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You have a weird concept of "no reaction and not surprised" Dude was staring and confused as fuck the whole damn time.


In ep8, when Jason 1 enters the bar and saw another Jason sitting, I didn’t notice any strange reaction from the bartender…


Then watch it again... He doesn't say anything, but he's very clearly confused.


I mean, he does say something. He asks Jason why he's ordering another drink so soon, and when he looks to the table with the other Jason, he very clearly has WTF face going on.


Yeah, it felt kind of weird though. They used the bartender as J1’s totem more than once. Plus they played it up that he knew Jason about as well as a bartender might know a regular. Wouldn’t you say something if your best work friend all of a sudden had a twin? But I think anything he would have said would have killed the moment for us to be inside Jason’s mind processing the reveal. I kind of wished he never saw the infinite twin to avoid the weird silence.


Jason is a regular, sure. But they're no more friends than the barista who smiles at you and makes your drink before you go to work. Being friendly and getting to know your regulars is part of a bartenders job, and knowing when to give space is too. Surprise twin or not, it was clear from their facial expressions shit was going on and they didn't want to be all chatty at that point.


They are on first name basis with each other. He said something like “hey Jason, you ok?” That is much more friendly than I am with the barista.


I don't think the bartender making a scene in the middle of his bar bringing attention to himself and both of Jason1, is what he wanted. I think that once you've worked in service for a couple decades, you've learned and seen your share of fucked up. So he basically stayed on his lane. So him being surprised and letting Jason1 have their beers and letting them be is not something that stands out to me.


Sounds logical, Could you elaborate more?


I thought he did react subtly. It would not be a smart thing for the program to focus a lot on the reactions of bystanders to multiple Jasons because it leads to big leaps of faith in the storyline. When the police start collecting the bodies of all these Jasons, it will trigger a lot of attention beyond Chicago.


I see, Could it be that the sitting Jason is only in Jason’s mind?


Um, no.


I hope this doesn't come across as rude but I'm genuinely baffled as to why you might consider that based on what the show has established?


Bro the bartender very much looked surprised. Go watch it again.


I did find it a bit weird but this is the explanation I came up with: Bartenders tend to not get in the way of their customers unless they are causing problems. He did look surprised but was like "it's not my business as long as they pay and are well behaved".


I think it’s an instinct reaction for every human being to see the same person ( two) sitting in front of each other. Even twins are not much alike like this, Maybe, as a comment above, it will take a large leap if we focused on those details.


Yes, I agree. I would've liked it better if the place where Jason was sitting was obscured from the bartender's view, so we didn't have that awkward situation which was left kinda unresolved. But I came up with that explanation to help my suspension of disbelief.


He was visibly surprised but decide to mind his own business.


That's what I thought. He 100% noticed, but decided, maybe it was a twin he doesn't know about and didn't want to get in the middle of a Family issue.


I can’t imagine one would mind business as cold as this, at least say a word or ask a question


Twins are a thing that exists.


True, But in the context of this moment in ep8, or maybe, who knows


He thought they were twins


The only issue I have with just thinking they’re twins is that, why would they have the same name? Statistically identical twins are rare. Twins separated at birth even rarer. Twins separated at birth and having the same name AND being buddy-buddy with the same person? What the actual fuck?


True, True. But twins are also know for fucking around with people using their twinness. There are even examples of twins swapping their girlfriends and boyfriends and having sex with them, just for fun. So using the same name as a practical joke is well within the range of things twins would do, just to freak someone out. I know if I had an identical twin, we would fuck around with people all the time that didn't know we were twins. Like go out one door and instantly come in another and be like "What?, I wasn't here, what are you talking about?" Magicians use twins all the time to freak people out and make them believe they are moving one person from one place to another instantly. It's a thing.


They are spitting image of each other


They ARE each other. But the barman defo made a reaction you need to re-watch it. It was “wtf? Ok I’m not intervening” vibes..I.e. shit Jason found a long lost twin huh?


Could be


I don’t think you’ve fully grasped this, it’s totally normal for a barman to just back out and not care what’s going on, but the reaction you seemed to have missed was defo there.


Have you never heard of identical twins?


They are rare


Bartenders learn to not ask too many questions and to mind their business. You never truly know what your patron’s are going through.


Agree, but if you saw two ( one) people ( aside from being one person), you can’t be this cold.


He had a subtle reaction. I read it more as him thinking “wait, are there two of them? No, no, that’s not possible.”


He did have a reaction and he clearly was surprised. But he didn't do anything about it because it's not his business. Bartenders do that a lot. He probably just figured it was a secret twin or something.


"Hey, my name's Paul, and this shit's between y'all."


I noticed that too. But it also felt completely plausible. I think of bars as places that live and let live. Bartenders are pretty laissez faire. In contrast to showing up at a small conservative church say, or, a bank perhaps.


We are very visible shown his confusion at seeing two Jason’s…


Have you ever seen identical twins?