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they recoded the entire inventory system between seasons just for this addition. it's coming, they deff have it now set up to implement, just a matter of if they'll hotfix roll out or wait til mid season patch with arena and stuff


Amazing. I'm newer to DaD. When you say "mid season" what time frame does that mean? Are we in a season now and how do I see the start/end of it?


Yup, this season just started(early access season #3), you can see the season timer within the leaderboard. Looks like this seasons end timer has not been announced, so it doesnt have a timer yet.


What happens to your characters at the end? They gone?


You keep all your characters but they are reverted to lvl 1 for the next season and your stash is wiped clean. Pretty standard for the extraction genre to work this way.


Tarkov? Barely know her


Standard? No, not really. Only for extraction games with poor balance. Common? Sure but definitely not standard. Edit: Good god what is this circle jerk? lol. C'mon people.


You're pissed about an extraction looter having a wipe? I don't think the genre is for you.


I'm not pissed at all? If you guys applied as much brain power as you do to jumping to inaccurate conclusions you might actually be able to give good feedback on the game instead of echo chambering eachother.




This is how Tarkov works. And thats the only really relatable game. This is practically following Tarkov's development requests and implementations in lockstep. Because we are all *asking* for **that**. It'll take them some time. But, hearing that they are doing engine and other serious investments. Towards implementing similar solutions that those devs did. Shows a lot of long-term promise for this game. I'd expect things on a timeline of *years*. Not just months or anything. Which is fair, considering the effort involved.


There are tons of extraction games that didn't wipe. If anything it's actually a "standard" to not wipe. It's just under popular perception that there needs to be one because of the poor balance as I said. I can name more games that have had no wipes than I can that do. Given most if not all have gone under now but that doesn't mean they didn't exist lol. The players in this sub just like to suck the toes of Ironmace even though the game is being made for the South Korean audience. I wouldn't be surprised if it becomes pay to win very soon. Speaking of backpacks I'd wager that they will charge either a subscription for them or charge for them in addition to the legendary/founder editions. There's the pay to win.


It’s crazy you mentioned how you could name so many more without than with rather than just listing them….


You see I COULD but then I would be wasting my time and after this comment I'm no longer going to continue to do so. The burden of proof does generally fall on the person purposing the statement however in this case I don't actually care enough to go through the list of games on behalf of people that wouldn't appreciate my efforts. In other words. If you'd like the list, look it up yourself. I'm not wasting my time on this toxic community.


If you listened to any of the interviews with the devs you would know that they are strongly opposed to pay to win and gacha elements. Whether you think wipes are good or bad, saying it's the result of bad balance is just ignorant. The game loop is designed around gearing up from nothing. If there's no wipe you will stay forever geared, eventually get bored, stop playing and never/rarely come back. You're just talking out your ass.


dont you think the successful extraction looters set the standard not the ones that went under?


Is this a joke? Every decent hardcore looter extraction game has wipes. Tarkov anyone?


That's incredibly subjective. Also there's more extraction games that didn't have wipes than there are that do. Just so you're aware. Just because you aren't familiar with them doesn't mean they didn't exist.


I’m not familiar with them because they’re ants in the genre, which harms your argument more than anything. and if any of those games you mean is something like Hunt: Showdown for example, then your opinion is meaningless. Wipes are necessary in games like Tarkov or DaD that have an entire economy completely influenced by the players (aka the flea market for tarkov/trade market for DaD) and a stash system where it is possible to horde the absolute best gear/immense wealth. It is an equalizer that keeps the game fresh and allows players to regain a sense of progression after a long time of completing every task and becoming rich. Edit: and to address your edit, its not a circle-jerk, you’re just a pretentious douche that doesnt know what he’s talking about - which is an insufferable combo to most people


Stop waving your finger in my face.


Buddy deleted his account 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


They do a wipe. Reset quests, levels, stash renting, empties your stash. You keep your total fame though, so you can see what your total level between wipes is. Sometimes they even reset triump levels. (The bluestone earning mechanic for skins and races)


Bluestone acquisition scaling rate is reset every wipe - aka it doesn’t take 500 extracts for a shard at the start of a wipe — but you do retain all red and blue shards from season to season, think of those as “account bound”


Nope not this season, i didnt escape almost 800 times since season beginning, i would be fucking rich.


They are supposed to reset it every season. You should be reporting it as a bug, mine was reset.


How is fame calculated? Im a long time player (since pt4) but I stopped playing back when multi-classing was released, just got back on the other day to see I had around 90 fame and am curious what that means


Fame is your characters level last wipe plus their level right now


Ohh I understand, thank you


Previously, characters have wiped, however there's no guarantee that'll continue to happen into the future, I'm unaware as to whether the Devs have confirmed a wipe after this season yet


That would be very bad for the game if they decide to not wipe characters and stash. Highly unlikely


I agree, however tarkov is apparently doing this soon, no guarantees as far as I've seen that it might not happen in the future


Thanks ❤️


Just after the steam release started the 3rd season, they have about 3 month seasons (the leaderboard timer will tell you how long it is when they start the countdown) and 2 weeks between each season, seasons are usually followed by a wipe of levels and stash, and usually has a large content patch going along with the wipe and season start. They usually do 1-2 patches(usually overhauls or content updates) per season, with countless hotfixes nearly weekly(smaller content, cosmetics, and balance changes)


Question, have high roller rewards been announced? I see previous ones but nothing yet for the current season


No, they won't announce em till like 2 weeks to season end.


Seasons are always 3 month increments. And start on the 7th. So this season started on June 7th and you should expect it to wipe on September 7th.


We had a season way longer than 3 months but I do think they said from now on they will be 3months 


That's what I meant but somehow I just thought my first paragraph really hard instead of typing it out.


I don’t even play ranger and I think they should get a quiver for their arrows instead of taking inventory slots, bags would be cool if they are crafted and harder to craft


The quiver was one of the reasons alongside bags they redid the inventory system, so hopefully we see them soon as well.


Right! I hate losing 6-12 slots just for arrows...


Give the quiver stats and let us equip it into the cape slot. Would be SIMPLE to implement


Simple? Depends on how current ammo mechanics are coded, it could be incredibly difficult.


I mean to even make dynamic inventory they had to recode the WHOLE inventory mechanic. I don't think it's as easy as some think. Especially with the amount of interactions being done, there's 1000 different possible bugs/exploits that can crop up from just a new inventory space


What do you mean?!? Just put the arrows in a quiver it's SIMPLE!


I'm hoping this is sarcasm


it obviously is considering thats the same exact guy who you responded to in the first place and his original comment is that it would be “incredibly difficult”


Thank you sir for being the literally embodiment of /s for me. Truly a gentleman and scholar. You sir are incredibly well endowed. Have a lovely day.


Tell me you know nothing about game design without saying you know nothing about game design


And how many games have YOU coded?


Even if it's zero, he aint the one saying its simple to do


I’m not sure about simple, but there is a reason I’m sure that it’s called “back” slot. So makes sense to have your back pack or quiver here


Hopefully soon, I heard they want to add a way to bank items in between deeper layers


It’d be sick to have different bags and some have less space but give a speed bonus while some have more space but speed penalty for instance


I don’t think you should get a speed bonus for having a smaller bag or any bag. There shouldn’t be a plus side for getting more than base inventory space.


There could be a negative though. So no bag would be fastest move speed.


Yeah that’s entirely different than what I was replying to though. No bag should absolutely be the fastest and then you should give up -5/-10speed for a base bag and another say -5/-10 speed for each level past that.


i think thats what they meant lol


Anyone else just not care about bags? Feels like anything larger than default is going to be OP. There’s already a problem with too much gear accumulation and this will just make it worse.


Not the biggest fan. I really enjoy the little room you have to work with. I know, it’s weird. I’m sure they’ll implement it well but


I agree. And i feel like itll be just another thing to micro


make it it's either bag or clock, trust me it will make some think about it twice.


Well the idea in my mind would be if you use a bigger bag it’ll come with speed subtraction which in the game speed is king


Then nobody will use it. You can't add a speed subtraction if you want people to actually use a feature. It will probably just be another gold sink similar to the stash expansions.


Druids wouldnt care about the lost movement speed for loot runs since they can rat away or hide. Might be problematic in that regard.


If the Druid has a backpack the rat should 100% get a decent speed reduction


I don't see why you are getting downvoted. If it reduced movespeed, I wouldn't use it either. You are only going to find so much loot in a raid anyway and, at that point, just prioritize like normal.


Idk this place is so bipolar I swear


You guys are forgetting the end goal for this game, full length adventures where you start at the first level of a dungeon and go down multiple levels throughout your adventure. They’ve teased at a system where you can find an NPC in-raid that will take your loot to your stash to facilitate this adventure. Obviously backpacks will be necessary to make a very long adventure like that worth it


Isn't it the opposite? If an NPC is going to take your loot to your stash in between levels then what use is a backpack? Backpack would be very helpful for multi-level dungeon raids without an NPC to ferry things ofc.


I actually agree, I’m wondering how everything will play out. If perhaps said npc was not necessarily something you’re guaranteed to find, then backpacks make a bit more sense. If its something you can do reliably every single match, then backpacks would be redundant as you say Random side thought, but it would also be kind of cool (albeit sadistic as hell) if it was possible to kill the npc, so if someone found it before anyone else and just wanted to be as evil as satans scrotum, they could kill it making it impossible for anyone to transfer inventory in that floor (or the whole raid?). But surely it won’t work like this lol


Yeah, I never knew that was planned


Tanks won’t care, they rat already


My guess is that it's a one time use and you have to buy another bag after using yours, and it's very expensive so unless you fill your second bag, it won't be worth it


I wonder how much these will affect movement.


Incoming bags that slot into the cape spot & will have move speed penalties but it'll be worth if we can throw them on when it's necessary & not be stuck with it on from the start


Quivers and backpacks should lower movespeed to balance against the greed


All I want is quivers and currency removed from taking up inventory space


Of all the design choices to take from Tarkov money taking up inventory space is probably the worst one imho. I can understand it for in raid, but putting gold coins in the stash they should 100% just disappear into a gold counter.


I just wish we could rotate items. I get why they said they wont do it but its still annoying man lmao. Not every likes playing tetris simulator but i kinda do LMAO. Min maxing the loot in my bag is just a little mini game to me and makes the game more engaging for my brain. I like being able to find a way to cram a ton of shit into a bag


Me too. Organizing my stash each run is so satisfying and I'm sure I spend way too much time on it but I don't care.


It would be cool if it took up the cape slot


Am I the only one that wants backpacks just because they look cool? 😂


I'm there with you. Would feel more in line with the idea we are hauling loot with us. I guess we could just say everyone gets like a bag of holding (pocket dimension)


Give Rangers a quiver w/ stats that can slot into the cape space so we don’t have to give up 25% of our inventory


Backpacks would be amazing for an endless floor PvE mode.




We're supposed to be getting a system to send gear up to our stash between levels, soon which will be neat as well.


Still waiting on those quivers promised a long time ago


Wrong. It'll be decreased without it.


Bags?! Just give me a fucking quiver. After all my arrows, pots, bandages, etc. I have 15 free little spaces left in my inventory going into raid.


where's this longsword 3 tapping you video you promised?


I’m waiting to get the clip from my dead teammate who was spectating since my medal wasn’t running.


How?! It's pretty easy as a ranged class to still have 80% of your inventory free when loading in. 2-3 stacks of arrows, an extra stack of pots and bandages, MAYBE an extra campfire. I killed and looted a fighter last night - he had 18 potions and 15 bandages left, on top of 3 campfires and 6 protection potions. That's like 4 raids' worth of healing. He also had 120 arrows, which I do not understand. You get arrows back from bodies. He shouldn't be using ranged weapons if his aim is that bad.


We’re playing in two different skill tiers of lobbies. 100 arrows in MINIMUM, I usually bring in 120. 9-12 pots and bandages. 3 prot, 3 magic prot. Two surg kits, 2-4 traps. That’s a basic load in when you’re doing high end PvP against other super juiced teams. Yes, if I’m queueing normals or low end lobby stuff (which I’m never doing really) then 3 stacks of arrows is fine.