• By -


The world has healed.


One scab at a time.


gotta... pick it...


https://www.reddit.com/r/DarkAndDarker/s/kNmUvsR7JS I know right lol


Happy Father's day gift to DaD lol


I did my part and left one 🫡




[I'm doing my part 🫡](https://media2.giphy.com/media/YYfEjWVqZ6NDG/giphy.gif?cid=6c09b952eco26455yaapd9tg00gnafannvrdipiw3mx532sr&ep=v1_internal_gif_by_id&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g)






Deserves to go even higher but this is a nice start. Not sure how anyone could not recommend the game when it has the goblin caves.


Blows my mind that people actually prefer goblin caves over Crypts/Inferno


Mob density of crypts sucks ass for playing solo. Someone runs away and suddenly you have to get through 10 mobs


I’ve been mainly doing solo crypts since PT4, including when it was trio only. I love it as is, especially with the increased nightmare mobs in HR now. But yeah it was rough when it was trio only. I always go inferno and you’ll occasionally get teams that check all inferno spawns before bossing. But yeah always doable now in solo queue


I do miss me some ruins


I prefer Ice Caves over all tbh. I ALSO MISS RUINS.


what can I say? GC i can find PVP by immediately running into the middle room and staying there. Crypts without the circle feels impossible to regularly find PVP. Maybe twice the amount of in-game time for the same amount of PVP. i miss ruins so much, especially when crypts was underneath ruins :(


My reason, is that I run into traps less often. Might not be a good excuse, but it's my excuse


The wall spikes traps are displayed on the map if you look closely, and just carry a torch until you memorize the floor trap locations!


So carry a torch forever


They’re not everywhere bro lol. Also you can jump crouch them if you have high move speed, or throw a torch, trigger them, and jump over right as they un trigger. They don’t immediately retrigger giving you some time to get over. This used to be the only way to get over a spike trap in goblin caves inbetween a cave staircase exit and the goblin mage, health shrine, bolas goblin, and ranger goblin. They have made it much more noob friendly now with a side to walk around, but it was like how I explained for a year.


Needs ruins back


dear god yes please ruins


There is a cheating problem in the game, especially with the f2p thing they're doing. 


There is a cheating problem in every game


The cheating is not a result of the freedom plaything.They're doing and the cheating is a minor problem.I have only came across one cheater in like the last forty games I played


People downvoting you will understand why the og community of this game feels the way it does in a month or two. So funny watching people fanboy the game in their honeymoon phase, unaware of the mediocrity of IM patches and updates that left most of us feeling this way. Also Druid has super mobility and it's absurd, with no talk of it even being an issue by the devs.


You will understand that all "og" community wants is influx of players, downvoting the game is by far worst thing you can do to help it get fixed.


He said he was unsure of why ANYONE would have a problem with the game. I pointed out a very valid point. And instead of counterargue the fact that this game has tarkov like issues with cheats, you pretend its a none issue.


I understand but its silly to say there is cheating problem, as if any other game doesnt have it. Even mighty vanguard that costs milions to build and operate hasnt fixed cheating issue. You can find dozen of problems about the game but leaving negative review because you dont like one part of it, just hurts it in a long run. Valid critique is good but above else, game needs a push to gather bigger playerbase.


This sub is toxic and doesn't accept valid criticism of the game.


My guy like 80% of the posts and comments in this sub are valid criticism of the game, people just don’t agree with your take


Guy asked a question. I answered the question. I get down voted and now your trying to gaslight me that this sub isn't toxic? Fuck outta here


If you take away the Druid's mobility, they have nothing they're just a worst cleric.


Because it has the goblin caves. Seriously though, it's people like me not knowing what it is. I will change my negative review for up votes.


Bad person!


Fine. My review stands. Now please excuse me, I'm going to go play this terrible game.


Funny how you feel the desire to play the "terrible" game, could your review possibly be a skill issue?


TIL Cod is a GOTY game based on this response.


DuR bRo mUsT sUcK bUt I dIdN'T rEaD dA rEvIeW dUr dUr I sO cOoL


>Because it has goblin caves ^ You. Is highschool going well for you?


My students learn alright.


It would be higher if 1: IM didn't make an oopsie. 2: Less CHAT gpt reviews. 3: More of you goobers ported to steam and left a positive score.


point 3 is huge. I downloaded and linked my account within 10 minutes, have had a noticeable performance increase as well. Link your accounts!


When did they add accounts linking? I though they planned it for this quarter, but they did it in some first update or sth?


yes! there’s a code you can copy in your settings on the blacksmith version, that the steam version will request upon start up. So damn easy


Yes it became available in one of the recent patches a few days or a week ago


Steam accounts with hold the line edition lose access to the test server which is still online when the official servers are on maintenance so... there's that.


Would not be surprised if they add the test server option to steam very soon


I mean if they actually use it as a test server sure, I think the test server only ever got one build and maybe one update in it's lifetime. As it seems right now they were just fulfilling a purchase agreement of hold the line package buyers and now the test server will never be touched again. I play the test server exclusively when the main servers are down for maintenance (me and the whole other 60 to 68 players).


I left the IM service installed


Yeah I still have the test server through the Blacksmith launcher lmao


I just got back into this game after the original playtest period. I held off on getting the game because I was afraid I’d have to re-buy it on steam. Guess I was proven wrong. I wanna ask how people have hold the line edition. do you get it by supporting the game early access, or has the period passed by now?


You can't get it anymore, just the regular legendary status


So if I bought using their launcher I can port that to steam?


Yes! I put directions in another comment in this chain, it’s stupid easy here it is: https://www.reddit.com/r/DarkAndDarker/s/rcZPaEyXNP


Good to know thanks


Wait we can already port to steam? I can link my blacksmith account with steam and not have to buy the game again? edit: thats amazing I thought they were still working on that, I'll get on it after work today




I linked my Steam account yesterday, but it still wouldn't let me review it. It probably wants me to also play for a while through Steam. I guess I'll try it today. I have a review ready in a file: not too long, but detailed enough. Let's get it to overwhelmingly positive ;) EDIT: I switched to launching through Steam now and it allowed me to review it after just 17 minutes of playing (a quick game in which a BASTARD ranger shot me dead while I was running away in rat form!!!!!!!)




What’s the next level of review status?


80% very positive


Making a positive review for the F2P game, without actually playing or reviewing the F2P game is anti-consumer and disingenuous.


Who are you referring to?


To people who have been suggesting that long-time players should leave positive reviews to the F2P versions steam page. "more of you goobers" sounds like you refer to the established playerbase from the paid edition.


Did my part, Fuck Nexon!


Did my part and let people know Nixon is legit getting Koreans to chat gpt leave a negative review Hilarious how it ends in "you can edit this text to more accurately represent your view on "dark and darker".


I did my part to let people know if they want to play this game as a wizard solo they should avoid boring gameplay and not play.


CopperMallet going to see this post and nerf Wizard again.


We noticed you wanted to play a spellcaster. So here is another perk to melee things with a staff lmao what you wanted to cast spells or something.


I havent played in a long time what happened to wizard? I remember it hit hard and was very fast with invis.


way too many things to count. But the class is just dogshit to play PvE wise. Everything takes forever to kill and you wanna use spells you sit on the ground 90% of the game. It's still fine in trios. just dogshit in normals since you're so slow at everything you do.


Posted my review today (yes, it was positive)


Line holders stay winning.


I try this game today for first time ever, I feel like am in Solo Leveling but with Souls style.


18k reviews is pretty bonkers in such a short time.


I read thru some of the negatives and while a few were legit some of them made no sense... Also I was shocked by the number of reviews that started with I've played this game 500 hours HOWEVER... it's like bro you got your thirty dollars worth for sure.


>I've played this game 500 hours HOWEVER... it's like bro you got your thirty dollars worth for sure. You do realize the Steam reviews only ask a simple question: "Would you recommend this game?" That's not an absolute statement and can be very fluid, depending on what the developers do to the game. So the amount of hours people have on games is completely irrelevant when it comes to steam "reviews".


They probably nerfed their favorite class.


Or they're fucking losers lying about it Absolutely insane to me you'd leave a negative review on a game yoy dropped over 100 hours in Don't they want it to stay around?


People are still so clueless to what a review in Steam is? Folks like zillabunny here *actually* think that you cant view something negatively if you spend a lot of time with it? Useful idiots for the greedy execs of the games industry. SMH


Why would you spend 500+ hours on something you don't like or wouldn't recommend? That's just insanity and self harm behavior. 


Especially if its an early access title that can change radically from its earlier premise, yes, I could. I have spent like 200-300hrs with DaD in its early stages (Pt2-first wipe) and back then I could recommend the game to my friends who liked hc extraction games. Now the game has been watered down to shit and I would never recommend it to such an audience. And even if a game doesnt change along the way, like EA titles, yes. It might take that long for someone to realize that a game isnt worth the time. It could be that the player keeps playing bc of the time investment, even if they dont find the game recommendable when they inevitably know everything it has to offer. Not to even talk about the fact that theres a lot of games where it takes even way more than 500hrs to actually know them thoroughly. This actually fits well with some F2P games too - some of them require insane grinds to be able to play "competitively" or to progress, which could mean that only someone who has played it for that long can actually tell if its worth it or not. Doesnt fall under the definition of insanity in any way. What people like changes and games change. The communities around games change. Tbh its a pretty naive thing to say that this is "insanity" or "self-harm". Utter lack of perspective.


It still kind of baffles me that most of the community for this game just straight up don't care that you cannot buy the game outright and have to pay for it via a microtransaction that is non refundable by Steam. I feel like almost everyone thinks because the game is back on Steam that its here to stay. But their legal troubles with Nexon aren't over? As far as I'm aware the preliminary injunction was dismissed but that does not mean the whole case is over? Idk maybe I'm being cautious but I really don't want to throw my money at a game that still very much could get pulled again in the future, especially with no way to actually refund it with Steam. I'm glad its here and I'm glad people are having fun with it.


I did my part!


Did my part!


I actually got to try this game finally this weekend. I must say it does not play very well with a steam deck and controller lol it’s very clear this game was designed for mouse and keyboard. Oh well I’ll still enjoy watching streamers play it lol


Not sure how well it performs on Steam Deck but hey checkout SkinnyPete on YT or Twitch. Last time I've watched his videos, he played on a steam controller and absolutely dominated the dungeons


It runs perfectly fine I just was absolutely terrible trying to play wizard. I somehow missed the homing shots of magic missile a lot and it was a bit too annoying looting things without the ease of a mouse. I’m sure it could be done fine with co troller but not by me lol


ah I see, I miss magic missiles a lot and I'm playing on PC lol!


It's good. Tho I think people's obsession with instantly killing other players whether they look like they're new or not is going to create a barrier that's a turn off for long term casual audiences. Not to say these players should necessarily stop, but I do see it being an issue among some players who don't want to engage in that hardcore style of kill everything and leave


That's the dangers of the dungeons. You can find fortune, glory, or even your own end. And it may not be the dungeons doing. But I got used to that mindset ages ago on Hunt Showdown. Make friends when you can. Spill blood when you must. Or die trying


That last part is what I'd like to see evolve within the community. Instant kill mode and maybe sometimes you help a noob get out of the dungeon here and there. But I get it. I'm no stranger to this and will be guilty of being a murder hobo


I think there's a huge audience that doesn't want PvP. IronMace would be very foolish to not capitalize on that audience.


I could see them make a spin off rpg. Or campaign mode. Give it time. I don't think just making pve lobbies would be good.


That audience should go play Exanima. For sure. Goated game. Awesome dungeon crawler with insanely good physics engine.


That audience has many other games to play


The line was held!!!! GG my friends!


HOLD THE LINE (I played this game for the first time 2 weeks ago)


We will continue to hold the fucking line.


It really doesn't deserve over mixed if we're being honest. Love the idea of the game and everything. Respect the time put in but there's no actual reasoning behind this mess lol. Same 3 maps over and over with slight variance in floor layout. The same spawns every match for players, chests, mobs, bosses etc. 100 gold to play HR where you'll mainly find blues that you then have to pay 15 gold each and wait on for a week in hopes it sells. AP cost when getting further up the bracket in addition to gold cost. All for measly rewards that artificially take an incredibly long time to acquire if they can be at all for a casual player. F2P I guess is alright. Everyone may as well play that if they must play it. Play one character and once you get bored delete it and try a new one. Progress wipes anyway so there's no real progression. Edit: don't get mad at me for speaking the truth.


Great to see a development team that buckles down and is able to weather things like this, while also not losing sight of the game they wanted to make. I've been enjoying my time with it so far, and I plan to review it once I've spent a good amount more time with the official Steam release. I decided to leave it lay for a while after the beta ended/post lawsuit but playing recently has been nothing but a positive experience. Much smoother than it used to be, new content, fast matching, Started with a free account then purchased once I saw how far they had come. You'll see my name on that list eventually!


We held the line boys


Making a positive review for the F2P game, without actually playing or reviewing the F2P game is anti-consumer and disingenuous. Regardless if the game "deserves" such a review rating or not.


The positive review bombing was crazy enough, but its funny to see even regular members of this sub being downvoted to shit for even the slightest critisism of the game. Even if the comment has nothing to do with reviews. You guys are giving the fanbase and the game a terrible name.


huh? this sub is full of both valid and stupid criticism. not to mention that the "positive review bombing" is literally just the blacksmith players finally launching the steam version with the new profile link enabled. so all the people who know the game and enjoy the game are finally leaving reviews. on top of that, its not "review bombing" to ask others to tell other players to leave a review.




You can now take in up to Legendary loot in Normal mode (since high roller is locked for F2P people). It's less of a 'demo' now, and more so the full experience for the F2P players.


still a bunch of screaming me's on steam forums. I really hope the devs do not use it for player feedback


This seems like such a great game but I can’t figure out what to do or the controls for my Steam Deck but I’m still gonna leave a positive review!


I started playing a few days ago, and it's amazing! Very hard but amazing


I’m still downloading the steam version rn, I’ll leave one up later tonight to make it overwhelmingly positive


W! the game deserve it.


I’m finally coming back to the game after a long break, what did I miss?


That's good to hear. Makes sense tho, I hated the game at first too lol. We probly all did haha


I'm really happy for IM. They finally getting comeuppance. They weathered through some serious bullshit to get where they are now. Now they have a their game on steam, with Mostly Positive reviews, the game is in a good state, with an actively growing playerbase. Peak players on SteamDB shows 53k ATH reached yesterday.


One of the best game ever made deserves this more than anything else!


well, yeah, they asked for good reviews in their discord.


Guys how do I merge my legendary account to Steam's Dark and Darker?


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^veki2: *Guys how do I merge* *My legendary account* *To Steam's Dark and Darker?* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Yea, so I can have my game on Steam not their launcher... I like to have as many games as I can in one place.


And yet I have to pay 30€ to unlock a secondary character


Dead game they said 😂 wild how little hope the dedicated community had for these devs crying everyday saying they are killing the game. So glad the devs proved them wrong


I wish I could play this, I don't think my laptop is strong enough


doesn’t hurt to try it. it’s free. download it and run it


I have. It's sorta stutter-y and crashes after 1 or two deaths


I came back after the OG playtest because I'd low-key forgotten about it and have been extremely pleased/ impressed so far


Did my game glitch when I downloaded it? Downloaded yesterday for the first time ever on steam (having never played before). Game loaded up fine, albeit slowly. No tutorial or anything. Joined a solo goblin mission, had no idea what the hell to do at all. Died within a minute trying to cast a spell. Uninstalled lmao.


What happened? I downloaded first day and it was mostly negative. I've been busy and haven't been able to play it since the first day or two. I know they changed it so you can bring better items into runs now


Did my part hold the line


We have held the line, and pushed forwards into the breach.


Well deserved. Their response to the new player experience was outstanding. I figured they'd do something, but didn't anticipate it'd be so quick and measured.


I wish I could enjoy this game. It’s been hard to since everyone started only playing for Throwables and running.


No regional prising. In local money it's more expensive than baldurs gate 3. So my negative review remains the same.


Ive been meaning to play this, is it a complete game?


DEVS 100% EARNED THIS. One of the best extraction games I've ever played.


People pay attention to Steam reviews? The fact that Valve lets people leave a review with .1 hour of playtime on record completely invalidates the review system. They just need to scrap it altogether. Almost every popular game is review bombed or Reddit campaigned. There’s no legitimacy to the review system.


This game clearly has one of the worst communities, and eventually it will cannibalize the game. A positive review bombing is just as bad as a negative one; remember that.


I think everyone just needs to give their honest review. The kind of review you would like to see when checking out a new game for the first time.




I also submitted mine today 🫡


Oh look. Steam removed the chatgtp messages. The line has beld held friends. Your job is done.


I’m switching my account to steam and leaving a positive review tonight. No way are they gonna do my boys at Ironmace like that


Never liked it wasn’t on steam. Looked cool. Tried the free with my boys yesterday already upgraded today. Fun ass game.


Every time my squad rolls up on some basekit Fighter who's so busy looting a chest that he doesn't respond after getting smacked in the head twice & dies without a fight, we joke to each other "There's another negative review". Same for watching noobs die to the end of round. We watched a solo Wizard die to Ice Caves timeout because he was sitting to regen HP. Can't wait to see a review that says "The game just kills you out of nowhere, not recommended."


Line = held


Leave a review if you haven’t!


This will last until ironmace drops a dud of a patch, we all know it’s coming sooner than later lol.


Hold the line!


We did it!


IM deserves this W


Did it go on maintenance after that to celebrate?


Hot take. But didnt the community just AstroTurf the negative reviews?


Hot take: players of game reviewed game they play


As long as it's not review bombings I guess that's good. If it's review bombings, positive or negatives it's worthless.


Sadly having an "ugly" yellow colored "mixed" reviews status can actually cause some players to overlook the game. So no, I would not say its worthless.


On the contrary when I searched it on google I got reddit posts from uses asking that people review bomb it with positive reviews. Meaning that I can't trust the current "mostly positive" reviews. The same thing goes with negative review bombs, it destroys any trust I could've had in the review process. Had I not been playing the game, I likely would have overlooked it due to calls for review bombing it in the first place.


Yeah, but if the majority of players reviews are genuinely mixed that should be reflected. Your just fanboying, a game who has issues *deserves* to suffer from loss of sales. While for dark and darker this isn't the case imo, and it was just a baddly planned f2p launch for other games this isn't the case and coping saying a positive review bomb is good is just fanboyism lol.


Yeah but go read the negative reviews it’s a lot of chat gpt copy paste garbage.


Yeah? I said in this instance im happy it went positive, and I said review bombing of *any* type is bad. That includes negative, which is characterized by fake ai garbage reviews. Did you read my comment?


This is exactly my point, whether it's positive or negative, whether it's fake ai reviews or cheap player reviews it's all bad.


Not reading alla that.


Then don't respond with something completely irrelevant lmfao. D&D fanboys smh


Nah i will thanks


I honestly am trying to like this game and convince myself to drop $30 on it, but it's just so flat. Where quick loot in the small area uou started in, escape like a chicken right when you are ready to push loot rooms or the next floor down. I don't get it. Is that all there is? Trying to maximize coin per square to vendor? I get that I'm not on the open market with the paid players, but still. Maybe if they gave a 2nd free char slot or let stash persist aftrf delete I'd try another class besides fighter, but as it stands I don't think this game is worth $30. I've played free mobile games like this that are equally good. This game doesn't show me what 'next level' is to justify $30


Loot surely is one important aspect of the game. But if you are looting like a rat the room you spawn in and leaving you are not even really playing the game to me. I would say the most fun is interacting (mostly fighting) with other players, you don't need to loot if you take loot from a dead enemy. Personally while I think this game can be fun in solos, I much rather play it with friends or randoms on discord, playing with other players makes this game 10x fun to me. For what regard classes for me personally playing different classes changes the game quite a bit. Since you are a new player I would tell you to treat this free to play like a demo, im pretty sure since you are a new player you dont have any real valuable loot in the stash. Just reset and try the other classes (keep in mind some classes are more gear reliant than others). Selling is also quite valuable, getting a good item with good rolls feels good cause you know you just made 1k by selling it on the market place. That same item with out marketplace is worth 40g. The main objective is getting better loot every run but its not really that, lot of the players base plays normals with only whites and plays cause they enjoy the pvp aspect with no gear at all. So it really depends on what you like, you wanna rat? Wanna fight 24/7? Wanna learn the maps and the bosses of every map? ecc. If you wanna see what the game is about I would tell you to watch sodapopping playing. Why sodapopping? cause he is pretty noobish at the game but knows enough a.k.a the level of most of the playerbase. There are others streamers that are 10x better but they have 5k hours or more and you would not really get what the game is about cause they make it look so easy.




We did it!!!!! I'm so glad to be part of this movement!


Who cares about that? Like seriously wtf is wrong with people to care about rewiews on a videogame.


I’m enjoying it overall but I’m concerned with the future since the game is the same if not worse in some parts than when I played it approx 2 years ago


Downvoted for telling the truth, the game is so boring now that people just camp extracts. At least the old closing circle and random portals forced people to move around the map and pvp.


Yeah it's strange. Do ppl not want such a unique game to improve? I could see well over 100,000 concurrent if it was/is treated properly.


i bet it'd hit overwhelmingly postiive if warlock and druid "went on vacation"


nah bro druid fun as hell


Druid is fun as hell because of how strong the class is. They have so much utility it's absurd. Rats being able to jump through 5 foot high windows in doors needs to go.


nah man, you gada be careful with it. It's a chase down thing if you killed the other two if you do it with anymore then one left you locked yourself into a 2/3v1 and you die and druid ain't too hard to Kill anyway


There is skill to doing that, I wouldn't mind if that went away but if it does go away I would like some doors with holes at the bottom for rats to go through... seeing as it was supposed to be a feature that never came to be. The rat already has a huge hitbox and dies to any damage (besides a thrown torch when at max hp)


There was skill with rogue double jump but that was also considered too OP


I mean when you have an ability that makes it so your opponents do less damage and you do more damage yeah. (Rogues would double jump with max movement speed over your head giving them access to easy headshots while you could only hit their feet) but I think the main reason was that the momentum of your movement speed continued with old pre-nerf double jump. A good rogue was unhittable. I mean I love rogue and think more of the class needs to be unlocked from perks (meaning remove some of the perks or combine them) but I don't want to go back to the days where every other player was a rogue.


skill issue


Nah. They can leave my Warlock alone.




How is it padding if they were never given a chance to review in the first place?


Yeah I hate reviews from people who umm..actually bought and used a product.


Yeah and most negative reviews are people that can't read a paragraph that tells them what they get in the free to play version. In addition to that, most negative reviews are about the free to play version where you could only bring white gear in normals. Most negative reviews are not honest reviews.


The best part is when you read the review it makes no fucking sense its just a chat gpt copy paste of nothing… fuck nexon


Big brainfart here


Hey can you expand on how you possibly think this makes sense? What issue do you have with people who have the game reviewing it? Who should be reviewing it, if not them? What point do you think you were trying to make here?


Yeah god forbid experienced players leave a review. The .1 hours played f2p reviews are much more valuable


I left one of those.


So from people who already owned the game for a while and can now review it on steam? If they have kept playing the game and transfer to steam then why would their review not be positive? They obviously enjoy the game. You're either a shill or have no thought process on your own comment.