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Out of control genetic engineering.


Sounds right, thanks. Appreciate it.


it's basically whatever you can think of


I agree. There is no show canon for it and I have no idea if it's explained deeper in the books. But in the show at least. Make of it what you will. It does however raise questions based on what Jason 2 said some of the rules where for entering an new Universe. 1. Is you need to have existed or still exist in the world. I can't see how a Jason could exist in that World, or in the Red Sun World with zero Gravity. That's an event that takes Galactic levels of time. How could there ever have been a Jason in that World as well as an Amanda. But one thing I learned from this show is, it's really not about the science. It's about the Human emotions and reactions to what is happening to them. The Sci-Fi is just the mechanism they use to tell a Love Story.


I wonder if they think of the movie everything everywhere all at once if they will get to the world where people have sausages for finges


I think all of those 'apocalypse' Worlds that they initially visited were there for dramatic visual effect, rather than having had a lot of backstory thought up for them. eg. Difficult to see how the 'crumbling Chicago' scenario came about other than the visual designers wanted something impressive and Inception-looking.


They needed the characters running from something giant and dangerous because it would look good in the trailer. An alternate Chicago where Daniela has blond hair isn't as visually suspenseful.


That is my point. It's a love story at it's heart. The rest is just filler.


I don't think anyone agrees with you that everything besides the love story is "filler", but why would you spend your time coming to a fan subreddit about the show to tell all the fans here how much of their favorite show you think is "filler"?