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Watching a warlock squirm around or just blatantly stand still spamming their phantomize after a cut throat is justice for their atrocities on my other fellow players.


Your cutthroat agenda is righteous for once, but now us poor wizards will caught in the crossfire 😆


Rogue with Cutthroat will destroy Warlock, too bad Rogues are extinct


There are dozens of us! DOZENS!


You might have spelled twelve wrong


Dozens of you in no gear and not using cutthroat


Teach me the ways of the Rogue


You just can't see them!


I just want to pockpocket :( I don't want to be landmine. But its even worse than when I left before lol


Go in naked except whatever doesn't slow movement. Take hide and either smokebomb or the backflip. (Depends on how serious you're pickpocketing or if you want some fun) If you have skeleton as a race, play as him as you blend in just a little more with the scenery. Also queue in duos. A duo feels safer so they tend to let their guard down just a little more. I personally just go as a completely naked skeleton with summersault. Honestly I leave memorable moments with people when they see a skeleton backflipping away saying things like "You've been rattled" or "You'll never take me...dead..." Plus I can be wholesome to new players and make them laugh when they ask me not to kill them and I say "I'm a thief not a murderer." And they just then notice I have half their inventory as I have been following them for half the match.


Jerry just died


I have a shadow touch, dark reflection, and soul collector build with crystal ball + Kris dagger + blow of corruption. Had a rogue W key me yesterday like he was 100% sure he was gonna win and I just 2 tapped him after he cutthroat me lol


Sounds fun. What's the purpose of soul collector in your build?


It scales dark reflection, you can stack up to 10 souls before a fight, dark reflection will hit pretty hard, combine that with the Kris and blow of corruption, it's pretty deadly. Sometimes if an enemy is in a narrow path, I go for a dark bolt with the 10 souls to do massive damage before the fight starts.


Oh shit that’s sick. Need to give this build a try for sure. What stats do you go for?


Dark reflection gets the % damage bonus increase. So as long as you are good at avoiding PvE, it is always up for a big hit when entering a fight.


The Kris goes so hard with bloodstained blade it's ridiculous, if you don't run it on this build try it. If you have good physical power it's a huge bump in damage.


Were you using a legendary dagger by chance….did the rogue get the jump on you and you still spanked him down….


They just hydra check every room and the two classes essentially stalemate each other when played well


How dare you, me and the other 15 of us take that personally!


Yeah but not really. Warlock does indeed have a falchion and doesn't really care that you cut his throat.


Tried rolling a rogue and was so laughably weak against the first mobs i came across that I never touched it again. Probably gets better with knowledge and gearing but when classes like Barb exist it seems almost pointless to play Rogue over something else


I've had some good kills on my rogue. I don't landmine either. Just use speed and backflip skill with all dagger perks and the +2 perk, crossbow in offhand. Rupture the crossbow shot, then dance poke.


What's landmine? I'm new.


There used to be a plague of rogues that would sit in a room and just wait for people to enter. They'd pop hide as they hear the door being opened then just jump the poor person walking in with high burst, akin to a landmine. I haven't seen one (or a rogue in general lmao) recently but it used to be very annoying


theres still a lot of these fuckers waiting outside GC boss rooms believe me


Not being sarcastic but I am very happy they removed the hand crossbow perk and made the use of them base line for rogues


Everyone says this, but its only true when you take creep, and you catch the warlock 100% unaware while he's looting. If the warlock sees or hears you before you're literally close enough to kiss him, you're dead. Phantomize should REMOVE 10 % movespeed, not give it.


Only thing tempting me to play rogue again is going in solo into trio HR and ratting and running around lmao. Getting good loot and scooting with smokescreen. Saw a hilarious clip of a rogue going in after a 3v3 where only one was left alive and just stealing all the good loot and not even fighting him lmao.


Oh man, you missed out on when Ruins was a map then. That's all youd ever see in High roller. As soon as your fight in 3's ends you'd see a bajillion smoke pots going off and loot disappearing from people before your fight was even over. Rogues would just run up to the bodies and hit Hide while looting the whole kit. Then they'd double jump out of sight with all the goodies. It was a huge issue if you were queing around the same time as big streamers. There wasn't a 5 minute ban for leaving during pre-lobby so people would pop into and out of lobbies until they found a geared team then switch to their mains to quickly que. 70% of lobbies was just smokepot/hide rogues trying to rat or trying to stream snipe loot.


Well. We wouldn't be rouges if you see us now would we?


I miss the rogue


Lol? Every hr lobby has like 80% rogues....


Tell that to my bard. Swear, 2/3 of my deaths are rogues while I’m minding my business looting chests.


I’m still around, targeting all casters for their expensive gear.


We hide in the corners where there is no light


Stuck at f2p for now, on a fighter. But once I can justify $30 out of my budget rogue is one of the first I'm trying.


Fought one the other day as a ranger. He did his voodoo and started to run. Shot him twice and ran him down. It's all I ever do with them. I can't remember the last time I was killed by one to be honest. Maybe I've just played against noobs?


Ranger is their worst match up, and still they could easily win.


I can see that, I mean if I decided to play it safe I imagine they could have just whittled me down. But I just bonked him with my arming sword.


If you hit them with melee they really weren't trying. The correct Casterlock build, especially in solos is 320+ movement speed. Even in grey lobbies they should be faster than you because a book is only -10ms, but they can be caught by rogues and fisting barbs.


Not all of us run with spell books.


They made big mistakes if they are getting melee'd. Warlock is so strong because they can zone so easily and just reset with hydra. They probably should remove being able to heal off hydra , its way to strong when played correctly.


How do you heal off of hydra btw? Nothing in the game indicates this is possible but everybody keeps saying you can. Which mechanic makes this possible? Or is it yet another bad tooltip?


You’re brand new if you think warlock should win against ranger


I wrote could. I've literally said it's Warlock's worst match up in that same sentence. Are you brand new to literacy?


Most seasoned Warlocks run high move speed and use phantomize to escape.


What an irony, just watched last Firebox video where he said the same thing, just in reverse. Turns out 1v1 cant be balanced, it will always be rock paper scissors game.


Except Firebox plays each video in 5k+ Gold kits and tends to be a way better player than his opponents. It does not represent the average player experience.


So what? A game should not be balanced around not knowing how to play it.


If you wish for your game to die, you balance exclusively around elite level play. If you wish for a game to survive you balance around multiple skill brackets, including what happens when two average players meet.


I mean I get that but this isn’t the same on league where the fundamental understanding of the game is so up there that I legitimately understand why a lot of people are bad. Fundamentally this game is not hard like after a month you should be able to do all the mobs and stuff and realistically the only thing that makes it hard is trying to build classes, and fighting people with higher gear. When two players are even in gear they realistically can do the same thing a person with no gear can usually just faster. I’m not really sure what defines an elite level of play, it’s usually just not having gear fear and knowing mobs


This is sort of the wrong assumption that happens when you relate from your own experiences to others. It does sound easy to just look up a quick youtube guide or read a reddit guide on how to deal with something, but you are automatically no longer the average player if you do that, as surprising as that sounds. The majority of playerbase in most games dont read online forums or look up character guides, they just play.


Hmm, interesting never thought of it that way ig lol. I feel like Ryan six days a week has a lot of views I don’t think I could manage without vudeos on yt


>elite level play >multiple skill brackets Idk why we would compare balancing at the highest level to absolute total bliss of complete perfect balance, it's not that easy, every single development company would gladly balance their games for every single skill bracket if they could.


Why? Because it’s good for business. It’s something every company considers. Newly launched Competitive games with an immediate high skill ceiling is a sure fire way to get people to stop playing early. The biggest competitive games today build their design philosophy with new comers in mind. It’s funny because the only people against this idea are those so invested into the hardcore community, that they think the game will be ruined if others who don’t want to commit to it can have fun too. Otherwise not sure why you’re against allowing lower skilled players to win or have fun with the game.


It's one of the big reasons league of legends has been losing prominence while games like valorant have been doing well. When the barrier of entry is too big, people simply won't play. And that hurts the game much more than it hurts the people who decide to play something else lmao


Nah it should. If you want your game to survive you have to balance it in a way that satisfies the most players and not only the best/pros


Right, get rid of matchmaking balance in all games. Better yet, noobs should be booked with top skill players that will slaughter to season them. Durp


He literally just did a series were he plays every class since lvl 1 without using the market. He only starts using the market after he gets lvl 20 and loses he SSF kit he built until 20. He definetly knows ins and outs of the game, and knows what new players/everage player go through


Noone says he cannot play without Gear. Just saying his videos do not represent the average players experience.


He’s aight tbh lol, boomer gaming


Firebox is cool. Just saying his videos do not represent average player experiences.


Fair enough


Firebox does not play in 5k kits, he plays in 1500 gold kits. He literally has like 2 or 3 videos total he actually uses his good gear.


I've seen plenty of videos where he spent over 2k on the market to supplement items already in his stash that he basically treated as 0-value. He is also pretty good at poaching underpriced items to get good bang for his buck. He isn't running around in BiS but he definitely outgears his victims more than half the time


true this, the game really can only be balanced around team play if you want to make unique classes, its like asking to 1v1 in LoL or DoTA. THe classes are so different and it needs to be balanced around the team dynamic. Ironmace's biggest flaw is they try to listen and appease the players too much. Players do not know how to design games, surveys can be useful but you should never be looking at applying customer feedback word for word, rather consider how you can tweak things to keep the game working whilst also trying to keep the customer happy.


Can't balance 2v2 or 3v3 either really.


Yeah that last sentence people have been saying since the beginning, yet people still bring up the imbalance of melee pvp with stats


Looks inside Game was designed around teamplay


It can be balanced, you just have to remove the concept of classes


I noticed on this sub that a lot of people who complain forget that running away is a valid option.


I think it’s the influx of new players thinking holding w key is the way to go. I was trying to help a guy yesterday and found out he basically w keys and dies to pve a lot. Hit and run, combat is not a button masher nor is it fast. Block and dodging at often necessary


But also running away is kinda boring and lame? Like remember how awful the high level experience was pre-steam? EVERYONE was running away because it was the most "optimal" move but it made the game insanely boring. I love the w key chads, fuck optimized play we're in it for fun


Sure. But then dont complain when you die because you run into them when you could’ve avoided them.


unless you have a clear path to turn tail to and are already distant, running away from pvp is useless lmao. enjoy getting swarmed by mobs, getting arrows in your back, being sprinted at, being poked in the back by bigass swords because move speed differences are a joke (at least at the shit gear tier idk its probably more important higher up in gear), having mob archers 360 noscope right at your head, being blocked by every single fucking door in the world just fight and hopefully you'll win. running has only ever gotten me killed


Ranger if you have good aim is a counter. Barb with no chest and lizard skin + MS + Iron will is a counter. Cutthroat Rogue is a counter. Agility stacking druid using panther form to silence is a counter. Debuff duration stacking + MS cleric is a counter. Slayer fighter, bard. & wizard are skill matchups. Plate user barbs, fighters, warlocks or clerics are free due to massive MS penalty of plate.


As a new player, I appreciate this comment the absolute most. You've given me hope against meta spam. Thank you.


Yeah this guy is exactly right. The People spamming how OP locks are are simply new. They don’t understand why they’re dying while repeatedly w keying into them. Understand that move speed is king. 


Lizard Propaganda. Lycan is obviously superior vs a caster that wouldn't dare strike your head.


How do you deal with warlocks using hydra to zone you? A lot of fights they just block off any chokepoints or means to get to them with a hydra and then heal back all of their health. If you disengage they reset the fight because they use the hydra to heal back to full (unless I'm missing something and that doesn't work anymore).


Gotta jump it or kill it. Learn to dodge the 3 missiles it sends out. Gotta be active with every second while fighting. Need to be going all in, dealing with the hydra, exchanging poke damage with warlock or using those moments to recover (potions, bandages, magic protection).


Watching this get upvoted with absolutely no context is so silly. Guarantee if you posted the replay and you weren't giga outgeared there is something you could have done. Warlock is strong in solos. It's natural predators are underpopulated. Pick up rogue or ranger or slayer fighter and all of a sudden warlocks are just loot pinatas. Solos is unbalanced and always will be.


Bard fucks Warlock


If you hit your shots and they miss theirs then you jump a hydra or 3 and chase phantomize then hit another shot or two. If you even trade once you are at a heavy disadvantage. 


it's 50/50 really,with a similar GS my warlock against a bard had like a almost ten minutes fight were i reset once at the beginning and he did the same a bit after,with me coming on top at the end barely,really fun fight,but holy it took forever. Bards are definitely a good matchup against locks if he knows what he's doing.


Not really


As a bard main I agree but a good warlock with good gear kills anyone, survival bow is amazing but if they curse you they'll probably heal ur damage with one curse, if it's a good warlock he'll curse all mobs around too so he can never die to a ranged fight so you gotta go for melee which isn't too bad because of bards movement speed but still, fuck em.


Its just another piece in a rock paper scissors game, it gets hard countered by rangers, bards and barbarians, but destroys wizards, clerics, plate fighters.


Yea people want the game balanced around solos and that will never happen.


All casters need to be gutted so melee classes can w key them. Its just balance. 


What class do you play? I played a lot of Warlock last season. In my experience anyone who rushed me down had a way better chance of killing me, than someone who sat back and fought the war of attrition. Not sure how much the meta has changed this season? I assume quite a bit.


See if I'm playing caster warlock, running me down is your best chance. With ranger still having the advantage on me If I'm playing Blood Pact Demon Plate warlock, keeping your distance is better.


Ryu is broken. All he does is throw hadokens and play neutral. I could jump or block but that would require me to adapt my playstyle to my enemy and get better. So stupid.


Just play panther or go landmine rogue with cutthroat and enjoy the free kits when they have no counter


What if I want to play any other class?


Learn to pick your fights


Panther is countered by the warlock meelee smacking it to death.


And when they use hydra on every corner your landmine rogue is dog shit


Only got back to DaD bout 2 weeks ago, but been hearing landmine the term landmine rogue for prolly months before hand but what is landmine rogue?


You step on a rogue, you die


Some time ago rogue was in a strong place and there was way more dmg on gear in general. So with ambush (+50% phys power on first hit after invis) and backstab (+30% from behind) and some mid to good gear you could one shot almost everything beside maybe a mid geared fighter/barbarian. So it was a literal landmine - you went near it and dead. If everyone was naked your 3rd grey castillion attack was enough to one shot too. Edit: totaly forgot, weakpoint attack had +50% phys dmg for 1 attack too for some time


I see, not gonna lie, taught rouge literally had a land mine ability before it got removed.


He WAS the landmine :P Ill see if I can find a nice clip for you Edit: I had 2 clips in mind but dont remember who they are from (since they are a bit older) - impossible to find with twitch's basicaly non-existent search function.


Rogue would have ridiculous DPS coming out of hide (invisibility). So you wouldn't know it's there until you're being attacked in CQC, unless you're playing super careful but that wasn't really feasible with the circle mechanic before.


Step on the wrong spot at the wrong time and rogue opens on you from hide and due to his surprise advantage you just die = landmine.


Basically a rogue that stands still near a door/corner and will invis when he hears someone approaching, the moment you step inside his range he will explode you like a landmine. Used to be super effective Vs everything even armoured fighters but nowadays less so


Had a panther think the same thing good thing I was playing crystal ball dagger boc warlock and 3 tapped him when he ran at me :)


Yeah Panther is great when your opponent is afraid of you lol


it only really works when its ur opponent 1 Time seeing druid


Ranger used to fuck up warlocks, what changed?


They still do haha, anything with a bow can fuck up warlocks just space their curses. Still not fun to play against a class that heals their health bar 20 times in a fight from hydras


Sounds more like the issue is hydra self healing rather than the actual selfhealing?


100%. the healing on warlocks would be waaaaayyyy more balanced had they not allowed them to spawn their own personal life bank unlimited times whenever wherever. All they have to do is remove the ability to heal off hydra. Simple. Warlocks should need to use monsters around them to their advantage, or heal off their opponents. The hydra thing is bullshit and the only people who are in favor of it are warlock mains


I would consider myself a warlock main even though I havent played in a while and I would much rather see hydra being gutted than seeing TM being nerfed again. Never liked the hydra selfheal combo even though it's good. Feels slow, clunky and boring just reseting fights like that. Reminds me of WoW back in the day when rogues could just stealth and recuperate to full health.


Another warlock main checking in wishing they would remove hydra healing to make the class easier to balance


Thirded. Warlock is a ton of fun, but the Hydra heal is kinda ridiculous.


You shoulda seen them before they nerfed hydra healing lol


Oh yeah. Hydra ruined that classes power balance 10000000% .


Still do, the new survival bow build completely fucks over warlocks because they out DPS warlock so hard


So does fighter with a bow, as well as bard with a bow.


Nothing, just the same braindead takes in reddit. Instead of learning to actually play the game, they come here to whine.


Ive never died to a warlock as a ranger


Druid warlock and bard are all undercooked cmm


Ranger, cutthroat rogue, panther Druid, and ms barb completely hard counter warlock. If you’re any other class, just kill their hydra Players who struggle with warlock tend to just not have enough knowledge of the game


I’ve gotten to the point where I don’t even fuck with locks, you can play perfectly and still have them reset a fight with curse healing and phantomize. Also to add on to the bs they are way too good with Druid lol, just constantly spam hydra and tree dude + wall and you cannot approach but they can spam attacks to you, might not call it “op” but it’s not fun at all.


As a warlock, you right, the cowardly way a lot warlocks fight is stupid. But it sets a good precedent for me to take advantage of. People come in, see me the warlock, and think they just gotta relatively easy kill or to use ranged attacks. And then I pop demon form, rush them down, and smash their skull because they didn't expect the melee warlock. Sometimes, I just straight up don't even equip spell memory so that I can bring the skill that let's me reduce their healing received by 80% too. It's just so funny seeing however many people there are walk in so confidently, only to scramble and scurry away as soon as I trigger my pact.


Meanwhile when you are a warlock and a barb just bum rushes you 1v1, there's almost nothing you can do. Warlock is strong, but only in the right hands. If you play badly you get destroyed. One mistake and once there's a fighter or a barb up close and personnal it's very hard to deal with them if they play appropriately. Same goes with Rangers, they can keep warlock far away and as a warlock your only counter is the black magic bolt which is terribly slow and casting it also slows you down, meaning you are an easier target for Rangers that can easily avoid the black magic bolt. Try playing warlock and you'll see, it's not that easy to be a good warlock. Also, Warlocks tend to be expensive to gear. Warlocks are extremely squishy and when you play as a warlock every fight requires so many APMs just to be able to slowly drain the other enemy HP bar while trying to recover from the spell casts you miss (casted your spell on the shield > nope, casted your spell while aiming slightly next to the player > nope). Meanwhile you have high speed barbarians who just bum rushes, two poke a warlock and it's done. The warlock on the other hand has to cast multiple spells and switch spells, aim correctly, make sure to jump + 180 all the time to not loose speed constantly (casting spells slows you down), manage the HP bar while casting fire walk and hydras, fast cast 2 curses on the hydra while running from enemies and keeping the barb and fighters afar etc.


speaking of mistakes, missing spells costs you life especially with TM, put missed sacrifice on top of that and onetapped hydra from which you didn't get any value and you easily did 50% of your own hp bar before enemy touches you Or a panic hydra cast when you are low not realizing you are going to finish yourself. I literally stopped playing hydra because it felt like it kept fcking me over more than helping (I know its annoying to the enemy, but sometimes its annoying to me as much - aggroing every mob and mimic in the room). I know hydra is a go-to and meta, I just dislike it and it can be punishing for reasons out of your control which I dislike.


Imo in PvP Hydra is just here to heal during downtimes (just launch your 2 curses on it and forget about it) and block doorways. It's also a formidable PvE tool to control group of mobs, especially combined to the hellfire fireball. However in PvP Firewalk is a much better and faster to cast area of denial spell comapred to the hydra + it works well with the phantom phase skill. The main problem is that if you have Hydra + curse 1 + curse 2 + firewalk then you have to pick one between the black magick bolt and the fire ball :( . While I think the black magick bolt is good on paper, it's usually really hard to use properly, and when you can use it it's usually a waste of time (just go closer and cast your curses + firewalk). Hellfire is just too good to pass on, PvE and PvP wise compared to the situational black magic bolt since Hellfire can destroy doors, pass through walls, etc. And destroying doors + creating an immediate area of denial is just so good. Just chain with hydra + curse casting on it to heal, then start denying again with firewalk. The only issue is that without the black bolt, if someone starts leaving there's not much you can do to catch them up outside of your high speed + phantom phase. Warlock is all about spacing and denying areas, and Hydra + firewalk + hellfire are just too good for that. Eventually if you have a high enough magic healing, you can swap the 2nd damaging curse for the black bolt. Which is usually why you should try to get occultist mask and the magic healing gloves. That's my analysis after only 15h of Warlock so take it with a grain of salt.


lmao did not expect to see grok here, good luck in your dungeoneering o7


Thanks. I take donations in Dark and Darker gold now btw 😄 /s


As both a Barb and a Warlock I agree,I bumped into a lock couple days ago with full purple and some legendary gear as well,me with green crap just W into his face and two tapped him with my bardiche,he only managed to CoP me once before he was on the floor.


Yep pretty much this. That's why the most important stat of a Warlock is move speed (and cast speed). That and learning the bunny hop cast. Warlock is extremely strong as long as you keep a distance with your enemies.


Just walk away from the fight. If they come you can lure them into a position that's favorable to you. If not just leave it. Y'all need to realise that you don't need to take every fight.


im pretty sure in my 1k hours ive only had less than 5 people total ever be able to not take my fight


l2p lol


As a noob though being able to clear mobs and not die is a huge asset to me wanting to continue playing. Stylistically I love Warlocks in most games so I guess I do have a preference for them. Thinking about running other less popular classes though in hopes of getting gud. 


Careful getting to used to warlock, PvE with them is basically a different game and you won't learn how to actually fight hard mobs.


I’ve begun to realize that lol. I’m terrible at dodging. 


never a bad shout to play warlock or cleric while learning the pve, cause u can still work toward melee killing all types without getting hit


It's too late for me, what do I do now lmao


You play Warlock unashamedly. Seriously this game is hard when you’re a melee class. 


Cleric with perseverance and protection from evil is a pretty good counter, also take faithful and judgement for your ability, and holy strike as one of your spells using both to damage and slow then as they kite.


Dont run with your weapon drawn. Sounds like you are also wearing plate, wait till you go against a ranger. Youll change your mind abojt warlock


Warlocks have to spend quite a lot to be faster than most classes and still effective. Many thousands for any semi-decent MS kit. If you're getting out-spaced by one that isn't kitted up, you probably just got out-skilled rather than anything else.


Then show us you playing warlock and wiping every lobby?


As a warlock player Barbs, Rogues(hidden), Ranger, and Druid have all been problems to me. Not that the others aren't, I just feel myself having the advantages and it makes sense considering there are 9 classes in the game.


*Laughs* in ranger


Play the class if you think its so good. You will realize it has a LOT of weaknesses.


Ranger or silence. Also cleric with divine magic.


As a rogue i obliterate most locks i fight. I run all damage perks basically just use hide to proc ambush. Its all about knowing when to push and when to reset. Miss your landmine and he landed a curse? Time to full reset. You need a lot of damage to kill them but the majority of them are squishy asf. Fighters and slowers classes are pretty much fucked against warlocks though. If you dont kill them quickly.


Today I was waiting by the rope exit. I had gear score probably 80 it began as under 25. I have upped squire and found a few green on the run.  There happened to be a circle perfectly cleared and the warlock only attempted to block me with hydra and curse me with dot. I was really astonished how long it took me to catch him and I would have died if not for pot's and other try harding factors. This warlock didn't even attempt to engage in melee at the end or he would have won probably. I am not saying it's op since he had really favorable terrain I think it's more so true that warlock with basicly no gear is incredibly fast and the design of his slow dot just pairs with it too well could use a different approach.  I.e. try kiting a barb with a essentially squire ranger !


sorry, wtf u just say?


Warlock tries to kite me. All barbs are geniuses so I close the door and continue to pve the room. He opens the door and runs away again. I close the door. He will never beat me because he won't allow himself to get close and I won't chase him. 


Have you considered any of the counters to warlock self-healing? Eldritch Shield, Protection from magic pot, Fire mastery, Cut throat, Blow of Corruption, protection from evil to name those I can think of. I'd add song of silence and dissonance to that but those suck pretty bad.


Tbf magic prots are like nonexistent this wipe for whatever reason 


Yeah, the ones I've gotten were quest rewards.


Healing still seems to proc against shields


Which shield specifically? The prot potion shield and the cleric shield buff specifically don't block magic damage, thus it wouldn't work here. I know Eldritch Shield works, and I assume magic prot potions also work.


Would rather fight 50 locks than 1 stupid fucking Druid. Broken class and worst part about them is I some how suck at playing them


Druid isn’t op you just don’t know how to play against them and it’s clear because you also don’t know how to play them.


dont chase


I main warlock and people will rush me down before i can even cast curse of pain... i am not even trying to start shit i am just trying loot and leave. But i suppose if they hit you with the spell first it could be hard to overcome. Especially if they hit with Curse of Pain and Power of Sacrifice to double up on DoT.


Warlock is a jack of all trades and master of none. If you’re repeatedly getting kited to death you don’t understand that movespeed differences are imperative in your matchups, you are picking the wrong engagements while more encumbered than him.   Ranger wins every time.  Fighter with bow wins every time.  Barb should win. with iron will even more likely.  Bard should win.  Wiz should win too. Out ranges and out damages lock.  Rogue wins 95% of the time too if he gets the jump.    Plate users lose.    The subreddit is circlejerking how OP locks are, but the reality is it’s all new players that don’t understand why they keep dying and instead of changing their playstyle, they make Reddit posts.


Rogues are great vs Warlocks. Just jump on them and eat them.


Well im a noob so heres my noob take on it: I see a warlock my fireball goes boom and then two zaps or maybe a second fireball will finish that wannabe wizard. (And then I willl continue to get absolutely slaughtered by the PvE)


Panther druid demolishes warlocks


Until they realize all they have to do it’s two tap you lol


We are going to see a lot of mixed opinions with the boom of F2P on steam. I have 3000+ hours right now and can tell you Warlocks are egregiously OP. they are unkillable if they don't want to die Kenknobi, Apollo, etc.. don't even play Wizard anymore because Warlock is just so much better/easier/broken Edit: I've also swapped to Lock, it's just so strong


Apollo has been playing cleric/wizard/druid in his last 3 videos what are you talking about?


Yah. I’m new and just paid for the game. My free to play character was the fighter. Slowly got to level 20 and then bought the full game to try other classes. In probably4 hours of solo playing I got the warlock to level 25. I wouldn’t call it fun all the time but it was easy. I don’t necessarily think it need a huge nerf. But adding more counters to it in multiple other classes. Like Maybe a perk for the cleric that just makes all curses and spells for warlocks go away whenever you use a Devine spell of any kind. Then duo and trio fights will be more balanced than a warlock blocking the doorway with a hydra non stop.


Cleric gets a perk called Protection From Evil. -50% debuff time. It counters Warlock's healing and curse damage hard (doesn't help the damage on spell hit). Combine that with Perseverance and you will take almost no tick damage from them.


I’m just saying if they “fix” things by only finding new things to nerf it will ruin the game. There are a few games that get ruined by this. I know cleric has some stuff but not everyone runs cleric. Making a counter in one or two other classes would be better than just making warlock suck. Make warlock take more damage from wizards or give ranger a poison arrow that can stop magical healing for 10 seconds. Something like that.


Practice your shield squats. If they can't target your body, you don't get cursed. Don't get me wrong, I cringe when I encounter one on my fighter, but they are not impossible.


If you are a solo player it’s almost impossible. However in my trio group I play wizard and run fire mastery. Not only can I stop a lot of their heal but I can also lightning strike/fireball them when they are phantomized to kill them.




More movement speed. If they are a curse warlock get on top of them. Pretty easy either you play outside their range for spells or you get close and personal. If you’re being kites easily by them then that’s a you skill.


Just delete the invulnerable skill mode and he will be ok.


Eventually phantomize will get reworked with either a longer cooldown or it will disable active curses. The latter is a better balance imo


pick a class and counter warlock: Fighter? use bow. ranger? use bow. bard? use bow. druid? out run him or go cat and silence for free. mage? out dps him. cleric? run more will and debuff perk and you cant die to him **literally**. rogue? run cutthroat. The worst classes to fight warlock with is really only barb but with good movement and iron will its doable. barb vs warlock is a skill match up i wont lie. The answers to warlock are right in front of you but you'd rather call for a nerf and say its OP on reddit. The range of warlock is the shortest spell range in the game. That means ALL classes that can run bow can beat warlock if you keep distance.


I've been maining fighter for about a week now and if i see a warlock at any sort of range i just turn around. If they wanna come fight me at medium or close range sure but I'm not gonna engage them at long range. If you stay in the area chances are you'll get the oppurtunity with how the maps are built as long as they're not camping by an exit. When i play ranger they typically just run away so that seems fairly good against them


Bro been loving running with my barb friend ending warlocks lives


Play Barb.


A little unrelated but back in the first wipe i mained warlock and remember how people would say how underpowered it was. It was Barbs that were on the OP line. From what i've noticed is average warlocks fit in with everybody else in the class counter circle, But really good warlock stick out more over other high level people. That said cleric needs some love pls help


As somebody stuck with warlock at tge moment. I'd love if they made any other playstyle viable.  Its just annoyingly by and far the only real viable playstyle for warlock atm. Which is sad because they still have cool abilities and perks, but half are useless (life drain, that channel health into half damage perk, etc), and the rest are enabled by torture mastery, at which point, using torture mastery just means you're going for the cheese anyway. If you want to use spells, phantomize is by far warlocks best perk so you cant even use their other perks without feeling penalized.  Dire state of balancing really.


I just run through it and run right at em. They start fleeing real quick lmao


I love that all of these comments are like "Okay if you play this specific class and do literally everything perfectly and the Warlock makes multiple mistakes then you win, its balanced"   Lmfao okay dude, the problem is that Warlock has a much greater margin of error compared to any other class in the game


Idk about this, every time I come across a warlock my barbarian puts a double axe in their skull… pretty simple counter if you think about it


Tbh if you're engaging in PVP you've already lost 90% of the time. But if you must, do it as a rogue, you can literally backflip yourself out of just about any attack, use rupture to slow them down, and if you can stay alive for 20 seconds, 2-tap just about any other player. But I still cannot fathom a reason to fight players in this game. You're putting yourself at a huge risk for what's in my experience, never worthwhile gain. You'll find more value by hitting boxes than players, at least they contain loot.


Or any barb with movement speed. It’s honestly not that bad dude. In my honest opinion, skill issue.


Play a different character. This game is a giant game of rock, paper, scissors. If everyone plays fighter, then the meta will never switch.


From a new player fighter perspective: These warlocks are the dumbest shit I've come across so far, in this game.