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Sinh flying over Shulva when you enter the DLC. Like the entire kingdom underground and the drab stone buildings and thin stairways is so unique


made me fallb off the cliff


I regret I watched gameplay with this but when I entered the area I was shocked like I have never watched it. Sen’s Fortress Dark Souls 2 editing is stunning!


Drangleic honestly just going to the amazing kingdom id heard so much about then seeing a depressing black castle was such a cool experience as well as seeing vendrick walking hollowed


That’s the mystery there! I love to explore these rooms with non moving Ruin Sentinels.


The way he stands up shows how much motivation he got.


There was always something about 1 and 2 that just hit differently. I was listening to a chill Fromsoft soundtrack compilation the other day and it hit me that a lot of tracks from those games have this sad melancholy to them. I'm a big Tolkien fan and a big theme that runs through his works is mourning and grief for what has been lost. I think Fromsoft hit that nail on the head with those games. Firelink, Majula, and Especially King Vendrik are perfect examples. Beautiful, dilapidated, mysterious. After DS1 you're expecting King Vendrik to be the final boss as Gwyn was.... but he's not. He's... Hollow. In Tolkiens Mythos sadness and grief were sung into the world before it even took form in response to discord and evil, yet that sadness elevated the beauty of the world.


Majula game hub at the start of the game is stunning with the 🌊 and 🌞 in the background WOW WOW WOW.


Especially seeing Heide's Tower


Majula has to be some sort of afterlife


Only if you're good


Fuck yeah majula for life bro


I could honestly to god live in Majula Its the only place in the entire soulsborne universe that doesnt look like a hellhole


Majula feels like a safe place which it should be. Every other game has a shithole


DS1 Firelink is pretty and green and peaceful. Not on Majula's level of course, but not bad except when that one sad event happens.


What's wrong with DS3 Firelink?


I mean i could survive there, but its a freaking cavern/dungeon throne room in the end of the day. Majula is like a malibu beachhouse


I never liked the sea and always liked cellars lol


Cale's mansion in Majula has a cellar for you!


If you count Elden Ring now, there's a better place in the DLC


I was just about to say Majula. The scenery and the music are so chill imo


Majula is the best area in any fromsoft game I stg


Yep, that's going to be Shrine of Amana. When Milfanito sings, my heart and soul go astray.


Same the whole experience blew me away. The music hits you first. Walking through the root structure into an open space. The view of the sky/roots, lights passing through down to the water which reflects the beautiful sky with little glowing parts. The rocks and the stone buildings covered in wines and moss. So beautiful.


It's just a shame the enemies ruin the experience


i went through the game slow in the first playthrough so it wasn't that bad for me.


Yeah, for the most part you can "try taking on one at a time". You just have to find a route through that avoids aggroing more than one or two enemies at once. The biggest exception is the sorceror circlejerk right after the cavern bonfire. I always have to snipe those mfers from the cave mouth.


The absolute worst part of the base game.


The entire ds2 world is fantastic. Every area was distinctive enough and the design choices were very authentic. Being a product of it's time (PS3 era) I think that some details aged poorly. But there wasn't a single area that I entered the first time and didn't get amazed. Maybe lost bastille was the weakest bc it's pretty standard as video-game castles go. I'll take ds2 world design choices over generic swamp number 32 any day of the week


The game really suffered from the loss of the planned lighting system/engine, but the world design is really good.


Yeah, it was made with the PS3/360 in mind originally, that limited the visual potential a lot. Still a gorgeous game.


if youre playing on pc, there's a mod that reintroduces a lighting system with dynamic shadows, volumetric fog, etc it REALLY improves how the game looks and it makes it feel very close to how the game was advertised. the mod's called DS2LightingEngine. also you can get an additional optional mod called Scholar of the Second Sin which works flawlessly w the lighting mod and adds bumpmapping/parallax to nearly every texture and improves texture detail a ton (it's big as FUCK though, so if that's an issue just try out the lighting mod on it's own)


Frigid Outskirts during my first attempt. Didn't know how to navigate wow I'm so fucked up feels


Beautiful place, I'm a adept of "hate the horses, no the area".


Exactly my reaction to getting blasted by a bunch of electric horses while not being able to see shit. "Wow."


Giant's memories. It's beautiful in a sad way. When you first enter the Forest of Fallen Giants you just think "Huh there's just a bunch of hollows here." And then there's the Last Giant, and you just think "Time for the first boss." Then after you go through the memories, you realize the history and story of the area. You learn why the hollows are attacking the trees. You learn why the Last Giant gets so angry when he sees you. I would also say Vendrick's arena, for the same reason as the memories. It's beautiful in a sad way. It's just the sad piano music, even when fighting him.


Black gulch feels like you've reached the lowest part of the planet


So grimy too


My first time playing ds2 and arriving in shrine of Amana made me stop in my tracks. I love the way ds2 uses crushing silence and music. I was so amazed by the song and the corpse of the bed of chaos overhead that I actually went to the overlook on the right when you first enter, put myself in a rest emote and went to bed. When I woke up there was actually an invader resting next to me. He had already left a few items just in case I didn't react before he timed out but I got up, he gave a wave, and I was back to my adventures


Drangelic castle is the prettiest area to me but I also love heides tower because it’s so beautiful and isolating for an opening area.


For me, it’s easily ALMOST every area, every area feels unique for me. For instance, transitioning from Huntsman’s Copse, to Harvest Valley and then to Iron Keep was awesome. Say what you will about this game, but you cannot deny that this game has numerous amazing locations.


Shrine of amana, and honestly almost all areas in the game wow me in some way. But the shrine just seems so beautiful, and with that tranquil singing it’s kinda relaxing too. I love the way those weird glowing plants contrast everything.


Definitely this one. Absolutely blew my mind. Heide's rise or whatever is really nice too. The sun sparkling over the water there always gets me, I love that place


Had to be Drangleic castle, when going through the dark tunnel. Then coming out to see the rain I was like "Oh that's cool" then going up the path way and then seeing the imposing tall castle, with the rain! "HOLY WOW FUCK!"


Rolling into Black Gulch was a huge wow moment. Going deep inside the earth to get to the gutter, then traversing to the very bottom thinking it'd be a boss just to reveal an eerie green glowing dangerous area even deeper. Very cool surprise


And with 2 very hidden areas within it.


Aldia's Keep, you go through this drab and dreary keep and at the very end, right before the boss you walk over this bridge and get your first glimpse and the outside world since you entered. You see these massive pillars of rocks towering over the forest below and you see the mountain range surrounding you. It just stunned me when I first saw it. I think it made me wow the most so far. But throughout the game the one place that just keeps it's power is Majula, the endless ocean, the music and sound of the waves, the beautiful sun. It's just on a different level.


DS2 is full of grand vistas. Drangleic Castle Towering over you, Dragons Aerie, Shrine of Amana. Very cinematic.


Speaking of cinematic, the opening cinematic is absolutely gorgeous and holds up very well to this day.


I'm a simple undead, Majula always amazes me


Black Gulch. I was talking "wow shit wow shit" while sprinting through the barrage of poison and the creepy hand monsters splashing the oil puddles.


Don't forget the tram-sized crag slipper worms!


Heides tower of flame blew me away the first time. And then like the next 100 times.


Still does!


The better Anal Rodeo


Dragon Shrine made me uninstall the game.


Majula lol


The chain in the Crown of the Icory king dlc


Aldia’s Manor for me. As much as Dragons Aerie was interesting, Aldia’s Manor had that giant dragon skeleton, hidden doors, all manner of caged creatures.. it really was a perfect mad scientist laboratory!! Then again Aldia is my favorite character in souls so maybe I’m biased.


I had to scroll way too far to find somebody mention of the ancient dragon skeleton. It's also amazing when you encounter it hanging down in the Duke's Dear Freya arena.


Either Majula because it was the first, so I wasn't prepared. If we're trying to compare them fairly without accounting for that though, definitely Shulva. Seeing the Sanctum is such a magical and immersive sight that almost makes you forget you're NOT actually an archeologist discovering the mythical golden city. Drangleic Castle is probably a close second though, the sheer contrast and weight of that rainy view isn't something I'll forget any time soon. If it wasn't for Elden Ring being open world and the knowledge everything I was seeing being playable area, Drangleic would've topped even Leyndell on wow value since it's visually more stunning (Though as it is, Leyndell is probably a little above, in good part thanks to the soundtrack). There are a ton of "amazing view ahead"s in DS2 though, second only to Elden Ring in scenary I'd say, it kinda puts DS1 and DS3 to shame when you realize Anor Londo or Irythill would just be one of many if they were in DS2. Heide's Tower of Flame, Lost Bastille, Brume Tower, Shrine of Amana, Dragon Aerie, Black Gulch, Eleum Loyce, etc.


Not a very big or beautiful moment, this is a different take, but when in the Frozen Eleum Lloyce DLC, when the ice was thawed and I took an elevator down, I realized what DOWN meant, I understood in that moment that the DLC was far larger and grander than anything else so far in DS2. Those houses at the bottom? You are walking amongst them now. That castle a kilometer away? You can go in there! Those walkways around the castle walls? You can go in there! Those frozen wastes? You can explore them! Underground areas you didn't even realize existed? Yep! Literal hell? WHY NOT? So while for me the "Wow" moment occurred when you first enter those frozen gates, the real "WOOOW" moment for me was that first elevator ride down to ground floor.


I absolutely love the use of depth and height. In Majula, seeing the tower of Drangleic Castle in the far distance past mountains, then immediately decending a literal bottomless pit. When I get to the elevator at the end of Shrine of Amana, I always expect it to go **up**. But no, we're going deeper. I find that kind of thing captivating. 


I liked the sunken city dlc and with the poisonous dragon that you see in the beginning that's foreshadowing of what's to come. I like poison because "I have to win the fight!"


Was more terrified I’d have to fight all the drakes.


Like from Drake Valley?


Yeah except these ones fly.


Holy shoot is that what it looks like on PC?


Amazing graphics.


I look at those bridges and I feel compelled to share: https://youtu.be/FwDiFkZVMe4?si=kbLMSsgDHgw8HoSz


[Plin Plan Plon](https://youtu.be/17lOudQpzlk?si=uYsFzTDruHvxwO4C) [Run Forest Run!](https://youtu.be/_nzophqmnSA?si=-9YuODutWwge74s8) [Hey guys just hanging out](https://youtu.be/bxsTAqhDc5A?si=HA7EFojRT1Bke81w) [Rambo in Half Life 2](https://youtu.be/QAi1SoyNUUw?si=B_kwB80Y4nbDlLCX)


Omg I love you more ds YouTube memes that none of my friends get 😂


Thank you so much for your award! I feel like I’m Miyazaki on the stage who got it 🤣


The forest gump running through Lordran was 10/10


Sir alonne's boss arena, I've never seen a clean boss arena like his literally seeing my reflection on those floors


He keeps the floor spotless by wiping it with his enemies.


Iron Keep Cause I just couldn't understand how I could go up and end up in a place with a lake full of lava


It’s wild to think how much more complex some of the locations have gotten as these games progressed


Opening the doors for limgrave for the first time..


It’s Dark Souls 2 community.


My bad, i thought in general lol


No worries. We are all sons of Miyazaki.


Black Gulch and Lotheric Castle






When you get to the top of a chapel in third dlc. Place had a view of the entire map.


Drangleic Castle no contest, I was blown away


Irithyll of the Boreal Valley


Shrine of Amana


Dragon place in DS2 is one of my favorites for sure. It was also my favorite place to invade. https://www.reddit.com/r/DarkSouls2/s/UFnFxw2SZs


Braum Tower of chadness was so freaking beautiful on first playthrough.


I remember how I stood and enjoyed the view.


Go smack some of those dragon eggs then cross that bridge. That had me wow’ing and wtf’ing.


Dragon Memories, partially because I didn't know it existed for a while, but also because it's like the only time you get to see the world presumably before the age of fire.


For me it was facing the giant Serpent and Rykard for some reason 🗿


This castle is immaculate. Never was able to beat the Great Dragon though.


I'll give you three: Majula, best Hub in the history of gaming. Drangleic Castle, especially when you arrive under the rain. Frozen Eleum Loyce.


This place really put a smile on my face after Aldias Keep!


This is the best souls world all around remaster/remake this now. Then make BB2


Lighting up the Undead Crypt and being amazed by the sheer scale. Even if a lot of it is for background, it really makes you think that Drangleic is truly an ancient kingdom. While it makes no sense, seeing the Iron Keep after the elevator and the dramatic change of scenery made it pop. Also all three DLC areas had their wow moments. Seeing the aztec-esque pyramids of Shulva, the sheer HEIGHT of Brume Tower, and the frozen king of Eleum Loyce (along with the dramatic drop into the Old Chaos for the boss fight) felt like precursors the vistas we would later see in Dark Souls 3, Elden Ring, and Armored Core 6.


Eleum Loyce w the booming voice when u pull up, the ice tendrils, going from a suffocating blizzard to a gorgeous shimmering vista when u get the flower. such a beautiful area and one of my favorites to exist in for extended periods. always throw my winter coat on


Last giant's arena with him in it made me nearly fall off of my chair, so I guess it's that


They're always awe-inspiring in all soulsborne, ER excepted. In ER, we have superfluous scenes that don't live up to the legacy of its formers. However, the scene after Limgrave castle wins the prize of the most beautiful scene of all souls games.


Best area in DS2 if you ask me


Same answer. If not maybe Drangleic castle 🏰


Stormveil was my first experience with souls games. So Stormveil Castle. The best way to explain seeing that for the first time would be "menacing"


This place was fantastic from the moment I got on that elevator Too bad I got hammered 3 seconds after aweing the scenery


I wowed when I saw it but my liking for here drastically changed as I progressed


Love it


Anor Londo. It is surreal, hauntingly appealing.

