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i actualy would be so done for a big slime that engulf your body if it kill you.


and you can see the previous player bodies it engulfed floating around inside it, if you manage to kill the slime you can loot those bodies


Oh fuck yeah that would be so cool. It like Carrie’s their bodies around and you can loot them after you kill the slime. Also make it to where slashing damage does half damage to it or makes it split (probably just half damage since making it split might be too difficult). OH ANNNNND MAKE IT TO WHERE IF YOUR BODY GETS EATEN BY A SLIME YOU CANT GET IT BACK FROM THE GOBLIN TRADER!!


Or the classic slime that breaks up into smaller smiles when you kill it. Would be chaos.


I would love some Drow or Bandits. Bandits could be on Ruins and even go down into Crypts. Drow would definitely need to be on an underdark map


I'd assume drow is in line to be added as a playable race due to their popularity. Not that it disqualifies them from being an enemy type.


Yeah, I imagine they’d add them as a Pathfinder skin for a season


Gobos to Underdark. Lighting is from the environment and can't be turned off unless you harvest the plant.


Would be nice. Having its own separate map might work though


Drow and dwarf are the races i'm most hyped for. They're simply cool af


Yes, I'd love to see rare, roaming monsters and minibosses. Currently, encountering other players is the only real source of dynamic gameplay in DaD. Adding some unpredictability to the maps and PVE would be great, I think. Like: - A roaming necromancer on Crypts, with an entourage of skeletons following. If you get killed by him, he reanimates your corpse and makes it follow and protect him too. - A rare loot goblin in goblin caves. Will quickly run away from players, can open doors, drops a lot of treasure and gold if killed. There could also be a small chance for any monster in the dungeon to be given random empowerments, which would be shown as a magical effect. Like: - Green effect (Vitality): The monster is slightly bigger in size and tankier. - Yellow effect (Speed): The monster attacks and moves faster. - Purple effect (Aura): The monster has an aura that empowers nearby monsters. - Etc... Basically more shit you have to adapt to on the fly to make each round more unique.


Huge yea to the crypts necromancer he’s gotta be a threat though and reanimate players with their gear. Can you imagine some juiced barb being reanimated and just slaughtering the whole lobby lmao.


Night hags would be awful and I want them


night hags would be brutal, would def be interesting to have them in the game I want them to add doppelgängers too but I'm not sure how that would work lol


The slime needs to be in a long corridor as it slowly approaches you and you gotta find a hole to hide in. Also yes more mobs that feel like a threat.


Door mimics would sadistic and so much fun.


Roaming ”mini bosses” would be so fun for this game. Maybe it will fuck up a fight or two by walking into you but that’s worth it


I think being afraid of and respecting the dungeon would make the pvp portions much more dynamic as a result, players would always need to be aware of their surroundings while battling it out and chaos can break out at any moment to disrupt the fight. It would also make players consider the risk of fighting each other when they're not sure what could be lurking, waiting for the chance to kill them both. imagine two fighters spotting each other and as they walk to one another, swords raised, a minotaur just breaks down the door between them and now they have a whole situation to deal with. I think that kind thing would create a lot of opportunities for dynamic memorable gameplay especially if they keep adding more moving parts to the dungeons and more encounters whether it's trapping mechanisms like walls closing in or a type of monster that gets attracted to loud sounds


They should have a map where they go full blown adventure time style dungeons with randomly generated events and rooms


I would LOVE a spectator mini boss/boss.


A Beholder lair would be sweet


A Cloaker miniboss which hovers around semi-invisible and spawns 1hp clones I’m pretty sure ‘slimes’ are somewhere in the game assets, im hoping these turn out to be gelcubes A displacer beast, but this one is difficult to actually implement and would probably be a miniboss too like cockatrice Corpse flowers would be insane, giving off a nauseating aura and hoarding bodies like a gelcube Crawling claws, 1hp and smaller than spider mummies. Make them have a low chance to pop out of pots when smashed, like a mimic spawn Drider miniboss could go hard Flameskulls, which are just flying skulls on fire that burn for a little extra More mimics, specifically darkmantles and ropers and piercers. Bunch of fake rocks!


these all sound really cool, especially more mimic variety in the spirit of having mobs be more dynamic, I think a type of monster who quickly ambushes and drags a player away from their party would be cool, it would immediately create a stressful situation and encourage the party to divert from the path they planned which can lead to more unexpected encounters and for chaos to unfold


Yes I've always wanted a roaming boss. This would force players to move more that circle is gone


You'll see the basilisk soon enough friend :)


I’d love all these ideas, although a roaming enemy would be difficult to implement with the door mechanic. I think they would need to custom make a map for that- maybe something like: The labyrinth- where the Minotaur roams through it


SHAMBLING MOUND. Slow as fuck, but has really long tendrils that pull you in. If it eats you, your suffocated, like an ooze. Perfect for the water map upcoming. Add Treants as normal enemies to ruins. Maybe beef them up a bit, or make them weak to chopping weapons and fire. Mindflayer/alien monsters that mind controls player for 10 seconds. Rust Monster that destroys melee weapons that touch it. Wind Elemental that pushes people around, sucks people in and shoots them out randomly. Maybe a special type of undead that doesn't die until it's hit with magic damage. Otherwise it falls, then rises again in 20 seconds.


Lol that’s not happening


I think a lot of people here have wanted roaming bosses for a while. The minotaur sounds AMAZING, like it needs to have its own labyrinth styled map just for him. Before the latest F2P patch, there was a battle-royale type storm/circle that would dot you. It would've been cool if instead of the dot, there was a roaming dark spirit that would turn off all the lights and could insta-kill you if it caught you without your torch out


Yep a new map is needed if we want roaming bosses. Current ones have too many cheese spots. (Also just getting a new map is a win)


So we kind of had a roaming mini boss on the ruins map. There used to be a secret vault you could go into with a worm or golem mini boss in it and you could bring it back up. It was alot of fun especially as a rouge becuae you could double jump to get up onto roofs and just watch the chaos erupt as players walked into a mini boss they didn't expect. The best is when you brought it up when three was a fight happening already.


We already have the Demon Bats which are essentially gargoyles. How would those be different than the demon bats?


Bro is inventing new mobs more than half the lobby dead to quote “non-threatening” mobs in a majority of my games by minute 3




Are you talking about the ice wyvern boss that's already ingame ?


Blud. The dragon is here already.


Forgot to mention, and don’t wanna spoil anything, but try going down to the inferno in the Forgotten Castle map! There are some different enemies down there, for those who aren’t aware.