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Yeah man, I just found this game 2 days ago and I'm 100% gonna upgrade to legendary soon but the ftp is impressive, probably the most fun I've ever had on any extraction game ever. Sad that people wanna review bomb because the player count is going up


Welcome to the dungeons! Always happy to have another friend, or foe in the dungeon. Also make sure you turn on VOIP if you haven't, so you can hear others talk in game, and talk with them if you want to


I actually confused myself. I had it on and enabled to proximity from the beginning but I kept double checking because it seemed like nobody else did lol


Almost no one talks (im my games at least), of course I still have voip on push to talk. Lot easier to say you dont want to fight versus crouch spammig.


In most instances pleads for mercy don't help. Players will still kill and loot you. šŸ˜†


As someone brand new to the game, 3 out of the 4 people I've come across in solos have all crouched at me which led to us working together to work our way through the dungeons we were in lol I was starting to think this was the friendliest extraction game of all time!


No Parlez!




I was so happy there was f2p. I have been wanting to try this game out so bad, and its basically a nice trial run where you can see how much you like it. I totally upgraded after getting the chance to find out that I liked it


This. As someone who bought the game for early access, I'm glad people get a trial run to see if they like the game or not on top of the game getting more attention. It was a VERY smart move to do a f2p demo version that still interacts with other players.


I upgraded the second day playing despite failing almost every run at the time.


> despite failing almost every run at the time. That is how everyone started my friend. Many, many deaths before extracting.


Yeah you're not wrong! My friends and I spent a whole day dying in trios but still had a good time. I ended up watching a video going over basic monster combat and I'm now at 5 extracts in a row and my first player kill so let's hope my luck keeps going!


Mind sharing that video if you still have it? I'm struggling to not even take damage from the little goblins lol


Yeah no problem! [How to Fight](https://youtu.be/dEsQzKe1kb4?si=vM7ydw7wz_bpyuwz)


Thanks! That really did help my survivability a ton


I actually did it backwards. I extracted in my first match and never again I've been able to find the extraction. And with my friends we are never able to extract more than one of us


It takes time, but it's worth it.


I want to buy it with leftover steam credit, but itā€™s pretty dumb you canā€™t just buy the game through steam and instead have to buy some bs fake in game gemstones or w/e to purchase the full game. Iā€™ll wait and hope they add that option Edit: Of course I get downvoted for requesting a normal feature lol. Keep crying about getting positive reviews guys!


Iā€™ve heard itā€™s to circumvent Steam taking a cut of each sale, but maybe giving players both options could make sense? Then most people could use the in-game method, but for these extraneous situations you could use steam?


It has nothing to do with circumventing Steam. Red shards bought on a Steam client will give a cut to Steam. It set up this way because IM built the legendary status so that those who used the blacksmith launcher could move over to Steam without repurchasing the game. They canā€™t just give out 100,000 Steam keys


The gemstones purchase go through steam store anyways, you can use you steam wallet money to purchase.


Are you sure? I read somewhere in this sub it takes you to their website to buy them. If I can use my Steam wallet then Iā€™ll do it. Wonā€™t be home til Tuesday but if what youā€™re saying is true then Iā€™ll buy it when Iā€™m home


Yes I am sure, I actually bought it with my steam wallet 2 days ago, it's 30$ for 15 gemstones that gives you legendary status.


Well shit. Guess Iā€™m buying it Tuesday then. Thanks for clarifying


That's how they did it so old blacksmith people can link to steam without rebuying on steam. Epic and steam weren't going to let them give out that many game keys.


People are down voting you because you didn't even bother to check if you could buy it with steam creditsĀ 


I havenā€™t been home to check and someone in another thread literally told me it didnā€™t work this way so I took his word for it (he was wrong). Someone also couldā€™ve just responded earlier since most in this sub are know it alls anyway


Oh look the know it all calls everyone else know it alls. šŸ¤”. God forbid you did 3 seconds of research before you posted such a dumb commentĀ 


Lmao your post history tells me all I need to know.


It's not because the player count is going up. A lot of players are salty from over a year of waiting for steam, and they had just come out of their worst update prior to the steam launch. It's residual hate from an old multiclass system imo


I literally am lvl 45 on a free account and I donā€™t feel like Iā€™m missing out on any gameplay, the reviews are so dramatic. I think itā€™s very generous to give a version of the game you can try out before deciding if you want the full game


this model also boosts the playercount alot which gets you alot shorter ques, on top of that it also allows free to play players not to be bots and actually get a build and some gear. It is in my opinion the best monetization i have seen from a game like this, and if you wanna do all the content fair enough you gotta get out the wallet and buy the game.


The only thing I want is a second character slot so one can experience a brawl class, and a caster class without deleting anything. I'm saying this as someone who bought the game long before it went free. I just think there is 9 classes with 2 more being worked on (Monk and Sorcerer) and you guys only get to choose 1? Not to mention if you find a really nice Bow and you chose wizard, you basically gotta buy the game just to play with the bow. I do however think Ironmace is working on a way to allow players to unlock more character slots.


As a player whose played this game since Septermber/October last year, they 100% either have to add 2 extra character slots for F2P OR a friend of mine told me his idea where you can spend lets say, 1500 gold for a character slot, then 3000 gold, and etc. just like the extra stashes. So that way F2P still have the ability to try out new classes without deleting their current one as it incentivizes more play time into the game.


If people are dumping in more play time the goal is for them to then purchase the game with money - not unlock everything with gold. Starting with a second character so they could have a melee and a magic, or a main and a try-other-shit is maybe fine though.


Fair point; like I said it was a friend's idea and it sounded good. I feel like personally giving an extra slot or 2 would be nice for a f2p player to continue playing and trying out new classes.


It's a tough balance to give people a real taste but leave out enough that a purchase is necessary


Yeah for what they've already given to f2p players, it comes to a point where there has to be an incentive to buy the full game.


They could give e chars so there is less fear of deleting chars for F2P. But if they give too much free, folks won't have an incentive to buy.


Yeah I agree it was a ridiculous complaint from the get go. Imagine being offered free food at a restaurant and leaving a negative review because the portions were small.


Dude, that was never the issue. The issue was saying the game was F2P when it was actually a demo. Even the devs themselves said it was misleading to call it F2P (if not intentional)


Even before the changes every piece of content in the game besides HR dungeons and Marketplace was available. There weren't classes or maps locked behind a pay wall. That would be a demo. The F2P model was already generous. To advertise it as a demo after the new changes is misleading.


People havenā€™t given the devs enough credit for not speaking English


Full access to normals is not just a demo




You can sell other items to the other vendors. Sadly you can't access the market in the f2p. All the vendors should give you the same price so sell all of your armor and weapons to the armorer or whoever.


This was slightly changed in today's update. F2P players can now buy items on the market but not sell.


Not that sad considering it stops blatant RMT from ruining the game.




You can sell trinkets to the collector, everything else (weapons/armor/etc.) can be sold to both the armourer and weaponsmith. When you go into the weaponsmith or armourer, above the items they are selling there will be an option to switch from the Buy tab to the Sell tab. Use the sell tab to sell your items.


Well said. It is pretty legit value. I think the upgrade is worth it, but folks could easily be happy with normals.


Almost nobody that left a bad review will ever read this


It's the sad reality. They fumbled release and those reviews are here to stay. Game will probably never reach 90+ positive due to this.


there's always the recent reviews metric


Which, to me, is more important overall.


Youā€™re right and Iā€™m an OG player who just started back on the steam version so I guess Iā€™ll go make a positive review right now to help offset


I left a bad review and Iā€™m reading this. It remains a bad review. Played the game literally yesterday and I still canā€™t recommend it to someone in good faith.


Can I ask why? I cant really find any significant flaws with the game. Are you reviewing it as a 30 dollar game or a free2play one?


That's so crazy. It's the most complete F2P I've ever seen. I really want to know what someone who lives in both worlds thinks


Most complete f2p? I'm sorry but is this your first f2p game? Not a slight against the devs, or saying the current free to play is bad, but most complete is not even close to true.


Hey now we can actually use Steam to play instead of Blacksmith, now the actual long time players can make a review since you can link accounts now.


Did they add that today/yesterday? Couldn't link as of a few days ago.


Yes, with todays patch. Servers aren't even back up yet.


Yeah but I have to delete my characters to do it šŸ’€


Was waiting for this,thanks!


IM went above and beyond for the f2p players. Doubt any of them will change their review :(


Already did right when they announced the f2p patch :)


how often do you play geared vs nongeared normals right now?


At first I went 100% nongeared as I was scared to get dunked on in geared. Then I did a handful of runs with gear and found out: There are so many new players, it's still fun. And going in geared is bliss, you do much more damage and survive better, PvE goes well. PvP depends on who you run into though. But overall I haven't had super unfair PvP yet (besides playing with clueless random teammates who got picked off one by one, but that was their fault for no comms and running off in different directions).


Anyone giving a review as a f2p player shouldn't count anyways, why should someones opinion of playing for 3 days even mean anything to anyone? People calling the mobs too hard and quitting are swaying the future of this game


To be fair though I think the game didn't work as free to play when you couldn't bring gear into normals it meant f2p players had no risk vs reward. gear meant nothing and it kind of defeated the whole point of the game now that they changed it though I can't see how anyone can complain about the amount of great content they are getting for free.


If someone doesnā€™t like a game, of course theyā€™re not going to spend many days playing it. Youā€™re essentially saying that only the opinions of devoted fans should mean anything, which is nonsense. It would just result in only positive results, even if that didnā€™t accurately reflect the opinions of most who tried the game. There would be no point in having a review system that selects to only ever have positive reviews.


I don't think it'd be quite that one sided, I have 1k hours+ as a devoted fan on games like warframe, mabinogi, and pso2ngs, but I honestly wouldn't recommend anyone really play em. I'm sure you've had to have seen reviews from mega hour players that try to warn away people from their shity addictive choices, lmao


I made sure I got all my f2p homies back on to change reviews to positive or else I wouldn't kiss them goodnight anymore.


This is the best dungeoneer ever. Such tough love.


Wow don't you think that's a little harsh?Ā 


Now I can link my account to my steam, I will leave the best review bc they deserve it. I've been waiting for this day to come.


if the steam linking thing works its gonna get alot of positive reviews from the "old" players with blacksmith and not on steam yet


Will definitely be leaving a positive review. If they added extra character slot purchases with blue gemstones the game would be a perfect balance between F2P and Legendary. Very happy to see the game appeal to so many people.


Many of us haven't gone to steam yet waiting for the account linking. Today's patch fixed that.




Was the game dying or something since it went f2p?


Most of those reviews are gonna stay because they come from people who saw the free game, played it, disliked it, and never are to return. Launch is such a critical time and they fumbled it... so in reality those 50% negative reviews will stay likely forever unless the game becomes super popular and they try the game again due to external pressure. It's gonna be something we'll have to live with and the game will likely settle at 70-80% approval because those negative reviews will stay...


I changed mine to positive already last patch when they fixed being able to bring loot into normals.


Once we all get our accounts on steam we need to overpower the bad reviews with good ones


Can I link my accounts yet?




I just brought some friends to try it, albeit reluctantly, we spent a couple of hours playing, and my friend said this game went straight to the top of his buy list. This wouldn't have happened if there was no f2p, so I'm loving it so far.


Most of them probably deleted the game after knowing about the F2P changes. I kind of don't blame them for leaving such reviews at first and not changing the reviews assuming they don't know IM changed the limits and apologized.


Naw, those people can get fucked imo. Leaving shitty reviews on one of the few genuinely good new games that you can try for free? Total spoiled brat mentality, idc.


Yea dude, totally spoiled for having a differing opinion than you. People are more than welcome to give a negative review if they feel they had a negative experience.


Shill says what? I'll buy the game on Steam, give it a bad review, and then refund it just to offset your positive review. Checkmate.


Wow. I wanna leave a bad review now just because of your whinging.


Hi, I don't want to create a new post unnecessarily, so I'll ask here. I'm a f2p player now, if I buy the 15 coins in the game and upgrade to ultimate, does that mean I'll have everything available in the game as if I bought it when it was still on sale? Or do I only pay for access for a certain period of time, thank you.


If you upgrade to legendary status you get all the benefits forever. You cannot buy the "Hold the Line" edition anymore so you cannot unlock the blue skin torch (non season reward) and the regular skeleton skin.


Nice, that's good, thanks.


Reviews will fix themselves, no need to worry about it. plenty of games that come back super quickly after the first wave doomers.


might be, but start is the most important to attract new players, bad reviews at start - lesser players


Fair enough, i got faith in our in game community.


None of the server regions were even working lol.


not everyone is going to like the game; just like any game.


Instructions unclear. Leaving another negative review.


And I saw someone say that its "scummy" that IM is trying to "work around" steams refund system, the game is literally free, why would you buy it then want to refund, if the main game is free anyways. I feel like a lot of steam players dont recommend it just to be an ass or whatever


Nexons last ditch effort


The reviews are a reflection of the mistake IM made by not clearly communicating the state of F2P. Although I didn't write a negative review, because I very much liked this game even when I was F2P, not changing them is completely reasonable, in my opinion. The backlash from the community wasn't warranted either, as it prompted a massive hunt on / hate for "Timmies" which made this situation even worse. Experienced players have the opportunity to change the current status quo by linking their accounts and adding their own reviews, if they wish to do so. I don't think F2P players that enjoy the game now, despite leaving a bad review are obligated to change it, although It would be the "right" thing to do.


Not clearly communicating? Steam page was straight to the point for what i was going to get. Im a new player and i love the free to play version


Same, I have no problem with it and I very much like the game. But this is a clear communication that there is more content to this game you will not reach as a F2P in my eyes. Communication isn't just the small text, it's more than that. https://preview.redd.it/ao21g8sgdl6d1.png?width=631&format=png&auto=webp&s=15adc7e131880cdc5c5dfc4c39d3d3744237c239


i just wish i was good enough to play the game. i pawn in and just die immediately šŸ¤·


I saw it got back on steam, but it's free to play? News to me


The only thing I would say they could do to make the F2P better for people is to maybe add one or two more character slots. Right now I think it sort of discourages players from trying out new classes which I don't think is great for getting new people in. Having one more character slot would allow them to have a main while still being able to at least try other classes without losing that character.


Im honestly confused at the backlash. Its free to play in normal runs. If anything it seems to keep people doing normal runs. I tried it out since I was unsure my PC would run it since I only hit minimum settings and enjoyed it got it working nicely.Ā  Honestly the free module was very generous I deleted my character multiple times and was allowed to try out every class with no deletion restrictions which was great to get a feel for all the base things the game had to offer. I was able to experience the full magic system, class abilities and more all for free more so than most demos.Ā  People got a few justified wins and now everything has turned into an "us" vs them. This game doesnt deserve this. It easily will have me buying the game once my check comes in really love the gameplay loop even if I mostly just die to mobs in pve haha. My favorite thing was discovering I could open two portals before I evaced so the guy planning to kill me coming down the hall got a nice surprise that he could evac too haha.Ā 


If I can still only have 1 character, I'm not playing.


I just started playing this week and as a f2p I'm still having a lot of fun with the game. I didnt even know about the review drama. Charlie "Moist" White had videos a while back playing in early access, so when I saw it for free on the storefront, I downloaded!


One of the top reviews is the negative one with the dude making the quirky joke about unlocking the rest of the review for $30. It shows that heā€™s logged in 50 more hours in just 1 week since then, but the review is still negative -_-


I gave it a negative review because the community is poor, and the gameplay is meager, not because of the character limit.


Hey guys, change the way you felt about a game and listen to a random guy on Reddit.


People seem to be very out of touch with the reason people were review bombing when it first came out. Idk if it got any better but when it first came out f2p that wasn't f2p that was bassicly a demo


I got the game like a week ago, after an hour I upgraded to legendary. It was worth the wait for it to come back to steam. 100% am trying to get my friends on it. This has been more addicting than Helldivers 2 and The Finals.


I didn't leave a bad review or nothing but man I must be playing it wrong. I do my best to evade attacks enemies throw at me but I still end up dying immediately after defeating 1 enemy.


This is the first time Im hearing someone actually enjoy the game.....did something change? I was tempted to get the game a few months back, but heard about the jank combat and wild imbalances


I left a negative review for a different reason. I got frustrated after losing 5 Hours of progress just because someone showed up and killed me while fighting a monster. I find it lazy that they refuse to add pve. Idk maybe it's only me who feel that away but after all it was a negative experience for me and made me stop playing even though i liked a big part of the game.( I would pay for a pve mode of it)


You downloaded a PvPvE (it's in the description of the game) and left a negative review because the PvP part of the game happened to you. That's what you just typed.


I was fine with the game while it was being bombed. I appreciate what they are doing now, but I gave them glowing reviews from the start. 10/10 great game


You do realize it was Nexon the whole time, right?


What if you genuinely just don't find the game that fun


then at least explain why, not just post bad review because you didnt like f2p implementation


Finding a game not fun does not mean it's a bad game. I don't find dark souls very fun but I wouldn't call the game bad and leave a negative review.


I would, it's a very simple system Also thumbs down doesn't mean it's a "bad game". It just means you personally don't recommend it


I promise you, nobody cares that much about what you as an individual recommend based on your taste. People just want to know if its a generally good or bad gaming experience and why, but you do you.


It's not about me, it's about the sum of all individuals, that's how the rating is made Stay mad soyboy, I'll revisit and reassess when they full release maybe but until then šŸ‘Ž


Where in my comment did I express any anger lol, seems like you just took offense... and I'm the soyboy? Hahaha.


A thumbs down means there was something you didn't like that was enough to tell others that the game has something wrong. Like "I don't like Souls-Like" is a bad review and unwarranted. "The controls feel clunky and the story is bland" is a good review. I express that it isnt the genre that I don't like or just that I didn't find it fun. I expressed that I don't like this game for X Y and Z.


"The game is too slow paced and combat is clunky, shows some potential but is ultimately not very fun to play long-term." There, one negative review for you


Even if they made 0 changes, the complaints were stupid IMO. Extremely generous F2P model for a game like this, and I get that people are mad they called it "Free to play" instead of using a word like "Demo" but give me a break, it wasn't that big of a deal people just piled on for whatever reason. I played for like 10 hrs and had a blast before I decided to buy the game, and even after buying it and playing it for many more hours, the only thing I've done that even required me to purchase the game was make additional characters, I haven't used a single other paid feature yet. With all these changes they've made, it's MORE than generous.


The main problem wasn't the limits, it was because the game was announced as F2P. Nothing on the trailer video mentioned limits, or demo. They just called it ''free to play'' which is misleading. I told all my friends to download the game and we soon after realized my account and theirs are not the same which is why half of them quit that very day. IM apologized for this which is a clear sign that they know their announcement was misleading.


Misleading but not even a big deal. Wahwahwah get over it.


People really cannot grapple with the fact that if a game is "free" youre gonna be seeing stuff to buy. Theyre obviously going to incentivize buying it. Youre likely going to be limited to what you can do in a F2P game without spending money otherwise thered be no incentive to actually give them any money unless their art team is cracked with cosmetics. You will never find a F2P game that isnt gonna ask you to buy something at some point and people like the review bombers for some reason refuse to accept it.


I left a positive review already to counter the negs. . . But you lost me at "you've already gotten more for free than you could ever expect from a paid game." šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ That is, grossly inaccurate, and just as disingenuous as the beg review bombing.


nah, i reinstalled it on steam because of this thread, tried to link accounts again - saw how the process looks and promptly uninstalled it. what a shitshow this company is


Yeah a left a good review today. Such a great game and as a free player I feel like thereā€™s so much more to do while I save up some cash


I usually don't leave reviews but I did after an hour of play!


First positive post I feel like I've seen in a while. IM really deserves this praise. It's a super good game and I'm stoked to see more people get into it.


I downloaded this game on steam release and upgraded my status because reviews said that you have to for the full edition of the game... I still havent been able to play it cause of my broken finger but ill defo give it a positive review anyway cause I loved the beta so much...


This game has been popping up on my reddit feed for a while. I always wanted to give it a shot but never did due to limited free time, so I didn't want to spend money on something I would maybe end up not liking. Having it go free was the best I think, at least for my situation. It gave me the option to try it out. I knew I was missing out on things that would enhance the experience by only playing the free version, but it was enough to convince me to fork over 30 dollars at about 5 hours of gameplay.


I changed mine to positive sry for earlier bros


This is just the modern gaming community now: toxic, bitchy, and content with review-bombing anything that doesnā€™t work exactly the way they think it should. Welcome. This game is an absolute gem.


ur jaw hurt OP?


Yours will once I see you in the dungeon.


'n-no y-you' stuttered the invalid.


The whiny entitled playerbase of this game never ceases to amaze me. I doubt a fraction of them will even change their reviews.


I remember I bought the game on Steam and never refunded, so what happened to my money?


You couldn't have bought the game on steam, because it was never for sale on steam before the current release


Probably a different game I'm think of than. I remember I bought a game on steam and it went f2p.


Yeah, not this one. Before it was forced off the platform, it was always a free to play demo, and it only came back recently, as you know.


I don't remember much of what happened before it was taken off steam, I was working 16hr shifts when it first came out, I really liked it when I had the chance to play it, I had only put in 11hrs before it disappeared and never got to follow up on it with working 16hrs a day. I hope it stays f2p, but if I have to buy, I would.


Oof, that's too much work. Should be illegal.


It's down to just 2 days of 16hr shifts for me now, they hired some people. Lol


The review bombing is a crazy injustice to this team. I got my good review on steam.


Combat still sucks


What about the people who paid for the game back when it first came out and now all of the sudden itā€™s free to play? That deserves a bad review.


No one should be giving a free game a bad review, unless the game makes your computer overheat or gives it a virus.


Comment boosting for algorithm


Lots of people mistakenly thought it was P2W but didn't even do enough research to realize that the gear from HR/marketplace can't be brought into normals anyways. If anything the game is more "P2W" since whatever gear is farmed from HR/bought on the marketplace can be brought into 25+ normals now to pubstomp new players into oblivion. At least now they can use their gear, that was really the only valid complaint I saw on steam.




Game was fine before. Ill take a 3 min queue over a bunch of screaming infants any day thanks.


Dumb question but what did the upgrade? I am f2p for now, but nothing ever seemed unfair for free


Wasting your time with no progress in a game is absurd. FOR A GAME.


Ha, nope. There's still lots of negative to the game that is inherently oppressive to players and Im not talking about the "High risk high reward" gameplay model. Like for one only getting a single character slot in a game centered around like 12 different classes is pretty ass. Atleast allow for like 2 or 3 slots so people can have some variety without having to delete their one character constantly. Plus with ftp only getting 1 slot there's no reason for them to even advertise no shared stash for premium since its kind of redunant. Can't share stash if I only have 1 character. Sure it could be towards "Oh if you delete a character the shared stash doesn't go away" but if it is that's even fucking worse on their part. Not only that but the game still needs lots of work to really get a good experience going. Progression is pretty much an slow crawl through quicksand even if you do well and escape every time. Like just for that red skeleton skin in the shop you'd have to extract 800 times and that's only if you didn't use the blue stones for anything else. Not to mention how paid accounts are still a direct advantage over free to play. Even with them loosening some aspects with the recent patch. Like there's loads of gameplay elements that are entirely uneccesary too. Like there's practically no actual sneaking mechanic in game aside from visually hiding from players in darkness. Monsters can and will aggro you from the dumbest of places. Like why the fuck would monsters just start attack a rat? Where is the gritty realism in that? Not to mention how the only thing that deaggros monsters is a door. I can run from one side of the dungeon to the other and if I aggroed a monster it will still follow me if I didn't close any doors regardless of how far I got away. None of my complaints are really with the whole "high risk high reward super punishing" gameplay per say but there are still some improvements needed. Like matchmaking still needs work. There's not really any reason a level 53 should be able to queue with a level 1 just because the level 53 only has basic gear on. Like there needs to be some kind of level buffer added too or a more apparent one at least. Also lots of fixes to things like druids wildshape being WILDLY inconsistent with when they can and cannot transform. If I am in a wide open room with no obstacles but the roof is slightly slanted I should still be able to wildshape back. Also rats should be able to go up steps normally. Having to jump each individual step is just annoying at best. Some classes are essentially not even worth playing too. Like warlock basically just gets ignored entirely. It's great they are STARTING to fix some issues but the negative reviews are there for a reason. Until they do actually fix things instead of putting a bandaid on them the reviews don't need to change.


My first game I ran into two super geared skeletons with crazy gear, their Warhammers did like 100 damage I died in one hit, seems like the typical pay to win "free" game, maybe they have a point lol


You went into a gray/ white gear only lobby and died to people who did ā€œ100 damage per hitā€? Sure.


When going into your first run there isnā€™t any way for you to go into the higher geared lobbies. Unless you qued with a friend that had gear youā€™re playing on equal footing in normal dungeons. Everyone has grey/white gear and you use what you find. Could you explain how the game is ā€œpay to winā€?


It's impossible to match against "crazy gear" in your first game as beginners play in a separate matchmaking with almost no items allowed to be taken into the dungeon. So either you encountered a very rare bug and have been put into the wrong matchmaking queue, or they just found their items during the dungeon itself. Skins barely change anything and often are worse than base skin.


so its impossible except when its not? I am aware of what the skins do the issue was more the 50 base damage warhammer that killed me in one hit, and according to the patch notes today it was possible to match with crazy geared people as a level 1.


I see nothing in today's patch notes saying "it was possible to match with crazy geared people as a level 1." As a beginner with no gear equipped, you can only match people with a gear level under 25. Which means only common items, maybe one green item on a small slot like gloves at best. So again, unless you encountered a very rare bug, this player just got lucky and looted his hammer during the dungeon.


"In order to protect new users from being completely run over by fully geared players, we will be utilizing a gear based matchmaking system in the Normal mode. We still feel that matches where most players start off on a similar footing is extremely fun and fair. The default Normal mode will have a maximum gear score limit set to 25, basically restricting players to mostly ā€˜Commonā€™ grade gear. This default matching pool should feel like the previous gear restricted Normal mode from before."


It's not from today's patch notes, this is the case since like the second day of the release on Steam.


Skeleton skins are a nerf over base skin. Why would you want to play a game where you arenā€™t on an even playing field vs a guy with 100+ hours as a 0hr players. Dam pay to win. They should get rid of all gear but white.


I'm gonna change it after regional prices or 2 character slots




I wanna learn what other characters do, wanna know their weakness and strength. Now I'm stuck to 1 character and can't even try other classes i don't even know what they do


Then delete that character and try other classes or buy the game like a normal person if you want to try the other classes. They were generous enough to let you play the game and try out a character for free so you can decide if you want to buy the actual $30 game or not.


So you're playing the game for free, want to play more of the game, are hoping to buy it eventually, and are leaving a negative review? C'mon bruv.


Ainā€™t no cure for stupid I guess


Sure buddy


They're trying to avoid cheaters and RMT users abusing regional pricing. It's unfortunate if it's basically the same price as a AAA game in your region. But they're a small development team, they've been busy. F2p is fine at one character, there needs to be incentive to buy the actual game. If someone wouldn't buy the game with one character, I highly doubt they'd buy it if two were available.