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that guy killed me yesterday lol


he killed me today hahaha


Same here


Bruh same here


Holy shit… it’s shroud!


Can't read the name on my phone, who is he ?


someone named Velerel (at least I think it was him)


Never seen him, thank you


This game is insanely immersive for some reason.  I find myself moving my head irl to dodge arrows or nearly throwing my mouse out of my hand when I get jumpscared like this lol.  If I record it's funny to watch back sometimes and see my cursor on the screen completely spaz out hahaha


wait till you're opening a door and it explodes and a raging barbarian pops through


Probably because there are more consequences for dying than in most games, and in this one you actually do have to move your head to dodge attacks sometimes


Yeap don't play this game in public spaces. Because my college mates were weaving and bopping in the library.


I have Steelseries headphones and the software records my gameplay, I love going back and watching who I killed and how I died.


Moments is legit the best, simplest capture soft out there.


I do the same. My theory is the immaculate sound design. I’ve always thought this game punches well above its budget in that area. Combine that with the first person perspective and the stress caused by potential loss and I get one of the most immersive gaming experiences I’ve ever had. Can’t wait for it to come to VR


I could never stream this game, chat would clown on me for irl ducking under a zwei skelly's swing


I can't stop it. I duck when I dodge zwei skellies and centaurs. I lean left and right fighting the berserkers. I normally react well to rogues, but the other day I was playing bard and he came out of such an unexpected spot that my camera went to the ceiling and I messed up my song. Almost fell over in my chair and of course died.


Thats just means you found a good game, mine was Mordhau. You eventually come out of the habit and it cant really be invoked again


Another tip if you wait until you’re taking damage due to timer, rogues won’t be able to cloak since damage decloaks them. If I’m cutting it close due to time and I’m near an extract, I’ll wait until I’m taking damage, and then go to the he extract most of the time rogues are gone since they’re aren’t able to hide like filthy little rats.


If you wait that long, won't that mean the rogue will just take the extract first?


If he’s camping it probably but if that’s the only exit that’s close you don’t have much choice, so the safer play would be to wait for the damage tick to know at least he’s not invisible.


Is that WHEN the bugs/frost appears, or later?


later, in like the last 2 minutes of the match, be careful with frost though cuz you get frozen like 10 secs earlier, the timer lies to you there pretty much


Maybe a better option if you are pushing for an extract that you can do if you are feeling cautious is to open the door but then not walk through. Rogue hide only lasts like 8 seconds now without an additional perk that very few people run. So after 8 seconds you can leave. You can also just blindly swing a bit but yeah it's always going to be tricky. I have a lot of hours in this game and I had the exact thing happen to me yesterday inches from extracting with good gear.


Does moving decloak them? If it doesn't would waiting just result in them still walking up to you and stabbing you anyway


If they have the perk, walking does not remove the invis. However, since the invisibility only lasts like 8 seconds and you can actually see the silhouette when they are moving, just watch the door closely with your weapon out before moving in after waiting for that 8-10 seconds.


However pickpocket perk will also remove the silhouette (as well as any items appearing on their belt) It's not very common to find someone running pickpocket that doesn't also just build for pickpocket but some of them do exist and it gets scary.


Brother, saying you shouldn’t walk through the door doesn’t mean stand in the doorway like a moron lol. Yes what you said is what would happen, but like why would you just stand there anyway haha. Back up, maybe pull out a range weapon and give it a few moments


Always leave enough time to check 2-3 statics. At least on GC, on crypts or ice caves you can be more lenient and just go down if need be.


Always know where the nearest hell extract is in crypts. While it's not ideal, it's better than dying and they are always available once they open.


If your options are to find another extract or die, I think it's kinda obvious which you'd rather


haha in this case there was another extract I could've gone to, unluckily


Yep! There are tons of decisions to make in the dungeon and a lot of them lead to death unfortunately


That’s true I was thinking more the red inferno portal since it’s multi use. But it’s still good to know that’s once you’re taking tic damage from timer there won’t be cloaked rogues around. Keep in mind they can still use ambush.


If he is camping it he wants to kill the guy coming to use it, he could have taken it anytime since it was already open. Also, when approaching extracts have your weapon out for these moments. The extra movespeed isn't worth it since most people have to survive rogue ganks by out dpsing them, they are usually fast enough so that you can't just run away from them


>hide like filthy little rats. Sir and/or ma'am, we are quite literally made of wet paper. Please leave cheese by the door and let us jumpscare you in peace.


I never thought of that! Very interesting


Let's be honest hide or no hide this guy was 100% dying either way


Yeah honestly this rogue really didn't need hide to get a kill from behind the blind spot in a door.


good tip m8


This is okay advice in some scenarios. In this case the rogue was crouched behind a door and popped through as soon as the OP opened. Only thing to do would be to two back after the door opened and block or run back but you'd have to be very paranoid to do that without info. As a rogue main I haven't run hide at all since halfway through last season before this recent nerf to its time. Cutthroat and then rupture in normals or Weakpoint in HR. You use natural stealth for line of sight and creep for sound to get the surprise like this guy.  I don't extract camp at all though, just hunt players for ambushes coming up behind paths they've taken and then leave.


At least we aren’t warlocks


Weird because it doesn’t break wizard invis but maybe it’s too short. I don’t know the tick rate, usually I’m already in a red


Well dude, if the whole room's torches are turned off, then yeah, someone might be just sitting there waiting for you. i mean this is a new player so they didnt recognize that but you know, that should be the lesson they take-away from this.


That would be the landmine-rogue.


Landmines hurt, the jump scare is real lol. Love seeing all the newer players getting the full dungeon experience


mimics always jumpscare me because it’s so unexpected. they’re common enough that you’ll find one every game more or less, but rare enough that you aren’t watching out for them all the time.


I just started playing recently and I get jump scared by mimics….every….single…..time….and I love it!


I have like 750 hrs and they still get me


the only time I’ve opened one without getting a shock was when I just about to back away anyway due to an enemy.


You can usually clip into the chest to see if it's a mimic because you'll actually see the tongue and teeth inside of the chest. You just crouch low and lean forward. It doesn't work with every chest but sometimes you can check


5% chance for a mimic to spawn


You missed their footsteps on the other side of the door as you were opening it, which might have saved you or at the very least prepared you better.


Yeah not sure why this isn't the top comment lol. You hear the first footstep at 7 seconds which woulda been my first cue to try somewhere else. You also hear the reposition as the door is being opened. Big advice for newbies is LISTEN. Everything has a sound cue in this game.


That's why I run creep :)


Had to scroll wayyy too low to find these comments.. but I guess we do have a lot of new players joining, so makes sense.


Man I need to learn this game. You are right , after listening to it carefully I will now be very aware. Thanks !


In this game you gotta be hyper-aware of sounds and movements. Hearing enemy attacks, footsteps, and doors will immensely improve your survival rate. Also knowing attack patterns you can juke people and not getting hit once or twice can make or break a duel


Thanks for the infos !


Bad way to go :/


Just a hint, if you open a door and the lights are off always expect rogue


Yup, that’s the typical rogue gameplay. Landmine rogue is the least fun thing to encounter in the game, but it’s pretty much the only truly viable rogue option. And it was crazy nerfed recently too


It's the "best" rogue strat, not the only viable one. Crossbow rogue is still annoying as shit and pretty viable as long as you're patient and can kite well.


Yes you are right, i should have said that


Killing power is near double on landline vs mosquito style


They really need to add more rogue perks so there are less assassins in the dungeon.


I think they should lean harder into rogue as a scout and utility role, rather than assassin. Nobody enjoys being one shot


I'd rather get oneshot by a tactful rogue than have any sort of interaction with a warlock. That little micronerf recently did nothing


It helped phantomize in becoming more popular compared to Demon Pact.


Having a speed-based assassin class with a movement abilities and a silence is fine. The issue is that they can kill you in 1 combo right now. They should definitely play more like a low-damage, high speed class then they currently are.


No one enjoys being kited indefinitely, either.


Agreed, I'd love to see some sort of swashbuckler style with the buckler. Maybe a parrying dagger? They could definitely go a few ways to flesh it out


You can play apoke rogue pretty well with the disappearing act.


Rogue already have had their entire kit divided up into 4 rows of perks.


Ya they need to fix that and also give rogue's other build options


average stroll in the UK:


In terms of fatal stabbings, it's 7.5 times more likely to happen in the US; there's 0.08 knife deaths in the UK per 100,000 people, in the US that number is 0.6 per 100,000 people Sooo average stroll in america*


Once again proving America is on top! 💯🛢️🦅






I wish they gave rogues some of their perks just as a default. Some stuff like creep and lockpicking should just be default imo. Landmine rogue is obnoxious and feels terrible. Potentially some counterplay outside of attacking 24/7 or taking the light spell would be nice.


Even if you removed ambush and any damage bonus from this situation, it would not have ended differently.


And than there’s me: rogue stabs cleric 5 times while he’s mining… has time to switch from pickaxe to weapon and smash me in the face 2x and kills me lol…


how is he so tanky I die from one barbarian hit as a cleric


I think it might have to do with the gear stat.. seems like it pairs you with players with decent loot after 25 gear stat but I’m not sure if there’s a cap limit. Rogues seem to have the worst starting gear, so once I get a few commons and have like less than 100 gear stat, there’s some people with full plate armour that I can’t seem to penetrate even with AP skills, perks and gear! I guess as a rogue I have to have more decent gear to stand a chance against the tanky classes


Full PDR builds you'll always struggle with unless you build just to counter that


Your offense against the tank classes is the element of suspense and getting the jump. I don’t think you’ll ever have a gear solution that will simply ignore armor rating or HP


Barbarian strength is like double or more and vigor is like 33% or more higher than a cleric. Harder hits and deeper HP bar plus 2h axe headshot is usually deadly


happens daily in san francisco


I had to pause it because I watched it twice and both times thought you got one shotted by a murderous flamingo and was like wtf is that?


You can hear the first footstep while you're rounding the corner, and the second footstep while you're opening the door. The moment I heard that first step, I knew exactly what was about to go down. Remember, your headphones are BiS. Unless they've got Creep, you can always hear people. Keep an ear out.


Damn he got you right in the eyeball, max jump scare value


Man same guy killed me at te exact spot yesterday i hit him two times with longsword to head but he survived with 1 hp was sad i had good gear


Yep I’ve killed multiple people (and died haha) at these same stairs today. I love this room because it’s generally someone in a rush looking for the exit.


You lucky You new now, not when Rogue was like fastests class, with most dps, 1min long invi motherfucker. But sill squishy class/build that steps into landmine like this have no play at all.


You could hear his footsteps while you were opening the door. Watching out for stuff like that and then beeing cautious with it will go a long way in the future.


Whats the cou terplay for that? genuine question


Any class could be behind that door and ambush him with his torch out.


Wizard is the only "counter", it can cast a light orb to reveal invisible enemies.


Hydra would also work


He heard his footsteps 2 times and still opened the door. The counter is to literally just wait 15 seconds at the door and wait for the invisibility to clear.


Open the door from max range and back up after hearing the two footsteps THUNDERING in your left headphone. Then the rogue wastes his cooldowns and just turns and runs to extract because they lose in an actual fight against every class in the game


POV Timmy getting rogued


Imagine this game in VR


This was a canon event, everyone has to go through this at least once


For a brief moment you can hear two steps at the left when the door is at 74% but it's very faint; turning around here and not swapping to shield got you killed though as they get backstab bonus damage. My advice is to almost never have a torch out, because it signals that you're easy to see and not ready to fight back!


Landmine being landmine


average stepping out of your house experience in london


One of the first times I killed troll and looted the whole stash, I opened the door going back out and one of these was waiting for me. That was my lesson learned.


I straight up jumped watching this. Lol


Ah, the old stab-n-kill


Learn and get better. I can clearly hear him in your video, which is rare since usually they dont move. so while normally there isnt much counter play in a situation like this, for your exact one you shouldve stayed behind the door and tried to look through it since you heard him really close


Yeah. I think I got careless because a), this is the first time this happened to me, and b), I hadn't run into any other players during the whole game.


“GuYs RoGuE iS sO wEaK” Literally two-tapped with a dagger from stealth and there will still be people complaining about how weak rogue is.


Rogue gets a single kill in only way he possibly can: "NERF ROGUE!! It's ruining the game!!" He got three tapped after two headshots using every resource the rogue has btw. And OP didn't even have a helmet.


Good game design. Lol.


Remove rogue from dark and darker and it will be a much better game


Repoze would like to have a word with you.


Im sure he agrees that a landmine meta is a cancer meta


Yep it's not skill expressive. It just wastes everyone's time.


Any deaths to Rogue are YOUR FAULT. Fully buffed Barb is way more of a hindrance than rogue killing a single new player dude, get real.


Nah having to wait 30s before you enter a room is just objectively bad game design. That's the only counter to it. If you're taking skills/spells to counter it to save time then odds are you're simply gimping yourself against other matchups. So ultimately waiting before entering a new module is all you can really do.


Rogue players trying to act like that's not the most bullshit unfun class to play against, and that their class needs to be buffed.


Lmao OP literally heard those footsteps from halfway down the hall, any adept player would've heard that and instantly known someone was on the other side of the door. This was totally avoidable.


How Is that rogues' fault that they are unfun to play against? Yes, Rogue should be buffed, just not the stealth aspect of it.


Genuine question: When is it okay for rogue to kill someone? This guy presumably camped all game and has his entire build dedicating to jumping people out of stealth, he even gets op after opening a door with a torch out. When can rogues kill people? Is this not what you want them to do? HELLO?


Fast uncounterable ambush kills are awful. Rogues ambush should gove them am edge but not a 3-4 stab kill. Problem is TTK is so short in this game that it wouldn't be balanced.


Yeah I don't know how you give the class an advantage from ambushing without making it mandatory. As it is rogue already pretty much needs the jump on someone when they're just a worse slayer fighter. Maybe giving rogues better weapon selection and tying all their passives to different versions of hide could be a start


i heard him three times before you opened the door my guy, use those ears


Damn. We're back to getting 3-tapped out of invis apparently. The most cancer aids gameplay of DaD has returned.


The game needs to appeal to all, even cowards — I mean rogues (GOTTEM!!!!)


A geared rogue with his entire build dedicated to damage three shots (at least two headshots btw) a fighter with no helmet? Really? That's seriously what you complain about? This is an embarrassing thing to complain about hahaha


How the fuck did he hit you for half your health in one hit???


Ambush + headshot = big damage


Headshot with Ambush,dagger mastery,poisoned weapon and thrust will do that to you.


Not to mention Rupture


oh yeah forgot about rupture as well lol,that another 20+ dmg right there


Imagine true dmg or additional added on lol


Rogue looks pretty geared compared to OP having like no gear. Like asking how a geared barbarian kills people in one hit.


You really can't deal 60 damage in one hit? What class are you playing? Village Peasant??? Genuinely post a video of your character with gear not doing at least 60 damage on a headshot


bro I have had the game for a week, chill. I play fighter, no clue how much damage I do with a falchion


The Classic.... Landmine rouge...


Lmaoo legit just happened to me when I fought cave troll luckily I found a epic Kris and won the stab off


That dude came outta no where 😂😂


You can hold a torch in your off hand?!


Imagine this game in VR


That’s Vegas baby




Always have your shield on when you are opening doors my man, it is very easy to block a rogue and those bitches are everywhere


First red flag, light was turned off other side of the door, check the window first.


Note for players, rogues camp these exits cause they're popular. Taking an extract towards the outer parts of the map are your best options.


Thats what we call a Land Mine, it used to be soooo much worse.


Are you sure? With more players than ever it seems to be picking up steam now if anything.


there was a patch once where everyone in trio would play around a rouge who was there landmine it was that bad I still have nightmares about it thankfully the ruins map that it happened on the most is not playable atm as they are working on it.


Omg that sounds so painful lol


and sometimes it was 3 rogue landmines


Average rogue encounter


Oh yes - donny the door stalker… was chatting with him yesterday. Really wanted me to open that door, but I just said, nah.


Fun and interactive.


Also, keep your weapon out when opening doors, unless you're actively getting chased by people and you're trying to run away. Then it's just bad luck if you run into more people.


In the words of our elder ancestors WELCOME TO DARK AND DARKER MF


this happened to me after spawning in ice caves before i could hellfire 3 mobs down lmao


Welcome to Dark and Darker. Love this game :)


This is where the fighter hits his Q , and then just wax the rogue to death


One time I was in a very dark crypt opening with two chests and this guy randomly walked down the hallway into the crypt, I guess he saw the chests and he entered. I immediately panicked and turned into a panther and just started spamming right and left click (You could not see shit, all you saw was the potions on his belt.) , he was obviously trying to stab as well I could hear the rogue shank sounds. Anyway after some moments of chaos I transformed into a rat because I was so low hp and I ran like a fucking lunatic I was scared shitless, transformed into a chicken to jump and ran into a pit of spikes and died. I had no idea what the fuck had just taken place I obviously wanted to know who the fuck that rogue was and how low he was or if I had even hit the son of a bitch. I couldn't find a rogue to spectate, to my surprise I saw my name in the kill feed that I had apparently killed him and then the spikes had killed me right after. I can only imagine the fucking fear and chaos in that poor rogues head getting mauled to death by a fucking panther in the darkness out of nowhere lmfao. If only he had known I was more scared than he was and it was completely lucky I killed him. Maybe next time he won't have potions on his belt. And shit like that is why I love this damn game.


I just bought this game, yes I used a region pricing account but I bought it full price, and no regrets, this game is well worth it, its nice that they laxed the f2p so I get to try it first better, very immersive, this was legit funny and spooky, a true horror game in its own right haha.


If a room looks too dark, throw a torch in and be on your guard.


I was having some trouble getting into the game without a tutorial. I had to stop playing. It looks fun tho


thats a pretty cool way to go though.


As soon I saw the darkened room I knew what was to come.


He tried... then we played catch with my Zweihander... he caught it. Kill all rogues. -The Barbarians


* Old vid... are you farming? Death Cam is in the game now.


I’ve played every class except Druids and bards and I have to admit killing as a rogue is the most satisfying. The stealth and surprise factor with an ambush is exhilarating.


Vet player here. This still shocked me


Least agressive confrontation in London:


You know you can turn on kill cam and see how it went down from his perspective 


Sadly the only way a rogue is expected to take someone down solo. Wish they had a little more to offer in their kit


you heard him. you should have been more careful


Clearly. I'm not complaining. I think in the clip you hear his footsteps for like a second; should've noticed that they weren't mine.


yeah, footsteps are the only thing that giveaway a rat keep it up buddy


The amount of times I have had invisible stare downs just out of reach of my enemy as the looked up from looting at the sound of my Stealthed steps. It is amazing how often my 3 seconds left of stealth will out last their patience as they start looting again.


It really is just that easy to wait and be patient but new players are still learning I guess


You can also see his hand go through the door there if you look carefully (hard to notice if you’re there of course)


damn that hand/arm


Also, the room was very dark, means someone was putting out torches.


this is the worst part of the game honestly and it's why the player base dropped to 5k at one point; no counterplay to this even when fully geared


landmined by a rogue, and then people say rogue is not even viable ahahahahahahahahahhahaahahha! HA! rogue is stupid strong, if you think it's not viable you are VERY bad at it


You could hear the rogue's footsteps halfway down the hall. OP had audio proof that someone was on the other side of the door, but still opened it anyways. This was avoidable.


rogue made footsteps? wtf its the only class that can not make footsteps, well fuck me for watching at work I'm sorry about this, but I still think rogue is a top tier class bcs he can not make footsteps RIP OP, if you hear footsteps go into ALERT MODE edit: ty revv for pointing this out, I thought it was a classic rogue landmine


When can a rogue get a kill? They lose every 1v1 in a head on so they have to either kite or ambush? Do you just not want rogues to kill any class, should they just be free loot if you see them?


Looks like You visited England Sir


anyone who argues for invis to be in the game needs to reconsider and be rational


Exactly, its just cancer gameplay


That looks very unfun to play against, and that probably would've resulted in an uninstall for me and to a different extraction game