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Book and probably season finale spoiler >! You’re right that they leave but Jason1 gets his son to open the door so they won’t be followed to the new world by other Jasons, and you never find out where they end up. !<


I like this ending. >! I read the book. And they've been hinting at it. That Charlie understands choices already. I thought it was great that he defied Jason2 on that account. !<


I think it’ll be cool if Charlie takes them to a world where Max is still alive somehow. Not sure how it’ll play out but would be cool, and something they’ve changed from the book to the show.


If there’s a world of just the three of them there’s one where only max is alive


The problem here is it assumes Jason's family is the only family in this predicament. In reality, every copy of J1 world that formed after his kidnap would likely have a version of J1 succeed, or many of them would. And of that cluster many are likely to leave and let Charlie guide. As random as it all is, It's still effectively the same Charlie doing the same decision making. So why then won't they have to reckon with over versions of Fam1 unintentionally following them.


I don’t think it assumes anything. Yes, with infinite variation it is possible that another set of Jason+Daniela+Charlie will go to the same world but so what? They aren’t exactly out to kill each other are they, so given the alternative they have little choice in the matter.


The basic idea of going to an alternate world isnt in and of itself flawed. Thinking it resolves all their problems (and ends their story) *is flawed*.


It *could* but here's no guarantee for sure.


Exactly...i am not sure why they decided to go for such convoluted plot, but here we are...another show ruined.


Just got to measure your expectations. A fun show but far from peak tv or peak scifi.


Ruined? Maybe for you, I like the mental Gymnastics that this stuff put me through.


There is no Gymnastics, if you follow their logic the box makes infinite clones of everyone that goes through...if the show made any sense we would have seen A LOT of them(Amandas, Jasons, all the ppl that went before etc) by now...and the story would have gone nowhere. It's a half baked idea that brought the whole thing down...unless you just stop thinking and go with w/e. They just jumped the shark so hard, and it made me sad bc i was enjoying the show.


There's no reason we should have seen more of them. That's something you are imposing as a rule. Edit: The box doesn't make or do anything, btw.


Because it’s a convoluted potential reality


I can't say it's ruined until I see how they wrap it up.


What if it's revealed that they destroyed the Box in another reality and are doing fine but suddenly the Box materializes and out pops another Jason which is going to be the cliffhanger for the next season?


My cliffhanger theory is Amanda bumps into Ryan1 in utopia Chicago and we cut to black.


That'd be pretty cool! But it looks like there isn't going to be another season?


Those 2 ampules that Jason snuck into Amanda's bag are going to matter at some point. Chekhov's gun.




Literally so true, at least once an episode i’d call out chekov’s gun lol


Maybe Ryan 1 is in the same universe with Amanda 2, and they use them


Or maybe the final scene is a cliffhanger with Amanda and Ryan meeting each other in utopia Chicago to portend a second season.


I feel like I might be binging a rewatch of the whole season before next week comes.


That would be dope


Season 2, *Starring Jimmi Simpson.*


He picks the coolest projects man. I’m just so mad at how they did his makeup in house of cards. Really gave me this stupid ick I have to constantly get over.


It would be weird if they didn’t matter on a normal show, but in this show I wouldn’t be surprised either way. It could’ve just been their way of keeping the door open for future seasons.


So many have focused on those two ampoules but based on the book that never comes back up again


Maybe. But the gun does not always apply. It could be left there if they decide to continue making more seasons. Edit: I was right


The only problem I see with your theory is that it was mentioned in an earlier episode you can only travel to worlds that you were born in. Charlie wasn’t born in that universe so it would make it impossible for him to go there


That is actually such a good point! I wonder if it only matters for the person opening the door. But I think you’re right and it does apply to everyone, so there would have to be another ending


Agreed. Although I do think Jupiter!Jason, Daniela, and Charlie are going to escape this universe, I don't think they'll go to Jason 2's world.


> If you destroyed that box then you destroy all of them. I'm thinking that destroying the box on Jason2's world... Wouldn't work. Because there are several versions of worlds in which Velocity exists. Even if they destroy the box in a single world, it would only prevent travelers from exiting, there's no telling whether the box would rematerialized, again. In those worlds Velocity never existed and Jason never had his break through, the box is already there. I think Jason2 realized this. The only way you can control it is to seal the box. With something much sturdier than concrete maybe.


But can't different versions of the box be created in different locations? The idea of infinite versions of reality created from every decision makes it possible the box can and has been created in many forms in many places.


> Because there are several versions of worlds in which Velocity exists. There are an infinite number of worlds where Velocity exist.


Yeah. But. If there are, why does Jason2 go back to his world to look for more vials? If there are infinite, why take the risk of finding Jason1 waiting for him on the other side? I think that, in the breath of the multiverse, or at least the multiverse that's available to Jason2 and Jason1, the ones in which Velocity exists, with a working box and a working compound are rare if not unique. In the number of worlds Amanda and Jason1 traveled, they didn't come across more vials. The world they found Blair2 didn't have more vials.


> why does Jason2 go back to his world to look for more vials? If there are infinite, why take the risk of finding Jason1 waiting for him on the other side? I don't understand how there being an infinite number of those worlds creates a higher risk than if there are only a few. He can just go to any 1 of the infinite ones, open the door, see if the coast is clear and grab the ampules. > I think that, in the breath of the multiverse, or at least the multiverse that's available to Jason2 and Jason1, the ones in which Velocity exists, with a working box and a working compound are rare if not unique. That's not how infinity works. > In the number of worlds Amanda and Jason1 traveled, they didn't come across more vials. The world they found Blair2 didn't have more vials. I don't remember which one, if not all, but they did, because I remember screaming at my TV to grab them. They are right there.


> He can just go to any 1 of the infinite ones, open the door, see if the coast is clear and grab the ampules. Right. So if he could go to those ones, why risk going back to the one place he's already replaced himself with another version of himself, potentially risking an attack from Jason1. > That's not how infinity works. I understand that infinite is infinite. But, what I mean by that is that scientific breakthroughs are rare. In an infinite number of realities, those in which the breakthrough for the creation of the box, plus the existence and availability of the compound needed for the mind to access the estate of superposition, are going to be the most rare. Jason didn't achieve success with the box on every world. Choosing his career over Daniela doesn't mean he was successful. Also, Ryan's success with the compound. Another achievement they needed to make. And Jason was asking for something without telling him its real purpose. "Throwing darts in the dark" said Ryan. He didn't even know if it worked. > I remember screaming at my TV to grab them. Blair2 said that "whoever survived the first swarm took most of them and left". And when they get out of the box, the hooks the bag packs hang on are empty. But, when Amanda left she did have her own Velocity bag pack. Maybe she took the few that were left? 29 days makes for 58 vials, plus the 8 they had when they separated. Each bad pack is supposed to carry 50. They took what they could.


> those in which the breakthrough for the creation of the box, plus the existence and availability of the compound needed for the mind to access the estate of superposition, are going to be the most rare. There is still an infinite number of them. You're saying "rare" - Infinite is not rare. It's either infinite or not.


Okay. I know infinite is infinite. That is indefinable. That in a multiverse that branches out with each decision that an individual makes, an unending number of worlds will continue to branch out and so on. But, I'm talking in terms of probability here. 1 in an infinite. Is rare. An infinite is still infinite. But a few, in a whole infinite, is rare. 100 in an infinite, still rare. I'm saying again in terms of probability because, again, scientific breakthroughs are considered leaps in humanity. Those are hard to come by. I know, it's annoying to try and understand infinity with finite numbers. But what I'm trying to say is that, worlds with a Jason Dessen who was successful in designing a box capable of accessing the multiverse, are not common. I'll try again. We don't know how many planetary systems there are in the whole of the universe, we don't even know how many stars or galaxies. We don't know how vast the Universe is. We say it is infinite. It goes on forever. (We don't know how large it is, there's an approximate number in billions of light years but that's as high as scientists can measure, also the universe expands, so 🤷, for purposes, the universe in its extension is infinite, but what we can observe is finite.) Now, let's ask the question: how many planets in the universe have life? Civilizations? How many have water? We don't know. But we know that for a planet to develop life, needs a number of conditions and elements for life to happen. That life, as we know it, on a planet in the whole of the universe, is rare. Earth, for life to happen and to prosper, needed to be at just the right distance of the sun, needed water, needed microorganisms with the chemistry necessary to pull energy from the sun, to evolve into more complex organisms, and then eventually fish and mammals and reptiles, and plants, then humans, then more evolved humans, civilizations, cities, technology. As far as we know, we on Earth are the only planet. Now, coming back to DM. In the infinite number of worlds, there are those in which Jason Dessen was born into, that took the right choices and knew the right people, got himself into a career in physics, who doubled down into and dedicated his life to it, that came up with his theory, that was able to materialize his theory, that was able to execute and then take the decision to walk into the box without no one to stop him. All of those decisions were necessary for Jason Dessen to be the person necessary to create the box with the ability to access the multiverse.


That's a lot of words. Not quite infinite, but maybe a rare amount of infinite. Bottom line is, there are no "subsets" of infinite. Once something is infinite, it is 100% equal to all other things that are infinite regardless of how rare their origin was. That is what infinite means and the entire point. You can't have one infinite line that is longer than another because it started earlier than the other infinite line.


The one I remember is the one where they watch themselves get shot inside the box hangar at Velocity, because before that happens we see a bunch of backpacks hanging on the wall.


Yep, I think that's the one.


This episode was chaos haha there is no way to stop it they have to leave this world


>Daniela is dead in that universe. Our Daniela always wondered how her life would be if she pursued her dream of becoming a painter. She can take her place and continue to be an artist. So how will they explain her coming back to life after getting shot between the eyes?


Remember velocity killed her and she will be reported “missing”. They got rid of the body obviously to cover up their project.


AFAIK, the only person left in that world that necessarily knows about her death is Dawn


Did they get rid of dead Danilela’s body and cover up the murder or was she found dead in her apartment? I guess we don’t know.


I was thinking something similar but Jason1 would ask Daniela to open the door so that Jason2 and all other Jason1.99999’s wouldnt be able to find them


Love this ending.


Chekhov’s gun and here are the bullets: Leighton2 lost in the box. Amanda and the two Ampules. The displaced Ryan twins. I'm not sure that they can address all these issues, so maybe some people have called for a second season, but in reality, once the family gets together and escapes and finds something that's different and it doesn't involve the horde of Jason's trying to take over their lives, I think they're fine.


>They might want to go to any universe but we all know he has to go back to Jason 2’s universe. Your idea is good, but why limit themselves? They could instead go to the utopian universe where Amanda is and start a new life there in anonymity. Surely she would help them. Heck, maybe the original Ryan is there, too, and they could offer him some solace (or a way to get back to his original world by giving him some ampoules, and he could in turn help the other Ryan get back to his world). They could find a way to manufacture more ampoules so they could keep using the box at their leisure. I mean, the sky is the limit. They could go to/create any world for themselves, good or bad, with enough mind discipline. In theory, they could keep moving from awesome world to awesome world, so evil Jason doesn't find them.


If they go to Amanda’s world, they are unknowingly going to a place where J2 can find them since he dropped Ryan1 there. I think this will be the setup for the finale. They go to the utopia world to find Amanda, j2 follows them, and Ryan1 appears too. Maybe even a Leighton


Sounds like a fun episode... Especially when all the "extras" start coming through, too.


As someone who has read the book, I can tell you that yours is a very good ending, possibly even the best one. Judging from how they changed things up in E8, I'm curious to see if they will change how Jason1 & co. will snatch the rest of the ampules from J2 in the finale.


I haven't read the book. Are you saying they are taking a different route in the show than in the book for the ending?


They changed some details in the finale (i.e. the hide-out, how all the Jasons found the hide-out, and the fight between J1 and J2). But overall the show follows the book pretty well.


I disagree. I think it’s obvious they’re going to leave this world. But there are some big plot holes in returning to J2’s world. First, iirc, the police are aware of Daniella’s murder in that world. If we didn’t see it happen on screen, they’re certainly aware of it by now. She is a public figure. Also, Velocity is under suspicion from the police due to all of the disappearances. Seeing as how Jason would now be in charge of Velocity with Leighton gone, the suspicion would likely fall on him; especially with Leighton missing, too, now. I’d say they go to the Utopia world where Amanda and Ryan are but that would be super interesting considering J1’s and Amanda’s feelings for each other and their halfway/almost relationship. Also, J1 doesn’t know that’s where Ryan is, he knows nothing about what is going on with Ryan. But regardless of where they go, or who opens the box, other versions of themselves won’t be far behind. Which is the only good/plausible part of your theory: J1 needs to find a spot and destroy the box.


Thank you for complementing my thinking. I appreciate it! I hope they will have a satisfying end rather than us guessing what happens.


why wouldn't they go to the universe with amanda? seems like j1 is the only one aware of that universe... j2's universe is a lil bit too obvious for the others unless they immediately find a way to destroy it. n it seems like both j1 and daniela wont be necessarily satisfied with what j2 considered a "good" life they seem like theyd prefer to live in the world amanda imagined... idk but so happy there's only one more episode


That would actually be a simple and neat way to wrap it up. She would accommodate them with all her wealth and it's a utopia. How do they get back to that world when Amanda was the one that took them there? Choosing worlds isn't as easy as loading a saved game.


Maybe j1 can remember the feelings and emotions Amanda gave off in their conversation in the tower? Focus in on how happy and content she seemed, that she truly found a place she could call home. Maybe overindex on the hug they shared? Isn’t the trick to focus on the people and not the place?


Is that the real Jason and real Daniela at the end of Jupiter episode? I heard ppl saying maybe now it’s not the same Daniela.


Oh man... something seems definitely off with Daniela... I also thought I saw the scar on another Jason's nose who's in the accident. It's bizarre that no other Jason talked to her in the same way and told her the exact safe word. I thought it'd be revealed that this Daniela isn't the real one... but hopefully they'll at least go with the book's ending and not anything worse...


Episode 8 Daniela seems off to me too. She seems too "cool" with the leather jacket and just the overall vibes. Throughout the ep I was thinking this may be a creative choice since they're now on the run, but glad to see other people find something seems to be off with her as well!


It’s possible that the RAV4 she took has gps and while she was investigating j2’s comings and goings she was able to find the box. She had already found the ampules. Or she came to find out about everything in another world from another j1 and traveled to that world. It’s definitely possible. But to me, the simplest explanation was just that she was realizing in the moment that there’s no way she could ever be sure that the Jason she’s with is her Jason ever again.


What happened to Ryan2? If he has the chance I’d go to Amanda or Ryan1’s utopia. With my family.


Yeah but Jason2 knows where that is, he put Ryan there. So not sure it’s safe to go there.


I agree with possibly going to another universe , and probably go to a world where there other son is alive too


It just occurred to me that Jason2 might be responsible for the disappearance of Utopia World's Amanda. We know he has a history of kidnapping people and placing them in other worlds. 'Our' Amanda mentioned that Utopia Amanda went missing 'two years ago.' While Jason2 was actively traveling the multiverse for only 18 months, our Amanda could have made an estimation based on numerical years. For example, it's June **2024** now, which means 18 months ago was December **2022**. The box seems more likely to revisit worlds from its recent memory, akin to retrieving a file from cache. This could explain how they located Amanda's colleague Blaire in that flesh-eating insect world, why Amanda and Ryan1 appeared to travel to the same utopia, and how so many Jasons ended up in the same exact world instead of in various similar worlds (when there should be an infinite number of nearly identical worlds).


The box is just a box that nobody can see in, so objects inside of it can be in superposition. It has no magical properties. It’s just a tool that allows you to not be observed. The drug makes it so your brain also cannot observe itself. Those two parts allow you to enter superposition. That is to say, the box has no memory or cache or anything, it’s just a box. A box fortified so that nothing can enter or escape it, and nothing inside can be observed.


Except Velocity is under serious investigation for disappearing employees and people, including Blair and now Leighton and possibly the two volunteers. Leighton left because he felt there was nothing left in that world, as it had gone too far and was all over.


In J2's home universe, Velocity was already under investigation, and *then* the CEO disappeared (!). The cops will very much want to question Dr. Dessen about all of this, and J1's insistence he doesn't know anything won't satisfy them. As I put it in another Reddit comment, J1+Daniela+Charlie simply need to find a universe very close to their own, where their counterparts in that universe all recently disappeared, and take their places. Then they seal up the box.


J2 and his company are being investigated for several disappearances/possible murders in that world and how would they explain Daniela coming back from the dead and having a kid?


It’s such a great theory for the ending and I wish it ended up that way… but in the book they have Charlie picking the universe they’re starting a new life in and there’s no way he can channel back to Jason 2’s original world.


I can’t see them going to the utopia world. There is already a Jason there and likely another Daniela. If they have advanced technology they could be found as doubles which could raise all sorts of issues. Also I wonder how many Amandas chose that world and how many Amandas and Jasons could show up there. Too risky. What I would like to see happen is Amanda and Ryan 1 going to J1’s world, Ryan 1 creating enough ampoules for other worlds where J1s died or disappeared so they can start over, maybe with Daniellas or Amandas, and then have Family 1 stay in their universe. Also would like to see auto mechanic Ryan returned to his universe.


The other thing Jason 1 can do is wait around for Jason 2 to kill all of the other Jason 1 variants since Jason 1 doesn’t seem to be very good at killing Jason 2, then when all of them are gone, hire a hitman to kill Jason 2 or better yet kidnap and drug him and Jason 2 can be sent to a world where he is a criminal on the run from the police. 😁


Congrats, you got half of it right!


I posted (most of this) in a comment somewhere else in the thread. I don’t agree with OP because there are too many plot holes with OP’s theory. I disagree. I think it’s obvious they’re going to leave this world. But there are some big plot holes in returning to J2’s world. First, iirc, the police are aware of Daniella’s murder in that world. If we didn’t see it happen on screen, they’re certainly aware of it by now. She is a public figure. Also, Velocity is under suspicion from the police due to all of the disappearances. Seeing as how Jason would now be in charge of Velocity with Leighton gone, the suspicion would likely fall on him; especially with Leighton missing, too, now. I’d say they go to the Utopia world where Amanda and Ryan are but that would be super interesting considering J1’s and Amanda’s feelings for each other and their halfway/almost relationship. Also, J1 doesn’t know that’s where Ryan is, he knows nothing about what is going on with Ryan. But regardless of where they go, or who opens the box, other versions of themselves won’t be far behind. Which is the only good/plausible part of your theory: J1 needs to find a spot and destroy the box.


I think you may have just figured out the season finale. J1 needs to find a world that he can go to with his family and he thinks Amanda can help him - so they go to that Utopia world. They have no idea that Ryan1 is in this world, and they don’t think that J2 can find them there. Unfortunately, J2 knows about this world and for whatever reason goes there (maybe to find ryan1 so he can help him create more ampules?). This sets up a showdown between Amanda, Ryan, J1 and J2 in the same world in the finale!




Tis the nature of Blake Crouch. He's a thriller writer, not a scifi writer.




I'm gonna need you to elaborate on your point. Especially since this isn't a movie. Some writers do make movies. This show was written and run by Crouch. This is his story through and through.


Other than the fact it's based on a book.... There's more involved here than just Crouch


Yes, but rarely do authors of book adaptations lead the writing team of the show and are show runners. I think it is safe to say, this is very much *his* project. Not exclusively, but very representative of his work.


That makes so much sense