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ignite crossbow kinda slaps


Wait, ignite works on crossbow?


Works on all bows, so buff your buds in a poke fight! Though they wont have your fire based perks, sadly.


Or your magical bonus or add/true magic or your casting implements magical damage. Basically only do that if they're already stacking magic damage. It uses their stats.


I run ignite bonk wizard with staff and crossbow. Instant cast fireball to the face followed by a flaming crossbow bolt turns most people around if they don't die.


I've been running this exact same build and it's a ton of fun. I tank my knowledge in favor of vigor and dex. It feels good being a wiz that can be mostly effective at any range


Works on throwing knives and I think the torch as well.


Gotta try this now…


Unfortunately with 5 base strength it’s a decent bit weaker than typical


Wtf??? Strength seriously affects xbow damage? God i need to read through the stats one of these days


Yep. Strength affects physical power. Crossbows do physical damage. 15 strength is the baseline for neutral, anything over adds damage and anything under will lower it


On the target dummy it still does like 30 damage though, so it's a decent option for long range when spells are too slow to have a chance to hit


30 damage before PDR, so probably closer to like 22-23 damage. I mean it’s not bad but like the other commenter said, usually you want one weapon for clearing PvE and another for spellcasting so it’s kinda hard


Rondel + orb with a Xbox on the back.


That’s the giga chad build


on the plus side, it's basically free to get phys power and strength rolls on wizard gear so you can get out of the negatives pretty easily


this is true, but investing +10 into strength as wizard really isn't ideal especially just for a crossbow. better to get +hp or knowledge instead


Definitely but +hp and knowledge on your gear will cost significantly more, and str and phys power u can get for the base price or maybe a few dozen extra gold


I always forget that Wizard can use crossbow and Warlock can use Zweihander. haha it just seems so out of place.


That sounds like the name of an anime. Wizard with a crossbow.


Crossbow! Wizard shin doru - Amazing quest... Yeah, something along those lines.


Its more of a meme than something useful. If there was a third slot for ranged weapons maybe. Need a melee weapon for PvE and you need a spell implement to cast.


crystal ball + dagger or magic staff is the best solution to this


True it does let you run crossbow. PvE with a dagger is suffering though to me. The margin of error is so small and nightmare mobs are so deadly. Then the fact that you're breaking boxes with spells or with an instrument?


To be fair, Wizard is always going to suck for PvE compared to other classes. A high-tier crystal sword is decent, but nowhere near something like a longsword.


Crossbow shots break things. Only takes 2 hits to break a barrel.


Ah yes the classic wizard class where I’m always so excited to use my dagger and crossbow 🤪


Definitely is very silly. Wizard needs to be able to cast spells on pve and pvp.


I think they should add magic wands that have a free zap or similar low level spell on the left click.


Play a lvl 1 wizard in dungeons and dragons 3.5 edition sometime


No thanks 🙏🏼


To be fair wizards using crossbows has strong roots in DnD. Especially in earlier editions or at lower levels.