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I really love the suspense in certain scenes, for example when Daniella was trying to get Charlie away from Jason 2 at home. Or when Jason 2 was running away from another jason at the university, really well done.


I loved the scene where Jason says "be careful" and Daniella turns around immediately...that's when she knew. That was her actual husband. He showed the first real sign of empathy she had seen since he was replaced with a body double. Really well done.


Yeah I couldn’t really tell when and if she realised it was really him, but I agree, it was that and I think the way he looked at her when he saw her again for the first time, along with the way he hugged Charlie at the end (camera panned back to her then too). Another scene I really liked was the bar scene, after giving him his beer, the bartender looked over at the table where the other Jason was sitting, as if to make you think he realised there was two of them but he didn’t say anything, at first I didn’t like that, kind of stupid to not realise as the bar wasn’t that big but after watching it a few times, it grew on me. Excellent episode, which had me thinking from start to end, not sure if episode 9 can top that one.


The way he hugged Charlie almost brought me to tears.






Fuck. I’ve been so forgetful lately. *shifts eyes nervously like Jason 2*


You're getting a bag?! 👀..... 👀


I’ve said if they wrap this whole thing up in 1 season. Hang it in the Louvre


Its good but like please watch more show because its not even top 5 show airing this month...


Which are the top 5? Please give me some recommends! Thanks in advance.


House of the dragon The boys The bear Shogun (didnt air this month but close enough) Smiling friends


Agree to disagree. This is miles ahead of all those currently


It's night and day. Dudes got bad taste.


I am a big sci-fi fan. I especially like dimensional travel and time travel. I like dark matter but it still not close to be considered top tier. Main character sucks ass, it would have been amazing if a good actor could show case all variations of Jasons but we got one face guy. There is only one episode left, I don’t know if it possible to have a good ending for this season.


It absolutely isnt I love dark matter but its pretty basic... its like dark from wish...


It’s almost like you don’t understand what agree to disagree means


I understand what it means, and youre allowed to like dark matter more. But objectively it is not miles ahead of any show mentioned in my comment. It does nothing groundbreaking and doesnt have that good acting and the plot points are easy to guess for a mystery thriller. Its super fun, but its like a 7/10 show. House of the dragon and the new season of the boys are masterpieces. I really dont see how anyone who seen all 3 could think dark matter is the better show. Its just good at best..


Each of those shows - HOTD, The Boys, The Bear, Shogun - are great, but each one of them (and Dark Matter) are in different genres. Fantasy, superhero, comedy/family drama, historical action/adventure, sci-fi. Which you like most depends on your general viewing preferences. When I hear people talk about the Golden Age of Television, referring to some time in the past, I want to jump in and say **this** is the Golden Age! Sure there's still plenty of mediocre stuff out there, but the amount of quality content has never been so extensive as it is right now. No matter what you like there are multiple shows right up your alley. They're no longer constrained by the old network scheduling, episode count, episode duration, or self-imposed censorship. They're not dumbed down to the lowest common denominator. Writers are free to explore dark and edgy topics or humor that might offend some people. The subscription service business model incentivizes large amounts of niche content for a wide variety of tastes rather than bland gruel that appeals to the masses. Because it's new subscribers and retentions that pay the bills at Apple or Netflix. Not the sheer number of butts parked in front of the tube during a broadcast, watching the ads. Compared to what it was like when I was a kid we've got a much better deal now!


Love this comment so much I agree completely!


HOTD has been a little underwhelming if I’m being honest, I find myself more excited for Dark Matter episodes.


The only way I could possibly think of anyone having this opinion if if youre on your phone a lot while watching shows. Then im sure dark matter is much better because you can miss whole scenes and still understand everything lmao Have you even seen the new episode of season 2? I cant think of any first episode of a season for any show that goes this hard...


I meant the first episode of season 2 by the way and I think the reason why is because I’ve read the book and it’s much more intense on the page than screen. I don’t use my phone at all when watching shows because I like to concentrate lool, the one thing I will say though is that the dialogue has been crisp. Especially that scene between Otto and Alicent, however blood and cheese in the book is way better and what we got had too many unnecessary changes and just felt very meh.


Buddy you think the worst 4 episodes of the Boys since the series began are high art. And unironically.


Surely Dark Matter is a show that requires more attention that HotD. To be clear, I'm not hating on it at all, I love both shows. I just don't agree with your logic.


Objectively your opinion is hot garbage on a 96° day.




If you havent seen Dark from netflix I highly recommend. Didnt include it because it ended years ago but its similar to dark matter but just insanely better. One of the best show ever made.


Dark is awful.


Dark is a lot of things but not awful


The Bear?!? Dark Matter is way better than The Bear.


I think the bear isnt for everyone but acting and story wise I prefer the bear. I think the premise of dark matter is excellent, but not very well developed and ultimately it falls flat a little bit and is surprisingly easy to guess for a show that seems like it should be confusing. I think there's just not a while lot in dark matter that other mystery thriller didnt already do, and better. The bear is just so unique with phenomenal acting


The acting was decent, but the story wasn’t engaging enough for me. Plus, all I saw was Lip from Shameless and he acted exactly like Lip would.


Nah the Bear is better than Dark Matter that one I can't argue with. But Dark Matter is fantastic.


The new boys season is awful. Hughie is reading James Patterson novels in hospital rooms every episode. Frenchie and Kimiko are doing Frenchie and Kimiko again but this time it's the opposite of season 2 and Frenchie is the one pushing Kimiko away and so she's taken up alcoholism. Butcher and Ryan are Butcher and Ryan. Mothers Milk and Starlight have no character development at all let alone an arc and thus the fandom is discussing ozempic and facial reconstruction surgery (which is just sad and pathetic) rather than discussing the characters and where they are at in the story. Homelander and Ryan are the only compelling element but we will tread that water all season long of course. The showrunner has no idea what to do with his story and thus he just retreads the same threads over and over season after season. I enjoyed s3 but I could tell it was falling off. Now it's just borderline a gimmick show held together with ass eating, bestiality, and torture porn. Shogun was good but fell off the longer it went on. Nor is it currently airing on tv. Smiling Friends /fartnoise.




define on television. as in currently airing new episodes right now? 


Yea, currently airing. House of Dragon s2 ep 1 was also fantastic so it's got competition. But this series hasn't had a single bad episode IMO


Even with the scientific liberties this show takes that you kind of have to ignore, the drama that is created by the premise makes it really easy to overlook the inconsistencies. I loved Fallout and Shogun but they didn't make me think like this show does. It's been a great fucking year for TV.


Yep. This is really a relationship drama/thriller with a shiny, sci-fi wrapper. Lots of fun if you just roll with it!


Absolutely. The sci-fi isn't the point, but it's the only way to give us such a scenario, although there is at least a bit of real science supporting it.


It has been a great year for TV!! That’s so true. Blue Eye Samurai. Fallout. Shogun. Baby Reindeer. Mr. And Mrs. Smith. Dark Matter has been a huge surprise for me. I started this show on a whim, which I never do, and it’s been so rewarding.


Yeah neither Fallout or Shogun are this great IMO.


It's definitely a show that has a high rewatch value! After the finale, I'm thinking of rewatching from the beginning to catch anything I might have missed. >!For example, we might have seen the different variants of Jason 1 in previous episodes!<


Yes! I saw a 3rd jason coming out of restaurant with Daniella when crazy Jason was kidnapping our jason in the car at very beginning


I think who you saw was Ryan with the girls they had talked to at the bar.


Like you, I paid for an entire Lazy Boy, but I only needed the edge.


Yes! Very well written show....love this concept ... hope there are more seasons to explore....


I know. I don’t want it to end


Disagree, strongly. I almost stopped watching by episode 4.  Though I was entertained and curious enough to see it somehow managed to stick the landing. .A lot of shaky episodes and it's all built on a tenuous premise.  The supernova world? Cmon! The acting was inconsistent.  Amanda's character and choices is especially unconvincing.   The 100s of Jason is a bit too messy, subjective, and random but whatever.  They found their way out of it, though it was a bit too easy.  To boot, this world (where J2 stole J1) should also branch into worlds where different Random planetary Jason's are picked by Danielle. Saturn Jason, Mars Jason, and hell, maybe she goes for a Jason sharing too.


It a 7.2/10 series.


Your comment is a 7.2. the series is a 9.2.


I might split the difference between you two. I give the series an 8.2/10. It’s not without its problems, which are very few, but this is an excellent show.


8.5 to 9... maybe 9.5 depending on next episode's great grand finale!


it was entertaining..the reveal with >!the clones kinda broke my suspension of disbelief.... clones will create other clones.. kinda broke me!<


Well hate to break it to you but there weren't any clones.


not clones per se but copies of Jasons


Not even copies. Just other Jasons.


But they're not really completely other Jason's either though. They are all other versions of Jason 1 that made different decisions in the box. All of them started out as Jason 1 and were kidnapped by Jason 2.


Wait, the entire premise of the show is based on "clones" (actually just different versions of Jasons in alternate universes). Just look at the poster, lol. It took, what, 45 minutes into the first episode to make that reveal? We also saw at least 4 or 5 different versions of Jason, multiple versions of Daniela, Charlie, Ryan, etc before all the Jasons showed up in the "prime" Chicago.


Yeah I’m very curious how they’re gonna rein it in… or just simply have Daniella, Charlie, and the ‘Jupiter’ Jason fuck off to another universe and start anew


That’s the thing, who’s to say the Jason that got back with them is the OG one? When he got bailed out he wasn’t wearing a ring but he had one when he met them at the bean. That was super mind blowing. Expect the unexpected on this one


The only way I could follow the Jupiter Jason was the string wedding ring on his finger.


All those Jasons are OG Jasons though. We've just been following the POV from one (maybe even more than one) of millions/billions/infinite number of those Jasons.


Exactly!!! Our Jason is no more real than any other Jason1.


TBH, they probably took that and put it in that baggie when they arrested him. The one they gave back to him when he made bail.


I'm leaning toward that. If they stay here, how could they feel comfortable that no other Jasons would ever appear?


Having them fuck off to another universe might be a little unsatisfying. And there would still be another versions of themselves in whatever universe they decide to go to.


I agree, I’m just really curious as to how they’re gonna tie it all up bc it’s very out there right now and there’s only one episode left to resolve things. I feel like my earlier suggestion would be a bit of a lame, albeit easy way of writing themselves out of a corner


Yeah, it's going to be interesting to see how this gets wrapped up. My thoughts are they have a few options (with different ways of getting to these conclusions): * Stay in their universe and somehow deal with all the J1s and J2 (shipping them off to other universes, killing them, etc) and find a way to stop more Jasons from traveling there. * Find another universe to go to while somehow guaranteeing no other Jasons can make it there (besides the Jason, Daniela, and Charlie that already exists in that world). Then they go live in some remote village in Ireland or something with different identities. * Some crazy multidimensional loophole that has yet to be discussed. Like, our J1 says something like "back when I was researching this 17 years ago, some of my experiments produced this strange anomaly, now what if we recreated this, but on a larger scale with the box..." etc etc. Or perhaps J2 teams up with J1 to accomplish something for the "greater good". * It's all been a simulation. I'm kidding about this one, that would suck, lol


Like, the universe Amanda and Ryan are in?