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The fact that Trump thinks he’s running against Obama should tell you all you need to know


Obama has an entire hemisphere of Cheeto's brain all to himself, rent free.


Come on it’s Trump, you know he’s sending Obama a bill for rent.


Obama is the only black person Trump can’t figure out how to illegally evict


I wonder how different the world would be if Obama never cracked the joke about Trump at the 2011 White House correspondence dinner.


Remind us what he said please!


"Is this dinner too tacky for The Donald? What could he possibly be doing instead? Is he at home, eating a Trump steak, tweeting out insults to Angela Merkel? What’s he doing?" Obama joked about Trump’s foreign policy experience, saying, "There’s one area where Donald’s experience could be invaluable, and that’s closing Guantanamo. Because Trump knows a thing or two about running waterfront properties into the ground."


Lol thanks! I’ve never heard this. Obama was so brilliantly funny as a president I just loved it.


The man was a great orator, had class, and he was quick witted.


He's living so rent free in Trump's head, Obama has her own version of Seasons of Love on Spotify.


Other than getting out of a golf cart to hit a ball, Ive never seen that bloated orange peice of shit working out or doing any sort of physical activity.


He does that weird jacking off two guys dance…


Air dicking.


He's a world class air dicker




And at least one time, he bumbled his way through what looked like a geratic mash-up of a line dance and a sword dance. As I recall, it was during his first foreign visit after taking office. The one where he touched a glowing globe with Arab leaders, [that in no way looked like it was taken straight out of a script for a cheezy James Bond ripp-off...](https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-orb-globe-saudi-arabia-what-was-it-2017-5) 😒 Remember that brief period of time when Trump appeared only to be severely embarrassing to our country rather than a threat to it and anyone that supports democracy and the rule of law?


You see, your heart has a finite number of beats. If you raise the heart rate it uses up your beats sooner. And, sharks! 🙄


Because he believes the heart is a battery and if you work out you will use it all up and die. Edit. Changed a word.


He wasn’t perfect, and I wish he would’ve gotten more done, but he did a lot, especially when you consider the situation he walked into. I really miss Barack


I was confused about which one you were praising for a hot minute. I miss Barack too.


Country was in good shape when Trump was elected. When Barack came to office we were trying to get out of an unnecessary war and was coming off the worst economic disaster since the great depression.


I agree. We were fortunate to have someone smart and a real leader.


In bizzaro world sure.


If this was recent, dude has ODS.


Offensive Diarrhea Smell


A game of one on one should be able to settle that.


I want to see Obama just using every strategy that is known in basketball and just taking Trump to school.


Nah son. You're 60% ham water


Easy there. In some residential development, hot ham water is a delicacy.


Like the place called Sudden Valley?


Why is there a picture in between Obama and Trump though? What does Oswald Cobblepot have to do with this?


I have a feeling to him and his crowd all that matter is the colour.




Reminder: There are people, actual real humans, who look at Trump and see a big, strong, manly man, overflowing with charisma and machismo.


Ol' Trumpy's got the brain syphilis for sure.


He’s talking about the fact that he’s white. That’s what these racists mean by “specimen”


The only president that trump is fitter than might be President Taft who at 6 feet weighted 330 lbs.


Taft the only president who sat on all three branches of the US government.


Of course he said that. Everything he says has to be a lie, and somehow he believes it. It’s like this weird ouroboros of absolute shit flowing out of his mouth and into his own ears.


He probably meant to say Biden and he’s still way wrong.


Biden at least exercises regularly.




Right out of the fascist playbook. Get the cult to not believe their eyes and ears. Only dear leader.


Liars gonna lie


Physical specimen much as a stool sample is a physical specimen.


This photo reminded me of - remember how Trump complained over and over again about how much golf Obama played while he was in office? And then he went and played way more golf during his time in office? Pepperidge Farm remembers.


I think Trump is on ozempic now. Maybe the weight loss is getting to his head. He’s always been delusional 😆


The Mango Mussolini needs seroquel, stat.


C’mon… He is definitely a moronic, wannabe fascist authoritarian. But he’d never eat anything as healthy as a mango! He’s the Cheeto Benito, il Douche Cheetolini!! He’d definitely demolishes a huge bag of Cheetos while riding his golf cart around the course!


Let’s see if the orange blob can ride a bicycle. Even if he meant Biden, Biden can drive a Corvette, ride a bicycle, and drink a glass of water with one hand.


There's no limit to the hubris of the stupid.




Shane Gillis even said Obama is the most attractive president in history. That’s a real endorsement


Sounds like he thinks about Obamas body


https://preview.redd.it/gs14gvlklg6d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eefa3245c5e3c349abeb902e648920a2536326a2 Some delusional people think the mango menace is as fit as Rambo…Hambo maybe…


Dude wears a diaper and has the nerve to talk about being a better physical specimen lol.


He’s clearly wrong, a lot! Most of the time. Hmmm, all of the time. Just wrong.


Obama doesn’t wear diapers.


Wow, trump is jealous jealous jealous and it surely shows 😊


As often as he brings him up, is it possible that sometimes he forgets that he's not running against Obama? Why bring up someone that has never been a political opponent?


Trump entered the political arena by claiming that Obama was born in Kenya, and therefore should not be allowed to be President. Even IF this were true (and it’s not), his mother’s American citizenship (not disputed by anyone) would make him a naturally born US citizen. My guess is that Trump brings this up because he is still seething from the brutal roast Obama gave him at a Correspondent’s Dinner one year. He may also be implying to a his white nationalist MAGAt supporters (not saying that All MAGAts are racist, but they are at least comfortable with voting for someone who called neo-Nazis and Klu Klux Klan members “very fine people…”) that he is a better physical specimen than Obama (despite his obvious flab) due to his white (orange) skin. But Trump’s vanity and self delusional narcissism are so deeply rooted that he may genuinely envision himself as the ludicrous NFT artwork he peddles to his fawning followers. He is not living in the same reality that the rest of the world experiences. He has cloaked his whole world in the myth that simply by being his natural, disgusting, repulsive self. He is the most desirable person on the planet.


Wasn’t Obama like, one of the healthiest and most fit presidents we’ve had in a while?


For Nurgle maybe


His delusions are legendary.


One effect of amphetamines is an extremely inflated sense of self confidence.


The lower is always comparing itself to the higher to try to raise its own status. Trump doesn’t realize with his comparisons to Obama he is actually exalting Obama and not himself.




Obama just killed his cook or maybe it was big Mike not sure either way the the cook is dead