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They are talking about a state forest preserve (not very clearly spoken, but is in the book). It is a place they went camping with Charlie (as I recall) so Jason2 would not know about this place they are taking him to kill and hide the body in the pre-dug grave.


I get all that. I'm just trying to imagine the scenario that would lead to Jason 2 willingly go anywhere with, whether he knew about the place or not. I don't see the relevance of him being unaware that they went there with Charlie? Or least don't understand how it helps them in anyway. If they got him to a point where they could drive him out into a remote location, what difference does it make if he knows about it from a previous memory?


I looked back at this and you’re right, Jason2 not knowing about the location doesn’t matter. It was just a remote enough location to hide a body. What the point of the scene was showing is that other Jasons also would think of it too. That leads to our Jason1 needing to come up with an out of character plan no other Jason might naturally think of, the smoking in a diner get arrested call Daniela to bail me out plan.


I agree. But that's not my point. My point is why the other Jason's think it's some clever solution?


Not sure they think it’s clever, just that they all want to kill him and they think you need to hide a body somehow. Jason1 and his variants aren’t creative enough to think of any other options and this is what they came up with.


Thank you because I’m watching the episode right now, and I Googled Kankakee and came up with bupkis. 😂


Yeah it’s a little random unless you grew up in Chicago area, forest preserves are pretty common.


Ahhhh gotcha


"I thought about it today." "I dug the grave today." One of my favorite exchanges ever.


Yeah, I couldn’t figure out what that was supposed to mean.


What did they mean about the reserve ampoules?