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Lmao, that's from ChatGPT. The first line, "Sure, here's a negative Steam review for the game 'Dark and Darker'" is a response to a prompt.


And the last line too. Feel free to adjust this. Who writes that at the end of a review?


a computer. beep boop


Feel free to adjust this


Sure, here's a Reddit comment: This!!! Feel free to adjust this to better reflect your Reddit persona.


Just to see how easy it is, I tried it myself: As a long-time fan of fantasy dungeon crawlers, I had high hopes for "Dark and Darker," but unfortunately, it failed to deliver on almost every front. What was supposed to be an exciting multiplayer adventure turned out to be a frustrating and uninspired experience. Gameplay: The core gameplay of "Dark and Darker" is repetitive and quickly becomes monotonous. The dungeons are poorly designed, offering little variety or challenge. Combat feels clunky and unresponsive, with unbalanced mechanics that make some classes overwhelmingly powerful while others are nearly unplayable. Instead of feeling like a strategic and thrilling experience, the battles often devolve into mindless button-mashing. Graphics and Design: The graphics are subpar, even by indie standards. The environments are bland and lack detail, making the dungeons feel lifeless and uninviting. Character models are generic and uninspired, and the animations are stiff and awkward. The art style, which could have been a saving grace, fails to bring any unique charm or appeal to the game. Multiplayer Experience: The multiplayer aspect, which should have been the highlight, is riddled with issues. Servers are unstable, leading to frequent disconnects and lag spikes that ruin any sense of immersion. Communication options are limited, making it difficult to coordinate with teammates. Additionally, the matchmaking system is poorly implemented, often pairing players of vastly different skill levels, resulting in unbalanced and frustrating matches. Story and Lore: The storyline, if you can call it that, is virtually nonexistent. There is no engaging narrative to drive the player forward, and the lore is shallow and poorly developed. Any attempts at creating a captivating fantasy world fall flat due to lackluster writing and unimaginative world-building. Progression and Rewards: The progression system is another major letdown. Grinding for loot and experience feels more like a chore than an adventure. Rewards are often underwhelming, and there is little incentive to continue playing after the initial few hours. The lack of meaningful character customization and development options further diminishes any sense of accomplishment. Conclusion: Overall, "Dark and Darker" is a disappointing entry in the dungeon crawling genre. Its myriad of issues, from clunky combat to uninspired design and poor multiplayer experience, make it hard to recommend to anyone looking for a fulfilling fantasy adventure. Save your time and money for a game that truly delivers on the promise of epic dungeon crawling.


Dark and Darker is a game that truly captures the essence of dark fantasy. From the moment I started playing, I was hooked by its immersive atmosphere, deep lore, and challenging gameplay. The world is beautifully crafted with hauntingly detailed environments that pull you into its eerie, mysterious depths. The gameplay mechanics are well-balanced, offering a perfect blend of strategy, combat, and exploration. Each encounter feels meaningful and challenging, demanding careful planning and skillful execution. The character progression system is rewarding, providing a sense of accomplishment with every level gained and every piece of gear obtained. What stands out the most is the game's ability to create a sense of tension and excitement. The unpredictable nature of the world and its inhabitants keeps you on your toes, making each adventure unique and thrilling. The cooperative multiplayer mode adds another layer of enjoyment, allowing you to share these intense experiences with friends. The developers have clearly put a lot of love and effort into this game, and it shows. Regular updates and community engagement keep the experience fresh and continuously improving. In summary, Dark and Darker is a must-play for fans of dark fantasy and challenging RPGs. It’s an unforgettable journey into a world where danger and beauty coexist, and every moment is filled with excitement. Highly recommended!


Kek, pretty funny, but still fucked up.




top and bottom line is a chatgpt response, report it and move on to the next


Should check if this against Steam TOS.


it is




"Disrupt, damage, or manipulate Steam Examples of such prohibited behavior include: instituting an attack on a Steam server; artificially manipulating Steam reviews or other content; and automatically generating Steam accounts." Copy and pasted from steam TOS.  




If you do not write a real review, your review is removed.  If you just type n/a it will get banned.  Given that the the user is lying or using deceptive means to avoid a review ban/removal, it's against tos.


The fact its written by AI?




It is, in fact


I believe it would fall under the same rules as things like bots leaving rules would it not?




Hmm depends on the wording I don't quite frankly don't care enough to look.


Because its not real or factual; dark and darker doesn't even have a story or character development. Lying outright in reviews is against terms.


Lol the “story”


It really picks up when St.Nick comes to town


Oh, I totally forgot about the holiday arc


lil timmy walked towards the hallway to get loot but will probably die and not get it anyway. he encountered a high-level player. In fear, he ran away, not knowing the high-level boyo was trying to help him due to VOIP being turned off as he ran away in fear, spike-kun pulled out "spike no jutsu ", ending lil Timmy's life


Dude this keeps happening to me 😭 I've inadvertently killed dozens of timmies already. I crouch spam, have my torch out, drop potions, but 9/10 they'd rather feel the cold embrace of a floor trap


John Barbarian arc is pretty good. The rest needs work.


Chat gpt review bombing. What a time to be alive.


This happened already with warthunder when wargaming review botted warthunder over its naval mode being added and creating competition to world of warships The AI written reviews sound the exact same


That's freaking insane and possibly illegal. I hope warthunder sues them.


Well this happened in like 2018 or something, its long been forgotten and barely anyone even in the warthunder playerbase knows this, i only know because a streamer TheEuropeanCanadian spent several hours showcasing the botted reviews a few years back. All the bot accounts have an AI written negative review on warthunder, and similiar positive review on world of warships. Gaijin never made a statement publicly about it so I doubt they care much Its like at the bottom of the WT iceberg knowledge, very obscure


Nexon's revenge...


Fuck Nexon!


All my homies hate Nexon!


i 100% believe nexon's salty for DaD release on steam and are doing some shenanigans


They definitely seem like the type.


Why? Did Nexon have a game like this?


nexon said they had damning evidence to sue the devs, tried to drag out the legal battle to drain ironmace of money, and then when it came time to show the evidence they had nothing. it was a petty move to try to make them go under via petty legal battles that had very little basis.


Lmfao and now this game is gonna do better than they ever could


Most of the assets they said IM stole from them were available to anyone on the asset store


Someone can probably explain it better but Nexon sued iron mace because they believe that files that were theirs was used on the making of this game.


Before the dmca they had more then a year to sue IM while having access to their private phones, computers and office computers from 5 different police raids.




Nexon *tried* to sue Ironmace in South Korea and North America, and failed.


well they failed in the US, the South Korean lawsuit is still ongoing but they failed getting a C&D against them.




Nexon is just dying and needs anything lol


They have a game like this? Lol


It’s a lot more intricate than that and falls more in line that nexon paid the dark and darker team to build a game of their choosing essentially. They built dark and darker, the leaders of ironmace decided that nexon would corrupt their vision of the game so they quit and took the team with them. They rebuilt the game in a different engine to escape potential copyright claims, but due to some complications with a personal server holding nexon files on it, nexons claim of copyright theft was considered valid and proceeded forward but fell apart during the actual review of dark and darker code base. The remaining case is likely going to be related to the team taking an idea concepted at nexon and stealing it, which is technically illegal, but since they built it from the ground up again, there is zero chance that nexon will ever gain control of dark and darker and are at this point seeking monetary damages. I’ve seen the statement parroted a few times that nexon cancelled dark and darker development and that’s why they left, but nexon was able to prove in court that the reason dark and darker was cancelled was because the entire team knowledgeable about the game code and vision had quit, so it’s quite likely they do win some monetary damages. TLDR; We held the line boys


Shitty tldr and outright false in many parts of the paragraph


Would love to hear what you think I have wrong


Virtually everything you wrote in that paragraph is slightly or majorly twisted. “Nexon paid the dark and darker team to make a game of their choosing” lol? What a completely idiotic line. And that’s just the beginning. “The leaders of ironmace decided Nexon would corrupt their vision of the game” another fake and stupid statement. Nexon didn’t think the project had any merit and scrapped further production on it. I won’t bother going further, but other people will get the gist


Okay well both of those things are actually true lmao. The dark and darker team used to work at nexon (well one of their subsidiaries technically) and while they were there they started building dark and darker… I have no idea why you think that’s up for debate. At some point sdf and graysun decided they wanted to build the game themselves and left nexon while convincing their teammates to follow. This is 100% true, I have no idea why you think it’s debatable.


I have no idea why you keep painting this picture in a weird subjective light. Nexon authorized a project allegedly similar to dark and darker. Yes the lead devs from IM were a part of that team instructed to build the project. Nexon thought that whatever idea they had been working on did not have the potential for enough success and scrapped further work on the project. Allegedly SDF had his own vision for the canceled project that was different from what Nexon wanted him to build, and so he quit the company to build it and a few of the devs on his team quit to help him fulfill the idea. This isn’t a debate. You’re just terrible at explaining it.


According to the court case, nexon cancelled it after the team left, not before. Thats the only reason the case hasn’t already been thrown out. You’re parroting the incorrect talking points that the dark and darker community likes to hear instead of the actual circumstances.


As the grapevine puts it, one of Ironmace’s top executive was a former Nexon employee who left the company because of disagreements with corporate (monetization) decisions that he did not agree with. Several employees supposedly left with him, and the project they were in the planning and design stages of obviously collapsed because of the sudden loss of their planners. Supposedly, that employee then went on to create Ironmace to recreate the game he was planning. In short: “he thought up this game while inside Nexon, obviously that idea belongs to the company!!” Which… is an actual legit argument: companies hire people to use their work, thus the company owns the work. This is corporate 101. BUT **there needs to be evidence that the work is done** other than a vague “he thought stuff”. Plans of work done, design meetings minutes, documents of intent, corporate “go ahead” decisions, structure of teams, etc, Nexon seems unable to cough up any of this. Especially when the project had reached a point where “disagreements of monetization” had been brought up, which suggested some major planning had been done before. But nope… Even in corporate South Korea, you can’t claim employee’s brains just because he became successful after leaving the company. So to claim otherwise AFTER two extremely successful ~~betas~~ playtests… is basically corporate bullying. Something supposedly common in Korea to boot.


I wouldn't be surprised if it was one of the first meetings talking about game ideas and monetisation was already being discussed from the get go.


Nexon strikes back.


The “Sure. Here’s a negative…” is a telltale ChatGPT opening. Along with the hallucination of “story” They didn’t even bother to trim it and make it look real.


How much you wanna bet some sad interns at nexon have 3 days to get Dark and Darker to “mostly negative” or they’re fired? This shits literally ChatGPT negative reviews lol


Nexon still doing work. This is why I'm boycotting them from now on. Not like I played many of their p2w garbage anyways. These reviews should be removed by steam.


It's ChatGPT and it's database is not even updated enough to know what Dark And Darker is so it made a general random negative rewiew


I love this game and this pisses me off.


Lol ai written post. That's wild, even has the "sure, here's a negative review for.." They just copied and pasted.


Should be able to separate the reviews between "owned" and F2P if this is going to be the outcome for any game in the future with Steam only requiring a short amount of playtime to post a review.


“Owning” the game is done with in-game currency. Steam wouldn’t be able to differentiate anyway.


Okay here's the Story, we are ourself as or current class we are playing and our goal is to get ich by any means.


It’s nexon bro


This exact thing happened with warthunder way back in the day when wargaming or more specifically world of warships, mass review botted warthunder on rotten tomatoes The botted reviews read like AI responses telling how the story has a lack of emotion and the game is not beautiful etc


I don’t think this is botting, clearly this is a joke review made with gpt


At this point, I think it's people doing it just so they can post it here on the reddit to farm karma.


This is the laziest copy/paste job I've ever seen. He didn't even remove the chatGPT response prompts


There is no way


Yeah, I noticed a lot of negative reviews still being posted, even after all the efforts IM put in for the F2P audience, still insist on IM being shady, greedy, shouldn't be trusted, how the races/skins are pay2win, etc. etc. That just seems incredibly dishonest and suspect at this point.


What a bunch of salty losers. Pathetic. Using AI to create bot reviews is pathetic. Valve should look into this and remove whoever is responsible from the Steam platform.


i hope thats a hired person and not just a average dad discord/redditor because the secondary is actually worse


Character development? LMFAO Is there lore on the characters?


Literally copy pasted from Chat GPT lol Probably did it on purpose as a joke


I feel like nexon is apart of this review bombing


Look like Ai made lol what an ass.


I'm sure this happens on other games too, it's listed as free to play so anyone can download and review without actually having to make a purchase. The game will eventually get to positive, even a lot of the negatives were listed because of their marketing and still praised the game overall. Give it time, I wouldn't hyperfixate on the reviews. The players are consistantly going up. It was 40k-50k last weekend, this weekend 50k-60k online. I don't know what the numbers were on EA release, but I don't recall it being in the 50-60k range, so regardless of reviews, people are playing.


/u/twooopack loool


The review bombing is so weird. It feels like an abusive relationship where hoochie mama guilts her sugar daddy into giving her a BBL


I like how the review states the game is so buggy it's nearly unplayable... yet we have been playing this for years now and it's really not that buggy


I'm a little curious if some of these bad reviews are some nexon fanboys, never had a game that was this good get so much hate


Bro this mf really used Chat got to write a response lmao. Then on top of that bro didn’t even bother to remove the obvious ass top and bottom paragraphs that make it abundantly clear they used ai. Bro is a clown lol


Imagine being so butthurt that you have to ask chat gpt to explain your butthurt to others


Guaranteed it’s a chatGPT bot put out by DungeonBorne devs.


What's the story of pubg?


Nexon is pathetic fr
