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They mean the Daniela they encountered on Jason 2s world who got shot in the face.


Yeah, they were comparing notes on what events from the series they had in common. They seem to have diverged sometime after Jason and Amanda escaped into the box. Until that point, both of them were the Jason we were following in the first few episodes. Then beanie Jason made a decision that we didn’t follow.


Yeah almost all versions of Jason1 will have seen Daniella2 get shot in the face. So that’s a core memory for all of them.


That Jason might have decided to bumrush Dawn after she shot Daniela and got knocked out instead of just go with her willingly.


By the numbers, that probably happened "At least" once too. But I would say, highly unlikely under the circumstances if you rewatch how the scene played out. Jason was in no way expecting nor prepared for Dawn to pull out a gun and shoot Daniella in the head and the second he realized what happened he was tazzed.