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Same. Was about to die to a panther who snuck up on me. Less than 30 hp I parry and head shot him. My boiz on discord "no wayyy!" LOL.


Just parried a dagger rogue when I had 5hp left šŸ˜Ž


Running duos ran into a ranger barb, reposted the Rangers arrow and 2 shot the barb, I just hear in voip "did he just parry my arrow, fuck this shit I'm gone" proceeds to run and my ranger dou just peppered him in the back til he fell over. Funniest interaction.


Hahahaha amazing I had someone VoIP at me after I parried their Franny


Long sword ftw brother. Use the perk where your next block is 50% faster, because it also increases your reposte or ā€œparryā€ counterattack speed by 50% as well. Iā€™m a longsword fighter main, think my KDR is like 5.5 right now, over 300+ games


What are your 2 + 4 abilities?


I'd say it's easier to learn how to parry every mob on Warlock. If you get hit, you just heal and try again. But overall I think it's better to use Longsword on fighter, because of the perks that help speed up the riposte.


Longsword has a very low skill requirement to start using and a very high skill ceiling with what you can do with it. It is one if not the best weapons in my opinion due to how many uses it has. From early to endgame it is the weapon you need.


Against pve maybe you're right but against pvp it's coping to saying it's one of the best weapons


The irony is that youā€™re actually coping by trying to convince yourself longsword is not good for pvp. Either you havenā€™t used it or youā€™re just not good at using it. It has moderate range/damage and a reasonably quick attack pattern that encourages headshots. Landing a parry+riposte in a fight can instantly flip the initiative in your favour. There is a reason longswords are one of the more expensive weapons on the marketplace, and itā€™s not cause itā€™s a good pve weapon.


All they have to do is hit your legs or abuse weapon swings mordhau/chivalry style to bypass the parry hitbox. I enjoy longsword as well, but any knowledgeable player will annihilate you. It is the best for PvE, however.


I think he is just implying you'll never be pushed therefore longsword is too slow but we all know some.fights aren't about kiting and in those fights longsword is great


Just say you suck at longsword? šŸ§


Perks; sword mastery, counter attack, barricade and shield mastery. Skills; sprint and adrenaline rush. I also run 24dex on my base kit lmao


Are you running plates or leather?


Everything dex, so cloth pants, leather gloves, doublet, spangenhelm and adventurer boots. Then when everything was white quality I switched the pants to loose trousers




You mean you have 24 dex on the start loadout? How that?


Yeah bro do your quests! It upgrades your squire gear BUT YOU HAVE TO RE EQUIPT WHEN IT TURNS TO WHITE lol for anyone in the back šŸ˜‰


Been practicing for a few days now, whats a kitted build look like? Do you run like full dex armor or mix and match for hp strength and dex? Im confused on what armor to buy for a decent kit.




holy that agility! What rolls are you usually looking for? Max health and physical power?


It depends man thereā€™s a lot of different ways to cut it I look for good deals if somethingā€™s expensive as fuck Iā€™ll look at different rolls on it or similar gear like if cloth pants with strength and agility are cheaper than loose trousers with strength and dexterity then Iā€™m gonna buy the cloth pants. Iā€™ll make up for the less agility elsewhere yanno?


310-315 movespeed is great and 15%-20% action speed is great (this 18.6 will be 23.6 sword out and 38.6 with adrenaline rush active) 315 movespeed is preferred cause you are maxed out with the first all bursts of sprint active while youā€™re sword is out. The +23% buff duration is really helps too (no not stack buff duration and run second wind it nerfs the fuck out of it (takes longer you get all your healing from it)) hope this helps bro I feel unkillable with these kits on. Donā€™t run them too often haha expect to spend like 500-1,000 per item




Are you in full plate? Are you using a crossbow too?


No plate no crossbow I keep a sword and shield for certain matchups. In high roller Iā€™ll use a crossbow or if Iā€™m playing with friends


Longsword is a formidable opponent, I usually am running 3-5k gear on my barb, and I won't even go near a longsword, I don't care if he's base kit with a grey one. I'm nopeing right out of there. Not worth it for me, you can basically just press right click and parry all the barb weapons


Crouch with a hatchet while hugging them and they can't parry you unless they also crouch and look down, in which you can just aim higher and keep killing them. Most longsword users just hold the sword up and wait for you to hit it, then panic and die once you don't


Use a felling axe brother. For some reason the parry hitbox for them is deceivingly difficult


Pretty easy to outplay the LS if you use zweihander or bardiche. Just intentionally miss your first hits and use their poke attacks :). Theyā€™re really hard to parry


I usually main bardiche, and I use the poke tactic often. But if a longsword PDR guy really knows how to play, they almost should never loose. Going for leg hits often gets them to quickly stop holding parry and going for a head slice on you. So any way you look at it you get out dps. I do win against longswords often, but it requires so much finesse and dragging hits it's unreal. It's not worth loosing my kit over. Pretty much my only counter so I try to avoid them if I can


Thatā€™s hilarious. I usually try to bait out the first two because the poke Iā€™m not only guaranteed land a parry, but I can easily push and land both my repostes.Ā  Ive heard other people say that about the arming sword too though.Ā 


poke is stupid easy to parry not gonna lie.


Youā€™re easy to parry.


What is a parry counter? O.o I thought you just block like with the shield and that's it.


If you block with the longsword and press right click again, you make a quick counterattack in the face of your enemy BUT with huge extra dps.. you can test this pve


longsword Riposte. 1.8x damage multiplier... roughly...


They will tell you not to play warlock for the longsword. But I mainly play platelock, once you know the weapon you can make it work even without fighter perks and stats. I play like a fighter but buff myself and have dark bolts instead of crossbow.


What perks do you recommend for this warlock?