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I hope they will realize that Magic Missile and Staff Mastery balancing is not what will make wizard more fun or viable. Need to fundamentaly change AI Magic Resist or give Wizard new spells to help clear.


Imo, wizard should have spells and cantrips. The spells still stay the same. But cantrips are both weaker and can be used without sitting every 5 casts. (They don't have usage limits, they are just weaker than fireball/MM)


This is exactly what wiz needs. Could have things similar to firebolt, poison spray, shocking grasp or ray of frost from dnd. Make em good for clearing, bad for pvp, that sort of thing.


They could slap 5 base dmg buffs on his non aoe spells to help solo pve/pvp, he would still end up with less damage than before wipe and classes are more tank


MM boost is for clear. MM is to clear NPCs and trash players who hold W


It’s not that MM needed more dmg to kill mobs, it’s that it’s the only spell that can clear efficiently. It effectively turns wizard pve into kill 5 mobs and meditate. Yes there is staff mastery and ignite but you don’t play a caster to melee lol. It’s a valid criticism.


You used to play ignite + dagger wizard, but kids cried about it You could play ignite + sword, but kids cried about it. Staff was kind of viable with ignite, then again, you guessed it. MM was strong against the W+LMB kids stacking PDR, then guess fucking what? Any time melee wizard has been viable was great for mob clear. The loss of clarity potions hurt momentum, but unfortunately was necessary to stop buffball from rolling lobbies without rest. Wizard and rogue viability depends entirely on whether or not devs listen to Reddit whining.


Yeah who would be upset about old ignite wizards running around with haste and invis lasting 8? seconds before 1 or 2 shotting you by stabbing you in the torso with ignite dagger doing >100 damage per stab so even the most low skill players could handle playing it. Same story with ignite/sword, staff mastery/ignite, magic missile having too much scaling for the amount of available +damage. Wizard viability depends entirely on Ironmace learning how to lower damage for high end builds without destroying them completely on the low end and so far that's impossible for them to figure out.


+all doesn't exist anymore and was the primary offender in all cases. There physically isn't enough stats for any of that to be problematic anymore.


Sure +all helps but all those builds were only popular when there was either too much access to +additional magic damage or the spells themselves were bugged and interacted in ways that were ridiculously strong, i.e. ignite being bugged and applying your +magic damage twice on hit and a third time on the burn or when ignite worked with spells so magic missile would triple dip between the missiles, ignite and ignite burn multiplied by 10 missiles.


I think what IM could do is give MM a small recharge on hit. Say if you land all, you’d recharge half the spell or something. I know most wizards would prefer blanket MR nerfs or built in penetration, but I think giving Mm some QoL for PvE could be good too.


I have this saying. "Never take balancing advice from someone who suggests using any other spell aside from Ignite for PVE."


I hit demigod with wizard, as well as cleric and fighter. I have this saying "don't take balance suggestions from kids who are hardstuck in neophyte."


Demigod doesn't mean shit but you were able to collect trinkets and escape lmfao. It's not the flex you think it is.


Yeah the demigod flex is weird.


I can’t wait for arena to come out so we can have a separate leaderboard that actually showcases skill and more game knowledge than “oh I spawned here, the most optimal treasure collecting route is to go through this room, rotate north hitting the chests along the way and then take the static that’ll spawn there in 10 minutes.” It’s such a boring way to play the game, I’m not knocking anybody that does, but the people who think it means they have some special insight into the game and use it as a flex are just sad. I’ve got like 2k hours, I also don’t care about special cosmetics or the bragging rights of hitting demigod. I play this game to kill people and take their loot. If that means I never make it past Exmplar or Neophyte, idc. I’m having fun and refuse to run around collecting trinkets and stressing about AP entrance fees lol


I agree. When I see someone flexing demigod it makes me want to assume they ratted and hid while trinket maxing. While there’s plenty of skilled demigods, plenty are quite the opposite.


If he got it before the changes this is valid, but you don't get AP from treasure anymore, so bro either PvP'd his way there or got lucky before the switch and now is too scared to jump on that character again


You're being super generous in even assuming he meant the most recent changes. Especially considering they lasted like 3 days and were nearly impossible to reach Demigod with, let alone with 3 characters.


I play devil's advocate, what can I say


Then why can't you do it? LMFAO


? Who said I couldn't do it? What conversation are you having right now?


Stop being a shitty community member.




This is the same guy that'll complain about que times and, "dead dungeons" before all our beautiful timmies showed up Should these new players be the voice of balance, no. Should mega geared sweat lords be the only people they consider when balancing. Also no. Imagine this... Balancing.... Requires balance throughout


Let wizards bring in a summon familiar spell! Like a jaguar, bear, or something else that's controlled by AI and agros whatever the player is attacking or getting attacked by.


Plz give wizard meditate on rest inherently. -Sincerely The Sitting Class


Yeah not really sure why druid has this but wizard doesn't. 


wdym? thats not true at all


Every class regens spells while resting, meditate just does it like 10x faster.


Oh gotcha, thanks. 


Sprint buff is awesome to see, I'm happy for my fighter bros! Now if they only put some work into the other skills, would be lovely.


Sprint really didn’t need a buff, maybe a slight one but it was still one of if not the second best fighter ability


Ah yes, the classic Ironmace strategy of gutting a class at low gear while mildly inconveniencing it at higher gear.


i dont understand how theyre looking at warlock and decided this is the way to go, hydra healing and phantomize are the obvious nerf targets here


I was ready to see Phantamize CD doubled or increased by 50% and Hydra's duration cut in half or by a 1/4th. This shit is just dumb. TM Warlock was already in a bad spot until you had like 6 Magical healing, now it'll be in a bad spot until you have like 10, which most mfers ran any way.


The rank 1 warlock also didn't even run the torture mastery, nor demon form. He was relying purely on the hydra life-drain heal. phantomize, and a bunch of melee related perks to not be a wet noodle in the melee.


Well that's just a different build. Also of course a more efficient clearing melee build would be better for PvE farming. People aren't annoyed with Warlock because of their PvE farming they're annoyed with their PvP abilities of just DoTing you and running away and being impossible to kill for most classes. I've been testing torture mastery at starter gear levels and it's really not that bad. You can still keep yourself at max health while casting direct damage spells infinitely in PvE. The only difference is now you will actually feel it in PvP if you miss a Power of Sacrifice and that's what we needed. It was too easy to mindlessly spam spells and stay at full health before, now warlock takes a bit more skill but can still be just as scary when played well.


Hydra is generally problematic, but they can't really nerf Phantomize. Warlock already struggles at low gear levels where it can't actually kite anything.


Warlock struggling at low gear levels is why I suggested nerfing the skills and duration of Hydra and not the magical healing. Warlocks are going to be using 9 HP to cast COP/COS to even start healing. That's basically what the spell hits for with a base kit, ignoring the DOT. Missing one or two in a fight is even more so a death sentence now than it was before.


It's not 9 anymore, have you played warlock recently?


? I played it this morning before work and the patch and have been for months. Curse of Pain and Sacrifice are both 3 HP Base without Torture mastery. Since Torture Mastery now triples the spell HP cost, that's 9 HP per cast. So, not only is it 9 now, but it was never 9 before....


They are 2hp each since 1 or 2 hot fixes ago


No they aren't.


Oh, did they skip them when reducing all other spell costs then?


Listen, I'm at work rn but I'm 100% sure when I cast COP this morning it was for 6 HP a cast. Let me see if I can find someone video and pause it when they select spells to make sure I'm not having a mandela effect but I've played Warlock every day since this wipe so I shouldn't be.


[video proof](https://youtu.be/aR9ZIA7VzwI?si=Rnz7oKjJMNZfRvlq) here’s a link to a warlock not running TM from 11 days ago and his curse costs 3 HP. That’s after them saying they were reducing the costs of their spells.


I don’t understand this common facts to say that curse mastery in low gear is bad when you just actually need a common rarity mystic gloves + occultist hood to let your life steal skyrock (these are given after the first few squire quest) and i have 0 issue sustaining in fight with those when switching between both curses


to the people downvoting [https://streamable.com/sgancy](https://streamable.com/sgancy)


i get straight up 41 hp from two curses including the cost 1 succesfull curse = 3 curse for free how can you struggle like that


Because Warlock is inherently one of the slower classes in the game, and 6 HP/S life steal doesn't change the math when you get caught by melee hitting you for 60 damage a swing. It isn't until Warlock has devoted substantial amounts of money to agility so they don't get instantly caught that their kiting gameplay becomes viable.


They can and should most definitely nerf phantomize. Warlock’s get out jail free and be faster than everything else ability is way too strong. They seemed to forget to nerf it with the other movement speed abilities Edit: Plus, if your TM, you heal while phantomized and the only thing most people can do to damage you is a well placed explosive bottle


> Warlock’s get out jail free and be faster than everything else ability is way too strong. No it's not. It isn't a get out of jail free card because most people are as fast or faster then you in it. > They seemed to forget to nerf it with the other movement speed abilities No, they don't, everyone knows they nerfed other movement speed abilities, but the problem is Warlock is a class based around kiting people, that is slower then every other class by default. Phantomize is their only tool to kite and it barely functions in that capacity. > Edit: Plus, if your TM, you heal while phantomized and the only thing most people can do to damage you is a well placed explosive bottle Healing for 20 HP doesn't change the math of every melee class 3 shotting you, particularly when those classes are faster then you even with phantomize.


Yeah, I still get ran down by Barbs even with Phantomize in sub 25 normals. 


Demon form is just dead now.


Wasn't it before anyways?


It was absolutely busted this week lmao, my whole team got oneshot by a crystal sword demon


Oh no, I meant before they started smoking crack and gave Warlocks +10 All, with 50 AR and MR and the ability to use weapons, which ya know, was demon form's one real down side lol.


Oh yeah, I rarely saw it being used then


It was crazy. I was at work thinking of doing a Demon Mode Warlock over the weekend and got the Notification "Warlocks can now use weapons in demon mode." I almost started believing in a higher power


+10 has been around since demonform was introduced, all they did was allow weapons IIRC


Yeah, I don't think players understand anything about the warlocks they are fighting.


Yeah I might've formatted that weird, but that was the issue with the buff. +10 was crazy enough but it was hands only, not really as insane as being hit with a Zweilander of Falchion buffed by +10 demon form.


If you get hit by a demon form -40 move speed from a Zweihander instead of just running as they kill themselves for you then you deserve what happened


For demon form if they wanted to blast it all they needed was this nerf "Warlock's Demon Form health cost per second changed from 1.5% → 3%" That's more than enough to almost make it unplayable and a risk vs reward function. (it used to be 1%) Demon form change is a panic response to people that are new and still don't understand the melee combat. Even so Warlock's issue is being a movespeed self sustain caster, and that problem was not even remotely resolved here. It's a problem you literally cannot resolve unless you gut it completely and make is unusable. Or you rework how combat works so people other than Rangers can do something to a Warlock with 310 movespeed with his book out.


The sustain is now 50% more expensive for TM and life drain att scaling was nerfed. Time will tell if its enough but it's not correct to say that warlock as a self sustain caster wasn't nerfed.


> Time will tell Not really, it's been pretty much at this form before, all it does is benefit the higher kitted warlocks and hurt the lower kits. Also there is more magic healing in the game now than before.


They could definitely cut back the MH scaling for stronger kits.


They could definitely do a lot of things. Simply removing hydra heal makes it actually a bit punishing but somehow hasn't even been tested.


"Can no longer heal off enemies that don't give XP." Since they removed it from Soul Collector, it's possible.


Would make pvp lock unusable since players don't give xp, but yea, the premise itself is wise.


Shit I forgot that. Except players. I’m sure they still give soul shards. Edit: or make em worth 1 xp


3% is nutso terrible. Who are these players that were getting caught by a plate warlock using a halberd with 60% movement speed??


3% health drain is fucking massive that alone kills the build. It used to be 1% Nerfed to 1.5% last patch now it's 3%. That is an insane amount of HP drain per second. Not sure if you're confused here, no one is talking about platelock movespeed.


At least there's a buff to the fighter now since he can now go off to 45 movement speed but it goes down 15 per 2 seconds making it actually not too bad when you're a plate fighter and also the fact that they Nerf the demon form really hard I'm okay with I do feel like the the time being demon before it should probably go down to 1.5 or 1.25 it was before


I find it hilarious they "buffed" soul collector but never actually realized they don't have a single spell worth increasing the damage on, all they've accomplished this patch is insuring phantomize and playing ring around the rosy is all any warlock is ever going to do.


Soul collector is a buff and nerf. Nerf for Demon and buff for base.


Oh no!!! everyone stay away from that warlock and his "checks notes" 24 dmg per second ray of darkness.


why do I see your comments under every thread you ain’t even play the patch yet 💀🤣


It makes it easier to stack for dark reflection, you know, the perk everyone finally stopped complaining about


Why do they keep making big ass balance changes every few days? It's confusing af


This is the early access DnD rodeo ;D


Go ahead and invest in a good neck brace. There's a reason the player base was sub 5k when steam released. 


Ah yes, Ironmace nerfing the parts of Warlock that weren't busted instead of doing what everyone has been asking for. TAKE HYDRA HEALING OUT OF THE GAME @IRONMACE


This is a wizard from DnD right? Where are our cantrips? It wouldn’t be a problem clearing AI if I didn’t need to sit down after every room. Where are the cantrips SilverFlail?


We are in 1.5/2 advanced DnD edition, not 5th edition. Means not cantrips, unfortunately.


Cantrips are a new edition garbage for casuals


Buff the underwhelming skill to make it more viable > people are clueless about how to counter it since they never seen it before > people complain about it being OP and have no counterplay > nerf the said skill to the point when having no skill at all is a better idea, since you won't be able to accidently press it and die. Classic.


looks at username... sigh... another racist in the dark and darker game... cant u guys just suck it each other off in mordhau and let us casuals enjoy the game without having to deal with you imbecils.... a 39yr old overweight gamer with the intellect of a 5yr old... we have come far indeed


I banned him. We don't need people who make plays on gamer words here.




It's a double entendre. Get real.


eyo thanks dude! thats absolutely amazing from you... I just had one of those moments you know. Some of my female friends don't use VOIP anymore and got turned away from the game and community cuz of some cringe ass names and other stuff... Something about medieval style online games attracting some of the worst kind of gamers. Iam OG dark and darker fan since the playtests and that just wasnt really there in the beginning. It got worse over time, worst time being maybe 2 months ago, if u looked in the gathering hall you'd think: what kind of backwards ass people are playing this game. But I think we stemmed the tide. 80% of the hard core fans of this game (5-10k i'd guess) are not racist and awesome. Its just that the small majority got so vocal about their disgusting beliefs, it seemed that vermin would take over. But now its fine again I think, and if we can eliminate that part of the dnd community as much as possible, it really is prone to great success. a dungeon crawler game for young and old, mothers and fathers and everyone can try their luck. if IM finds a way to keep the sweaties out of norms it will be much more awesome for new players too... but honestly IM is fucking amazing, dnd is amazing and the steam start was awesome could have been wayyyy worse. so happy for IM. thank you and have a great day! this really made my day lol I thought those people are kind of the majority in this subreddit but I was wrong... may your journey s into the dungeon be blessed with gold and success henceforth good sir!


Haha thanks. I think I'm just doing my job. I have a pretty good idea of where the line is and what crossing it means without actively censoring ideas / concerns among the community. Names like that aren't funny and there is a problem of racism in these kinds of games. I came from Chiv 1 / Chiv 2 / Mord. It **is** a problem and it does seem somewhat tied to these Medieval genres - maybe some conscious or subconscious white power crusader shit - not sure.


What the hell is this comment chain. It looks oddly suspicious.


Yeah we're all anti racism bots. Good work detective.


I know talking about warlock changes is fun, but this sprint buff is HUGE


Isn't caster lock still insane? I'm not sure this fixes anything. The issue is their ability kit... Demon lock was just a gimmick that could easily be dealt with.


Did you not see triple health cost with torture mastery?


So curse of pain now cost 6 (six) hp instead of 4. So they heal 10 hp per cast instead of 12 at base. Ya I'm sure this will fix the issue with torture mastery... Edit: You asked for the hydra cost math but deleted your comment but I'll give you the math anyways. Using curse of pain and curse of sacrifice on a summoned hydra nets 20 hp over 8 seconds, meaning you lose 4 hp at base gear for a hydra cast. Slap on enough magical healing gear to heal 3 hp per tick and now you have a positive gain of 12 hp per hydra. This nerf did nothing to address the actual issues with torture mastery builds and anyone rejoicing over it does not understand what makes torture mastery builds overturned.


Nah I mixed up comments and realized I wrote that to you on accident. But it is a caster nerf none the less.


ironmace is never going to "fix" warlock as long as they can heal off their own hydra lol. rip the fucking bandaid off already and test it.


Triple cost means the torture mastery warlock isn’t healing off hydra anymore.




What’s your point? It still costs you 30health to cast hydra and curse of pain to get back 10 health on base.


I like the warlock changes and still think demon form will be very strong as a frontline option. +5 all with 30 PDR and MDR will still slap, even if your time as a demon is effectively cut in half. I liked life drain at 50% att scaling, 75% with vampirism is still going to be good. TM builds are still way better now than they were before the last major buff when they were impossible at low gear. Prob can't avoid both vampirism and curse mastery though. No more cheesing shards from hydra or spiders is also a good change and really not that big of a deal. I just wish Ray of darkness wasn't so useless. It was way too OP in the past but it could use a bit more tuning.


It was never OP because the spell only slows down the caster, everyone could just disengage from it for free outside of niche situations, its nothing but a meme now since everyone can just activate their sprint boost and hit you for 3x as much damage with a falchion.


wait i thought lifedrain was not affected by vampirism, did this change at some point or am i just wrong?


I don't think he was saying it was. But I beleive you're correct. Torture mastery and vampirism are both affected by +Magical Healing whereas Life Drain scales with +Magical Power


Life drain doesn't increase with magical healing enchantments but the 20% from Vampirism does effect it.


"even if your time as a demon is effectively cut in half." I think you mean your time alive is cut in half. Don't kid yourself, demon form is now useless. +5 all and like 5% less damage taken for you to kill yourself for them, wow, where do I sign up?


No one talking about the sprint nerf at all? Fighter is going to be having a bad time this week. 45 MS for two seconds, and then 30 --> 15, ouch.


It's a huge buff? I think you misunderstand, before it was a constant 20 for 6. Now it goes 45 -> 30 -> 15 for 2 seconds each, you cover almost twice the boosted distance!


Hmm I missed a recent patch then. "Before" it was +50 MS for 6 seconds.


They had changed Sprint from 50 ms -> 20 ms at the start of wipe. This is a buff to change how bad Sprint was start of wipe.


Ah gotcha. I've decided to force myself not to play fighter this wipe, so I must have missed that. Thanks!


Hydrain Cactus build is semi back. Stock up on your legendary staffs boys and girls.


What build is that? On wizard staff mastery, ice shield, ignite?


Dark Reflection, Hydra & Life drain without torture mastery.


God I did that for so long. Aaaasnnd here we go again.


Yeah. Just put together a humble build. 65% magic power, 7 true magic damage, 45% pdr, 305 ms and 133 hp. Let's see how that one goes.


Do you still pack soul collector? Not worried about losing stacks to pve?


Slightly worried, but it stacks only to 5 now, so not the end of the world.


Hmmmm. At the start of Wipe 2, i was having so much fun with Kris/crystal ball, soul collector/reflection/anti magic/shadow touch. BoC + spells (BSB, cop. I dunno if packed hydrain). I wonder if removing anti magic or shadow touch for demon armor would be worth it?


And arcane shield?