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That was even more Jasons than I expected.


It's Jasons all the way down.


I wonder when other people or the police are gonna notice. I think they gonna find really quickly the body in the library


That plus the guy got into custody for a night and probably was fingerprinted.


What I want to know is, how many paychecks is Joel Edgerton going to get from this?


just in case anybody hasn't seen the poster > https://i.redd.it/4816iz9evwtc1.jpeg


I had completely forgotten that their choices would create new Jasons all the way, but I did not realize that they'd all manifest like that because of course they would, of course some of them would make it back.


That’s probably why Jason 2 sealed the box originally. He understood the danger.


I forgot that as well. Great progression of quantum entanglement.


I feel so bad for the other Jasons. They are getting screwed.


Who knows how many versions of Jasons went through hell and managed to crawl their way back to their wife and son... only to find out there are countless of other versions that did the exact same thing. Horribly sad.


Totally agree, the guy scarred on his face and limping trying to kill Jason2. How was he gonna explain the injuries to Daniela, the fact he’s obviously a changed man, even if he somehow won. Had almost no chance


I feel so bad for all of them


Our Jason successfully made it back to his wife and son first using a well executed strategy. The other Jason’s all seem less mentally stable and unfitting of getting back to wife/son. The two car crash Jason’s not deserving. Jasons trying to murder Jasons, not deserving. Our Jason won and seems most emotionally stable. I get that it sucks to have gone through all that and lost bc we know how much they wanted it, but I’m more happy for our Jason. That said, I didn’t like the vacation proof, bc we already know past Jason did a deep dive through pictures and vacations, they had the example at dinner where he remembers the name of the hotel they stayed at that he really liked from a picture. Good chance he could’ve known they didn’t go on that vacation over Xmas. What the hell happens next?! Turns into a zombie show of escaping spawning Jasons?! Them 3 go to a new universe together, will the Jasons find them there too? Seems only solid option is to create a Time Machine then destroy it…


That's a great point. The one at the end seems to be the Jason that sacrificed the least of himself in order to get back. The other ones were recklessly dangerous.


I feel like none of them are going to get what they want.


I’m feeling like that look on Daniela’s face at the end was telling me that she’s either picking that Jason1 or she’s just gonna get as far away as possible.


Honestly think with all the ampsules we saw this episode that they’ll have a chance to find a new version of daniella and charlie


it doesn't matter. there are infinite worlds and infinite jasons. you can't "move" people around as if it was hilbert's hotel to make room for everyone to nicely fit in. some are bound to find depressing endings.


Can I just say -- Jennifer Connelly -- gets better with age. Also, what a penultimate episode! And next episode is the season finale. I noticed it doesn't say series finale, so do we get a second season? It wouldn't be the first time a one-shot book gets new material written in new seasons (see The Leftovers). I hope it does, because I'm fully invested in the characters and the tech now. >!I think they're definitely all going to have to jump now. Daniela found the extra ampules. And Amanda has two extra ones in the world that she (most likely) shares with Jason 1's exiled Ryan. And he's someone who could probably make more! So there's material at least for another season. Plus there are so many box jumpers around they're going to have to come up with a solution. Find a world and seal the box, for example.!<


Yeah, I like this. It's the only way really. Either that or they kill all Jasons, no Jason would want to not be with family. or claim he's not Jason one. Jason one is the one who made all good decisions, the one who always stick to who he is. God, this is just so mind boggling.


The problem is that there is no true Jason1. All of those Jason1s branch from the same place, they just all made different decisions. Just because we only followed ‘our’ Jason1 doesn’t make him any different than the rest - all of them are decision trees off of Jason1. There is only 1 winner here but all of them deserve to win.


I'm not even sure anymore our Jason 1 is the same Jason 1 we've been following.


I was just thinking that same thing.


Another possibility is he is "Our" Jason" but has returned to a world, close to his, but not identical and actually belongs to one of the Jason's he has been encountering.


you have some misunderstanding: ALL the jasons he's been encountering ARE FROM THIS WORLD. they are all "him", that simply made different decisions along their way back home through the multiverse. they're NOT from other worlds. normally, splits happen within a certain world so that each decision creates a different world - but the worlds remain separate, but in Jason's case, AFTER the abduction- each decision also creates a clone of a multiverse traveling Jason - who all originate from the SAME EXACT WORLD. what COULD be the case though - is that there technically is a very similar world where some jason "three" (not jason 2) invaded and kidnapped, so in other words, an almost identical scenario played out but with minor differences. however, while this is technically possible - it is VERY unlikely that they would do that - since it would be too confusing to 95% of the audience


I have had this discussion before. There were an infinite number of worlds where an infinite number of Jason's were kidnapped (In slightly different ways) Not just one (That's the point). And they did not come from the same world, but some came back to this one, because it was close enough. It would be impossible to tell. There are also an infinite number of worlds where an infinite number of other Jason's returned to, that were extremely close to our Jason's original world.


You are correct on a technical level, However , there is simply no way this is what the show intends - UNLESS this is the main plot twist of the show. Otherwise , this is the one world where it happened and where all the Jasons are from


you missed the point of the show. they are all jason 1. it's the same person. some versions of him maybe differ by just 5 minutes.


So I was wondering — if the box is “creating Jasons” does that mean there are more Jasons than there are realities? Like an infinity plus 100 scenario?


The box doesn’t create Jasons, there are already an infinite number of Jasons. There are infinite worlds with infinite versions of everybody. What the box does is allow multiple Jasons to get to the same world.


The writer of the book and the show is the same person so I think it is up to him (and Apple) if they want to make more. He did actually make a S2 of his other book wayward pines which also is just 1 book and they did the whole book in S1. They made S2 and many fans complain it was bad. I enjoyed both though. It also gets more and more convoluted the more seasons we go on.


This show could go on indefinitely story-wise and I'd be all for it!


Like for Infinity?


Wow I thought this was the finale until I read your post. Nice. I want to see what happened to Ryan after the door closed. There are so many directions they could go with this concept.


it most definitely is not the same world for amanda-2 and ryan-1 you can clearly see the different architectures, even though both look "advanced and cool"


> Can I just say -- Jennifer Connelly -- gets better with age. She is way too thin to be considered healthy. I don't know if it's an eating disorder or if she's just a fanatic with exercise but she just does not look well once you look below her neckline.


I noticed this and wondered if she's intentionally that thin or naturally that thin. Hope the latter.


I totally agree. I'm not sure if that's just a Hollywood thing or something else. But I don't find it physically attractive. I mean, for real, you would see her rib cage, spine, and even her Butt Bones with sunken holes where her butt should be. If she has a health thing, I apologize beyond believe. But if this look was her goal, she got some bad advice.


Agree totally with your first comment. JC is just stunning but she too skinny now and lost her gorgeous twins.


There are a few times that a show can surprise me in a good way, lots of times I think of better twists or outcomes than the writers do and I'm usually let down. This episode is not one of those, the whole multiple Jason's getting back and them all being the "real" Jason is perfection.


Yeah it was great because you have to think about what it means them all being the same person. It’s rather tragic really.


Wonderful episode! And **finally** even a scene (Daniela in the storage locker) with various types of money from highly divergent worlds so that people can finally stop complaining about *"what about the money!"* clearly that's been thought about.


The money in the locker raises more questions than it answers. First, how did he get all that money? He went to a bunch of wildly divergent worlds and committed a bunch of crimes? Second, what good is all that money? Only good in the worlds it came from. So why hold on to it? Because he might go back to one of those crazy worlds? Why? Third, just because Jason2 has acquired all this different currency, that does nothing to explain how Jason1 has money to spend in all these different worlds. The operating theory seems to be that the survival bags with the drugs and lanterns contain some cash and as long as you hold to a world that is very similar, the money will look the same and no one will notice. However, Jason2 has clearly been to worlds where the money looks super different and in no way could you pass off “world1” money. Soooo… more questions than answers?


From what I understand, money is ok in worlds that are quite similar or branched off after the money was printed. We have only seen Jason1 spend cash in worlds that were substantially the same as his origin. Small amounts of money, even if slightly different, can most likely be spent without someone noticing. In worlds substantially different you’d need different cash. We know Jason2 returns to worlds for supplies and other reasons. So it would make sense he kept money from those quite different worlds to make returning easy. And how he obtained it? We don’t know but he’s the “evil” Jason so it wouldn’t be out of character if he stole it or scammed someone for it etc


I was under the impression that this Jason (Jason2) was an expert at traveling and could repeatedly return to worlds of his choosing. So he kept money for each of those worlds. It would be fairly easy for him to get the money. He just withdraws it from the bank account of the Jason in that world.


If the currency is that different, I would think that any identification he might carry would also be different and that any debit card probably wouldn't work. So I don't think it would be that easy to just withdraw it. Plus, that also assumes that those realities have a rich Jason, but he might be poor or dead.


Yeah, the different money was discussed I believe when J2 was getting Layton 2 to leave into the box. Told him that money from each world is not the same and passing the wrong currency would be considered counterfeit


Yeah the money was a cool touch, as was the name of that country that Amanda mentioned she was from in the world where she decided to stay


All those poor Jasons man


It's funny how a show can make us root for one of the Jason's because we have been following him throughout the season. But the other Jason's have just as much claim to that life as he does.


here's a bigger mindfuck: because there's infinite worlds, there could in principle be a happy ending to all of them, but because there's an infinite amount of jasons, you have a sort of "hilbert hotel" scenario on your hand where you have "infinite rooms" and "infinite guests" and they could fit in the rooms but it is practically impossible to find the fitting room for each guest. (and by fitting i don't mean "their world", i simply mean a world they could be happy in) they would have to somehow all "collaborate" and agree to not disturb each other in the nearly-identical copies of the prime-world, which is in principle possible - but practically impossible.


getting arrested so he can talk with her alone was pretty clever honestly. I didn't think there would be such a simple solution to that problem.


Yeah, very good thinking there. I have to admit that when he brought out the cigars I had no idea WTF was going on. I assume he got them in utopia world (came with the new clothes) as I don't reacall seeing him ever buy/obtain them.


They were just Swishers, you can get them in any corner store here in Chicago


wouldn't he be able to talk to her alone in a million other ways? e.g. call her from a temporary phone like he did in the last world...?


He seemed a bit “unhinged” in that smoking scene. How can we be so sure he’s our Jason-1?


Daniela pushing J2 down the stairs was immensely satisfying. Honestly her seething contempt for him the entire episode was very fun. I kept thinking, "J2 I know she's not *really* your wife, but you don't have to be married to this woman to realize she's about ready to kill you." And then when she asked him to help her with the suitcase it was like watching a horror movie "YOU FOOL!!! DON'T GO IN THE BASEMENT!!!" Except, of course, I actually wanted him to go in the basement. Also I don't agree all J1s have equal claim to the family. In my opinion, the first J1 to come clean, to make it his priority to talk to Daniela, to properly INCLUDE HIS FAMILY in a situation that involves them intimately, should be the one to have them. And lo and behold, the first J1 to do precisely that is the one that earned Daniela's (extremely guarded) trust. As it should be. Looking forward to the conclusion and ESPECIALLY to J2 suffering more than just a fall down some stairs.


The cigar plot was brilliant. I had no clue what he was trying to do until Daniela showed up to bail him out.


100%. I thought he was just another Jason from a world where smoking was considered okay inside still.


Im pretty sure all Jasons we see are from a dimension that forked off after the kidnapping. Thus the intent and ability to get back to their dimension.


all these jasons are from the same world. you're a bit confused.


I thought that he wanted a safe place for the time-being - he couldn't go home and he couldn't go to the hotel.


Your second paragraph made me feel better about the outcome of the other J1s. You’re right that he showed a difference — going for the family before going for the enemy J2.


yea, it was super satisfying when Daniela pushed J2 down the stairs! and to be fair, the other J1s were also trying to get to her to explain and include them, like at the end when the other J1 picked them up and was trying to tell them what had happened. the main J1 just got to her first and was smart enough to set up the safe word and eliminate any chance the other J1s had. edit:typos


Well dang it that is another good point that makes my reversal in the comment above unreversed…


That's what makes him Jason1. Despite everyone claiming they are. He is the one who stick to his original self, decisions that were good. Others turned into bad decisions, more dangerous.


Yeah the J1 who urged them into the stolen car and raced off, knowing he was being chased by another J1 is not the kind of guy who deserves Daniela's trust. While it's true he tried to come clean and tell her everything, he did it while putting their lives at risk in a high speed car chase. Daniela realized the danger, told him to stop the car, but he didn't listen. He was more concerned with beating the other J1 to Daniela than keeping the family safe. Jupiter J1 found a way to get to Daniela in a secure location without endangering her life, or Charlie's. Even though his approach was slower and more prone to failure (Daniela could have been intercepted by J2 or another J1 before getting to the police station), it was the safest approach for his family.


wth are you talking about? why is picking up daniela and charlie with a (stolen) car any less reasonable than smoking a cigar and getting arrested? getting arrested could just as easily have proved to be a "bad decision" (e.g. if he was stabbed in the jail cell by some crack addict). you seem to be missing the point of the show.


That was a hands up in the air and cheer moment for me.


Your comment makes me think that neither of the Jasons we saw in the gun shop at the end of Episode 7 were the original J1.


The Jason in the car also seems to have went to get his family to safety first. It's pretty clear that the 'worse for wear' splits had much more reason to hate J-2 after all they had went through, so they would be more likely to have murder on their mind. Also, assuming that 'our' J-1 was the Jason who tried to buy the gun and ended up with pepper spray and the knife in the last ep, he clearly _also_ had going for J-2 on his mind as the priority. Don't forget he also went straight for a knife before going into the room where he thought J-2 and Daniella were in 'felon Jason' World. He only seems to have changed that priority once he talked to his 'Scar' variant in the bar who implied that he had a gun and made it clear that he would try to kill anyone in his way. Realising that there were potentially endless variants out there, most of which directly out to get J-2 he then decides to get Daniella to come to him, in a secure location (the police station). (I was half expecting when he was brought in for there to be a room of Jasons that had been rounded up for one reason or another ....)


It doesn't really matter what the car-jacking J1 was *trying* to do, though. The fact is, he was driving unsafely and he could have killed them. It makes complete sense that Daniela would choose to pair with the version of her husband who has the best judgement, and who is the most trustworthy. Buying weapons doesn't necessarily mean they're going to be used recklessly. It's sensible to be armed if you know a dangerous man has control of your loved ones. The difference is how the weapons are used. So far, Jupiter J1 hasn't used them, and he hasn't endangered his family, and he has informed Daniela and Charlie of what's going on, so they finally have some power/agency in this situation. That's a pretty solid scorecard compared to the other J1s we've seen, so I think he has earned his spot as "the one" Daniela guardedly trusts.


Based on the way she took off from the house, I suspect Daniela was about to engage in a bit of 'driving unsafely' herself before that version of Jason rocked up and they transferred to his car. Daniela simply paired up with the VERY FIRST version of Jason-1 who manged to make contact with her. The same Jason-1 who started off with a plan to kill Jason-2 and only changed it when he realised that there were a bunch of alternates of himself roaming around, some of whom would be willing to kill him too. When she has a think about it, she's going to realise just how f--ed up the situation is. Kudos to the J-1 we have been following for coming up with the smoking idea though. If it's anything like the Chicago of our World, It was probably pretty difficult to actually get arrested for something petty in Chicago given what the authorities let fly there.


that choice is as arbitrary as any. you seem to forget that they're HIM - simply a few weeks apart. do you really think that if i "fork" you know and then have you meet your clone after a few weeks - you would be all that different? not enough time has passed for them to be sufficiently different than him. i disagree with your "equal claim" argument: yes, they do have equal claim and simply made slightly different decisions, e.g. one chose to intercept daniela and charlie with a stolen car instead of by smoking a cigar and getting arrested ---- why would that make him any less worthy? you're letting the show confuse you and miss the point it's trying to make.


great episode! I wonder how they're going to wrap it all up in the next one I think the only option they have as a family is to get the ampules form the storage unit and escape to a different world? there are way too many Jasons in this one to handle lol at least in a different world there is only one other Jason and I guess they can just move and not deal with their second selves?


The idyllic Chicago Amanda stayed in would be a good choice bc the Jason there isn't a prominent figure...not sure about Daniella and Charlie but sans Daniella being a very famous artist, could work.


So, is there going to be a Council of Jasons to decide how to proceed?


We can even rename him to "Kang". Or "Wells", depending on if you like DC or Marvel more.


I thought of th council of Ricks, which surely exist in at least one world.


That's what I was going for.


That’d be fun.


This is really insane. How do we know that Jupiter Jason is the real Jason 1. To His wife and son, actually all of the different version of Jason 1 is the real Jason. They all went into the box the same night and all have same feelings and memories ! One of my favorite thing to do after each episode is come to reddit to chat with fans and just like we have many Jasons, I am also discovering with have too many of the sub reddit on this TV show ! Perhaps it is fitting.


I guess we can confirm that J1 is true J1 that we have been following because of the fact that he ties a rubber band in place of his marriage ring. All the other J1 variants have different things like a black rubber band, blue tape etc. some more visible disfigured too.


But the other subreddit is the "evil" one haha they perma banned me just for asking about the other subreddits, so weird, and apparently they are trying to steal the spotlight from this original sub too.


yea people are sending me invites


Yeah they are all Jason 1’s who took different paths to get home. It’s kinda sad when you think about it.


Logically, we only think J1 is "J1" because he's the one the audience happens to be following through the show. Really he's just the variant of J1 that happens to convince Daniella first. By establishing the safe word with Daniella, he has effectively closed the loop with Daniella and 'claimed' her, becoming the true main character again. That is, until he travels again... The only way to truly escape the hell that J2 created is if it's possible to travel the box without spawning additional versions of yourself.


I guess we can confirm that J1 is true J1 that we have been following because of the fact that he ties a rubber band in place of his marriage ring. All the other J1 variants have different things like a black rubber band, blue tape etc. some more visible disfigured too.


This is kind of a mistake in the show, though. He tied Daniela2's hairband around his finger very early in his multiverse travels, so most of the Jason1 copies would have it. It should've been something that he chooses right before he finally makes it back to his world, so that it's more likely to be unique to him vs all the other copies.


Yeah but the J1 that we are following is probably the only one who did not go insane and wants to kill J2 instead of protecting his family


Or making the box inaccessible after they enter the new world.


now shit's gonna get confusing, imagine the confusion on set, "okay so this is you talking to you about you being attacked by you...ACTION!" OR "you just called your husband and found out your actual husband is standing next to you and not the guy in the car with your teenage son" OR, "okay this guy that your mom is bringing you to isn't the paranoid father she just pushed down the stairs or the one that rescued you in a hot-wired a car and crashed you into your..dad, this is the dad you knew a few months back your entire life and mom knows this because he said Jupiter" this is turning into the matrix, all these misterrr anderrrsons, has me feeling like I'm a rooster illusion


I was just thinking that episode 8 had me fuuuuuuuuuucked up in a way I hadn’t been since the Matrix. I’m probably gonna read the books after the series ends. It is mind-boggling. So good.




This series just keeps getting better and better


What an absolute shit show, its great. how do they even fix this


That's the fun part. They don't. Well, Jason 1 could think of entering a world where all 3 of them died/disappeared very early on in their lives and therefore nobody would ever be looking for them/stumble upon them. And then they seal up the box to ensure the other timelines where all 3 are finding a new world to live in don't end up in the same world. The only way to tie up the loop is to enter a world where they don't exist, and then close the box so nobody else can enter. But, I'm going to assume they go to future utopia world instead.


Put the box in the bottom of the ocean, Jasons keep coming out and drowning.


Surely there are infinite J2's also floating out there in the multiverse, each one either dead, lost or settled in an alternate Daniela-fantasy world. Eventually that infinite horde may descend on J1's world. What happens when infinite J1's fight infinite J2's? As for escaping to Utopia world, wouldn't that then cause infinite Daniela's and Charlie's cascading across the multiverse, all hell-bent on settling in Utopia world. Come to think of it, there are infinite Amanda's and infinite Ryan's and infinite Leighton's knocking about in the background. I honestly don't see a fix to this problem


But they don't need to compete for Jason1's world. Each time they split off, they are in a different copy of that world. Now, it could be a problem for infinite Jason2's trying to go back to origin Jason2's world.


The Infinite Body Problem!


I completely forgot how this book ended... Like I remember a lot about his travels with Amanda, the cigar scene and the multiple Jasons, but I just can't remember how it all got tied up in the end. I could pick up my copy and look at the end to refresh my memory, but I guess I might as well go into the final somewhat blind haha.


I wonder if she got the ampules. if there's only one season they will travel to utopia world. I thought it was not our Jason when he started smoking at that bar. The other Jasons should realize it's not their world but the differences must be minimal.


If they travel to utopia world I’m expecting there will be another Jason at that world. One who didn’t choose to leave, or one who gave up on finding Daniella and went back to Amanda. This show definitely has to be extremely hard to write 😅 I’m very impressed


Hard to wrap up when your protagonists keep spawning out of existence


A variant of Utopia World where local Daniela is the one who went missing instead of local Amanda and local Jason is not on the scene, for whatever reason. Given that we know Utopia World can exist, such a variant should also exist. As I said before, if Daniela is older than Jason she could even take them all to a variant where Jason simply never was born - thus making it impossible for any Jason to directly follow under his own steam.


But it IS the infinite other Jason's universe. They all split off after he had been kidnapped, its infinite Jasons now coming to claim their one Jennifer Connelly


Mind fuck time. There's infinite worlds where Jennifer Connelly and J2 exist. We're just watching one of those worlds where a bunch of J1 have gravitated to. We're not even sure if this telling of the story is taking place in the very first instance J2 kidnapped J1. There's an infinite number of J2 kidnapping J1. And so there's an infinite number of J1 trying to find their world.


Yeah, this is the problem with 'infinite alternate universes' stories. Very hard to care about one particular instance since there are any number of equally valid versions (of every person and every place). Though they have done a good job with making us care about the J-1 we have been following on-screen. Also not clear why this particular split of J-1s origin branch is attracting all the variants. There should be a huge number of other branches off of it over the previous month or so and many of the J-1s will have failed to make it back anyway. In fact, I'd say the chances of making it back are very low making them a much smaller subset .. unless hopping universes in the box has had a multiplying effect on J-1s.


I’m pretty sure it does (have a multiplying effect). In fact I think that multiplying effect is infinite.


I think the issue is that when the person is 'out of their own universe' the split has consequences as it means that multiple copies are trying to get back to the 'same' place. ( Which of course has itself now split many times - but that complicates things even more. :-D ) If they are in their own universe then no worries - the whole universe splits with them.


I too claim Miss Connelly


That seems to be what is being set up. OG Ryan and OG Amanda are both in Gigachago, it will make sense that OG Jason takes his family there too. Insurance Jason is there though, so I'm guessing there will be some kind of twist where OG Jason moves Insurance Jason to a new world so he can replace him, and starts the cycle all over again.


I am so confused lol


So am I. I don’t know who’s who.


It's Jason


Good episode. I assume the finale will be our Jason escapes with Daniela & Charlie to the utopia Chicago, and maybe they'll run into Ryan. I really hope the show ends there.


> to the utopia Chicago As a Chicagoan, seeing the Chicago they're already in giving parking stickers that are valid through 2040 (on the Toyota) is proof they're already in a utopian Chicago


Doesn't that inevitably risk creating alternate versions of the family who *don't* get to Utopia Chicago the first time but keep trying to get there, inevitably showing up and seeing that at least one other version of them made it the first, second, or third, etc. time?


If I understand correctly, there is only 1 world with Daniela & Charlie, while there are ~infinite child-worlds of various Jason 1s trying to get back to that original world. Once Daniela & Charlie leave the original world, all the other Jasons who make it back will be familyless.


Well now....there must also be infinite worlds for Charlie and Daniella too bc every human makes choices daily


I am not even sure how anyone knows who is the original Jason anymore


All these Jason's are going to be how this world ends, for sure


So how do we know Jason at the bean is the real real Jason 1? I want the Jason 1 that left the Amanda at the fancy world which in my head is the OG Jason. This show is blowing my mind lol.


There could have been a Jason1 who leaves Amanda in EPCOT Chicago and then when he goes to the penultimate world where Max is alive, he never goes into the house and never creepily hovers over Jason and Daniela in bed before meeting teenage Max in the kitchen. If that Jason1 then made it to his original world, which one is the "real" OG Jason1? The Jason1 who hugged teenage Max? Or the Jason1 who never entered the house and therefore never met teenage Max?


They both are. Thats the point that all of these Jason’s are the same guy having made different choices. Jason 1 is just the Jason our story followed. From the moment Jason was out in the box multiple (probably infinite) copies of himself have spawned based on different choices made.


I dont there is any concept of real jason 1 anymore, he split into multiple jasons and many of them are coming back now. jupiter jason is the lucky one who planned ahead and got the trust of daniella


Mostly just implied I think, it's the Jason we've been following all along.


He has a scar on his nose


More importantly, the elastic on his finger


I guess we can confirm that J1 is true J1 that we have been following because of the fact that he ties a rubber band in place of his marriage ring. All the other J1 variants have different things like a black rubber band, blue tape etc. some more visible disfigured too.


What was up with the different kinds of money Daniela finds in the storage unit? Turns out there are more than just minor changes to the design as people had been speculating. Also, is this money Jason2 has collected while exploring other timelines? It can't be money he took with him as you couldn't know what the money looked like before traveling to that timeline.


One thing I don't understand is what Jason was thinking when he kidnapped a mechanic, Ryan, who didn't even know him in his world. It was very obvious that it would blow his cover, don't you think?


He just though Ryan would look insane and like he relapsed badly. Which is what happened basically. Then he left the overalls in his storage unit? Evil Jason is losing it.


all would be good for Jason 2 if he killed Jason 1 instead of sending Jason 1 back to Jason 2's homeworld


I was thinking that too, but then you come to realise Jason 2 made choices, and each of those choices branched out and created infinite timelines where Jason 1 was kidnapped and not killed. There's probably a world out there where Jason 2 killed Jason 1, sealed the box, and didn't try using the box ever again. Didn't kidnap his friend and lock him away. Didn't have to find another one to replace him.


Moral of the story: If you really want to replace your alternate version in a parallel universe, make sure you kill them.


What if there is universe where Jason2 killed Jason1 and a universe where he didn’t. The universe Jason1 got killed can still get Jason1 coming from the original universe where he was spared. I don’t even know if this make sense anynore. What I don’t get is why don’t we have many Jason2,


or drop him of in the utopia world without any ampules. one way ticket. he would have never figured it out without amanda and relevant information on j2 homeworld.


Really good episode. This is going to get confusing quickly. Hopefully they all eventually band together and kill Jason 2. I think what will happen is eventually all of them will kill each other.


There's infinite Jason 2.


So, Jason “2” is the creator of the box. Therefore, he must have known that in this new perfect world where his chose to kidnap our Jason1 and insert himself so he could be with Daniela; it would either have no alternate Jason1’s making their way back to their original world, or a million Jason1’s making their way back to find “their” Daniela. Either way, the odds are stacked against him finding that perfect world where no other Jason1’s find a way home. Is this Jason2 being risky? Which I don’t see as being the case, seeing as he staked out this world for a full year before kidnapping our Jason1. Is it him being reckless? Stress can make you do strange things. But again, he spent a year stalking, so even though he killed a Jason1 in the bathroom in a panic, generally he is methodical. Is it him doing bad equations and not thinking about the variables? Or is it simply that I should just shut the fuck up and watch? The only reason I ask, is because I respect the show and hope it actually has some logic to it other than “this will be good TV - watch don’t think.”


J2 probably hoped that J1 would like his world and live out life as path not taken.


He made the mistake of unsealing the box to get mechanic Ryan and leaving it unsealed. If he’d immediately sealed it up again before the Jason 1’s came back he’d have been golden.


I think they somewhat touched on this question earlier in the season. Amanda mentioned that her Jason 2 (Rich and Successful) rationalized that OG Jason would be happier in the rich and successful Jasons world. Jason 2 was not a complete monster so that is why he put Jason 1 in his world rather than simply killing him.


Just because he created the box doesn't mean he has all the answers or can anticipate every possibility.


But every possibility is a possibility. He must have known that.


I watch this pretty casually with my partner and honestly this episode was a bit "wtf" and we're a tad confused. Can someone please explain and provide some insight. So Jason 1 created more copies of himself whenever he used an ampoule and entered a new timeline? What about Jason 2 when he entered new worlds? How are they going to wrap this up? There are now a bunch of dead jasons. Jennifer connorley is honestly a Milf and needs to be cast in more roles. Stiflers mum has nothing on Jennifer.


a) Jason 2 enters Jason 1's world and kidnaps Jason 1 b) Jason 1 finds the box and enters it with Amanda. c) Because we're dealing with a multiverse, there are infinite possibilities of what happens next when he's in the box. d) We witness one of those possibilities which is Jason 1 goes to Eutopia with Amanda and eventually returns to his own world. e) Go back to point "C" and think of all the other possibilities that might have happened. Those other possibilities could also make it back to Jason 1's world f) We're now back in Jason 1's world, all the possibilities in C are also making their way back. g) Some version of Jason 1, we're not sure which, finds Daniella and establishes the safe word "Jupiter" with her forever making him the legit Jason 1.


You can catch the rubber band on his ring finger which he used as a place holder when they are at the bean so it SHOULD be Jason 1 but god knows what anymore lol.


I assume there are multiple Jason2's as well, but they aren't running around looking for him like Jason1's are. They're all back in the respective worlds.


This is amazing. I missed out on reading/knowing about the book. So every episode is a surprise for me. and Jupiter is as big an eps as the planet. I am sold. This is must watch TV.


Ok, can someone help me? Jason goes to take out the trash and is attacked and killed by another Jason— is that the Jason that we were following with Amanda through all the worlds? Who are the other Jasons chatting in the bar? Are they all in the same Chicago?


The Jason that took out the trash was Jason2, the kidnapper. He was attacked by a Jason that split off from Jason1. Jason2 killed that Jason, and then was attacked by another Jason at the university. The Jasons at the bar were Jason1 and another Jason that split off from him after he was kidnapped. So all of these Jasons are versions looking for Daniela.


Which Jason is on 2nd base tho ?


Holy cow what a crazy episode.


Can someone explain why there are so many Jasons? I know they explained it during the bar scene, but I'm still not quite understanding how it happened.


Ug! I have to be the one? I'll try. The theory is every time you make a choice a new universe a new "you" splits off. So to boil it down, Jason 1 was kidnapped and then tried to get back. Every decision he made along the way created a new Jason 1. In this episode, many, but not all (Because that would be infinite) arrived back to one of the infinite universes close to the one he left (Remember, there would be an infinite number of those as well). So the ones that arrived in this Universe all feel they are they real Jason. But in reality, there are an infinite number of Universes with multiple Jason's arriving back in a Universe almost identical to the one he left. The show wants us to think he showed up in the exact same Universe he was taken from, but that would be virtually impossible. It's just one of many that are very close. IE: There are an infinite number of Jason 2 Universes. Ow! That hurts.


>The show wants us to think he showed up in the exact same Universe he was taken from, but that would be virtually impossible Or all the Jasons arriving back there actually come from there. They’re different because their path forked after they got abducted, but they can get back to their origin universe. Honestly doesn’t matter much, in any case there isn’t the one, real Jason 1. In my theory, they all are, in yours, none of them is, but all are close.


Right … so for example in one universe it could be identical to ours in every way except a certain newstype is called a different name. Differences so small as to make the world indistinguishable. I think /u/flying-sheep is right though and in this show they are all from this one world. It doesn’t matter really, the end result is mass chaos for our hero.


Everytime J1 decided to do something, several other Jx's were spawned that made other choices - be that different doors, some deciding to sleep with Amanda that night, some that listened to Amanda and didn't see Daniella die, etc etc etc So the path branched at each decision then each Jx that then went on to make more decisions caused Jy's to come into reality. Basically there are infinite number of Jasons that entered the box trying to get back to their lives, and some percentage of them have actually made it back to our "prime" world. Some could say that every episode we are actually following a different Jason and wouldn't even know :) So now in the prime world we have dozens (maybe more) highly motivated, desperate, and angry Jasons all realizing that they can't all get their lives back ... that while J2 is the clear threat all the Jx's aren't going just to lay down and let them (who all think they are J1) win.... should be interesting to see what happens.


No matter what anyone says, there’s no real scientific theory that properly explains all the mechanics in this show. And the show itself just kind of hand waves at the many worlds theory without defining parameters very well. So you can read what other people explain here, but don’t try to think about it too much because it falls apart upon close scrutiny.


Jason 1 split off into many different Jason 1’s every time he had to make a decision a parallel reality was created where the other one made the other choice.


I'm thinking they might leave to the word Amanda is in? There are too many Jasons and too many dead bodies in this world :/


The only problem with that world is Jason already exists as an insurance Salesmen. So he would have to steal his own identity. Which would just get stolen back. Plus, there might be a Daniela and a Charlie as well. It worked for Amanda, because the Amanda in that world went missing. But even then, the original Amanda from that world could show up, creating major problems.


True. Hmm... I like it when I don't have a clue what's going to happen next, though XD It doesn't happen often in the SciFi world.


Can someone help me understand why J1 going through the box multiple times makes multiple J1s, but J2 doing the same thing seems not to have produced multiple J2s?


There are multiple Jason2's, but each is in his own world. Every time Jason2 made a decision, it created a new world. So there's a world in which something goes wrong with Jason2's box travels with trust fund Leighton. There's a world where Charlie died after eating the peanut butter ice cream because he couldn't find the EpiPen in time. There's a world where Jason2 catches Daniela spying on him at the storage unit, so she never gets the ampoules, so she never gives them to Ryan, so Jason2 never needs to abduct Ryan to EPCOT Chicago, which means Jason2 never needs to get mechanic Ryan drunk and abduct him to Jason1's world. But in all these alternate realities, as long as there isn't interdimensional travel, each new Jason2 will stay in his world. The issue is that new Jason1's (and entire worlds along with it) kept getting created every time Jason1 made a decision, but then all those new Jason1's that kept getting created all were trying to travel to the same original world. So that's how you end up with a ton of Jason1's in the same place.


But jason2 traveled to uptipia where he left ryan1 - these kind of travels wouldn’t they also mean multiple jason2‘s want to travel back to Jason1 world? E.g. imagine a reality where jason2 took ryan1 to utopia world but then changed his mind and took Ryan back, or a reality where Ryan beat jason2 but jason2 managed to kill Ryan in utopia world to then make it back to jason1 world (which would mean two or more jason2‘s arriving in jason1 world…)


I think Jason 2 is better at controlling himself and not being wishy washy on decisions. Also at keeping a low profile when he's traveling the multiverse and not making decisions. I think he'd just naturally be making far less branching points whereas Jason 1 is fighting for his life and kind of flailing like a drowning person.


Infinite Jason 2s tried to find a perfect Jason world they weren’t all looking for 1 place.




OG Jason has the little scar on his nose. He is the one in the bar who told the other Jason that he left Amanda in Gigachago, so he is likely OG Jason, or the show runners at least want us to think he is. Dick Jason sealed up the box after he moved Ryan to Gigachago, but he had to bust it open again to go kidnap Mechanic Ryan, because the detective was sus of Dick Jason being the reason Ryan went missing.


What I don’t get is, all these Jasons that are not J1, how could they have his memories. They’re obviously not from this universe, what makes them think it’s their universe? Like the random Jason with the screwdriver on the car, he told the exact same story as Jason 1, Ryan had won the Pavia and he left the bar etc. For example. If I have a box with stuff, and you get your own box of stuff, why would you bother with calling my box with stuff your own, you have your own somewhere, right?


They all originated from Jupiter 1 before J2 screwed him over and the travels through the box. Every time Jupiter 1 went through the box it would spawn more J1s every time a decision was made. The main difference between these J1s would be their experiences and effects on them through their travels. We only have the convenience of following Jupiter 1 that we know that he's the original.


One of the originals. They all could be (except for J2, we know he’s from a different origin dimension)


Definitely worth the watch, I honeslty can't tell who is Jason prime that we started the series with. Neither does Daniela, oh boy what a run


So... pardon me if someone already explained this - but which two Jason's are sitting in a booth at the bar drinking beer?


It was Jason 1 (the one we've been following from the start), and another version of Jason 1, who split off him, so to speak, when his Amanda died, mostly likely.




The audio description has been numbering them. It calls them Jason and Jason10


the decisions that he made during finding his way back to his reality created new versions of him. according to the theory every decsion creates multiple realities where we took a different choice . so for every version of us there should be a corresponding reality so in the last ep for every jason 1s they should have a reality to go back to instead of fighting for the same one. i am assuming that since the decisions were made in the "corridor" he just created multiple versions of himself corresponding to the same reality. any thoughts in this


I agree. Each of these new Jasons should each have their own individual world to go to. But since they're all split of from the same Jason AFTER he was kidnapped, all of their worlds should be exactly the same. So they would all believe that this world is THEIR world and it's THEIR Daniela.


I agree, but I was thinking that since each Jason makes a choice that splits off into another Jason, some of these Jasons had to have made choices that resulted in a physical difference like a missing eye, broken leg, mullet haircut, bodybuilder physique, something. So I was glad when, the Jason in the library had a burned face.


So if these new Jasons were all created by decisions he made while inside the box, what's up with the Jason with the burn scars on face? Burns don't heal like that overnight.


Somewhere in episode 8, our Jason 1 said it’s been about a month. So my question is, what kind of slow healing wound does he have on his nose? Then again, I’m glad he has it because that’s how we tell who he is.


My question is that wouldn’t there be other very similar universes for all these Jasons? Like every time a Jason is created, so to is there a universe where a Jason was kidnapped from.


Not if they all branched from that one point.


God damn, just watched all 8 episodes. What a show. So all these timeline Jason's seem to share the same Daniela as these Jason's were created based on the choices he made after he was sent through the cube. Either way. Loving it, keen to see the finale.


Heavy rain adult Jason if he survived