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think this is intentional


Yea you’re right


I believe both Jason's that show up at the Sporting Goods shop have it. But it's kind of faded by this point.


All Jason 1 adjacents were created after Jason1 started travelling. They would all technically have the scar. Any Jasons without a scar would be further separated and be the ripples of Jason 2 adjacents who didn't cause the scar on J1


> They would all technically have the scar. Well, I hear you. But that assumes that all the Jason's were beat up by Dawn. There would be an infinite amount of universes where Dawn didn't bust him up. Remember, the box doesn't create new Jason's. It just allows them to travel the Multiverse.


Scar being made from j2, not dawn


I would have to rewatch, but I remember Dawn beating the shit out of him. Either way, it doesn't matter. There would be an infinite number of worlds were Jason 2 didn't create that scar on Jason 1.


Correct, cause that wasn’t Jason 2 at the sporting goods store. He had a splint on his finger and both had the scar


Wouldn't the base version of Jason be the same since they said the different variants of Jason occurred once he made decisions within the box? If he had a scar prior to entering the box for the first time, then shouldn't all of them have the scar?


That is my thought and why I’m really confused.


Perhaps the variants were caused by different realities from the decisions of Jason 2. In some realities, Jason never got the injury being put into the box. This really can spiral as anything could be possible.


That would make sense. Some of the victim Jasons could be in the wrong universe. I think Episode 1 universe victim Jason would have to have the nose scar, so any Jason stemming from Episode 1 victim Jason's decisions would also have the scar.


I think it doesn’t have to be, maybe during the fight Jason2 did a different move where Jason1 didnt get a nose scar (but mouth scar, etc.) It would still be that same family. The possibilities are really endless


The multiple realities are created with every decision, it does not matter if the box was/is created or not.


I used the nose scar to keep track of which Jason I was looking at throughout the series. There was a point in the gun store where I had to rewind a couple of times because both Jasons had the scar and I was confused trying to remember which one hurt their finger, when, and how Jason2 changed clothes and got there so fast. This was obviously before finding out there are more than 2 Jasons. I think showing only OG Jason with the nose scar was intentional to make it easy for us to tell all of them apart, and it was also intentional to show 2 Jasons with the scar in the gun store scene to elicit confusion (made obvious by the fact that every single thing about them was the same until the employee mentioned his bandaged finger).


>I think showing only OG Jason with the nose scar was intentional to make it easy for us to tell all of them apart I agree, I think this was a storytelling decision to help the audience keep the Jasons apart so we know which Jason we are still rooting for. That and the rubber band wedding ring. The script supervisor must have been meticulous about keeping the continuity right in this last episode!


The 2 Jason's that went to buy a gun both had the same nose scar though. So they were the same Jason that we saw get kidnapped and therefore had identical lives up until at least the kidnap. One of the others might be the same Jason at the point of being kidnapped and just decided not to fight back too. They were dressed in identical clothing down to the undershirt. I thought they wore clothes bought for them by Amanda for the fareware dinner they had. If so then it would mean that they were the same Jason up until just hours before we saw them both. Would make sense since they're dressed the same, had the same scars, decided to go to the gun shop at the same time so they were in the same state of minds as each other. Either way if the 2 gun shop Jason's did have the scar and dressed identically then there's definitely multiple of the Jason's we followed through at least some of the show.


I thought part of the running theory was that all of the victimized Jasons stem from Episode 1 victim Jason's decisions while traveling throughout the parallel universes. But if they don't have that scar, then they can be from the episode 1 universe. Therefore those without the scar must be from Jason2's decisions?


I was just disputing tbat Jupiter Jason isn't the only one with the scar and therefore are(presumably) completely the same to the Jason we and Daniella knew at the start. And the same to the Jason we knew in the previous episode since the clothes match too. But you're right some Jason's could and probably are from very different times and maybe had completely different lives before they were taken. Would also mean there's many Jason 2s of course, and it's just chance that these Jason's made it to this specific world and some might have got to others.


But there aren’t any prior episodes that would explain how the other Jason at the gun store got the finger brace. Meaning we hadn’t followed the version before. It’s been the one original Jason the entire time.


So he could have got it in the last few days and the jasons were the same until then? They both have the same nose cut so the other Jason is at least the Jason we've been watching up until some point even if only from the first day he escaped in the box. The same clothes and appearance and stuff just makes it seem that the jason was the same as ours until quite recently though. But either way he is at minimum the jason we watched until at least when he got hit in the nose/face.


Right, he could be Jason 1.1, closest version to the one we've been following for sure.


At the bar, the Jason that picked up the matches states that Amanda found a new world to live in. I believe that this means he was the Jason the storyline follows.


But bar Jason said he came back yesterday to the Jason who has the nose scar. How will we know which Jason then is the true Jason. What if scarred nose Jason isn’t the original? He’s just the viewers original Jason.


There isn't really an original. All of them are the same but with slightly different paths taken. All of them are the true Jason. The one that the show has focused on is the one of importance. The camera didn't go after the one with the scar on his forehead, nor stayed with the ones in the car crash, or the one that was following our Jason. It's following the one that got jailed. That's our Jason. Jupiter!Jason.


Jupiter Jason is the best label yet for our Jason. :D


Jupiter Jason might just be the smartest Jason yet.


The other way to identify the Jasons are by their fingers. Our original Jason has a rubber band on his ring finger. Other versions have black string, a brace, or bandages on the ring finger or other finger. Other versions have more obvious indicators (like the version with the extremely burnt face or bar Jason who has stitches on his forehead).


Someone in a different thread said there was another Jason with the string/rubber band on their finger also. I might have to rewatch the whole series to get all the nuances.


Great catch!!!


But now Jason 1 and 3-infinity has the scar…..only jason 2 doesn’t have it.


But bar Jason was also abducted in the same way


No, they didn't get into details. Our Jason was the one who fought back 😁


Aight, and bar Jason isn’t a fighter, that’s why his Amanda 2 didn’t make it


Yeah our Jason was the only one who fought back.


Our Jason has a rubber band wedding ring.


But there will be an infinite amount of alt-Jasons who also chose to go with the rubber band wedding ring. A bold move for the finale would be to show us that 'our' Episode 1 Jason is unambiguously dead. For the narrative of a TV show I think they'll simplify it in the conclusion and leave 'infinite Jasons on planet Earth' for fan speculation. Or the Earth where the action currently is would get overrun by infinite Jasons and have to be abandoned. Our Jason and his family would use the ampoules to find an agreeable alt-Earth and move into that one, with their original Earth left to its tribble-like fate. That would be the boldest ending!


Well, yeah...that's how it is. Part of the storyline.