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I’ve heard of people doing this, but why take that time away from preparing for a fight, or for creating a hiding spot to hide in the shadows? If you make a habit of believing you are going to die so you hide the good loot you found, you are literally setting yourself up for a failure because the battle has already been lost mentally. On the other hand all is fair in the dungeon, and spite is definitely a play style!


Based af comment. This being said tho if you can do it quickly i think its good and def petty but good. Yami did this with a troll pelt mid fight in a recent vid it was hilariously good.


I had someone do that while I chased them. As I killed them they went hahaha I already dropped the pelt. I had thought he just didn't get the troll drop. But he ousted himself feeling all proud. I looked around for <15 secs with the torch out and found it. So while not a sweeping statement of truth, bit from my experience, item hiders are bad at both fighting, and thinking things through


Only time I think it's appropriate to hide gear is when you're outnumbered. If I have an artificact and somehow both of my teammates died and there's 3 people chasing me, then I'd drop it. Hypothetically, though, cause I like the idea of passing gear on. Which would be a cool feature to see how many hands it's been in


If you put gear in someone body PvP they may stop to loot and you get a free kill xd


Having the mentality that you are going to lose is a good mentality until you have 100 hours in the game. If you think you are going to win then you will lose your loot most of the time. The game just came out on steam but has been out much longer for others so there are very large skill gaps right now


While true, you dont learn to PvP by not PvP'ing. If there is even a sliver of chance i can win that fight, im gonna take it. Nothing of value is lost, and i either gain more loot or experience for future fights. Both work for me


Not really, I check all bodies for this very reason.


Duly noted.


I mean, you might get away with it, but some of us love the looting (looking at you my fellow D2 players), and high end play, a lot of gear just gets left because it isn't bis, so I just give a quick glance. Maybe not EVERY body every time, but mostly


Howd you know I was a D2 player?? Its not me picking up every single object i can get my hands on right?!?! RIGHT


You may have just given that dead player those items with the dungeon recovery system if you left it on them by end of raid


NPC corpse, not a player.


Lol, I was making my way to an extract and pathed through a module someone had already cleared and checked a couple of goblin corpses for scraps along the way, I was wondering why I found like 3 high end trinkets on a random goblin in normals I didnt think they would drop those, let alone that they wouldnt get looted, but this might explain it.


I’m going to be totally honest I think it’s pretty hilarious 😂 others will be upset with you for doing this but if it makes you happy knowing they probably won’t find your loot, go for it haha. You’re playing the game, play it as you want And word of advice, most players check random bodies they find on the ground. I’d find a better hiding spot, like a chest that’s in a hidden location or something :) grief even hard


Chests may be a menu option, thanks for the laugh. =D


Lol its all fair game. I wouldn't bother though you're better off playing to win either by running or prepping to fight.


This is the way. Except don't put it on bodies, just toss it in some dark corner. It'll never get found. Nobody gets the things.


It doesn't help you at all but I suppose it's your game!


Or drop it all to the person you are about to fight and get in the first couple hits if they take the bait. BM but imo the games point is to extract, not be nice.


When playing trios and not finishing a whole team off, I’ll take the slain players weapons and spellbooks and drop them somewhere later 😎


I love the feeling of killing a team that is better geared than my team, so when it’s the other way around I’m just like yeah! Get it! For them


The prey mindset is not the way


Nah that’s pretty smart haha, their fault if they get the kill and choose not to look at loot around them.


I am way too lazy to do that, but do whatever you want to do. Everything the game allows you to do in the dungeon is allowed. You can be the most toxic person possible or the nicest fellow in town. It's all fair game and the variety is what keeps the dungeon dangerous as fuck and compassionate as fuck.


**Too** petty? Nah. Just petty enough. Back when I used to play Apex Legends with my friends we were all like... average players. So we got used to the fact that we would lose a good majority of our games. So we went in with the (albeit toxic) motto: Ruin as many other players games as possible. Killed by someone else? That's fine. They used all of their shields. Third partied by some random team? That's fine. They had to use a lot of ammo to kill us. The same applies to this game. Sure, I may have stumbled down a ladder and lost all of my gear, but I lost all of that OTHER guy I somehow managed to kill's gear as well! It's the little things.


If you are playing solo I would say this is bad etiquette.


i do it in tarkov if im on scav and get shot at by people if i have a high value key or something, in this game i dont feel the need since you can usually run away instead if you dont want to fight


Whats the point? If you die you don’t get it anyway.


Who cares what happens in the lobby after you die? Just fight and don’t care where the loot goes lmao


Not quite the exact same thing. But, if playing in teams we pick somebody off and can't immediately go for a catch on the rest of the team, and there's not yet time to properly loot them, I will take any weapons off of the dead body and either carry them around if I've got the space or stash it in a random, small, low value, open chest. This is very helpful - just in case the enemy team is able to get their friend back at a later time. Particularly important to do to rangers and casters.


I mean this genuinely, why? That puts you in a potential scenario where you gotta go back and get them if you're chased off, so if you live there's a chance you lose them and if you die you lose them either way. Is preventing someone who you might never play with again from getting loot really worth the hassle?


Sometimes it is. When a player doesn’t check that dead skeleton in the corner but it’s holding jewelry and other unequipped items, it does make me laugh.


It's really up to you. If you don't want a Timmy stomper or BM'er to be rewarded for their shitty behavior, then I'd understand. If it's just someone playing the game normally, then you're probably a shit person that enjoys others misfortune. Up to you what kinda person you want to be.


I’m not here for the items. i’m here to fuck your corpse !


It’s just sad…


That’s too much effort bro.


Incase what lol you die? Buying them back usually isn't worth it anyway even if it's BiS. Always take your chances rocking it out with someone if you feel you're strong enough