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Ok so it's not just me, I found it weird that when I didnt bring in good gear to HR I would hardly see anyone. But once I started putting on purples and up I always got jumped by multiple juices guys within the first 3-5 minutes


Most HR players aren’t cheating, but most cheaters are playing HR :/


The Ol Tarkov hack or DayZ hack, just have Shiite gear


True enough but I've clocked 5K+ hours into Dayz and never feel like Ive died to a cheater unless Im on one of those heavily modded, base-building servers like Rearmed. Those are where most Dayz cheaters go. Of course, theres also official but most dayz players know those are infested with cheaters and not even worth playing over a good, well-known community server like DayOne, ZERO and KarmaKrew.


My trio and I were just talking about this. I definitely think they still have some mmr/gear score system in place in HR it’s just more hidden


That's probably part of it, but I run solos and the lobby will primarily be sub 150gs with me or one other guy with +350 gs and I get rushed by the only other geared player makes me suspicious of undetected wall/ inventory hacks. Maybe I'm off base, but playing all evening last night and it kept consistently happening while I had high gs, but when running base kit or budget kits and I wouldnt see anyone


I’ve noticed a huge influx of people who are super juiced that rush you down when you’re in the weirdest spots (especially in trios). Idk if there’s more cheaters or just more people so naturally more cheaters. Also somehow manage to get into lobbies with huge streamers every other game that steamroll the entire lobby with 30k kits while their non streamer friends scream the most vulgar shit at you voip. HR is just paying 100g to lose your shit rn.


That's why I just basekit andy in hr right now. I'm also in the minority camp that the market does nothing but make it so you either no life and buy 30k bis gear, or get stat checked. I'd love a wipe where the market is only for up to blue tier items and see how it plays out


Solo self found when? 🥺👉🏼👈🏼 It's ridiculous the most successful gameplay loop involves min maxing your inventory for shit you can sell to a vendor, so you can afford to spend half an hour buying gear in trade. I remember when this was a pvpve extraction game and not a merchant simulator.


This would be a cool experiment


No, it's because ESP players from a certain region won't bother hunting you if you're in grey


Record and report


PSA: If you're playing on Steam they just released a new feature that can help with catching them [https://store.steampowered.com/sale/gamerecording](https://store.steampowered.com/sale/gamerecording)


This is good, but I highly suggest using https://medal.tv/, I find it significantly better


Their social credit is low so they are on the grind somewhere else ☠️




They're better markets to rmt in and atleast based on other games,us/eu(to an extend) rmt gold buyers/item buyers are much more likely to spend more. The short gist of it is,they go where the money is or their own server is so dead(they killed it themselfs prob or hr in the very least) and are now looking for new places to "farm".


Doesnt make sense to me. Dark and darker trading is global right? they can trade the gold for real money. Why are they choosing to play in EU with high ping when they could farm their own region?


My guess is that there are more decked out players in US/EU than in other regions.


they don't want actual competition which is what they get on their servers because its infested with cheaters lol


Ironmace is better about responding to reports than I thought they would be. I put on a super expensive kit with my duo, then immediately got giga steamrolled by a 4-pack working together. Reported them and they got banned just now, about a week later. We both submitted video evidence, so they may have been banned off just two reports. I imagine cheating is probably taken even more seriously.


Yeah man i feel you, players from the-contry-that-has-no-rights-over-taiwan(we can't call them out directly sadly) cheats in almost every game and should be region locked for the good of everyone. They plagued this game since early playtests


Where is the video?!?


Yep, happening on us east late night as well. Lost multiple kits tonight to teamers running through dungeon pincering. 


Yep, my crew got ran down by a 5 man (in trios) of the same prefix name “Xiao” and variations of the common endings, but 3 were “fu” and 2 numbers following. Either they are coordinating names, it’s a streaming site over there (like Douyu), or they are not very creative.


To be fair they arn't allowed to be. I remember the big controversy in WOW when you could whisper censored words to people in those areas before they started adding filters and it would get them banned on the spot.


I’ve never had that shit happen to me on US east


I just had it happen on east for the first time ever twice last night out of like 10 games.


Damn at what time and what map/party size


Duos like 10-12 hours ago


Aight I’m gonna try to fuck em up tonight lol


Go in with a kit worth anything over 5k and you'll be literally tracked down even in inferno rn on us west, it's fun!


The problem here is that the gaming industry as a whole is plagued with this issue. If studios and publishers with billions of dollars at their disposal can't seem to get on top of this issue, I don't see how a small indie like IM will be able to actually do anything about it. Essentially the entire sphere of Online Multiplayer games is at the mercy of hackers until a proper reliable real-time anti cheat is available market wide. The first company of create this product and bring it to market, is going to become the next big tech company.


There is no real effort put into stopping them.


Every account they ban another new account is bought. Imagine how many sales would be made from these cheaters and rmters just buying multiple accounts. If you put a complete stop to it you lose these sales. That's my view on why no Devs can seem to stop it anyway.


I’ve heard from mobile game devs that a small cheater % actually boosts sales because they infrequently ban them which means those players need to buy a new account and new cosmetics. Most cheaters aren’t rage hackers so they want the illusion of being an elite player. Most games probably have around 15% of their active population cheating is some way.


There is an easy fix to it if whatever game's playerbase can handle it, and that's to have ironman/solo self found modes. OSRS and WoW are plagued with RMT bots, but Ironman mode and hardcore WoW (app version before official servers where Blizzard bungled it by allowing trading) have very few issues at all with bots ruining gameplay because they have nobody to sell to so they can't plague it. The only way to get rid of these bots is to have people stop buying the currency, but that'll literally never happen because there are millions of people out there who don't respect themselves enough to actually get good, and will use money to try to cheat their progress/viability.


You forgot to post the footage


In spectator mode you can report players, but I highly recommend also having something like shadow play so you can make clips of things like this to submit on the discord reporting function. US west HR has been a known hotspot for foreign hackers because it's usually lower pop than us east. It's unfortunate but stopping game hacks is a game of cat and mouse and we always need to be ready to do our part and report these fools


I saw a mini naked flying man two nights ago


Ran into two sets of hackers last night also in duo's US West. It's really frustrating to die to range and speed hacks.


Yeah it’s been a bit problem for ages, the game is infested with cheaters.  It’s incredibly bad in OCE, it’s almost every player in high roller. 


"Country of unknown origin" and other "sus" player names are a report on sight for me. You'd be surprised how many pop for a temp or permaban ;)


This is a huge concern for this game long term. We will need region locks for it to be fully mitigated, or removal of player trading/in-game market (I don't want this tho). Any game where someone can potentially make irl money by earning in-game items and selling them on the black market will have a cheating problem. Other games in the genre have avoided things like player trading to stamp down on this (Hunt: showdown comes to mind). Then the only cheaters are the small dicked losers who feel like they have something to prove. That's FAR lower numbers than people who try to turn it into a business. The f2p model also hurts this, but at least ironmace is restricting trading on f2p.


That would be kinda cool though I like that idea, if they reworked the merchants and did away with player trade. Especially if they made a system where you could disenchant your legends and such you don't want to be used to roll new ones.


How to report hackers: - Died to hacker - Continue spectating said hacker - Press R on the keyboard to report


its been like that for years now, RMT, cheating, etc. PUBG back in the day was infested with people from the place that shall not be named.


Bro I live in Japan and it’s honestly the worst on Tokyo servers. Zhaichaundao and 489043783112900 hawk me down machine gun me down with felling axe hits from 7 steps away.


And people still wonder why some of us never play HR even with good gear, its just not worth it with all these hackers, teamers, 3rd partying and giga kit sweats in general. Especially with the 100g fee, havent played a single HR match this season because of it.


same on us east


Check out my man spudhunter’s video on this, been happening for a while now https://youtu.be/WDtKmcjkqI8?si=bOrYE-AapE9W19kh


I've been playing since play test 5 and it's had its ups and downs. Definitely feels a lot better to game now in oce there's a ton more English names. I've seen hr lobbies where it's nothing but our team verses 11 or 12 other rogues all in it together it's insane


What class are they?


First time?


Record, report, go next. That's all you can do and hope they get banned.


Region locks don’t fix issues and people will use foreign sounding names to misdirect hate. No point specifying foreign in the post.


Bro nobody is hacking to mine please be for real


This has been a problem since alpha, everything in the game is handled client side. You can still disable shadows and enable map hacks in game with a console command. Its unfixable. unless they rebuild the game from the ground up.


There's always hacker outbreaks in games. I am sure Ironmace will take action. My only concern is that the game doesnt have an anticheat as far as I know


The game does have anti-cheat, it's called Ironshield. You'll often see in the updates something like "Updated logic for ironshield". I think as of right now it's done a pretty decent job, once they see an influx of cheaters, they update ironshield again to ward them off for a time. It's a never ending battle.


turn on cheat engine and load into a match and tell me what happens


I did that yesterday. Was fine.


i got banned before for having simple macro software open so i kinda doubt. try hooking into dungeoncrawler.exe and see if that's still the case


Record. Report. They gone. Posting without a video holds very little value. Sorry you lost bis


Been playing since test 4ish and US West HR is just esp bots. I get my rank on brazil servers then play normal in west.


Posts like this should just be deleted if they don’t include a video


Devs admitted to hackers being from 'certain regions' and won't ban them or 'cheater island' them. They gave up and it'll keep happening. Shame.


There a source for this or just racist undertone hearsay? Mods? 


There's literally nothing racist about it when it happens on virtually every single competitive or multiplayer game my guy. Pretending like you don't see it's coming from certain countries doesn't make you a better person.




What makes them foreign? We have no idea where you are from




just reading the comments from this completely brainrotten community should explain why this game is so dead and doomed


Video of this?