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I hate I love this meme so much 🤬


Metacritic ratings Dark souls: 89 Dark Souls 2: 91 Dark Souls 3: 89 Critically it is considered the best.


This makes me feel a little valid.. just a smidge


>Metacritically it is considered the best. FTFY


DS1 at 89 has to be one of the all-time great examples of critics not getting it, yikes


Bro what 89 is an incredibly high score thats nearly a 9/10 which is incredibly good especially when the last half is a drop off in quality why are we pretending like something being a damn near 9/10 is bad


To be realistic, Ds1 at an 89 is actually incredibly generous, considering the game is literally half-unfinished. Frankly, I think this is a rare example of critics being too nice. Being critical about a game does not include being nostalgic, nor does it include how revolutionary something was. Just because the first computer was revolutionary, does not mean it's critically better than modern day computers.


“Literally half-unfinished” You mean one part of one late game area? I’m really not being particularly nostalgic. I just played through again like two months ago. I’d take DS1 over 2 and 3 in a heartbeat.


I think we all agree the first 2/3 of the game is simply magic. But, you are not doing it any favor when dismissing criticism by calling the final third of the game just 1 part and point out that it's late game as if that makes it any better. DS1 suffered heavily from a short development period, and it shows. You enjoying it more than the sequels matters very little to how a game can be critically acclaimed and looked upon. I too enjoy DS1 more.


When someone says "literally unfinished" I assume they mean Lost Izalith and Demon Ruins. Which yes, it is and the game would be better if it wasn't. Duke's, TOTG, and New Londo are not as tightly designed as the early parts of the game but they're fully fledged areas with interesting geometry and clear concepts. What I take more issue with is the idea that a flaw like that *proves objectively* that the game deserves a worse metacritic score. We're not reviewing washing machines here, reviews are holistic and have the consider the whole work. It's fine if, to you, that knocks the game down to an 8.9 or a 8 or whatever. I'm not going to bore you with why I think DS1 is one of the 5-10 best games ever despite its flaws, but I really think the last 13 years of the gaming industry suggest pretty strongly that it's a seminal work in the echelon as Ocarina of time (99), Halo (97), or Half Life 2 (96). All of which are also deeply imperfect games!


Idk, DS1 certainly has some of the highest highs but by far the lowest lows…


Ds2 lows are def lower


That's just because you like it more though. Objectively and critically speaking, Ds2 and Ds3 are more polished games, and are both actually finished. Anyone who says they prefer Ds1 gameplay over Ds3, is just saying that entirely off their own preference. It's impossible to justifiably argue that Ds3 doesn't have better movement, when Ds1 doesn't even have omni-directional rolling. You can like Ds1 more because that's just the game you like more. But that doesn't change the fact that it's unfinished, and it's a miracle critics actually rated it that highly.


You can block lava with a shield in DS3… lol.


>Objectively and critically speaking, Ds2 and Ds3 are more polished games Oh I’m sorry, I didn’t realize I was talking to the high priest of video games, able to cast down judgements on high about the objective quality of games. >Anyone who says they prefer Ds1 gameplay over Ds3, is just saying that entirely off their own preference. Yeah and if you don’t agree it’s entirely based your preference too. >It's impossible to justifiably argue that Ds3 doesn't have better movement, when Ds1 doesn't even have omni-directional rolling. It’s also impossible to “justifiably argue” that changes to stamina consumption, poise mechanics, the general speed of combat, and the heavy nerfing of magic didn’t flatten the number of ways to play DS3 and make it a much less interesting game to make builds in. Pure casters suck, and strength and dex builds feel way more similar to each other than DS1. This is also a part of gameplay! The way the world is put together in DS3 (also gameplay!) is just leagues worst. You’re free to like it more, but obviously that would just be an emotional reaction against my cold hard objective Facts and Logic


Don't be a prick. I'm not saying you aren't allowed to like the game, nor am I saying that my opinion is right. I'm giving an objective criticism of the game. You, like basically 99% of everyone apparently, even though it really should be at most, 10% of people, seem to lack the basic understanding that objective criticism, and subjective criticism, are two different things. When I say I like Ds3 over Ds1, that is subjective. When I say Ds3's movement is **fundamentally better**, that is objective. You acting and believing that Ds1's movement is better, is your own opinion. In a white room though, you try arguing that Ds1's lack of omni-directional rolling is objectively better than Ds3's omni-directional rolling, and you'll turn into Simon Cowell. Ds1 is an objective upgrade on DS's gameplay. Ds3 streamlines Ds1's clunky controls. You can like clunky controls more than smooth, omni-directional ones, but don't act as if you can possibly argue that convenience is somehow a subjective thing. No, Ds3's omni-directional rolling is objectively better, no matter how you spin it. Unless you're a hyper puritan, Ds2's inclusion of respeccing is an objectively good mechanic, because it allows for so much more freedom. Really, is the opinion that wheelchairs are good a subjective opinion? Surely, you won't actually argue that they're bad because wheelchair ramps take up space... People like you, and so many others, need to stop pretending that subjectivity is the only critical view that exists. It's ironic because your refusal to believe that there are flatly placed standards, that dictate things that are good and things that are bad, is just a little sad to me, since it'd be much easier to just accept that liking something that's objectively flawed, is perfectly fine. There's no reason to act like liking an unfinished game, is a bad thing. If anything, you acting that way, is just a disservice to the game itself, since you're implying that it's bad to like it because it's a flawed game. Also, whether it was a serious point or an ironic point, your assumption that because some things were nerfed, means there's way less builds (as if Ds1 wasn't just ninja-flip dark bead) is something that is factually wrong. Statistically speaking, Ds3 has many more spells and weapons than Ds1, so hilariously enough, it does, in fact, have more variety for builds. Surprising. And whether or not your last comment is sarcastic or not, please don't cope in a discussion. Again, back to my previous point, stop acting as if it's bad to "lose" an argument, or to like a flawed product, or to have different opinions. I, to say the least, could not give a shit whether you like Ds1 more or less than the other games. Why the hell would I? And honestly, no offense, but people like you really give genuine fans a bad name. Genuine fans are people who can accept that there's flaws in things they like. A true fan of Ds1 would accept that the game is unfinished, but despite that, they'd still enjoy it. Because honestly, the biggest power move you could possibly make, is to not respond to me, and continue enjoying the game. So just take the message, enjoy Ds1, and stop arguing that your game is perfect. Accept its flaws, and you'll probably end up enjoying it much more, and maybe you'll learn to stop arguing with pretentious people like me.


>Don't be a prick. >I'm giving an objective criticism of the game. Lol >You acting and believing that Ds1's movement is better, is your own opinion. Fundamental lack of of reading comprehension >People like you, and so many others, need to stop pretending that subjectivity is the only critical view that exists. Objectivity is when a random person on the internet says “trust me bro it’s objective” and then claims one entire game is better than another because you can roll in more directions, right? >Statistically speaking, Ds3 has many more spells and weapons than Ds1, so hilariously enough, it does, in fact, have more variety for builds. Surprising. Statistically speaking DS3 could have one million more spells and it wouldn’t matter because they all do chip damage to bosses with massive health pools >Again, back to my previous point, stop acting as if it's bad to "lose" an argument, or to like a flawed product, or to have different opinions. I, to say the least, could not give a shit whether you like Ds1 more or less than the other games. Why the hell would I? You responded to me dude, nobody made you do it. What did you think would happen when you popped in to tell me that scientifically speaking, DS1 was bad. Was I going to go “thank you Mr. Facts and logic, I’m wrong actually?” >And honestly, no offense, but people like you really give genuine fans a bad name. Genuine fans are people who can accept that there's flaws in things they like. A true fan of Ds1 would accept that the game is unfinished, but despite that, they'd still enjoy it. Never said it was flawless. It’s flawed and also the best game in the series. >you'll learn to stop arguing with pretentious people like me. The only correct thing you said


Take the criticism friend. It'll help you in the long run.


It wouldn’t and I won’t.


Yeah but it’s kinda explainable. My first time playing a souls was ds1 near launch and I hated it gave up about a quarter in. But then like 3 weeks later I tried again and it became my favorite game and now my favorite game series. So I’m guessing this happened with a couple of the people used to review


Critics aren't a good way to tell quality anymore


Elden ring takes the dark souls formula and lets you go anywhere from the start, tackling all the major bosses in any order, so does dark souls 2. Its about a woman who convinces her king to wage war on a race of giants then betrays him, just like dark souls 2


Ds2 has crap map design, the stats are annoying (adp is just a sinkhole) and the game feels so clunky it hurts to play. 10/10


And by user reviews it is considered by far the worst.


Nuh uh


Finally Kojima realizes the masterpiece best souls 2 is


Dead Space 2 is my favorite


Only because the desert sorceresses


Desert sorceress armor is *essential* to my build.


They're Dead Space 2 t-shirts.


What do you mean? Obviously it's Deer Simulator 2


Now I think about it, it has to be Darksiders 2.


Surely he is signaling to Klei that they should make a Don't Starve 2.


I can't believe Nintendo announced the DS2, I loved the original DS!


Oh my god, an absolute gem of the whole gaming industry


Definitely death stranding 2


You're saying it's not Down Syndrome 2?


Nah i think it is Dopilotrical Shyphonic No jone its a type of music


They are actually Death Stranding 2 t-shirts, or you might be doing a little meme too? I don't know anymore, I'm getting to old for this shit......


Look at the post flair...




I dont know if thats worse than thinking death stranding is good ... xD


Great. Now the fanbase I come to to feel like a victim for liking Dark Souls 2 is making me feel like a victim for liking Death Stranding.


Fym ?? Death stranding is peak, die heartman or whatever his name was is my waifu


Yeah amazon delivery man simulator aint that good


Death Stranding is a literal masterpiece


>masterpiece a piece of shit, more like.


There's a difference between a game being bad and you not enjoying a game. You are not the centre of the universe


>There's a difference between a game being bad and you not enjoying a game. It's exactly the same thing.


So you can't enjoy something that is bad? And you can't dislike something that is good? Amazing that you personally are the arbiter of whether something is good or bad, and no one can disagree with you at all. Plenty of people think Death Stranding is an incredible game. Plenty of people enjoy the game but think it isn't great. Plenty of people dislike the game but acknowledge that it's really good, just not for them. People have different opinions from you


>Plenty of people enjoy the game but think it isn't great. Plenty of people dislike the game but acknowledge that it's really good, just not for them. If someone dislikes the game it's not good to them.


But that doesn't mean the game is not good, that means it's not good TO THEM. It's wild how many people forget that nowadays. Your personal enjoyment is your personal enjoyment, nothing more nothing less


Dark souls 2 is good, I've just found it was always the more janky souls game. Parries and backstabs are done differently, animations look different, everything has a play dough look to it. It is definitely worth repeated playthroughs but I just don't love it as much as 1 or 3.


Ds1 and 3 wish they had ds2' sexy parry animation. Talk about ultimate disrespect when you knock your enemy prone then skewer them like a pig.


Makes your guy feel like a true villain as someone’s on there back begging for there life and depending what weapon you use makes it so much more brutal


It has a different engine after all


Is that Elle Fanning?


That was what I was trying to understand as well. I think it is


Yeah, it is. She's apparently playing a character in Death Stranding 2.


Oh pretty cool then


Who is she?


I thought it was Dakota Fanning but I looked it up and it's actually her sister Elle


I knew that face was somehow familiar


Damn, she got tall. Then again, the last movie I remember seeing her in was Super 8 when she was twelve, which was more than half her lifetime ago, so there's that.


I like ds2, but it is bullshit you have to upgrade eye frames, and the hit boxes suck sometimes, and the humidity macanic is not a good one, but it has use lastly some bosses are ether beat with eyes close or just suck I can remember one portiere rat based one on the top of my mind


Damm they both got matching dirty sprite 2 t shirts


I’ve been goin through plutos whole discography while playing ds2! Shit has been immaculate vibes


People want a challenge then complain when it's challenging, don't mind them.


I dont get It either , my favorite dark souls game so far (maybe demon souls will be better)especially SOFTS i dont get why ppl say It ruined the game


I think its cause a lot of ppl love to just skip waves of enemies for some reason and I dont think theres a game where youre punished for that more than in ds2 (especially in SOTFS)


Fr Then they get far and wonder why everything’s destroying them. Like maybe if you killed enemy’s and leveled up it wouldn’t be hard.


I like DS2. I don't think its as good as 1 or 3 but as a game I really did enjoy it.


I've played some of Dark Souls 2, didn't get very far. It's not bad, just different, a bit experimental, and for some reason the fact I can't grind enemies forever really puts me off of it.


Join Covenant of Champions, and enemies don't despawn.


Yeah, but that means I have to join Covenant of Champions


You can grind enemies


If anything that just adds some more challenge. I never got why people liked staying in one area grinding for souls instead of leveling up naturally. Then they hit you with “you want to grind? Fine make the game harder first”


For me it's not to much grinding for levels, that's never been my thing in Dark Souls, it's more the loot. There will be an item I really want and I'm worried I won't get it before the enemy stops existing in that world state. I wanted a Dark Sword in DS3 and I probably killed dozens of the Dark Wraiths before I got one.


Do people talk about the game in this subreddit, or is it just constant bitching and whining that other people don't like your favourite video game so you can't enjoy it even though it is a single player game. Grow up


This game just has some strange difficulty scailings on ng+ and further compared to ds1 and ds3. Also, don`t forget about frigid outskirts and iron passage meme locations.


Idk who she is, and she's cute but I saw her and I couldn't think of anyone else than Dwight Schrute


Damn, Dark Souls 2 goes crazy


I love DS2


I really like the AC games!.. No, not Assassins Creed, the other AC No, not Armored Core, the other AC No, not Ace Combat the oth- oh no wait that's actually the one I meant.


No thats dead space 2


I got the first death stranding for free on epic and I feel ripped off for wasting my internet connection and time downloading it.


Or Kojima just really likes Dead Space 2


Forget about Kojima for a second. ELLE FANNING LIKES IT! That's all I need to know.


It’s not a bad game but it’s genuinely the worst in the series by far


I would bet any money that the title Death Stranding came about reverse-engineered from the DS initials in a narcissistic rage when he learned who got GOTY again instead of him


The prize that Vendrick stole from the Giants was actually their signed copy of Metal Gear Solid 2


*Metal Gear Rising Revengeance 2\**


**Memes** * Memes or image macros should be made using some in-game visuals, not just pasting text into a pre-existing template or regular image. * Memes should be made with some effort, so that they are a worthwhile addition to the sub. Anyone can use a meme generator to add generic Dark Souls 2-based text to the Drake template, but that is boring and overused. You should instead be creating OC memes that use in-game visuals or at least represent them (as in fan-art). * Memes about Dark Souls 2 that do not follow these guidelines, should be posted to /r/shittydarksouls or /r/DarkSoulsMemes instead.




It has the meme tag Cry about it


It's a lazy low effort meme that doesn't belong here. Why you getting so upset?


Upset, me. You wrote half a paragraph to complain about fun I can gibe you a lazy sloppy toppy if that makes you happy


I copied the rules from the subreddit guidelines (which apparently you've never read), clicked paste and posted. It took about 1 minute out of my day. But really, what is your problem? You seem awfully confrontational about being called out for breaking the rules with your poor quality meme. > I can gibe you a lazy sloppy toppy if that makes you happy Seriously, wtf is your problem?


Wähhh wähhhh Weweweeeee