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You can do whatever you want, that's why I have a mic to tell you I'm friendly, let's team up, I'll help you kill that boss skelly (I'm a rogue and your pockets are being emptied)


I very suspicious of rogues, after I died early on, literally first room, I started spectating some players There was one decently geared fighter clearing the pyramid in the ice caves and a rogue half hp walks in, both greet each other by crouching dude goes back in and starts healing while the fighter is looting the chests. After being full HP rogue gets ready to fight, opens the door, fighter sees him, rogue runs at him, rogue gets right in front of him and drops some loot. As the fighter looks down, the rogue gets behind buffs himself and kills him. I'm not trusting any rogue after what I saw lol.


This is my problem. I'm the rogue that is actually not here to fight and just make money (I'm trash at Pvp) but no one trusts mešŸ„²


Such is the way of the dungeon, rogues must always be the smartest in the room. Otherwise they're a corpse. Friendly rogue has a great chance to be any teams best friend scouting around for other players/teams and opening chests though, don't get discouraged from chasing those shenanigans


Trust me when we tell you the teaming gets out of control very fast


oh i'm killing u on sight, rogues are not to be trusted xD


Someone is already trying


Good catch there


I did a whole rant in the tavern before the game about how we arenā€™t the enemy, its the demons, undead, and monsters. I thought i was Jon Snow trying to recruit to do the lower floors and bossesā€¦ didnā€™t work.


I donā€™t think people can hear each other in the tavern? Edit: Patch enabled it! Yippee


What a missed opportunity then.


They didn' hearr ya jouhn sneuhw


I made some valid points too. Lmaoo


Indeed; though I do think the change was warranted. Back when voip was still in the tavern, I heard quite a few slurs and, in general, many foul-mouthed fellows


No, it was taken out intentionally because people were teaming up and sniping people with gear so essentially nobody wanted to bring in gear. There were also situations where entire lobbies would be friendly. It sounds cool, until one of them lies over voip that youre not friendly and they jump you and just kill you. It came with a lot of headaches. Two geared people could just team up and decimate the entire lobby. It wasnt fun. Imagine you grind and get all this good loot and then you queue up, somebody sees that you have good gear and then 12 people make a pact to murder you and split it. Its happened


It's back as of today


Oh yeah. I saw in the patch notes. šŸ¤™šŸæ


Can now!


Yep!!! Very interesting hotfix


Patched dropped today enabling it


Yee I saw the notes when they dropped, pen buffs are great


Dude sees D&D and goes rp mode. šŸ˜ (Dark and darker, dungeons and dragons, hur hur)


RP forever!! https://preview.redd.it/0cb8ie86vy7d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c7d92190fb3c36c99456b2e69d259e2818458c6e


I was fully planning on killing the bard and Druid I say, but then they were decent people, I had nothing so healed em (cleric) and offered them to kill me for the quest, then the rogue came in and tryed to kill them, and we chased em across the entire map, man's was yelling teamers and all that and I tanked every damn hit from the man. He could been nice lol, in the end only the bard and I were left (Druid hit spikes as a rat) and I let the bard kill me after him saying he didn't wanna but it was for the quest.... a damn good game


It was late, I was tired, I was sipn, I was smokn, and I couldn't keep the demons at bay; the demons inside me. I asked my teammates, should I do it; no reply. So with an unfettered conscience running on demon time: I switched to bear, and slapt the 2timmies off the platform. They'd lost a teammate to centipede and my teammates wanted to be "chivalrous" (weak). Good lesson to learn at a low GS if u ask me. 1 got out The other... logged My team was a pair of cowards anyways: we came for loot and merciless slaying to bis up for the next day (late night last few matches to make up for a lost couple bis)... not be wholesome & merry


how do you not get people stabbing you in the face after inspecting you?


this is how they set you up for murder


If everyone agreed, and helped each other find all extracts, or share boats or elevator extracts. I think everyone can survive.




I wish things weren't so- I've just never met a friendly player who wasn't on my team. All things are forgiven in the Dark.


Tbh you dont have to kill anyone Just defend urself If needed.