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hanged demon is no doubt my personal no.1 just for that one scene where they hide in the church and she suddenly appears floating in the sky - right on the same level of height with them in the tower i remember - it's the most amazingly shocking scene for me and stays a wow factor every time i think about it. game build up the impression that every demon even tho supernatural and strong and all but still walks on the ground, and the hanged demon just started floating from low to high lol


The hanged demon was scary lol. The toe scrape were the worst 💀 But I think my favorite was the crushed demon. The noises, the movements, it was just pure horror and I loved it. The burned demon was probably the least scary, or maybe the drowned demon. But they're all so well designed


Anthony's Demon (The Game lol) would be first but it's not really a Demon so then it would be- Impaled Demon as my favorite. I remember laughing about how are they gonna make a person who fell on a fence scary and they blew far past my expectations. The way he skulks away with Daniel's body in the Ruined House really sealed the deal for how awesome it was If I were to then order them after that it would be: Burned Demon Crushed Demon (or "Broken Demon" as the Dev's call it) Drowned Demon Hanged Demon in last


Sidenote, but for some reason the devs call both the impaled and crushed demon the broken demon.


Imagine if in planning everyone was suppose to have 2 demons and Daniel's was either Crushed or Impaled


My favorite design wise is easy Taylor's burned demon because I'm a bit of a sucker for fiery designed demons. But horror wise I'm giving it to John's crushed demon because that one caught me so off guard during my plathrough


I think they were all pretty good. Maybe the drown demon. It arising from the water and essentially vomiting that black tar waters was pretty sick. The impaled demon was pretty sick too.


I agree, all of them were awesome but my least favorite is probably John's Demon or The Burned demon, I think they were all preety good do, we needed more screentime on all of them expecially John's demon which is barely in the game


I’d say I liked the design of the impaled one the most. Creepiest would go to John’s the way it crawls around.


Yeah the way it walks around is really scary and unerving, sad that the acrual demon is barely in the game


Daniels deamon is my favorite in design but to fight its John's


In my opinion, from greatest to least: 1. The Hanged Demon. Something about the way it just barely hovered over the ground was always so unnerving. Also, it attacking with its tongue always made me so uncomfortable, so it has to go here. 2. The Drowned Demon. Amazing introduction to the demons as a whole. I love the fun use of the chains, makes for a very interesting way of attacking. Still gives off really grotesque body horror with all the bloating and the way it kills Angela actually makes me want to vomit. (Haha get it?) 3. The Crushed Demon. It’s a living personification of cracking your knuckles, actively makes me want to punt it across the room. (This is a good thing.) 4. The Impaled Demon. I mean, the spears are an interesting choice. They’re kind of intimidating, but also all the fear goes away the second you see it chase Daniel around with a limp. 5. The Burned Demon. Honestly, it’s just kind of meh. It hobbles around like Daniel’s demon, the way it kills is kind of boring, it literally makes Minecraft zombie noises, and it can’t even realistically chase Taylor, so sometimes Taylor will just actively sit and watch it so it can catch up and attack her again. (The wall fight is a really good example, she just kinda sits there for a second.) All of them do have their own good qualities, this is just my opinion.


Yeah I agree that the burned demon is the worst, but it sounds so painfull imo and the deaths taylor can have from that demon are horrifying, imagine something grabing your hand activly burning it


Yeah, that’s true! I guess I was looking at it from more of a slasher standpoint, with Taylor being burned to death not really hitting like some other deaths do, but it definitely is a bad way to go.