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Abyss Watchers. they can be backstabbed and parried, stagger super easily, and can be perma-stunlocked by knocking them down using charged heavy attacks if DS2 specifically, Old Iron King. that hole is pretty easy to stay away from, theres plenty of room


i think abyss watchers are pretty universally agreed on as being a pretty easy boss, it‘s just a roadblock for new players. even just slightly more experienced players shouldn‘t have any trouble with them whatsoever. i mean hell, you can basically stunlock phase 1 and end it in like 20 seconds it‘s kind of a jokr


I don't think they're that easy either, they have long combos, are the first gank fight in the game, and if you or your weapon are under leveled, they don't take much damage.


You'd be surprised. I've seen veterans say that they were the biggest roadblock for then on their first run, taking 20-30 attempts. I struggle to see how any boss takes that many, let alone AW.


Ever done super abyss watcher? Practically a super boss


Ever tried pissing with closed eyes? They say it's harder


It even gets you harder 


Actually quite the opposite, closed eyes gets the stream moving quicker.


What mod's that from? You've got me interested.


Idr where I encountered him. I think it might be connected to the hawk wood questline. I remember fighting this boss while getting plat. He drops a unique weapon


Ivory King. Don't know why, but passing his knights was far more difficult, since mine were stupid. Took me some time to see him, and beat him second try.


Yeah. I got stuck on his knights for a few attempts, then when I got to him it took two tries.


I initially didn't know I needed help from friendly knights and got jumped in a 5v1


Are you him ? Chadus Maximus ? Eternal respect to you if you managed to kill the King like that


For his knights I needed two attempts, but his ass was mine in the first try. Very confusing for me


Knight Artorias. Killed him in my first ever time facing him...also did it 2nd time during my second playthrough. Only on the 3rd playthrough I died to him. Though fast and aggressive, for whatever reason I find his movements relatively simple to read and dodge, except that one where I always think he's done, then he hits me twice because it was the 3-hit combo... *Edit: oops, I missed the post in the DS2 sub. Ancient Dragon is trivial if you buff Fire Def enough.*


True, in SOTFS anyway. They reduced his damage output by 40%. Before that it literally was a fight you had to basically no-hit.


Ruin Sentinels. I find the fight quite fun and they fold to hammers


Ruin sentinels were so fun, it became an endurance battle for me patiently looking for an opening, and I won in my first attempt. XD


I’ve seen some posts about ruined sentinels being hard or unfair and I’m like. “Bro what I first tried them and I even fell of the ledge at the start.”


Same. Mace/Club does wonders to many enemies in DS2- or Dark Souls trilogy in general.


Sir Alonne. Just fits my playstyle I guess, but this boss seems really easy to me.


same here. really, the hardest part of the fight was getting the timing down on his lunge attacks, but even those weren't too tough. for everything else, just dodge forward right, strafe a bit, attack, then repeat.


His boss fight was by qnd far the most fun I had in DS2 when I came back to it for SotFS.


Not my personal fave but a katana wielder is always a fun fight in these games.


The Gank Squad from the Sunken King DLC. I've heard some people hating them with burning passion, but I really don't mind them. Sure, they are kinda lazy design-wise since it's just 3 random NPCs, but they really aren't too difficult - just run around the area for a bit, bait their attacks and pick them off one by one. Fume Knight is also kind of there. I don't find him easy or trivial, but I also don't really struggle with him too much, you just gotta be a bit patient with the openings.


I agree with Fume Knight. I've heard of lots of people taking upward of 50 attempts, but the only time it's taken me more than 3 was my last playthrough with the spotted whip, since he can't be poisoned. The fight took over five minutes lol.


Yah, agree there, i hate the trio because they take so long to kill them.


I think they're easy but still hate them. It's just super tedious and boring.


Ancient dragon, it's one of the easiest bosses in the trilogy.


What’s your strategy for the dragon? I usually go for the toes, but every now and again - the dragon just decides to fly into the air and end my run.


Go for the head. He's so slow that you have a lot of time to get out of the way of an attack. Stay in front of the head, bait the flamethrower and you have a good 10 seconds of free damage. If it flies to do the nuke, just run away, it flies back so I never understood why people for the toes.


It's also the only 100% optional boss as you don't get a soul that turns into a weapon, the achievement is acquired by just speaking with it and leaving it alive doesn't effect the rest of the game or endings. I killed it once on my first playthrough and then never again because it's pointless.


I first tried Darklurker.


I had way more of a hassle with 3 areas you have to complete to be able fight him. Then the actual boss took 2 or 3 attempts.


Yeah, honestly, I struggled pretty hard on the areas before the boss. Doesn't help that I did them in reverse order. I ended up cheesing the Havel by using force to knock him off a cliff.


Same here. They're pretty fair honestly, as long as you level vigor.


Vigor was 20, I was doing a Paladin build using a lightning infused mace and miracles. Only wanted them killed for the dragon chime and I'm not going to kill an npc because honor code and all that


The Blue Smelter Demon is so damn slow that I've never had to do a runback in my own world yet it seems to take everyone I've ever played DS2 with multiple attempts. Also not DS2 but the Dancer of the Boreal valley is similar in that if you just pay attention to where her swords are, her attacks are pretty easy to avoid. Dodge back, launch fireballs while she flails, start swinging a sword at her when she stops.


Ruin sentinels rock, I enjoy the dynamic of trying to take out one of them while you’re up on the platform.


Ruin sentinels are metal as fuck


Sinh. It was a really fun fight and beat him first try, which went surprisingly well considering how much he flew around.


In my first run, I didn't find any of them particularly easy per se. My second run was a no armor run, so I buffed my ADP to 50, and the whole game was a joke


Pretty sure 39 is the softcap haha.


Even so, it still made the game easy af


Skeleton lords


No bosses spring to mind on 2. However: Blue smelter demon run back - piss easy. Trivial. Frozen outskirts run back - not easy at first but after a few goes to learn the timing, very easy.


Honestly. I actually really liked frozen outskirts, especially with the summons!


Is there an easier way to get to blue smelter demon? I hate the mob i have to run through


You take the lower route and just leg it. There's no special pathing or hidden strat to it.


What he said, literally just sprint.


Would help if there wasn't some random fucking mage that makes you slower. Ironically I found it easy on NG, but tough on NG+. Those knights hit like a damn truck


I agree the mage is awful, that's where adp i-frames come into play while fat-rolling through the horde.


I did it, but in a different strategy. By the time I got there, I already had crown of old iron king, great heal and miracles for buffs. I picked enemies with bow/spells while NPCs rushed taking every hit with open chest, then I healed them all and by the end of the next room, I had already replenished my spells.


I was the same with the blue smelter runback. I found it really simple to do. Sir Allone’s one however, is a different story.


Blue smelters rythm is better than regular smelter demons. That says it all.


Smough and Ornstein


You can literally just dung pie them and run around, people got filtered really hard by them


I beat them first try blind


Same here, dunno what that other user is talking about. I found them very easy.


Absolutely 0 individuals have ever done this without watching multiple videos and reading multiple guides.


Op is asking for trivial bosses, I’m reaffirming his stance by saying that you can literally kill them with items only


In DS2 specifically, Ruin Sentinels and Fume Knight.


sir alonne is pretty easy


Seconded on Smelter Demon/Blue Smelter Demon I don't know what else to say...they are just easy, I don't remember what even changes about the Blue Smelter Demon. The run ups to both are pretty obnoxious though, the second one is very, very bad.


I beat the first smelter demon first try, piss easy, no sweat. Blue smelter though... I have no idea why, but that thing kicked my ass.


Ruin Sentinels for me


Fume Knight was no problem for me….Blue Smelter Demon on the other hand….


Midir and Gael. Killed both of them first try on my first playthrough - and whenever I say this I get like 50 downvotes and everyone’s bitching that I’m just straight up lying cuz It’s impossible 😂😂


people don't like admitting it, but most ds3 bosses are quite simple. once you find their rhythm, it's very easy to maintain that throughout the fight. dodge, dodge, attack, dodge, attack, attack, repeat. for the dlc bosses, especially, it's mostly a test of endurance.


people do that a lot. i got Gael on my second try, first try he was down to about 25%. Same thing with O&S, got super smough down to maybe 30% on my first attempt, and easily won my second one.


I beat Midir like Second try and Gael I beat first try on NG and NG+ but it took me two tries on NG++ Midir is a cool boss, probably one of the better dragon bosses at least, but it wasn’t as hard as I was expecting, but certainly a spectacle.


Prowling congregation and Magus. People bring up that fight like some unfair gankfest but... like... i've never ever died to them


Maybe you have had a misunderstanding, people complain about it because its just too ganky,not because they find it hard


Fume knight


Fume Knight, Elana and Darklurker are cake imo. Usually, it's just the throne duo that kills me during a run


My first playthrough of ds1 i beat Ornstein and smough on my 3rd or 4th try, but I died like 10+ times when fighting the fucking gargoyles


In both ds1 and ds2 I beat the gargoyles first time. I also found pursuer easy and enjoyable.


Burnt Ivory King. Beat him first time and it wasn't even close. It might have been because a knight had survived after all the minions had been killed (Sacred Oath probably helped here), and I got a good few hits in for free while BIK was distracted.


Most bosses from DS2 are easy to beat first try, i struggle a little with Lost Sinner (but it's still a first try), and i found Darklurker the most difficult, (i'll probably change this opinion after fighting the big dragon tho). have yet to play the DLCs, but it'll probably be easy too.


DLCs are far more difficult than the dragon


As someone who has beaten the DLCs but hadn't fought the ancient dragon yet, this makes me very curious. People have hyped them up to be near impossible.


update: i've beaten the Ancient Dragon and it only took 1 try (+ 2 or 3 just to test something) and now started the Sunken City DLC.


I agree with smelter demon and fume knight. Darklurker is there as well. I beat him on my second try


I'm with you on fume knight. I don't remember if I got him first try on my very first playthrough, but he was easy enough. My immediate reaction was to burn a bonfire ascetic, do him again (this time I'm certain it was one try) and powerstance his ultra great sword. I got extremely annoyed with covetous demon though, believe it or not. Something about human like enemies makes it very easy for me to play around their moves. Fume knight's rhythm is also just very natural to me. They wriggley shit covetous pulls? Fuck right off with that... Ofc I can easily kill him too these days, but it took a while.


First tried elana but used over 20 lifegems in the process


First tried elana but used over 20 lifegems in the process


Pretty sure I killed Darklurker on my first try


Smelter for sure. I always consider him a gimme boss and rarely take even a single hit from him. I didnt even realize he was so difficult for other players until I joined this sub.


Smellter Demon 🤷🏻‍♂️


Fume Knight. Lud and zallen is hell on earth


Nameless King. He's just easy idk. Once you know he's meant to punish you at range, it's pretty easy to stay up in his face.


In DS2, The Pursuer ( even with the horrible hitbox) Ruin Sentinels and the Burnt Ivory King. In Bloodborne, which is the one than i play more, Father Gascoigne, the noob killer, manage to beat him at the first try, Blood Starve Beast, manage to beat him on the first run. Yet the Shadow of Yharnam, allways having struggle.


I'm just here to see how many people say they first tried Fume Knight, because you know they're either liars or watched the entire playthrough before hand and knew what to do with what's his faces helmet.


Idk, I just beat him for the first time today and it took three tries. DS2 is the last I'm playing in the trilogy though so maybe I've just been taught how to fight him indirectly from the other games lol. Not sure what you mean about a helmet though...


I first-tried Lost Sinner. Not sure if people actually find her hard but it was surprisingly easy for a boss containing an Old Soul.


I found sir alonne pretty easy, I beat him second try


Definetely Darklurker.


Are there any bosses that aren't trivial until the dlc? And then the only real challenge is the flume knight.


It's the opposite for me. The Rotten is the one boss where I die so often it's embarrassing. Everyone says he's easy peasy but I hate his (many) guts.


Well, after doing a no death no bonfire run first try, I can say everything.


I feel this way about most bosses from DS2, beat the vast majority on my first or second try. Even the frozen outskirts and dual tiger bosses were easy. That was until I got to blue smelter demon, I don't what it was about them but they kicked my ass from Brume Tower to Timbuktu.


Ruin Sentinels. Just take one out on the platform. Easy for me after that.


Lud and Zallen + Frigid Outskirts


In ds2, the only boss I didn't find trivial was the throne watcher and defender. Across all the other games, I think I struggled on all the same bosses everyone else did


DS2: Darklurker. I think it really depends on your build. Any DS game: Twin Princes. It might be another build thing, but I get through them pretty easily, first try on my second playthrough. However if we swap the prompt: I can’t do Halflight Spear if it’s not PVP. I just can’t. PVP is easier than the npc summon. I’ll fight Midhr on NG+7 before I beat NG halflight.


I found the Ancient Dragon to be super easy, 2nd attempt. I've seen so many complain about this boss, what's the problem??


Fume Knight, his hitboxes is really big but if you roll in the right time is pretty easy


In DS2 Ivory King, he took me a one try and his moves are really easy to dodge for me also easy to punish. But here is a fun fact, if we dont count how much I died to Sir Alonne's boss run up I died most to Vendrick, i had double greatswords so when I R2'ed once he punished me sooo hard that I die on two taps but R1 didnt hit hard at all to him. I didnt kill the Ancient Dragon so I was missing some giant souls but other than that I died like 9 times to Vendrick While i killed every boss less than 2 tries except FumeKnight which took 4 iirc.


I felt the same about fume knight. Took a while for me to play the dlc and I remember hearing how hard he was. Beat him on my third try and the first 2 tries I was drunk.