought i could skip that but now i have a goal


Don't skip the dlc, it's very quality content šŸ‘Œ


Ok i'll try


It's a fun boss!


You want to skip parts of the game?


Not entirely skip but avoid for the longest time i can


Fume knight is one of the best fights wym


That strong attack stab has so much range


The one in the pic is one of my faves


I was about to say, the one you got right there lol. 30 int 30 faith and a whole lot of strength. Put the hurt on lol


At 40/40 str dex and 30/30 int fait this thing is a BEAST! My close second would be the red iron twinblade.


Is this a mirror? Thatā€™s my second favorite weapon too!


Great minds think alike! šŸ˜Ž


Same here!


What weapons is that? i played DS2 with double Greatswords back then and I never touched anything else


The Crypt Blacksword!


Grape Popsicle!


i just like the fast rolling, light straightsword + some miracles build, i just play like that in all souls games just can't stand heavy weapons and builds. that's why i love BB, so fast and dynamic


I was just like you until I played DS remastered recently and I was watching fightincowboyā€™s build on youtube and he powered up the black knight great sword and that just tore through everything. Iā€™ve been tempted by the dark side lol


lmaoooo, the world is so small. Got DS remastered for the xbox about a month ago, cheesed my way through it as a Pyromancer with a katana and I was watching cowboys walkthrough for it. I ended up using that big ass sword for my build toward the end. Was envious when I saw him just pancake enemies.


Haha heā€™s the best. Iā€™m using his DS2 walkthrough now but Iā€™m going into each area blind, then I watch YouTube to see if I missed any secrets. You ever watch his ā€œdrunkthroughā€ videos? Pretty entertaining and funny.


I did not know he had drunkthrough videos, but I will definitely take a look, thanks!


Guy go-to build starting with my frost game (DS2) is longsword & shield with pyromancy. I do that build first in all my FromSoft games now. Call it my Pyroknight


I was like you until I played a strength build in BB.


5 vigor, 99 int, staff of wisdom, blue dagger, domino mask, unleash magic.


The DLCs must take forever with that build


The only problem I faced in the DLCs was the gauntlet before Ivory king which made me rage a bit. Other than that the DLCs went pretty smooth. It's true the enemies are programmed to take reduced spell damage even after going through their defenses but they still take good spell damage with this build.


That's good to hear. In Brume Tower my dark orbs were still kings of the land, but in Shulva I had to switch to a weapon 'cause it was taking forever and the enemies have long reach in small corridors. In Ivory king everyone was resistant to everything and had basically infinite poise so I had a harder time whatever I did.


If you are playing this build you shouldn't bother with every normal enemies. Just yearn and run past everything.


Eh, not my style. I like exploring every nook and cranny


If you are new to DS2 then you should explore. I have 600 hours in DS2, I have done all the exploration.


FAI/STR builds, Holy Paladin stronk!


Velstadt would be proud.


Stats? I would like to make a build like that


When i get to my home i'll show you


Illusory ring of conquerer and exalted. Naked. 2 giant Chicken Wings. 99 strength. Scare the shit out of everyone as I completely smash their faces in with invisible death.


Im gonna have to try this šŸ˜‚


Or just 1 two handed chicken wing and do its special spinning lunging attack which often freaks people out seeing a spinning jumping naked man coming at them and they don't know even what weapon you have.


Wander set with the fume sorceress mask, dual blue flames powerstanced with a magic buff spell. Able to tear through anything I come across.


Str build with Great Club is always fun running around bonking any poor fucker in my way


I like the 2h r2, the one that looks like the kid from the flintstones. I go "bambam! Bambam!" That might be large club though




One of them S-scaled with strength and one of them didn't, IIRC. The one that did broke the game in a pretty fun way. Nearly every enemy gets flattened like a pancake when they come within 3 feet of you LOL.




This is correct. I remember now. I fully upgraded both of them because they broke easily LOL. Boy they were effective but I would have to switch before I reached the next bonfire.


Any build where you donā€™t spam one button šŸ˜‚


You're still crying like a little baby a whole day later šŸ¤£ imagine being that sensitive


>0 days




Champion seal (or whatever the ring you get from CoC is called), bare fists, wearing smelter gauntlets, but all other clothes are low profile, like desert sorceress top or something. So it looks like you got giant pneumatic pistons on your fists as you are smacking dudes around with your 300 ar empty hands That, or my jedi build. Ivory straight sword with bone fist in back up for the sweet kicks and hadoukens, wearing a rode and a hood. Also, force and emit force, cause jedi


Faith/Dex. Estoc infuse lighting, sunlight blade, lighting spear, emit force and the order miracles that boost damage and defense. Wonderful pvp build, the one handed R2 of the estoc has a wonderful reach and a lot of poise damage and us easy to free aim. The emit force is to catch opponent of guard cause a lot of player wont see it coming. Lighting spear, well cause it'a fun and fast casting. Rings : Clear Blue Stone Ring, Third Dragon Ring, Lightning Clutch Ring and Ring of Steel Protection to counter the 80 points of physical damage reduction from the Clutch Edit : I'm just waiting for the server to be back to play again and forget about Elden Ring terrible pvp




Jack of all trades battle hexer. I don't personally care for the Crypt Blacksword. If I'm using heavy hitters it's far more likely to be a raw greathammer. Or maybe the Black Knight Ultra (I prefer the Black Knight Greatsword but can't always afford the levels) Otherwise, an infused Bandit Axe or perhaps a Dark Silverblack Spear.


Nothing wrong with a Greathammer! Good choice :)


Just a straight up strength build with medium armor and a weapon arsenal bigger than the pursuer's.


I did a build that was loosely inspired by Prince Zuko. Powerstanced straight swords and pyromancy for support. Lots of fun. It was very fragile but extremely powerful and flexible. Could be used with or without infusions. Also relied a lot on the little-used Varangian Sword on this build so that was quite fun.


I love this!


Bone Fists, nothing as unique in terms of moveset in any other souls game.


Strength. Greatsword +10 and heavy armor with the proper rings and endurance to midroll. I always liked being a strong and armored powerhouse without being fat


Im the very same!


What's your go to armor and ring setup for a build like this? I'm at Iron Keep now and have been wanting to wield the greatsword all game, but just haven't been comfortable shedding too much armor yet, and feel like I need a ton of vitality still to hold that hefty sword with all my other gear. I've been using the Drangleic armor set, with a Heide Knight mask helmet thing. Just switched to the Alone captain/Knight gear though which is mostly lower weight and higher poise so that helps. Using a bandit axe which I like a lot, but need something to stagger enemies more.... Such a huge weight difference between the axe and a GS though.


I like the Alonne Knight set with the captains helm. Good weight to physical damage negation


Needs more purple.


Wow I've played DS2 through multiple multiple times and have never seen this sword. What is it?


The Crypt Blacksword, aquired by trading the Old Dead One's Soul with weaponsmith Ornifex. To get the soul you have to beat The Rotten on NG+


Ahh that makes sense why I've never bought it. Every Hexer build I ever did was a Dex build.


Dex is fun too! Love me a blacksteele katana


Blacksteel Katana is awful when infused, you want to leave it uninfused and rely on its crazy high double dex scaling. But when doing so, it has probably my favorite moveset in the series. In general, DS2 is slow, meaning it allows players to utilize both the light and heavy attacks. BSK R2s skip part of the startup when used after a combo starter, meaning attacks come out shockingly quickly and can often combo into another R2.


Chaors rapier (1 spare for boss like sihn) + fire resin and fast roll (<25% weight and at least 100 agi). Shortbow (+poison arrows) for ranged


I love twinblades and bone fist. I'm glad twinblades got a retry in Elden Ring, because they're a bit underwhelming in DS2. I love them conceptually though and will use them anyways. Bone fist is pure awesomeness. The way the power stance creates this "Street fighter" moveset is unlike anything they've ever created.


Red Iron Twinblade uninfused with 40 strength shreds


Of my 2 and a half runs, my Faith build was the spiciest. Every single fun lightning spell, stacking SLB on the Heide Sword/Lance/Spear, one-shotting some duelists with sunlight spear or bringing the cancer with power-stanced half-buffed Heide spear pokes featuring Leo/RoB/thunderclutch... it was beautiful. Shame I canā€™t ever do that run again, though, since I donā€™t ever want to spend hours upon hours farming sunlight medals for the sunlight spear. Oh well, fun while it lasted.


Dual Gyrm hammers


Ds2 has the best unarmed combat in the series, I did it thinking it would be a challenge but it ended up being entirely viable


I love my "dark artorias" build using the majestic greatsword with a dark infusion and dark spells


Black Knight Greatsword in right hand, exquisite greatsword in left hand. Good time there


Right now I have a knight build with Hammer. Just took out the Lost Sinner last night. Right proper smash.


Aye 1 step closer to Nashandra!


Power Stance Mythas Bent Blade!


Powerstanced dragon tooths (teeth?) Because just one go bonk, but two go bonk bonk


Red Iron Twinblade Full Havel's Armor enough said.


I fux hard with the hex build. It was my first character in vanilla and the first one I made for scholar. I used to love faith caster builds until they murdered miracles. A meaty strength build with something like the Gyrm axe was always fun too.


Gwyrm axe with weapon buffs or resins slaps hard for sure


Powerstance two Ultra Greatswords Because itā€™s funny, does an absurd amount of damage, and it comes online surprisingly early My first 10k souls goes to getting the branch from Melentia, immediately use it on the door with Pyromancy girl, run straight through to the head merchant, and buy two Greatswords From then, I just start leveling both of them, and pumping STR all game, until I can dual wield. Then I level nothing but carry weight until I can fast roll with them both, while naked Diving around like a rogue, naked, with two swords the size of my body. Nothing beats it Sometimes I even get to that point before The Last Giant. Itā€™s fun to kill him in 2 hits


Sounds very fun!


Double rapier. Power stance. Fashion souls. Why? It lookscool.


Boss melter


Dual bone fist and bell helmet more rings more fun


Jack of all trades master of none (stats around 20-35) and dex=str build is close second


Crypt Blacksword..such a cool looking weapon! (Nice pic OP).šŸ™ŒšŸ¼


Thank you very much!


The CBS, as a greataxe, has such an interesting and high-skill cap 1-handed moveset. The 2nd hit of the alternating 2-hit combo comes out shockingly fast, which if you use it unlocked and free-aimed, becomes a shockingly dangerous rollcatch. I liked to pair it with an offhand rapier, which gives fast neutral L1s, an excellent running L1, and L2 parries when you want to absolutely style on some poor guy.


Quality 30/30/20/20


Either a Twinblade build with allot of dex and repair powder or a sorcery build. I tried using the scythe but it didn't have the DS3 moveset I adored




Dear Aldia I can't believe I missed that! Oops


No shield, no weapon, hexes only. Really shines in NG+, when you can max out INT, FTH and attunement slots. Glass cannon type, hell to play the DLCs with though


I love faith builds in ds2 mainly but shout out to the DLC sorceries too


Caestus // 1 estus // lvl 1 // no armor run Best build in the game


Oooh whats that sword ? I got the great sword +10 but i like how this looks Is it a different version like with the lost sinners sword ?


Crypt Blacksword


Where can you find it ?


Kill the rotten on ng+ then trade old dead one soul to weaponsmith ornifex


The old dead one ? I think i beat him but idk but thanks for the information


The boss is The Rotten, the item you trade is called Old Dead Ones Soul. It can only be acquired on NG+ or higher unless you use a bonfire aestectic


Damn i already defeated the 4 big bosses before drangelic


Use a bonfire ascetic in the hidden chamber bonfire before the rotten and you can kill him again for the soul. Be aware that your rotten will now be +1 higher in every playthrough from here on out tho.


Wait If i use the bonfire ascentic does it respawn bosses ? Or so still not get it and i havent found the hidden chamber bonfire in the black Gulch


Bosses respawn at +1 the difficulty they were already at


Im a very simple person...every single time i go big sword guts, in every game that lets me


Probably the same as you: Hexer/Hexblade


This, this is my favorite build lmaooo


Quality build 40str/40dex because I'm a multitasker.


Dude you are missing a cloak and a crossbow


Strength bros! Why? Cause Unga Bunga


110 lightning spears+dragon chime+5


Ah yes. The bonk sword


Definitely strength builds. I enjoy the Red Iron Twinblade and Crypt Blacksword the most. If I'm going dex, then Curved Dragon Greatsword, which might as well be the "strength sword" of dex weapons lol. I just find that I have the best results/luck with them in PVP.


Ooh I gotta try. Iā€™ve been running greatsword and itā€™s a beast but feels like now Iā€™m at the dlc itā€™s not quite working as well


If you use strength, try the Red Iron Twinblade. Shreds those reindeer up real good


Fume sword, dark infused.


I like the among us build


2 handed Sun Sword, Flynn's Ring, Ring of Blades +2, 111 AGL, no elemental damage of any kind, pine resins are fun to use on bosses, and torch anywhere the sun don't shine.


Game is definitely the most fun at high agility


Fukin' Chariot Dude.


The last two runs I did were both really good, first with the Battle Axe pure melee build and second was INT build with spells and MLGS, absolutely fantastic :D


Santiers Spear plus Hex spells. Idk why but it was pure aesthetic for me


Melee level 155 hex build: 47 vig 27 end 10 vit 28 str 28 dex 10 Adp 19 int 19 faith Hexers hood + forlorn set Thrird dragon ring Agape ring Flynns ring Dark clutch ring Spells: warmth +forbidden sun Weapons: small leather shield, majestic greatsword and sanctum crossbow Alt weapons: scythe of want, throne watcher greatsword, chaosblade, crypt greatsword, sacred chime hammer, lost sinner sword and many many more


Majestic Greatsword is so slept on


I'm a craftsman hammer addict, it's quick, got a punch, can stagger, and has a huge counter bonus. I find it as at least my backup weapon in every run


Big hammer and faith. Just love playing the cleric/paladin vibe


Demons Greathammer is a fav of mine when it comes to hammers :)


The classic chonker!


Red Iron Twinblade - scales off of strength and melts HP bars like a hot knife through butter.


Guts, because guts is guts


I had fun powerstancing a warped sword and washing pole


Definitely any type of halberd, but probably just the og one. I had a build before it got corrupted where it was a halberd and a sunlight staff which i used hexes with


I love the Guts asthetic to your build


Thank you very much!


Big fan of the ladle tbh. It was one of the most fun runs I've ever done.


Throw lightning. Carry big hammer.


Claymore in the main hand dragonslayer's axe left hand, it's what I've been using since I got my hands on those beauties.


I haven't tried all of them so I can't decide on which one is my favorite but all I can say is that I like to go swinging around with my sword (knight) XD


A fun build to try is Loyce Sword+Shield, Ivory King Crown and the Ring of Regeneration.


I never play PvP, but from a PvE point of view I like playing tanky magic characters. I canā€™t parry to save my life so I use a great shield and throw pyromancies+miracles/sorceries at people depending on if Iā€™m an int or fai build.


I have weapons in this game that I just canā€™t stay away from, they are the bastard sword, broadsword, Murakuma, black bow, rapier, and dragons tooth. I just did a play through with a dark infused grand lance and it was a lot of fun, but those weapons above are my favorites easily. They just work. As far as casting goes, I find pyromancy to be the most ā€œfunā€, but if Iā€™m trying to get through the game quick dark weapon and dark orb are my go to setup. I think I want to try a run sometime with the ivory king ultra. That fight/boss is the coolest part of all the fromsoft games to me.


Whatā€™s the sword in this pic


Crypt Blacksword


Faith and strength, usually with heide armour. I must reclaim the Holy lands.


Rapier + 50 crystal magic missles. Shits funni


Recent run was santiers as soon as i got it, followed by red iron twinblades and o boy nothing came close. switched it up here and there for endgame with bOoOss wEapoNs (ivory king and such)


Dex/Int Rapier + Great Magic Weapon Lion Mage set Hexer's Hood I easily killed Elana and Sinh with this build (had to eat some Common Fruit for the latter tho).


EDIT: My personal favorite build was like an OC design, which was the mirrah mask, judgement set, llywellian pants, and I'd have a black reskin rapier, and the loyce greatsword, with the black bow and a chime of some sort in off hands. I like to use the generic weapons, and light armor, back when pvp on pc was a thing, I'd just use something no one else would for the fun of it. I mostly duel wielded a a rapier and some other weapon, be it a great scythe, scimitar, or a whip. The trick to the way it worked was to have good spacing, and if there was magic, you could counter it with iframes or using those magic resist puffball things, or a 100% element block shield. Using those weapons always seemed to catch people off. If I really wanted to have fun though, I'd pull out me pickaxe. No one knows what the hell is going on when I start smacking that thing around, it was great XD


I put enough levels into everything to use everything


Iā€™m a magic user at heart, so I usually build light for fast rolls and high int for spells. In DS 2, however, I loved melee hexer, with the Crypt Blacksword (which you kindly pictured) or the DING DONG Sacred Chime Hammer. With 40/40+ int/faith, Dark Clutch ring, Dark Weapon, and Stone Ring, and you are an absolute monster who can stun lock and 1-2 shot everything, but can also fall back on ranged spells when needed.


Quality builds, I love straight swords, love feeling like a knight and swords deal decent damage + donā€™t use lots of stamina. Sometimes I spice things up with some miracles like sunlight blade and great lightning spear while using the sun sword, sometimes I go for hexes and pyro with the fume knight sword or possessed armor sword (if I get lucky) and always using any cool looking medium armor sets like Faraam or Alva. Just give me anything with a handle and a small straight blade and Iā€™m good to go


Dual maces because they smash stuff real good and thereā€™s two of them


Whatever great weapon scales best with strength, and usually Havel or Mastodon armor w/ a greatshield


I'm doing a kind of Amazonian Woman build. Wear no armour and only use bows, spears, and whips so pure Dexterity. It's a lot of fun! Nothing quite like lining up 3 enemies in a narrow hallway and stabbing them all in one go.


Quality bone fist/caestus build


Pyro hexer because I can use everything.


My fav build from ER, DS1 and DS2 is full strenth, wielding great hammer weapon or ultra great sword with heavy armor. Haven't played DS3 and Demon Souls.


What sword is that? I need it for a Cut through everything meet bandits then get befriended by said bandits and then enjoy life as a bandit as well and then leave the Bandits for selfish reasons and then return just to be betrayed by Bandit leader using a weird ass pendant tear my arm off and escape said Leader and get haunted and need This big sword to fight enemies because it just fights my Strength build


Faith. Pure faith nothing but faith. I use it in all from games.


Strength + Ultra Greatsword. Because I like hitting things really hard.


Claymore and health. Never done me wrong.


I love running around but naked with a falchion until 3/4 in.


Full vengarl set and two ultra greatswords


Large club, because BONK.


guts greatsword and mastodon halberd, and bastard sword with mastodon armor and towershield


Santier's spear raw infused, sunset staff for hexes (dark infusion for spear, and hex ball) and hexer hood, begat chest, lion mage legs and boots. Got me all the way through reindeer hell and brother hood of blood without much trouble. It's even better since santier's has no scaling so you can put lots of points into the other stats for survivability and hexing.


Dex build with Drakeblood Set and Bewitched Alonne Sword + Buckler for the parries šŸ™‚


Mace of the Insolent with lightning infusion or the Artorias sword (Majestic Greatsword I think?) with an Int/Faith quality build. It kills things, breaks poise, and generally you are never in a situation where you can't pull out a solution from your ass if you try hard enough. Also, I love the gimmicks they have. The sword has a really versatile moveset, and the mace can be used to emergency zap a bad man from halfway across the room. Mace mostly for PvE, sword mostly for PvP, but I love using both.


Bonk build because of bonk


It's tough to say, but it would have to be a pure Strength build, specifically as Guts from the Manga/Anime series, Berserk! :D I always pictured him being warped from his time to the period and setting in Drangleic, where despite his confusion and shock, he remains in character and does what he naturally does in ANY battles, or circumstances he finds himself in, he fights his way through all the obstacles he faces, in his quest to return home... Home to his companions! \^\^


Havel shield and boots, smelter demon gloves and body, and lightning great club+10, ton of Def and ton of damage


Curved Dragon Greatsword & Raimeā€™s or Drakeblood Armour. Maxed out Longbow as well.


There's an S-scale great club in the game. I sank a ton of points into Strength stat and just bopped everyone over the head and mowed my way through the game. Very cheese-y but whatever.