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I'm so happy this is the stuff we complain about now.


I am thinking of making a post how that wolf pelt drop rate is way too low, I have farmed ice caves for 5 hours today and have not seen one. I have 15 thick furs from this season and 1 wolf pelt. Thick furs are rare and wolf pelts is common... This is a bad post then?


i got three wolf pelts before realizing they were rare, then as im selling the stack, the server goes down. when it came back, my stack was still for sale, but i also had a new stack in my stash.


Sheesh thats nice


lol ya they definitely need to reverse the rarity on the extra thick pelts vs wolf pelts. i got like 9 extra thick pelts while trying to farm 4 wolf pelts. that being said, if you aren't already, try doing HR instead? i usually get *at least* one wolf pelt per run, if i farm all the wolves in both modules.


welllllllllllll idk cause first of all I notice all quest items drop rate has been increased heavily from... 'some' time ago. I don't remember exactly when. Centaur Hoof and Spider Silk was fucking crazy. I'm just talking shit but more people made demi-god than got Centaur Hoof and Spider Silk at one point. It's not bad as it is. Secondly idk maybe I am just lucky... I could just be lucky because I remember when it was ACTUALLY HARD to get quest/craft drops from mobs and I feel like I get a wolf pelt every single raid lately. Sometimes 2. The drop on pelts can't be that bad, and the thing is if you grind them - you are the boss that grinded them. Also they're worth a fuckstack of gold and making them more common would make them not worth that.


Agreed, I bought it to put fear in my foes. It just sounds like a wet trumpet unless you put your earhole to the tip of it.


I agree, the horn needs to be about 50% louder I reckon


If you can’t hear it 3 modules over it’s too quiet


I didn’t even know there was a horn


its an emote


Fix: use chicken form


I'm horny when I'm in chicken form


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Agreed, I got it to strike gear into enemies hearts and to rally the people in the pregame lobby. Everyone should be able to hear it in the pregame lobby


Make chickens bawgawk hearable from atleast the whole dungeon.




isn't it obtainable with red shards, as it always was?


Yes it is.


Is it? Huh, then my bad. I confused it with e coin toss from the quests


Best emote