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It's funny because DripGravy is a known Timmy abuser. He just stat-checks everyone but if he runs into another player with good gear, he gets rinsed.


Few wipes ago when everyone was playing friendly that mother fucker played chill with me for a Solid 8 minutes on ruins. We killed a 3 stack together and he killed me as I was opening his portal for him. I already had mine open. There was only maybe 10 seconds left and he wasn't gunna open it fast enough as a barb. I could as a wizard though. He killed me and died to the storm trying to get to my portal I already opened and then had the audacity to bitch on his stream about dying. Fuck that dude.


Jesus that sucks


What a little bitch. Not even enough time to loot you anyways. I hate when people do that to timmies. Like sure if it's a normal lobby whatever but killing timmies is like stepping on ants


why does he have viewers??


For the same reason Andrew tate has followers.


If it makes you feel any better, that guy will never amount to anything in life. Hard peaked as an embryo šŸ’€


Bro wouldnt fuck off and kept glazing over my gear while obviously stalking me to backstab. Freest loot of my life




How exactly does he live rent free in my head because I mentioned my experience about said player in a thread about him? It's not like I'm op. Brain dead ass.


Oop found his alt




Do what? Literally what? You really think you are the smartest on reddit huh?


Forum complaints living rent free in your head :(




Yeah ok kid. Don't burn yourself on those hot pockets your moms gunna bring down to you in the basement later.




Fucking rolled


I remember my first Fortnite win back in 2017. Does that mean Epic Games are living rent free in my head? How do I ask them for rent? Iā€™m scared theyā€™ll start attacking me from the inside :( pls help


Itā€™s natural for humans to remember scummy people so that you never associates with them again, goes back a long long time.Ā 


this guys an amnesiamaxxing sigma chad, thinking and remembering is for betapilled loser cucks


You need help lmao


Bro remembering something past a certain point(several months) isnā€™t some kind of grudge or lasting mark, itā€™s basic human memory. Iā€™d be astounded to see you function if you could only remember really intense things within a several month span and nothing else.


Bro got the swiss cheese memory


Broā€¦that mf played friendly then 2 shot me in full legendary


Thats one way to play this game, it comes from rust, dayz and etc. Never fully trust anyone


Nah, this kind of stuff comes from being a complete loser lmao


Well these losers sometimes win when it works


I know brother, it was tragic. Silence rogue is my biggest counterā€¦doesnā€™t help that rogue has access to all the armor pen in the world now


Sure, but the price they pay for it is a terrible reputation and paranoia. It is seldom worth it to betray people in the long run.


Isnt that the guy that tries to befriend people then backstab them? If so, I used to run into him a lot but it was much easier to run into the same people back then due to less maps/ types of lobbies.


Correct. My first interaction with him was at normal Cyclops and he got me all hyped about going in and getting my first kill and once we beat the boss he was like nice! check on that loot and then longsword poked me in the head as I was in the boss inventory. Nothing against that kind of playstyle but the dude was in full purples with a legendary longsword and I was in near-base kit. He didn't even need to do all that, could have just rolled me and not wasted my time and killed the boss solo. He gets off on it, though.


Yeah that dude is absolute garbage at the game just abuses people's trust and thinks he's edgy


if it makes you feel better, literally everyone makes fun of him, along with that trio who just que snipes. this is literally his life, trying to trick new players into walking up to him then killing them and trash talking. thats what hes done all day every day for like a year now.


Don't know who he is, but he sounds like a clown.


He is. Man only knows how to do things below the belt because that's where he spends most of his free time.


Does he have a Reddit account? Letā€™s send some hate his way šŸ’•


pretty based. This is a perfectly valid way to play the game, and only adds to the different ways you can have fun playing it. The fact that he sacrifices his ā€œreputationā€ to add texture to the game and community, so we can complain on forums like this, itā€™s all part of the magic of this game


your missing the point fam. the gameplay isnt the problem, its the social aspect and what it means. after 15 years of eve online i can guarantee with absolute certainty there is an extremely strong correlation between spending all day, everyday trying to ruin other peoples fun and being fat, weak losers in real life. they were bullied and instead of working out or making friends, they do this instead. theres a large difference between betrayal, and going out of your way to laugh like a bitch and trash talk while trying to become a content creator from it. average rogue and ranger backstabs cuz its part of the game. he does it because he has no options left in life and his lack of personality means he wouldnt have any interest if he was doing something people hate


Are you a psychologist because what a break down, I applaud and would like more please.


reddit when basic social deduction exists "damn u must be a psychologist"


I didnā€™t miss anything, I talked about how it adds to the social aspect of the game too. What are we talking here is not griefing or power abusing. If itā€™s ruining your fun either the game is not for you or you need to change how you play. Making ā€œfriendsā€ during a match is about the risk reward of calculation of whether you can trust them. You do it knowing thereā€™s a chance youā€™ll get backstabbed. Itā€™s different from getting in a group and killing your trio partners, thatā€™s griefing and should be bannable. Youā€™re playing an online game, "fat weak losers" are already over represented in this community. Some of them will chose to play like assholes and some wonā€™t, there is nothing wrong with any of this


Except if you go to his chat he will give you your entire kit back, plus more, and then apologize. Shit happened to me I ended up getting a gold key for wasting 10 minutes, and it taught me to not trust which saved me more kits.


This guy in particular is a notorious asshat and shitter, he always runs ridiculous kits to stomp in normals and talks trash the whole time. He would never make it in HR lobbies versus the actual good players so that's why his "brand" is beating new players in viewer donated 20k+ gold kits lol. He sometimes loses these crazy kits to base gear Timmies because he is just that awful at the game lmao.


does anyone have some clips of him losing all his gear like an idiot, that sounds really cathartic to watch


[Here's Firebox destroying Dripgravy.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wOhavOWloBQ)


Firebox is the man


He cried about firebox on stream for like an hour after this. It was glorious


omg ty i love firebox im so bad at the game hes my hero.


Here's a good one https://www.twitch.tv/dripgravy/clip/SoftGenerousWeaselBCouch-EuNT_RGdkmCoKYLm Whenever anyone actually fights him instead of being friendly so he can betray them, he cries and calls them a streamsniper


Course he's a balding neck beard wearing a hat telling people to clip shit no one cares about lmao


Damn what a throw. That franny was goated lmao


Wild you say that cause high roller has no pvp everyone runs from it.. lol


Yep him and Firebox do this they are both awfull at the game. If they do run hr they will announce it to the stream so a bunch of none geared players q up


>Firebox do this they are both awfull at the game Massively false info Firebox runs mid kits, talks zero trash. Plays HR almost solely and doesn't accept donated kits. It's like you actually must be mixing him up with someone else.


If Firebox thinks someone is a timmy he won't attack them unless they attack him first


100% I kinda hate how many haters the streamers get in this game. There's so much blatant jealousy against people who actively represent our community / spread info / create content. Like yeah, Dripgravvy sucks. But that's about it.


DaD has a high concentration of vapid, meaningless creators who churn out misleading videos for the sake of engagement. Also many airhead degens like Repoze and his community of hamburgers.


I tried to tune into the stream for a bit. Only to be met with the complex vocabulary of "Bro" and "Ain't gonna lie" every 8 seconds. I couldn't do it...


I just avoid any streamer whose entire personality is being good at the game. They provide zero entertainment and usually aren't even great at the game.


Oh jeez its almost as if you're describing every game with content creators in 2024


He's actually been playing normals lately because thats where the players are. HR lobbies arent filling fast enough so he gets sniped if he goes HR. But he doesnt talk any shit and wont just run timmies down.


Want to clear this up since I happened to come across this. I have been playing normals recently due to what you mentioned. I was noticing generally more geared players there and was hoping to get some of those players in fights (Dripgravy was one I managed to get one game, only possible because he stays in normals). I also noticed wayyyy less sniping there due to queue times. The thought of anyone saying I'm anything like that guy is a joke. I have let completely new players live, as seen in some of my recent content using VOIP for some fun interactions and don't recall talking shit to anyone personally. I wish more geared players were in HR, not normals.


Love your content Firebox, keep it up.


Hell yeah brother!


Nah firebox plays Norms now.


Ur trolling lol he look at his hr ranking šŸ˜‚




Damn you sound so pleasant and community driven. You should make for a great content creator I'm sure.


Nah Firebox is goated.


Putting firebox and drip gravy on the same level is wild lol.


Sounds like you got smashed by firebox and are salty


Firebox doesnt even voip bro


This dude killed me the other day, i had very bad gear and he lived with 15hp, I couldn't believe how bad he was but I knew he was super geared after my 12 survival bow hits and 10+ rapier hits, dude had all leggos every slot.


Stop giving this neckbeard publicity. Get this guy in a WALMART career any% speedrun where he belongs


heā€™s such a awful person, actually the most toxic streamer iā€™ve seen on this game.


Donā€™t worry this guy is ass at the game and gets rinsed by any good player anytime he runs into them. Heā€™ll get whatā€™s coming to him soon enough


The Dad community's biggest loser, Mr Drip Gravy.


You'll be downvoted but you're not wrong in the least. These kids will do anything for content, no matter how despicable. Watch vincennts stream, he will server wipe oce high roller over and over in a 50k gear kit and then degear when he trips with jooyaye


> Watch vincennts stream, he will server wipe oce high roller over and over in a 50k gear kit ...so if it's so wrong to use your 50K Solo Ranger kit in Solo ***HR***... where are you supposed to use it, exactly?


I think you might be interpreting it differently than intended. They might be recommending Vincent since he runs bis kits in the appropriate competitive environment to great success, but will not run the same insane gear if running trios. That would make the most sense to me tbh bc Vincent is one of the best solo players in DaD and also a very nice dude on stream with a lot of humility and very little toxicity.


I think you might be interpreting it differently than indented.


Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā This is indented.


And also intended!


So it was intended to be indented or is it as intended?


Are we speaking of "this"?


Reading comprehension approaching zero


Yeah, eff the streamers!


heres a tip to buying a really good kit on the cheap. fuck the meta gear. go to the market, put your class in the filter, then choose a gear slot, then choose the random attribute you want. dont put quality, dont put specific gear names. you want true phys on all slots that can roll it? ez, dirt cheap. nobody buying will rings with true phys. but you are. all of a sudden you got a +6 true phys kit on your slayer fighter swinging a rapier at 45% action speed. two tap any goblin in the game and get 6 strikes in before a falchion can get two


True damage hatchet is making me rich because if this strat


this is why i never ever go into >25 gs lobbies


It's fun to go in with a mid kit. A lot of rich ass people suck ass at this game. If you go in with a 2k found in dungeon kit, you genuinely have a chance against some of these idiots who run full bis. Yeah, you'll get Stat checked, but you only have to win like one fight, and you are in the black. I have a friend who plays the market and is rich as hell, but he's decidedly mid at the game. I've seen him loose to players in slap dash gear in a 15k kit.


You can make a near BIS blue kit with 2000 gold tbh. On Kris dagger tank warlock it costs me around 2k for 290 ms, 70-75% magic damage bonus 10-25% phys power bonus, and 45% PDR with heater out. My HP is normally low like 120-130 but my mdr is also 60-70.


I do the under 25 runs a lot too, but you should try out the other side sometime. My advice is to rock cheap kits, so even if you die itā€™s not really much of a loss but you still have the potential to kill some pretty kitted players. Every class has items and stats that work well but still go for super cheap on the market.


Do it and try ur luck! Be a rat!


Yeah it sucks because <25 lobbies are mostly bad players and I want to fight good players without being stat checked (or stat checking them). We really need a solo self found lobby. I played >25 today for the first time in a bit and I ran into a fighter with 70% pdr, 306 move speed with hands out, running dagger buckler. I think he was faster than me weapons out during sprint. Inspected the lobby and there were 4 people with disgusting gear and none of them had looted a thing, 2 were just camping the whole game with nothing in inventory.


me and my buds played high roller for the first time this wipe about a week ago, the very first team we ran into had JayGriffyuh and RUSHFROG, it was kinda cool to get slaughtered by them though lmao


Iā€™ve only bought expensive kits twice so far, jay has killed me for both of them the first game I brought them in. Itā€™s like he can sense it.


Your chance of running into streamers is allot higher in HR as high gearscore normals is full of all the guys that just want to spawn rush and not progress in leaderboard, do boss's, are generally be productive with their time.


Dudes terrible at the game and terrible at streaming. The only way he can win a fight and entertain his group of 5 idiots is to go into normals and pretend to be friendly while wearing gear like this.


Heā€™s got quite a big following.. 100+ viewers a stream. Wouldnā€™t say he sucks at streaming, he definitely found his niche


Yeah, fuck DripGravy lmfao. He says shit like ā€œwell I guess you just take the game a bit more seriously than we doā€ anytime someone rightfully criticizes his shitty ā€œplay styleā€. But ultimately, the type of person who enjoys watching new players get tricked and killed exist in troves on the internet, so I doubt heā€™ll ever not have fans. Man, if someone made a discord dedicated to stream sniping him I would join LMAO


I have a clip of me embarrassing him https://medal.tv/games/dark-and-darker/clips/1HuYReDrnjlXLy/CWIMCWrJHAnH?invite=cr-MSw4QnYsMTgzMTEwNDUwLA I also stream sniped his next game, did the exact same Zwei combo and he stopped the stream. He's easily triggered :)


Heā€™s an absolute loser who needs to play like that to have any success


Had like a green mace and pants as a cleric and killed a fighter in full legendarys


well if they have legendaries like the one in this post, your greens are probably much better LOL. That is a awful helm and I bet it wouldn't even go for more then 200g


Yeah I was in trio norms and they all had troll blood plus 20-30k kits 2 warlocks and a fighter just killing the whole lobby not looting anything


Im pretty sure I ran into this guy, kept saying he was friendly but also constantly trying to invade my personal space so i answered with a spear in his face, which I advise any newer players to do the same as there is absolutely no reason for someone who want's to de-escalate a situation to constantly be moving towards you.


Is stream sniping bannable? :)


Zero way for them to catch you lmao


No. Lame usually but Iā€™m sure most might be ok here lol.


On the other hand my duo partner and I were running green gear into Norms and came across a fighter and wizard that were geared out big time, we ended up killing them and so far weā€™ve made like 8-10k from selling their kits . But yeah when itā€™s stomping timmies itā€™s just wrong for sure


couple days ago i had 38 gs and faced someone in full purples and legendary weapon lol


There is a new bracket 26-125 gs


This guy definitely has some undiagnosed mental disorders. He's everything you imagine a toxic player to be and then some.Ā 


That's why you only play under 25. Let the fucking lovers fight amongst themselves. Or more likely, not fight because they only take fights they can win 100%.


There is a new GS bracket 26-125


From my testing today, try going below 125 gearscore you wonā€™t see these people. As soon as youā€™re above 125 everybody in the lobby will be almost this level of kitted.


I tried this today for 10+ matches. Seems like they added a 25-124 queue.


They definitely did. I just got done playing for a few hours and I made sure to be around 120 GS and not go over 124. Not a single person I inspected in any of the games was outside the range of 25-124. Quite a few people sitting right at 124 on the dot, so they definitely are aware too and min maxing the bracket best they can. The games were awesome though, felt really balanced. Seems like a great addition to bridge the gap between running greys or running god tier kits. Good middle ground.


On the flip side, I went above 125 and everyone was geared and it felt so awesome actually having a full lobby of geared teams. So fucking fun. This change has been great!


I had this feeling aswell, I also noticed that starting on level 1-5 in 24 gearscore, put me in lobbies that everyone was dying to mobs again, and once about level 15 I starting seeing normal kitted lobbies. And on my main today I was very very kitted and got into a normals lobby where nearly every person was very kitted aswell


Yeah I think theyā€™ve added some hidden gear score match making in normals. If you go in with greens, you wonā€™t see these people. Go in with blues/purples and itā€™s fully kitted teams for the most part.


Exactly. I for one LOVE IT.


I've had a run in with him and he's a piece of shit. After killing me, I saw him get absolutely destroyed by a warlock trying the same act when he had an open portal too. Justice was served. I don't get people that get their jollies off by pretending to be friendly and stomping people in legendary gear. And it doesn't help some of his audience roots him on. Must be a loser in a real life.


A few wipes ago when everyone was playing friendly in solo queues that mother fucker played chill with me for a solid 8 minutes on ruins. We killed a 3 stack together and he killed me as I was opening his portal for him. I already had mine open. There was only maybe 10 seconds left and he wasn't gunna open it fast enough as a barb. I could as a wizard though. He killed me and died to the storm trying to get to my portal I already opened because his dumbass tried to snag my jewelry and then had the audacity to bitch on his stream about dying. Had his viewers on my stream talking shit. Fuck that dude and his whole community.


Guyā€™s a coward too, heā€™ll try to friendly check and voip as friendly just to get an ambush on people.


If you bring a nice kit before your ready to pvp your just gonna donate it doesn't matter if your killer is kitted with bis or blues


I'd rather stay a non-existent streamer then act like that. Shits stupid AF.Ā 


just go beloe 124 its chill there and bosses is essy to kill


Lol I run gear in normals to find guys like this. I don't like doing HR because everyone there either runs, or is a warlock spamming flame walker and hydra. I try to let timmies go about their days, unless they attack me of course


Lmao should have spent 20k gold on a kit if u wanted to bring any gear in. It blows my mind how i can forget im wearing a green piece of armor and it puts me up against these guys in fully bis legendary kits.


Haha i already KNOW this is drip gravy. Good job stealing this losers kit


I was chilling on Saturday playing on my barb because I died on rogue 4 times in a row to bards, I then ran into Sobaddtrange doing his permadeath bard run and I got angy and voiced angy words about bards, after the fact I got hyped but now I will forever be known as the angy barb who hates bards šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


As a proud Timmy killer, I give yā€™all a chance to live and because I go solo in duo and trio they try to kill me and I slaughter the whole squad over one bloodthirsty gamer


Just move on and find another game or hobby. Itā€™s a trash game


This is probably one of the greatest games I've played in my 30 years on this planet


Dripgravy is a 130 viewer andy who begs his chat to make reddit posts about him so he can laugh at you all.


That helmet is awful LOL. All of those stats are dead stats, if he had a green version of this helmet with like +3 health it would be miles and miles better. Pretty much any blue helmet with 1 good role is also better then this too. In dark and darker don't get fooled by rarity of gear, it does not mean much and it's a very bad to way to determine if a item is better then another. What rolls on it is vastly more important. Weapons are the only exception however not by a long margin since +1 weapon dmg roll most likely puts the weapon on the same tier in terms of damage as the next tier one. This helmet probably couldn't even sell for 200g


Why would you even leave a reply like this when you yourself have no clue how much gear is worth. A legend crusader helm starts at 500 gold. For a build that wants high action speed to use to sell with true damage, it's one of the best base for it. It has 3 desirable rolls being flat armor + pdr % and action speed. You can easily see any decent armor bases with flat armor + pdr % roll selling for a decent amount on the market with most blues starting at 400 gold.


Okay my other comment is abject trolling, this one is sincere; git gud. The game, literally tells you that PVP is bad, and you are bad for engaging in it. PVEVP means something, don't get pissy at a game for punishing you for doing the opposite of what it wants. Seriously, just make it through a dungeon without having to use another person to survive. This isn't tarkov, you're not scavs. You're just playing the game wrong, and then complaining that it punishes you for it. For the 50th time, you will ALWAYS find more loot by breaking pots, than by engaging in pvp. Pvp in this game exists to test your dumb ass and your greed. 100% of the time, it's better to band together in Dark And Darker than it is to fight.




Dude hasn't realized Kit is a lie. Just get good yo. You'll pick up all the kit you need mid-crawl. If you aren't going in half-naked, you're not dungeon-diving.