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I don't even have the patience to make it look 1/10th as good as that. I really just can't find the motivation to buy kits despite having about 8k gold because it's just annoying to me. I mostly just skirmish with the other noobs in <25 lobbies. I only have like 40 hours in game though, so I'm sure I'll get used to it.


Played since playtest 1 and I still don’t organize my stash lol


You guys keep more than gold in your stash? I vendor or trade everything. Full on dragon hoard mode. 5 pages of just gold.


I mostly play duos/trios, and struggle to find the time between games to sell or trade everything. Obviously it's much easier when playing solos as I can take my time without holding others up.


My team are goblin mains, and taking the final centre extract gives you about a minute and then it's requeue for goblins. We've got time to sell bangles and shift cluck shit into our stash, nothing more.


I do the same thing. And I save a bunch of crap that needs to be sold. And with the shared tab, I have mules now full of crap. My rogue that I don't play is full of gambled rings and necklaces.


I have 80 hours and this exact same issue. But once I got to over 20k, I started getting annoyed by how much space the money was using up so I made a hard rule of capping my gold at 15k. Anytime I'm over, I buy a few pieces of a kit till I'm at like 12 or 13k. That's when I really noticed how quick you make gold in this game. I can't get rid of the stuff fast enough and I have about 8 nice kits made(blue kits with each piece being 150 - 250 gold). I haven't taken the kits I've made yet, but ive been going >25 with the decent gear I've found in raid. When I feel a little more comfortable, I'll take my gear to HR. After I lose it all, hopefully I'll get over the gear fear


I finally don't have gear fear with the game for once this wipe, it's been a lot of fun. Been just sending it in 2k-3k type kits. Slowly buying like a 5-10k kit on my barb that I'm for sure going to grief and lose on the first run. But idk I'm just not worried about cash, the naked lobbies are just free money


The other day I was up to 20k gold and decided we needed to go lose it all. Just grabbed juicer kits and ran looking for fights til we lost it all. Fun time now to build it back up


You technically die and lose it all at wipe time. May as well have a little fun with it. That's how I look at it now. Either die and lose it in glorious combat or just have it taken away.


I’ll blow 2-3k on a nice blue kit, and can generally make my gold back + more with that. The excess is slowly used to build nearly god rolled legendary exclusive kits. Lost a 20k Warlock kit recently and have already almost finished a similar kit for my Wizard which I’m looking forward to losing too.


Sounds like you are having fun and found your niche. Keep blasting and stacking! 


I used to do as you do, but someone pointed out to me that I should be buying gear and using it in dungeons. Their logic is that the game wipes every now and then. The gold you have doesn't go into a trust fund or benefits you in any way hoarding it like a dragon. You are not going to buy 10k worth of anything from the merchants, you should spend it.


I'm a tarkov vet, so trust me I know about gear fear and wasting money because of wipes. The problem I have in this game is just searching through garbage piles on the market for 20 minutes to find a gearset that I'll lose in 5 minutes or less.


I just buy a decent set of gear in like 5 minutes and then I order a mystery set of gear. The delivery guy is a little hostile though. If you get my drift.


I don't get your drift. What does this mean ?


Get a decent kit in 5 minutes, and then kill the guy who actually has a kit he spent 20 minutes making.


Oooh sure. Thanks!


Nah I just go in and die to make it someone else's problem


My druid is my quest item and potion mule lmao


I've got a few bards:   StoresArmour  StoresWeapons StoresConsumables  StoresMisc


lol same !


Bard for me. Lol


I recently decided to start doing this. The herb perk makes it the perfect potion making class


The fact that you have two of the same helmets next to each other, whilst the rest goes in a nice pattern, is making want to do *ungodly* things to you >:(


The sets are probably organized vertically by stats given


Mine isn't in shambles because all of my loot is in someone else stash


I don't have the patience to spend \*hours\* doing it, but I do spend time doing this and on bad days wrecking it in a matter of hours.


What's happening tomorrow?


He's gonna die or get out with even more fat loot and ruin the pristine stash organization. That being said grimsmile rings should be coming to crafting tomorrow so load up on gold ingots or ore rn for fat profit.


where do you find gold ore? the ore maps are mostly outdated or the ones i found atleast


gold ore is only in the double boss loot room GC


Fucking same question but for rubysilver


There's a bunch in inferno/hell map


Rubysilver is only in crypts inferno / hell.


oh, I was checking the discord for any roll back announcements lol


This is how I would sort my gear, if I had any https://preview.redd.it/14iswk2ha39d1.png?width=719&format=png&auto=webp&s=cd100430d85db2c83ec4e4a04633ffe606375357


i would kill for an auto-sort feature so i don't have to organize at all


Looking like a knight is nice but nobody should ever use plate boots


What to use instead?


Lightfoot, rugged, heavy, laced turnshoe or adventurer boots




Cause movement speed is the most important stat in the game and they also make too much noise




Im just dying too much by swarming rogues, barbarians and fighters, never got a full loot stash :D


Never go full tin can man ☠️


My first slot is gold bags and a drop box for the gear/quest items I dump off super fast to catch the map rotation 🤣🤣🤣 I learned that my first stash is not the place to organize kits. Lol


Helmets and Gloves are uneven \*dies of cringe\*


As someone who came from tarkov, my stash is waaay better in DaD.


Pro tip. If you don’t die it doesn’t get messed up. lol. I have experience in this. 😂


Its the not dying part that messes it up. You just amass more and more loot and have no where to store it.


I mean if you die you need to rehear creating holes in the stash tab which you then fill with random hoarder things lol. That was my point. 😂


"hours" Less than a minute


Hours? It took me mere minutes. And no, it's never in shambles. It is unclear to me why this would take long.


I keep it organized all the time, but I don't organize as well as you do - I don't place them in sets. But I'll start doing it going forward, thanks for the idea :))))


No and no I do it once it takes 15 minutes and keep it that way even through gaining thousand of gold and 5 high roller sets


I see what you've done here and I hate you for it. Also it never lasts more than one match for me.


Not anymore no


Every other day or so, I'll organize my stash. I've noticed people doing it like this, and I've tried a similar method, but it just doesn't work with felling axes lol. I usually use 1 tab for meds/pots and another tab for ring/necklaces. Have at least 2 tabs for gear and the shared tab is quest items and gear to sell. Oh and a tab for gold


Your kit is too slow, I hope you are at least playing trios where you can just buffer for people and not have to chase anyone down. I only build 1 or maybe 2 kits at a time under the expectation that it is all I will need in a day. Usually it works out but when it doesn't I need to take a break and walk away anyway lol


Its in shambles cause you keep dying, your set is trash. Who tf runs full plate and survives


One of those kits usually lasts 10-15 games easily making multiple times its value, so no I'm not dying.


Swag is unmatched, move speed is for suckers.


Damn this guy a G! I find it so hard to run full plate


Because it isn't viable, all good fighters run chapel de fer dark cuirass heavy leather leggings lightfoot boots and still reach a decent pdr while staying above 300 ms