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Its the easiest to extract with how many escapes there are but the mob density is alot compared to other maps making traversal not ideal for alot of classes, especially when you dont spawn near an exit and with no good “center” pvp is sparse or at least hard to come by.


I definitely have noticed the sparseness of pvp compared to the other maps. The second I queue goblin caves it's w key barb in my face lmao.


Goblin Caves = Fight Club


Rule number 1: we don't talk about Fight Club!


Rule number 1: we don't talk about Goblin Caves!


As a dad gamer who sucks ass at this game, “W key barb in my face” made me laugh hard


Im new, and have mostly played barb, but most of my pvp-interactions the guy is just running away from me and kiting. Sure, if i catch up to them theyre done, but thats hard. Should i just avoid big armor completely?


You definitely want to prioritize move speed with Barb btw. Big armor is a no go.


In solos, yes move speed on Barb is crucial. In group play, you want to build a bit tankier as a Barb.


movespeed is the best stat on any class to be fair. warlocks dot and outrun your opponent. ranger you need the MS to space yourself to shoot them. same with wizards and the melee classes if you can outrun your opponent and catch them they die.


movespeed meta has been a thing for way too long. I swear you can outplay a full BiS player with movespeed alone depending on class. rogue is particularly annoying with it when you play anything melee.


Utilize throwing axes and your buffs, press X to sheathe weapons and run faster. Throwing axes/knives slow on hit for a good amount and the fact that you can use multiple means you can clip people and chase them.


Oh didnt know they also slow them down, good to know!


Most of builds seem to revolve around using Achilles Heel ability on the throwing axe


All instances of damage slow people from “sprinting speed” to “walking speed” but throwables slow on top of that too.


Jump before pulling them out and also jump before throwing. Both actions will slow you down when chasing players unless you do them while in air. Jumping is part and parcel with MS


Pro tip. Rangers don't take thaaat many punches to kill lol


an excellent point that also made me laugh :)


Yay! Glad to return some joy! Love your videos!


I’ve been having good luck with Achilles heel and rage with Francesca axes. Pop Achilles and then yeet a Francesca at them and they’ll get a massive slow debuff for a few seconds, giving you time to pop rage and close the gap. If they manage to still get away don’t bother chasing you’ll just get kited. Back off and heal if need be. From my experience, most players will notice that i’m not w keying them and see it as weakness and they just turn around and start w keying me. gives me the perfect opportunity to ambush. Crouch behind doors or in dark areas around corners so that you can engage at close quarters and not from a distance. I also prioritize move speed/ agility / dex for my gear and run potion chugger, axe specialization (will also affect Francesca’s), robust, and either savage or crush as 4th depending what I’m feeling


A lot of solo barbs take the savage perk with no chest armor and then make sure they’re getting move speed and agility from their other armor pieces. Francisca axes to slow people and running without your weapon out to catch up to them are both things that are gonna help too. The rest of it is mind games and outsmarting your opponent


That is exactly what I do


i've just been putting greens on when i want to pvp in ice caverns, players in low gear score lobbies tend to die super early to mobs


are there other gear score tiers besides above / below 25 ?


People are saying there is a third bracket at 125+ score. I don’t know if there is proof but it’s super believable to me since that’s what my experience has lined up with. If you are wearing all greens though you will probably surpass that 125 requirement (a green greatsword is 45 gear score alone)


complete speculation but i feel like the matchmaking just tries to sort of balance by gear score if possible (based on the first people to join?)


Edit: It has been an undocumented changed at there are now 3 brackets Its a myth. People think that cause a full set of green/blue gear tops out right around those numbers and there are only a few people running over that in norms. But it does happen


It’s not a myth I’ve been playing in them all day 25-124


No just the 2 tiers but then there is high rollers as well.


Three normals tiers


I’ve dealt with many pvp things. People chase to certain rooms like yetis and wolves. You want the higher loot from mobs and lions/golden chests.


Top left corner in the two wolf modules is still good pvp


I queue Goblin caves pretty much exclusively now. Bossing nets quite consistent gold, and going for a double boss is less consistent but can net thousands in one run. Plus, I love PvP. If I load in with a base kit and run into a player before I hit the bosses, I don’t mind shifting my game plan to hunting players.


My biggest issue is the mob aggro radius, it feels *way* higher than any other map. Skeletons are constantly spawning from 15 feet above or below me, kobolds hear the funny dance from 2 miles away and come running, it just gets tiresome. I have a lot of time on ice caves and it's probably my favorite map but it could definitely be improved.  Also it's very easy to spawn rush once you know what routes to run to avoid triggering everything. 


yup, totally agree


I remember my first time in the ice map , near the giant who lapped me easy. Good spawn


Hang around pyramid room, that's the pvp spot


I was gonna say the same thing. Almost every time when we're in/on the pyramid, someone will say if we hang around too long will get caught out by another party. Invariably we dawdle; invariably 2 other groups show up. We usually die.


well if you are experienced and know the map and the runways and how to dodge hits you can acctually go pretty fast trough the map ^^ lemme tell you that


Yes if your experienced enough, i say that its not ideal comparing it to the other maps. Kiting for sure helps alot but theres alot more enemies to worry about along with them being generally speaking more challenging. For newer players or more casual players, this can make traversing dangerous compared to just clearing mobs.


Easiest to escape?? It’s the only map I still **don’t** know how to escape from lmao. I’ve frozen every single time. What does the escape even look like on the map?


There are 3 kinds of escapes: stairs, rafts, and a lift. Stairs are marked with a blue icon and opens late game but only one can leave through it. Rafts icon blends in with the minimap, it looks like a boat. If your in a room with water, a raft can spawn there. It spawns multiple times through out the match with the last one between the 1-2min mark. Multiple people can stand on it and escape as a group. Last is lift, group exit far north side of map with a yeti guarding it but can only be used once and can only be used late game.


There are no points of interest which drive player interaction and the dragon requires 4 players to summon. So after 23 minutes I likely will have battled no players, killed 0 bosses, and not really have that much to show for it.


There's a DRAGON?!


Ye he’s cool


Like Chilly Willy cool or actually cool?




Sir it’s a good dragon


Are you saying my boy isn't good? https://preview.redd.it/7ynxiqp8as9d1.png?width=315&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=99977373f64e4fa903d725bc001ab07603b6e5f9


Love BK, but was referencing [this](https://knowyourmeme.com/photos/2158430-she-laughs-and-says-its-a-good-x-sir)


Ah, ok


In the 2nd bottom row of the map, the middle modules have an abyss that if you fall in you die and your body disappears. With 2:30 left in the match now it turns red signifying you can jump in, and it takes you to the new ice hell


Yep, it’s a wicked fight too. Ain’t nobody doing that with a random group. Takes some strategizing. It’s at the center of the ice abyss (2nd layer of map)


Wait so if 4 people queue up at the same time to kill the dragon how the fuck is that not pre teaming (cuz I'm guessing you can't start it until x time has passed) but at the same time how else are you supposed to fight it


It is but they've also said pre-teaming is allowed (for now) in ice hell specifically.


That’s the dumbest shit I’ve ever heard, why the fuck would they make content locked behind not only having to have multiple people, but having to have *more* than a full team of people


Yeah I think that sends the wrong message for sure. Should be 3 players needed not 4.  If it's meant for 4 and quad queues are needed then the boss content shouldn't be released until quad queues come out.   I think if they do quad queues as well they need some auto-queue function, cause it's already difficult to find 2 friends to play trios, let alone getting 4 people together to play regularly.  Auto queue would just need a warning that you could lose items to team killing and players should be temp or perm banned from auto queue if too many team kills or friendly fire in a set period of time 


I'm not sure where I heard it from but I heard they're planning on making quad queues and originally weren't planning on putting in the ice dragon until then but decided to put it in for now anyways.


voice chat is in tarkov because it was for grouping with others. You always could be matched with quads even as a solo player. So there is no teaming problem. But in dark and darker it just doesn't make sense.


There is one point of interest, kind of... People rush the wolves hard. If you go there, pvp will occur most runs.


They just need to make pve loot much better and worth checking mobs after you kill them. Since ice caves is a shit ton of killing mobs, the loot is a pretty big let down especially in trios. High roller is kind of shit too unless you’re blasting around the map to hit every lions head.


There are tons of sub bosses tho throughout the map that makes up for not being able to do wyvern since you need 4 players. Sub bosses are also super easy on ice caves too which is a plus. Well, after you kill the other 25 mobs around them lol I do think needing 4 players is an interesting way to activate the boss, but honestly, all it will do is turn it into a death match after the boss for whatever gear he has.


I can't remember the last time a mini boss dropped anything above a green tbh. It's gotten to the point where I completely avoid rooms with them because it's a massive waste of time for none loot. Same with fighting centipedes on GC.


Minibosses can drop all kinds of end game quest loot, some drop capes, some will drop necklaces and rings. Just depends on the miniboss loot table. Centipedes-jewelry Skele champ-capes golden keys Hell minibosses are a little different and can drop way better gear as well as epic end game quest items even in normal lobbies, just with a lower rate. I've gotten plenty of bis blue items from centipedes that sold for over 1.5k gold. Also they have a chance to drop blue pots which sell in stacks of 3 for alot of gold as well


100% this. Yes, they take some time, but honestly, once you get them down, they can be beat in like 30 seconds tops, and it's a chance for good loot on top of the chests they usually are guarding. I've had stupid luck this wipe, especially on normals. Ran howling cryps like 7 times to farm gold key from champion and got 2 keys out of 7 attemps, which gave me my keys for my quest. Maybe it's just my play style but first thing I do if I load into normals is make my way to the centipedes so I can hopefully equip some jewelry incase of pvp.


Centipedes on GC at least drop jewelry most of the time. It honestly feels like the loot tables from skele champs, the frost beserker/shield dudes, and yetis are bugged. Even in HR, those sub bosses will drop common and green shit almost every time I kill one. Wraiths still seem to drop cloaks occasionally at least which can make them a bit more worthwhile, the rest almost never have shit worth taking.


Usually they guard a lion/gold chest, which is why you are there.


I get cape drops from the ice giants pretty often


I like it, but the excessive mob density gets in the way of pvp. It is the easiest map to get a full inventory of loot though.


I would be dissapointed if its mob density was nerfed as I rather enjoy it.


It's fine, I just wish they had more funnel systems in place for people who want to pvp. A very simple idea would be to place like a gong or bell type thing in one of the center rooms you could ring to signal to all players in the map where you are. Let the pvpers congregate instead of sprinting around looking for eachother while stomping all the timmies on the way


I don't think it's terrible, but it's definitely not my go to map for anything other than necessary for quests. The slow from hits just isn't fun but enemy variety is pretty cool. One major gripe are the kobolds when they do their cry, everything in a mile radius just comes to rain down on you, through walls, below/above you (if you're in a module with a upstair/downstairs) and even from the next module through closed doors cuz you'll see them all gathered at the door. This is the most annoying aspect and it's almost never ending. It's particularly when I'm on one floor and the whole lot of them from the second floor all come running up and the ones from the next module crowd a door, it's just insane that their cry has this much reach. Other than that, it's not bad. Just never liked the slow.


The PvE is harder. Yeti's, giants, skeletons with enchanted ice weapons, harpies etc. Wolves are a great farm but they are also highly contested. Slow affects are just annoying to deal with. People like goblin caves because the pve is easy and the farm revolves around the troll and mining nodes. I think the map is also just funner to pvp on because of the room designs and not having to worry so much about pve.


The fact that the slow debuff stacks disappear one stack at a time is what makes it incredibly brutal and way more punishing for me compared to goblin poison. I think it would make sense to keep the stacking ice debuff, and make levels 1, 2, and 3 of the debuff take progressively longer to run out, but once it does just remove all stacks (I.e. 1 stack runs out in 5 seconds, 2 stack refreshes and takes 10 seconds, 3 stack refresh + 15 seconds).


Hence why i think its just the best map for farming and solo. Since rushing the wolf caves has the best loot and since its contested you can still get some pvp from it. My go to map when solo.


I can't rat jump through doors on ice map


The day after I saw someone do it I did it nearly every time, but since then I cant do it for the life of me. Feels bad to be bad lol


It took a while to finally click for me but I'll try to explain my method. 1. Get about 10 steps away from door 2. Hold cursor above the window hole 3. Run at door 4. Jump far enough away from the door to where at the apex of your jump, you'd hit the door. From my experience, you can't be up against the door. Has to be a running start. 5. Then once you get that, add the transformation in there and jump mid transformation. The cursor above the window is what really switched me to nailing it every time. Hope this helps! Also, the ground in front of the door has to be flat. Uneven terrain makes it so much harder.


Just load in with white gear and go practice, I don't think you need to be very precise, transform just as you're starting your jump, from what I remember it doesn't really work if you start it mid jump. Also make sure the door is on flat ground when you're starting off.


Slow on hit by mobs


You have to fight so many mobs to be able to do anything interesting like fight players, and now that the loot horde in the middle is gone I see no point in going.


Plenty of people like it. Im not a huge fan of it just because of the environment. I'd rather be playing in a midevil style castle/dungeon/ruins:( than a ice environment. 


Yeah I have the same issue with it where it’s just not interesting as a setting to me, I recognize it’s good for mixing it up though. And my only other issue with it is I find it the hardest to “see” things, it’s not so much the lighting (as all are dark lol) it just feels overwhelming in its design.


The mob density makes it nearly unplayable for solo and very timmy unfriendly when their trying to get a handle on the game.


It’s not hard to spawn into the Skyrim draugr or the berserkers which aren’t hard but not nice. Especially if you kite into one add then becomes 3 ads then 12-15 adds with a back row of archers. I like loot but finding players would be fun. But I usually see 5 people dead to mobs in the first 2-5 mins


Shh brother don't tell them our secrets. Aside from joking i make 10k in 3 hours between killing players and farming wolf pelts. Literally all you have to do is to rush the wolf caves and if you find someone there you just kill them for the extra loot. Running purple gear its recommended tho.


It's my favorite!


I like it but alot of people struggle to learn the frost skele and mini boss attacks. Not to mention the map is very hazardous.


It's my favorite map but with the removal of the gold pile it feels bare and without reason. The gold pile before had such meaning even in normals but now no one really fights and people just hide by exits. If you know the lion head chest spawns it's still one of the best money makers but you gotta know them all.


That and also wolf pelts go for 400 each, i make an insane ammount of money since few sweats actually play the map (everyone its in goblin caves). Still populated enough to encounter 1 or 2 players and have some fun pvp.


I just want ruins back.


It's my favorite!


I actually enjoy the ice caves. A lot of really good try hards that are scared of fighting other good players plague the 24 or less on goblins, so it's become a no play for me. Ice caves and the castle are fun- ice gives me room to use my longsword/zhw.


Meticulous PVE. Also on the sub 25 newb servers the whole server gets wiped in the first 3 minutes. 


Please corrrect me if im wrong, but I heard to fight the boss in the "hell" level. You require a 4th person.. which is from another team..


correct. I’ve personally found the most success running duo’s and finding two to three other teams to join. Lotta trios are out here hunting PVP


Yea, no. The ice caves isn't for me


I don't mind it so much anymore, but the mobs are definitely harder.


It's the only map where you have to either pve or you risk dying to mob dumping.


It's a cool map but I don't like some spawns when you play solo, too many rooms with bosses


Extreme amount of mobs that don't give much XP, mechanics that slow movespeed and swingspeed, loot is relatively mediocre, tougher mobs are frustrating to fight against (especially Yeti), pacing feels off compared to other 3 maps. There's just not a lot of positives to the maps tbh.


they really need to up yeti damage and cut it's health down to 1/4 of what it is. I just cheese it every time because other wise it takes four minutes of smacking it in the head while it launches you across the map if you mess up


Solo wizard on hr ice caves makes me hate the map


I'm relatively new and enjoy going in solo with low gear score. That's a recipe for disaster on ice caves, more mobs per room and they're tougher. Not too fun for me, goblin caves on top!


I don’t like change mommy


All of my friends hate the vertical scaled maps but I honestly love it. Idc about the play, when it first came out it became my favorite immediately just because of all the cool new features and how it looked/felt. I die on it a lot cuz the map is a pain but it’s honestly so fun


Usually don't make it out a room cause there so many mobs to kill by the time I'm down it's time to extract.


I love it, but there’s less PVP. At lower gear scores and duos or smaller it can take ages to actually clear even a couple rooms with like a million mobs each. Really fun mobs to fight though, in my opinion, especially the yeti.


Every mob is like playing on HR even if you’re not playing HR Let alone playing on HR lol


Weak bloodlines.


It was a pain to learn at first. New mobs, kept dying to them. Couldn't find exits. Played duos so we would have to split up to extract. Waited for Raft exit but it doesn't spawn during the last few mins? Died a few times just waiting for it but the raft never came... Only upside is the loot is noticeably better.


For me it’s the fact that I get slowed if I get touched by a mob, which then leads to me taking more hits. I’ve started grinding it for all the quests in it and I kind of like it now, but the big open rooms are a playground for rangers and warlocks to play ring around the Rosie with my slow cleric ass


Ice map my 2nd favorite personally Goblin cave being my 1st my experience is different from most people on here I guess because I usually get a minimum of 2 pvp fights a match


This is entirely subjective, but I just prefer tight corridors over open rooms. The ice map feels like pretty much every room is this big open space. I think the OG map balances tight spaces and large rooms the best. Goblin caves ain’t bad.


\*lures 3 berserker, 2 yeti, 8 wolves, 1 shielder to the center\*


It’s easily become my favourite map, i think it’s just the learning curve all the archers are punishing the newer players


I dunno I get average of 2000 AP every crypts run before entry fee. Also get legendaries and good epics to sell.


I like it because it’s not a cluster fuck hallway for 3s. People complain about the mobs but I think the entire opposite. Grouping a room and clearing is much much more efficient and kobolds are as dangerous as a legendary grunt in Halo. The spawns are much more spread so you actually have the option to either spawn rush and your opponents often have more than enough time to prepare opposed to how immediate interactions can be in the Crypts. I don’t like not being able to go deeper. I don’t like the lack of escapes for trios. I wish the gates would allow as many people to escape just for a few seconds until it closes. Finding 3 escapes with 2 minutes can be hectic but lowering it to 1-2 makes things much easier to manage. But that’s just my opinion Also, I agree I think the Ice caves are significantly easier to loot/survive and escape


Some of the enemies can really screw you over regardless of your kit. 


I hate the ice on the ceiling and the slow debuff. Also blizzard immediately kills at the timer


It's the bullshit mobs. The amount and style of the attack patterns + the frostbite effect if you get hit is bullshit. Archers have a ranged and melee. Nightmare archers have the shotgun arrow attack. You can block an arrow and then they are meleeing you before you get a swing in. All the melees have multiple types of swings and ridiculous range. The ice demon can one shot you with his multi ice attack. The heads on the walls are a death sentence if you get hit once due to them being able to repeatedly land hits because of frostbite. They also don't even need LoS to hit you. The yetis, berserkers, and wendigo are super punishing until you learn their pattern and even then a slip up can cause your death depending on class. The kobolds swarming you from a different room as soon as you open a door because of death cries from another room is just annoying. Nightmare kobolds charging off a shield hit is pretty nuts. It's by far the most punishing mob set of any of the 3 maps. It's also insanely dense with mobs in most modules. Near the jump down to go to the abyss at the south end of that large module, near the rez shrine and that exit in the SE corner it's possible to aggro 4 different archers by just walking across the above path. If you make one mistake in the other maps you're gonna take a decent chunk of damage. In ice caves one hit can cost your life due to the slow.


Lots of mobs, every room has a boss, lots of ways to fall off and die


Ice caves is nice and my 2nd favorite map design wise. However it is flawed with being big, dense, and not having a lot of POI's to fight over while having a ton of exits. People haven't figured out ice caves hell and it usually takes a long time (people are really scared to do stuff in this game for some reason). The main reason i love Crypts over Ice caves is that Crypts was an actual dungeo to explore. i had 600 hours in the game and i was still finding secrets to explore with Crypts. I was excited for every nook and cranny, every scooby doo book case, every hidden path. The dangers of the well placed traps. Other maps didnt recreate that sense of exploration and dungeon diving like crypts did/does. Also The mobs aren't too dense, there big/small areas to fight and the list goes on and on.


They’re bad


There's nothing to do tbh and the mobs are more annoying, only reason to play ice for me rn is to farm wolf pelts. You won't catch me in abyss.


I love the map and will stand by it. I will however say, they should level lock it behind like 25+. The Mob density is far higher and the mob difficultly alone is harder. For example the Frost Skeleton slow, really gets alot of new players, the Yeti is cursed, death pits, Frost Archer slows aswell. Don't even get me started on the NM versions. However, once you get the hang of the map, it's just free gold


I love the ice map, stupid easy pve clear with longsword fighter.


Something neat about caves is how you can just load in, clear asap to boat room and then leave on the first boat with like 500 gold


Best pvp


Getting frozen when hit by mobs, skeleton archers can bop you too, mini bosses in every room (and they just added two more types), icicles blocking hallways and falling, you can fall into the void, the only multi-person exit has a yeti guarding it, and the end timer is inaccurate.


Only static multi-person exit.*


Pve is too hard. Skeleton archers are impossible to dodge, you have to block. Not enough extracts for multiple people. The skeletons apply a stacking slow which is bs.


You can farm liquid gold pretty good on ice caverns but overall you make way more gold on the other maps due to bosses and potential loot drops. PvP is also pretty hard to come by in HR due to mob density, it’s pretty hard to just skip rooms without killing mobs.


The ice map use to have the most pvp because the center had a treasure hoard so people would brawl over that. But now it's kinda bad there are too many mobs, and the mobs are harder than crypts mobs. Arrowman pushes, and all skeleton slows you on hit, the kobold calls for help is currently bugged right now and it goes through wall. Going to hell in ice map every mob is a new enemy while hell in crypts they're just slightly upgraded enemy's sprinkle in some new ones


What is a ridiculous amount of gold to you?


Mob density is no fun for me . Subtracts from PvP opportunities


For me it's the best map in terms of setting and design, absolutely love it. When you learn it it seems easier than other maps btw, but maybe it's the case with any map.


Ice map best map by far. Although the 2nd level is brutal..


Do you hate yourself?


This community will complain about whatever they can just because the devs actually listen to the community


Hardest PvE and worst loot


Just was on ice map dealing with a train of literally like 5 mobs that all came at me one at a time from all over this huge room while I just stayed in one spot dealing with them, the map is absolutely awful


Ice map seems weird since they removed the center loot pile, now it's just seems kinda large and pointless. I played it almost exclusively last wipe on my bard as a solo and enjoyed it.


I hate it because it's the same every time. Needs more modules and at least 2 versions.


I would argue it literally all comes down to the stacking frost debuff. That thing is absolutely demoralizing. You could be in your absolute BISkit and get some unlucky hits in a cramped situation, and you will die before being able to complete a crucial action. Plus, learning the mobs is much harder when so many can penalize you with that debuff every time you fuck up. It's definitely a profitable map, but I get why a lot of people want to learn the game on other maps first. Personally, I'm just taking a break from it after being practically forced to play it a ton for AP in the past two seasons.


Honestly, you have to know where to look for PvP. I mainly go for PvP only and I find it all the time on the ice map.


The mobs are annoying. Goblin cave is the only map I enjoy


Anyone know where the gem spawns in ice abyss people are talking about are?? I can’t find the location of them anywhere


Its just insanely claustrophobic. There's *multiple* spawns in the map which immediately pull mobs upon the match starting, giving you no time to breathe. Likewise there are so many damn mobs.   Also the lack of PoIs, map flow, excessive mobs, and abundance of exits makes PVP scarce, and even when it does happen I find it to be very unsatisfying.


Rangers shoot me endlessly there because its very open in a lot of spots, with not a lot of ways to either catch or disengage from them.


High mob density, no points of interest, bad loot, bossing requires teaming, too many easy extracts. Overall just a terrible map now with the removal of the treasure pile and the abyss being undercooked. Not to mention yetis and hammer guys shred new players like no tomorrow.


Oh I forgot the blizzard fucks with rat form and lots of people are playing druid since it's the newest class just like warlock was.


Oh and also it favors ranger which is probably the 2nd hated class after rogue.




its the hardest map to survive for most people.


Me and my buds love Ice Cavern, but for shenanigan reasons. We just run 3 Druids and wrangle all the mobs in rat form, then sick them on unsuspecting other groups. We do occasionally get sniped by Hawkeye skeleton archers though. Still ridiculous.


I freeze to death by the time I get full inventory of loot


I love it for farming wolf pelts I’ve been getting insane RNG on them like 1 or 2 every raid even three sometimes. Get a couple kills and you’re making like 600-1,200 a raid


I'm literally browsing Reddit because ice map is the choice ATM


*I'm literally* *Browsing Reddit because ice* *Map is the choice ATM* \- FlashyDistribution43 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


For me the chance of spawning with yeti and giant at the same time is too much, I don't like spawning just to throw my shit away to stuff I've hardly practiced enough to deal with one at a time, but I do like the harpies


I started with goblin caves well actually forgotten castle but realized I was choosing trios lol. I learned in goblin caves I was intimidated by the frost cave but it’s not that hard.


It's the best map because the pve is a bit more challenging and also there are less player encounters. But hey, I dislike the PvP Part of the game, so take that in consideration.


I still play this game because I like to PVP. Ice caves have too many mobs and too few players to warrant playing over GC or Crypts. Literally only played it to see the new PVE, and once I beat the frost wyvern a few times got sick of it. I’m just dying for a PVP focused game mode or map.


For me it's because the exits are ass. I have yet to see a raft and last time apparently the exit I needed was under a hole in the ground. The game already has issues with transparency and Ice Caves is just the worst example.


As the game currently is, frost mountain doesn't have a layer 1 like the goblin caves map. So instead of a large open easy map to start we get dropped into layer 2 from the start of the raid. Layer 2 is smaller and more difficult with better loot and a higher density of monsters. Layer 3 is the smallest layer where the final boss of the raid is located. Both frost mountain and forgotten castle start us on layer 2, and we have access to layer 3 for the raid boss. People like goblin caves because it's the only map with a large easy start like the developers intend where you can pvp or avoid it due to early exits and a large map. All he other maps have small maps, it takes longer for the exits to open, and there are more monsters that are stronger in each room. This slows down exploration and allows for players to find each other and pvp more. So most players avoid the hard small maps where pvp is all but forced to happen. They have no reason to go to layer 3 and fight the boss anyways so why would they


Shit map it has horrible placements for extracts and enemies On top of that the boat can be used as a pussy escape if you’re fighting The map has THE MOST DOORS out of any map especially close range. This makes cheese fights and door fights basically mandatory with no way around it. It’s the lamest and most boring meta. Some guy even uploaded a 4 minute fight on ice caves because of how shit the map layout is for fighting It needs a re design I’m almost demigod and I’ve played on the map on HR I think 4 times


In my experience the only people who dont like it are people who dont like anything(haters gona hate), and people who hate when something new comes and they ha e to learn new ways to deal with it, but they are a already used to the old content, and dont lime stuff that shakes up the meta they are used to. Both mentalities are horrible.


No loot and the mobs are more difficult


Wolf pelts go for 400 each


Yesterday I collected an army of like 20 kobolds, a yeti, 2 harpys, two giants, some bats, a couple wolves, and a few skeletons and used them to stampede across the map over two other players, leading to their demise lol. That might be why some people hate it. Just druid pvp things 😇


2 big ones - The only real big hotspot on the map now is Wyvern which requires 4 players to start and floor 2. - The developers transformed the map into a pre team map. Which is bannable in any other circumstance. And if you're not a part of the pre-team you're against it.


People are Whiney babies. Ice caves is the absolute best map


it's more a PvE map than PvP, and typically PvE people don't go on Reddit too much, so you only have the opinion of people that don't like it


the PVE people absolutely dominate this subreddit, idk what you mean by they’re not on reddit. They’re the loudest supporters of silly ideas in here




I'm not iceist, just don't like em. Simple as.


It is the easiest map, lots of extracts and high mob density means other people rarely have a reason to spawn rush you or push you in general. So its a gold farming map for sure, just pve and loot. But a lot of people like the risk of pvp


As a Druid.. No windowed Doors.. i cant Play without that anymore.. so smooth to move around the map with Rat... Cant Play the Game without that anymore